
Romantic Relationship Case Study Assignment Help

Romantic Relationship Case Study Assignment Help

Part 1: Create a Case Study

Create a case study, 250-500-words involving a fictitious couple experiencing the stages and characteristics of romantic relationships. Think of this case study as a “story” that you are telling about the process the couple goes through when building a relationship.

Do not use any personal information or information related to current cases you are working on.

Part 2: Summary of Each Stage

After completing the case study, write a 250-500 word summary in which you explain each stage the couple experienced, including the characteristics associated with each.

Include at least three scholarly references in your paper.

Submit the case study and the summary as one document.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Romantic Relationship Case Study Assignment Help

Running head: Romantic Relationship Case Study 1

Romantic Relationship Case Study 5

Romantic Relationship Case Study

Veronica Cheers

Grand Canyon: PCN 530

Sep 27, 2017

Caren and Jacob: A Couple in Lust or Love!!

It’s a cold Friday afternoon in small town GA and Caren is meeting friends at the local bar when across the room she spots a handsome stranger. Caren’s not normally the type to approach a guy and is not really thinking she will end the night approaching this mystery fellow. Her friends finally get to the bar distracting her as they begin celebrating her birthday. A few drinks are exchanged and she has been talking about mystery guy all night. What is a girl to do but take a walk across the room?

Meet Jacob better known as mystery guy. Jacob has also been watching and waiting for his chance to make a move. He spotted Caren when she first walked in and wondered whether or not she was available but was worried she was here meeting a date. He has been watching her and sees her on the dance floor and decides it is his time to make a move. He slowly begins to approach but sees that she dancing with another guy. He decides maybe he has missed his shot and goes back to hanging with the guys.

As the night goes on Caren and Jacob both end up at the bar getting drinks for their friends. They exchange pleasantries and begin talking completely forgetting about their friends waiting on drinks across the room. Numbers are exchanged and a few more drinks are share the groups have meshed and they spend the rest of the night talking and enjoying the others company. The night slowly comes to an end and Jacob says he’ll give Caren a call later in the week so they can meet for drinks.

A few days later Jacob gives Caren a call and they decide to meet for drinks and dinner on Friday after work. During dinner they find out that they have similar interest. Caren is a diehard Falcon fan and so is Jacob. Caren talked about how she initially saw him across the bar but was going to continue to watch from a distance. They go on several more dates and relationship begins to develop into something more than just friends.

They are spending more time together, meeting for lunch and taking weekend trips just to get away. They are talking daily, exchanging childhood stories and sharing dinner dates with friends. What begin as a mild attraction has now turned into a full blown relationship. Caren and Jacob do everything together and when they are not together they are thinking of when the next time is that they will be together. Their friends think they are the cutest most sickening couple and secretly wished they would just move in together or something.

Five Stages

According to Rathus, Nevid & Fichner-Rathus (2014), “attraction occurs when two people become aware of each other and find one another appealing or enticing” (p. 211). Caren and Jacob spot each other from across a crowded bar. They both see something in the other that causes them to take pause. Caren feels that Jacob is attractive, but is not sure with her attitude whether or not she will even take a chance. Building happens as couples start learning more and more about each other and begin more comfortable sharing things that make them tick. As their relationship develops more and the level of intimacy changes both Caren and Jacob learn that they have similar interest. They begin to see each other more and the level of attraction has also increased to the point that they would sometimes even rattle on about the other to their friends.

“Continuation established patterns of interaction remain relatively stable; relationship will mature and evolve as time passes and circumstances change” (Tarvin, 2011). Caren and Jacob begin spending more time together and have feelings of contentment when they are able to share time together. When talking with friends or discussing outings they both include the other. “One of the developments in continuing relationship is that of mutuality, which leads a couple to regard themselves as “we”, not just two “is” who happen to be in the same place at the same time” (Rathus, Nevid and Fichner-Rathus, 2014).

Deterioration happens when the relationship begins to feel less rewarding to both parties involved. Because Caren and Jacob’s relationship is so fresh and they are at the beginning stages of knowing one another they haven’t reached this point yet. The final stage of a romantic relationship is the ending stage where both parties are no longer able to find anything worth keeping them together. The story above does not show either partner currently reaching that point. However, I feel that if they were to get to that point it is possible that it would begin with an argument or disagreement.


Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus. (2014). Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Person Education, Inc.

Tarvin, A. (2011). 5 Stages of Relationships. Retrieved September 29, 2017, from

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