
Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help

ZAPS Assignments:

ZAPS is a set of interactive online experiments and demonstrations that will allow you to experience the various psychological phenomenon, as well as, serve as an additional tool to reinforce the theoretical basis behind each experiment and demonstration. All of the experiments will also be discussed in a real-world context. Your grade will be based on these summaries, NOT the grade provided by the ZAPS website when you finish the experiment

Please answer the ZAPS question below:

ZAPS 5: Serial Position Effect—The goal of the current ZAPS is to understand how we store and retrieve information from memory.

In your summary, answer the following questions: What is the primacy effect? Why do we see the primacy effect? What is the recency effect? Why do we see the recency effect? Did you tend to remember the first few words and the last few words? What strategies did you use to remember the items?

ZAPS 6: False Memory Task—the goal of this ZAPS is to introduce you to the DRM paradigm and explain how schemas can influence our memory.

In your summary please report your results for the three conditions. Were your results similar to the reference results? Why or why not? Based on your reading this week, and the ZAPS, what is a schema? How can a schema result in a false memory?

The rubric:










does not address any aspects of the

assignment as




addresses a few aspects of the


and indicates that you paid attention to




assignment addresses

most of the aspects of the


and is

supported by course material.



addresses all aspects of the



demonstrates a thoughtful consideration

of the subject matter and is supported by course material.


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Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help

Due Oct 1


Text: Psychology Core Concepts: Zimbardo, Johnson and Hamilton 7TH EDITION (978-0-205183463) I cant found the text online maybe you can


Or You can access The Discovering Psychology video series on the internet for free!



  1. Go to
  2. Click on the blue tab near the top that reads “view programs”
  3. Many film series will be listed. They are in alphabetical order. Scroll down to Discovering Psychology: Updated Edition. Click on it.
  4. All 26 episodes from the series are listed in order. Double click on the box that says “VoD” next to the episode you wish to view. That’s it!


    Type 1 page for each ½ hour video unit where you submit bullets outlining the content of each ½ hour lecture (not more than one page in length) AND, SEPARATELY, ANSWER ALL LEARNING OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS FROM THE ATTACHED/ENCLOSED PACKET( state each question before each of your responses. Make sure you cite page references from the text for each of your answers).




Objectives 5

After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:


1. State the primary interest of developmental psychologists.

2. Describe the various ways that development is documented, including longitudinal, cross sectional and sequential.

3. Describe cognitive development across the lifespan.

4. Identify Piaget’s stages of cognitive development.

5. Describe some contemporary perspectives on early cognitive development.

6. Describe physical development across the lifespan.

7. Describe how habituation studies can be used on infants to determine what they can understand.

8. Describe several ways that we know infants are not born as blank slates, but instead, come equipped with temperaments, preferences, and biases.

9. Describe several ways that the environment is known to affect skills and behaviors.


Objectives 6

After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:


1. Describe the structure of language, including syntax, grammar, and semantics.

2. Define a child’s “language making capacity.”

3. Provide evidence of the universality of language acquisition and the way it progresses.

4. Explain Chomsky’s hypothesis that humans are born with an innate biological capacity for language acquisition.

5. Explain how “motherese” (or “parentese”) helps babies learn to communicate.

6. Describe the use of intonation by both young children and adults in their communication with each other.

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Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, psychology homework help

(Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)

Question description

“Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” explores the intricacies of memory, love, and identity through the lens of psychology. The film delves into the concept of memory erasure as a means of coping with heartbreak and trauma. It raises questions about the ethical implications of altering memories and the consequences of attempting to erase painful experiences from one’s mind.

From a psychological perspective, the film highlights the role of memory in shaping our sense of self and our relationships with others. Memories are not just static recordings of past events but are dynamic constructs influenced by emotions, perceptions, and interpretations. Attempting to erase memories does not necessarily erase the emotional impact they have had on an individual.

Furthermore, “Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” explores the idea of unconscious processes influencing behavior and decision-making. Characters grapple with subconscious desires and motivations that drive their actions, often without conscious awareness.

Overall, the film offers a compelling portrayal of the complexities of human memory and the ways in which it intersects with love, identity, and emotional well-being. It prompts viewers to reflect on the nature of memory, the significance of past experiences, and the enduring impact of love and loss on the human psyche.

************For this assignment, I would like it to be on the movie “The Notebook (2004).”  ********************



  • Selected and viewed a movie that illustrates an important effect of memory. Some possible choices were Memento (2000), 50 First Dates (2004), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), The Notebook (2004), and Total Recall (1990).
  • Located at least three scholarly or peer-reviewed sources that address the problem in memory and helped you better understand the causes and consequences of the memory issue portrayed in the movie. You then thought about the accuracy with which the character is portrayed as an individual who has the memory condition.
  • Researched the difference between semantic, episodic, and procedural memory.

Based on watching the movie and your research, complete the following:

  1. Describe, briefly, the plot of the movie you selected and the main character involved. Explain how the movie illustrates the memory effect of interest.
  2. Use the three scholarly sources you found that relate to the memory issue presented in the movie and summarize what you learned from the sources. Explain how the sources relate to what you learned about how memory functions.
  3. Take into account what you have learned about memory and describe what was realistic about the movie’s presentation and what inaccuracies you identified. What would you change in the movie to make a more accurate presentation? What type of memory system was dealt with in the movie (semantic, episodic, or procedural)?
  4. Describe the relevant scholarship—what is known about the condition and what the problems or unresolved issues are that have yet to be researched—as it relates to the memory condition presented in the movie.
  5. Research the difference between semantic, episodic, and procedural memory.
  6. Locate a recent article (within the last 3–5 years) from an academic journal that is either in support of or against the use of memory-enhancing drugs.

Strive to be as concise as possible and limit the length of your completed assignment to no more than 5–6 pages, excluding the title page and reference page. Support your statements and analyses with references and citations from at least three resources.


  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
  • Number of Resources: At least three citations.
  • Length of paper: 5–6 pages not including a title page and a reference page. The reference page should include all sources and the references of the original media pieces. The paper should be double-spaced.
  • Font and Font Size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Absolutely No Plagiarism 


“My Notes To You”



Attached is the format on how the paper has to look like!

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understanding Human Behavior

understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment, psychology homework help

(understanding Human Behavior)

Question description

For this Assignment, you will write about Sandra Lombardino’s ecomap that you submitted in Unit 8. In your paper, you will summarize and evaluate the influences of the environment on Sandra’s behavior and family system.

Using the ecomap you created as a resource, discuss the following topics about Sandra and her family:

    1. Provide a one paragraph history about Sandra’s life to this point.
    2. Explain whether Sandra is in Integrity or Despair as defined by Erik Erikson in his Theory of Psychosocial Development. Explore how this transition crisis may be resolved by a HSP conducting a life review with Sandra.
    3. Using Sandra’s ecomap, describe what systems (influences) are causing the most stress and negative influence on Sandra’s behavior and decision making.
    4. Considering Stress Theory, what are some recommendations a HSP could make to Sandra to help her cope with her trauma/stress that may help her meet her goal of a long life expectancy?
    5. If you were working with Sandra and she provided consent to contact her family, do you believe that involving her adult children would make a positive impact to her family system? Explain why or why not.
    6. What role could Sandra’s adult children play in helping Sandra cope with her trauma/stress?
    7. Name one human services agency that serves older adults that may provide assistance to Sandra and her family. Explain how this agency would specifically help Sandra and her family with their current stressors.
    8. Considering all you have learned in HN144, what are some best practice approaches that a human service professional could use to help a multigenerational family experiencing a negative environment?

Your paper should be 8 complete paragraphs, resulting in approximately 2–3 pages of text in addition to the cover page and the final reference page. It also should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Your Assignment should be double-spaced, using a 12 point Times New Roman font.

Your Assignment should include a cover page and a final reference page where you cite your course text and any other sources you choose to include in the paper. The only required source is your text.

You can explore the Kaplan Library or credible Internet sites for additional sources, but the text is your primary source of support. Your opinions also are valued, but it is important to keep in mind that your main objective in completing this project is to illustrate your knowledge of the course material.

Citing Sources

It is important to always attribute credit to the proper sources when relying on the text, articles, websites, or other sources. You must credit your work when you:

  • Summarize concepts and theories that you learned in the text, articles, or internet sources.
  • Use others’ ideas, theories, and concepts in constructing Discussion topic responses or completing Assignments.
  • Use direct quotes in the context of your paper (when quoting directly, you must use quotation marks)
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Serving Mentally III Prison Populations

Serving Mentally III Prison Populations, psychology homework help

(Serving Mentally III Prison Populations)

Question description

Assignment 2: LASA 1—Serving Mentally Ill Prison Populations

Deinstitutionalization has led to increased numbers of homeless and has had other unintended consequences. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, up to 40 percent of mentally ill people have become involved in the criminal justice system. In an effort to address the traditional lack of sufficient mental healthcare in jails and prisons, mental health courts have been established, leading to decreased jail time and improved provisions of psychiatric services for mentally ill prisoners (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 1993).

You can read more about this at the link below:

Use the Argosy University online library resources, the Internet, and your textbook to examine the roles that mental health workers play in the provision of services to mentally ill populations in jails and prisons. Find at least two research articles that evaluate the success of mental health service programs for mentally ill populations in prisons. This assignment is a research paper. In paragraph form, please provide a thorough and integrated response to all questions that follow:

  • What are the services provided by mental health courts?
  • How do these services benefit the prisoners? How do these compare to the services already available through the existing criminal justice system?
  • Do the research findings support the establishment of more mental health service programs to imprisoned mentally ill populations? What can be done to improve these services further?

Submit your analysis in Word format. The body of your paper (not including the title page or references page) should be at least 4-5 pages. Format your paper according to current standards of APA style and include an APA-style title page, a running head, and a references page. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Almquist, L., & Dodd, E. (2009). Mental health courts: A guide to research-informed policy and practice. NY, NY: Council of State Governments Justice Center. Retrieved from

National Alliance on Mental Illness. (1993). A guide to mental illness and the criminal justice system: A systems guide for families and consumers.Retrieved from

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