
Psychology Quiz homework help

Psychology Quiz homework help

A client reports the following: “I like spaghetti. Worms dig in the earth. It might rain today.” This is an example of:

a. a delusion.

b. a hallucination.

c. a loosening of associations.

d. Avolition. 5 points


Question 2    Children with ____________ disorder demonstrate deficits in social interactions and communication and display repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities.

a. autistic

b. Rett’s

c. childhood disintegrative

d. autism spectrum 5 points


Question 3    Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely than children without a psychological disturbance to belong to families:

a. that strictly enforce discipline through physical punishment.

b. in which both parents are employed.

c. that experience frequent disruptions and aggressive parents.

d. from lower socioeconomic groups. 5 points


Question 4    Disorders characterized by impairment in two key areas of development including deficits in social interactions, communication with others, and repetitive patterns of behavior are called _____.   a

. chronic developmental disorders

b. autism spectrum disorder

c. intellectual development disorder

d. conduct disorder 5 points    Q


uestion 5    Individuals with ______ violate the rights of others and society’s norms or laws.


b. autism spectrum disorder

c. conduct disorder

d. oppositional defiant disorder 5 points


Question 6    Kara has borderline personality disorder. She has a tendency to go from friendly and loving when she perceives someone as “good” to flying into a rage when she thinks that person has rejected her. Which of the following terms does Kara’s behavior exemplify?

a. Parasuicide.

b. Semantic dementia.

c. Psychopathy.

d. Splitting. 5 points


Question 7    Psychosis refers to knowing the difference between:


a. right and wrong.

b. conscious and unconscious desires.

c. what is real and what is not real.

d. pleasure and pain. 5 points


Question 8    Restricted affect refers to:

a. a loss of motivation to complete tasks.

b. a lack of pleasure.

c. an absence of emotional expression.

d. demonstration of delusions and hallucinations. 5 points


Question 9    Roger curses at his parents and calls his mother degrading names. He slapped his schoolteacher because she told him that he needed “to get to work” and he doesn’t like anyone telling him what to do. After being suspended from school, Roger’s parents put him on restriction and he was not to watch TV or leave the house; however, as soon as he got up in the morning, Roger would leave to go hang out at the local convenience store and smoke. Which of the following behaviors best characterizes Roger’s behavior?

a. Autism spectrum disorder.

b. ADHD.

c. Oppositional defiant disorder.

d. Developmental coordination disorder. 5 points


Question 10    The odd and eccentric behaviors seen in schizophrenia can resemble the symptoms of _____ disorder.

a. obsessive-compulsive

b. autism spectrum

c. histrionic personality

d. somatic symptom 5 points


Question 11    The personality disorder that is characterized by rigidness, perfectionism, and emotional blockage is:

a. avoidant personality disorder.

b. dependent personality disorder.

c. obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

d. histrionic personality disorder. 5 points


Question 12    The term “psychopath” is synonymous with _____ personality disorder.

a. borderline

b. obsessive-compulsive

c. antisocial

d. narcissistic 5 points


Question 13    Vic has demonstrated a long-standing pattern of disreputable and manipulative behaviors. He has a drug abuse problem and a long criminal record for a variety of crimes. What is worse, he shows no remorse for some of the harsh things he has done. Vic would most likely be diagnosed as having _____ personality disorder.

a. borderline

b. histrionic

c. antisocial

d. avoidant 5 points


Question 14    Which of the following personality disorders is more likely to endorse beliefs such as “I don’t have to be bound by rules that apply to other people”?

a. Borderline personality disorder.

b. Schizotypal personality disorder.

c. Avoidant personality disorder.

d. Narcissistic personality disorder. 5 points


Question 15    Which of the following statements about children with autism spectrum disorder is FALSE?

a. They tend to become distressed when routines are changed.

b. They often develop narrow and specifically focused interests.

c. They may seem impervious to pain, heat, or cold.

d. They rarely notice changes in sound, light, or smell. 5 points


Question 16    Which of the following symptoms is characteristic of borderline personality disorder?

a. Hallucinations.

b. Manic behavior.

c. Major depressive episodes.

d. Unstable relationships. 5 points


Question 17    Which personality disorder is characterized by an unstable or disorganized identity and is accompanied with odd beliefs, perceptions, and self-presentations?

a. Paranoid personality disorder.

b. Borderline personality disorder.

c. Schizotypal personality disorder.

d. Dependent personality disorder. 5 points


Question 18    Which type of hallucinations is the most common in people with schizophrenia?

a. Auditory.

b. Visual.

c. Tactile.

d. Gustatory. 5 points


Question 19    Why is ADHD considered to be a controversial diagnosis?

a. There is no clinical data available to prove that the disorder exists.

b. Most clients diagnosed with ADHD are just drug-seeking patients claiming to have ADHD to get their physician just to prescribe them the stimulant medications to treat it.

c. Many mental health providers believe that the disorder is over diagnosed and is misapplied to individuals who are unwilling or unmotivated to focus on difficult or unpleasant tasks.

d. Because those diagnosed with the disorder are primarily unwilling or unmotivated to focus on difficult or unpleasant tasks and this label excuses this behavior. 5 points


Question 20    _____ are ideas that an individual believes are true but are highly unlikely and often simply impossible.   a

. Hallucinations

b. Psychoses

c. Deceptions

d. Delusions 5 points     Save and Submit

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Psychology Quiz homework help

Psychology Quiz homework help

Question 1  1.  According to DSM-5, the time frame for a sustained remission specifier is:

2–10 months.

13+ months.

2 weeks.

3–12 months. 5 points

Question 2  1.  According to Kurtz (2008), hope first occurs at which step?

Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4. 5 points

Question 3  1.  According to the Dynamic Model of Relapse, these are factors that determine how one perceives recovery.

Distal risks.

Cognitive processes.

Tonic responses.

Phasic responses. 5 points

Question 4  1.  According to the text, a Substance Use Disorder is a (or an):

acute relapsing condition.

chronic relapsing condition.

consistent condition.

unstable condition. 5 points

Question 5  1.  According to the text, a person in recovery from alcohol use disorder who has one sip of beer at a wedding is said to have experienced a:




abstinence violation effect. 5 points

Question 6  1.  As a student, if you wanted to learn about AA or NA groups, this would be the type of group you would most likely attend.



Either would be appropriate.

AA or NA only permits those in recovery to enter. 5 points

Question 7  1.  Covering up the addicted individual’s behaviors and negating the associated negative consequences is an example of:




sacrificing. 5 points

Question 8  1.  In Bowenian Theory, telling family members to talk to each other and not to you as counselor is called:


creating enactments.


creating a triad. 5 points

Question 9  1.  In Marlatt’s Model, the second category of variables contributing to addiction consists of:

coping skills.

outcome expectancies.


poor parenting. 5 points

Question 10  1.  In the prior version of the DSM (the DSM-IV), which of the following was considered the less severe disorder?

Substance dependence.

Mild substance use disorder.    Mild substance dependence.

Substance abuse. 5 points

Question 11  1.  Non-support of a family member’s addiction recovery is an example of:




subsytems. 5 points

Question 12  1.  The 12-Step Philosophy does NOT embrace which of the following?




Mental. 5 points


Question 13  1.  The 12-Steps are concerned with:    character defects.



detox. 5 points

Question 14  1.  The ability to separate from the family and be an independent individual is called:


emotional cutoff.


triads. 5 points

Question 15  1.  This model proposes that co-occurring SUD and psychiatric disorders originate from the same risk factor.

Correlated liabilities model.

Secondary substance abuse model.

Common factor model.

Reciprocal causation model. 5 points

Question 16  1.  This model proposes that co-occurring psychiatric disorders precede and cause the onset of SUD.

Correlated liabilities model.

Secondary substance abuse model.

Common factor model.

Reciprocal causation model. 5 points

Question 17  1.  Which of the following substances may have anti-psychotic qualities?




Marijuana. 5 points

Question 18  1.  Which of these are NOT one of the three rules within an alcoholic family?

Obtain help for the addicted family member.

Protect the addicted family member from the consequences of their behavior.

Do not discuss the addiction.

Do not confront the addiction. 5 points

Question 19  1.  ______ is a step beyond ______.

Abstinence, recovery.

Recovery, abstinence.

Relapse, recovery.

Recovery, relapse. 5 points

Question 20  1.  ______ is the 12-Step program for families of an addicted individual.    Alanon.    Alateen.    AA.    NA. 5 points     Save and Submit  Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers.

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Psychology Quiz homework help

Psychology Quiz homework help

  1. The “Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling” were developed by which of the following divisions of the American Counseling Association?a.Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counselingb.Association for Religion, Philosophy, and Spirituality in Counselingc.American Pastoral Counselors Associationd.There is not a division of the American Counseling Association that developed these competencies.

2 points  


  1. The first person to introduce the subjects of consciousness, spiritualism, and psychical research into the mental health fields was:a.Carl Jungb.Abraham Maslowc.William Jamesd.Sigmund Freud

2 points  


  1. The core practice of transpersonal counseling includes which of the following:a.Mindfulnessb.Yogac.Biofeedbackd.All of the above

2 points  


  1. Which of the following is one of the “Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling”?a.The professional counselor can describe the similarities and differences between spirituality and religion, including the basic beliefs of various spiritual systems, major world religions, agnosticism, and atheism.b.The professional counselor recognizes that the client’s beliefs (or absence of beliefs) about spirituality and/or religion are central to his or her worldview but cannot influence psychosocial functioning.c.The professional counselor can identify the limits of his or her understanding of the client’s spiritual and/or religious perspective and is acquainted with religious and spiritual resources, including leaders, who can join in counseling sessions with the counselor and client.d.All of the above

2 points  


  1. The family life spiral is:a.An example of family declineb.A linear modelc.An example of a life stressord.A developmental model

2 points  


  1. The relational-cultural theory emphasizes the vital rolea.that relationships and connectedness with others play in the lives of women.b.of a spiritual or religious perspective in providing women with strength.c.that siblings play in the shaping of personalityd. in understanding how early childhood is a crucial factor in a woman’s personality development.

2 points  


  1. Within the transpersonal states of functioning, which of the following developmental lines or stages exist? logicc.psychicd.all of the above

2 points  


  1. Which of the following family therapists is best known for his/her conjoint approach to treatment?a.Satirb.Bowenc.Haleyd.Minuchin

2 points  


  1. Self-in-relation theory is the work of:a.Sharf and Bemb.Jordan and Surreyc.Jean Baker Millerd.Betty Freidan

2 points  


  1. Which of the following is not a fundamental principle of feminist counselors?a.The personal is politicalb.A commitment to social changec.A commitment to the establishment of an authoritarian relationshipd.Honoring women’s experiences and appreciating their perspectives, values, and strengths

2 points  


  1. According to transpersonalism:a.Healthy development is marked by one’s advancement from personal to transpersonal concerns.b.Healthy development is marked by one’s quality of relationships.c.Healthy development is impossible to define.d.Healthy development is not a goal.

2 points  


  1. The term _______________ means beyond the personal, ego, or self.a.archetypalb.transpersonalc.reductionisticd.monistic

2 points  


  1. A counselor directing family members to engage in a communication game to examine how their incongruent messages lead to pain and lower self-esteem is following which approach to family therapy?
    A counselor directing family members to engage in a communication game to examine how their incongruent messages lead to pain and lower self-esteem is following which approach to family therapy?

2 points  


  1. A multifaceted process, occurring across the life span is called:a.Gender role identificationb.Gender biasc.Genderficationd.Gender role socialization

2 points  


  1. One of the primary goals of transpersonal counseling is to:a.Bring the client to an acceptable level of mental healthb.Bring the client to a point where he or she can begin to work on transpersonal issuesc.Take the client into the realm of transcendence, unity, and extraordinary mental healthd.None of the above

2 points  


  1. The term used to describe a family system’s tendency to maintain predictable interactional processes is:a.Family project processb.Cyberneticsc.Centripetald.Family homeostatis

2 points  


  1. Which of the following family therapists is best known for his/her strategic approach to treatment?a.Satirb.Bowenc.Haleyd.Minuchin

2 points  


  1. Two major disorders given a great deal of attention in feminist literature are:a.Personality disorders and bipolar disordersb.Borderline personality disorders and hypertensionc.Eating disorders and PTSDd.Insomnia and PTSD

2 points  


  1. ___________ wrote that Kohlberg’s model of moral development was more applicable to men than women.a.Carol Gilliganb.Barbara Herlihyc.Vivian Carroll McCollumd.Nancy Chodorow

2 points  


  1. ________________ occurs when a family modifies problem behaviors yet maintains its present structure.a.First order changeb.Second order changec.Third order changed.Fourth order change

2 points  


  1. Which of the following family therapists is best known for his/her structural approach to treatment:a.Satirb.Bowenc.Haleyd.Minuchin

2 points  


  1. Teasing out stressors poses a challenge for the family counselor because of the family’s:a.Mistrust of therapyb.Many storiesc.Multigenerational issuesd.Severity of pain

2 points  


  1. A strategy for empowering clients is to involve them in naming their problem and participating in directing the counseling process. This strategy is called:a.Self-disclosureb.Gender role analysisc.Demystifying the counseling processd.Client empowerment

2 points  


  1. Although the theoretical underpinnings of transpersonal theory can be credited to a number of individuals, theories, and philosophical approaches to mental health and spiritual experience, _____________ has emerged as the primary leader of this burgeoning field.a.Groffb.Wilberc.Jungd.Maslow

2 points  


  1. The term used to describe one of the perceptual sets people use when looking at society and their place in it is:a.Gender schemab.Egalitarianc.Engendered livesd.None of the above
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