
Response to Letter of Analysis by Durfee

Response to Letter of Analysis by Durfee

Response to Letter of Analysis by Durfee

(Response to Letter of Analysis by Durfee)

Hello, Durfee.

Thank you for this analysis, and I appreciate the insights you have provided into my first draft of the classical argument. You have raised relevant concerns regarding my classical argument, and I seek to adopt the recommendations and strategies to make my essay better and friendlier to the reader. My essay addressed healthcare-promoting self-care behavior or strategies in response to the growing concern about poor nurses’ health and well-being. I have had experience with nurse burnout, compassion fatigue, and an overwhelming work environment which limited my ability and capacity to care for myself adequately. Consequently, I gained weight and began developing depressive symptoms, limiting my capacity to care for others. It is true for many other nurses, considering their pressing and highly demanding workplace and patient needs. Self-care is a responsibility nurses bare to themselves as per the ANA provisions, without which nurses are unable to adequately care for their patients and extend compassionate care to clients. (Response to Letter of Analysis by Durfee)

Regarding paraphrasing and avoiding direct quotations in my work, I have practiced over time and improved my ability to read and understand materials and demonstrate understanding in my own words. Paraphrasing is a vital essay writing skill that helps make the work authentic, valid, and reliable. I paraphrase and cite the source to show appreciation for the author. Some tips to improve your paraphrasing ability include reading the source, including each sentence and paragraph several times to understand the piece fully, and writing in your own words without referring to or looking at the original text. Next, you should compare the paraphrase with the original text to ensure the sentence structures and wording differ considerably. Integrate your understanding of course concepts and experience into the paraphrase to bolster authenticity and show your understanding of the course concepts. Finally, you should ensure proper citation and referencing of the original text to show the reader where you obtained the information. I have nurtured my writing skills, literature search being a part of it. I have learned to search for relevant and reliable evidence that directly supports my argument or research topic. I would advise developing a search strategy before writing your paper. (Response to Letter of Analysis by Durfee)

Your recommendations are specific and justifiable. I went through the opposition and refutation sections and realized I would have made it easier for the reader to understand by being straightforward or selecting a more straightforward barrier. With the opposition, I wanted to address research findings that disregard the effectiveness of addressing workplace factors that humper self-care behavior because they argue that without considering intrinsic factors like attitudes toward self-care, it is impossible to promote self-care behavior. For instance, an individual has a negative attitude towards working out or engaging in other physical activities. As such, it would only be effective to, for instance, minimize workload as a measure to enhance health-promoting self-care behavior by first addressing the negative attitude. I refuted this by providing evidence that workplace factors also impact intrinsic motivation to self-care. Managing a healthy and caring work environment is the epitome of promoting self-care behavior. (Response to Letter of Analysis by Durfee)

Thank you for sharing the revision strategies you perceive would help improve my essay. I will adopt the devil’s advocate to review the opposition and refutation sections and make them as simple and understandable as possible. I will consider your insights when revising my draft and ensure it is better the next time you read it. (Response to Letter of Analysis by Durfee)


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