
Business Decision Making Project

Business Decision Making Project Part 1, statistics homework help

(Business Decision Making Project)

Question description

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of their ability to apply statistical concepts to business situations to inform data-driven decision-making. The project is a 3-week project, with part 1 in Week 3, part 2 in Week 4, and part 3 in Week 5. In Week 3, students identify the organization, problem, research variable, methods for collecting data, and show mastery of validity and reliability as applied to data-collection methods.

Resources: Week 3 Videos; Week 3 Readings; Statistic Lab

Tutorial help on Excel® and Word functions can be found on the Microsoft® Office website. There are also additional tutorials via the web offering support for Office products.

Assignment Steps

Identify a business problem or opportunity at a company where you work or with which you are familiar. This will be a business problem you use for the individual assignments in Weeks 3-5. It should be a problem/opportunity for which gathering and analyzing some type of data would help you understand the problem/opportunity better.

Identify a research variable within the problem/opportunity that could be measured with some type of data collection.

Consider methods for collecting a suitable sample of either qualitative or quantitative data for the variable.

Consider how you will know if the data collection method would be valid and reliable.

Develop a 1,050-word analysis to describe a company, problem, and variable including the following in your submission:

  • Identify the name and description of the selected company.
  • Describe the problem at that company.
  • Identify one research variable from that problem. Describe the methods you would use for collecting a suitable sample of either qualitative or quantitative data for the variable (Note: do not actually collect any data).
  • Analyze how you will know if the data collection method would generate valid and reliable data (Note: do not actually collect any data).

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

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Statistics Course Project

Statistics Course Project- Phase 4, statistics homework help

(Statistics Course Project)

Question description


This week you will begin working on Phase 4 of your course project. For Phase 4 of your course project, you will want to review your instructor’s feedback from your Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 submissions to make any necessary corrections. Remember if you have questions about the feedback to ask your instructor for assistance.

Once you have made your corrections, you will compile your information from Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 and your final conclusion into one submission and submit this as your rough draft for Phase 4 of the course project. Below is a summary of the expectations for Phase 4 of the course project:

  1. Introduce your scenario and data set.
    • Provide a brief overview of the scenario you are given above and the data set that you will be analyzing.
    • Classify the variables in your data set.
      • Which variables are quantitative/qualitative?
      • Which variables are discrete/continuous?
      • Describe the level of measurement for each variable included in your data set.
  1. Discuss the importance of the Measures of Center and the Measures of Variation.
    • What are the measures of center and why are they important?
    • What are the measures of variation and why are they important?
  1. Calculate the measures of center and measures of variation. Interpret your results in context of the selected topic.
    • Mean
    • Median
    • Mode
    • Midrange
    • Range
    • Variance
    • Standard Deviantion
  1. Discuss the importance of constructing confidence intervals for the population mean.
    • What are confidence intervals?
    • What is a point estimate?
    • What is the best point estimate for the population mean? Explain.
    • Why do we need confidence intervals?
  1. Based on your selected topic, evaluate the following:
    • Find the best point estimate of the population mean.
    • Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean. Assume that your data is normally distributed and σ is unknown.
      • Please show your work for the construction of this confidence interval and be sure to use the Equation Editor to format your equations.
    • Write a statement that correctly interprets the confidence interval in context of your selected topic.
  1. Based on your selected topic, evaluate the following:  (Statistics Course Project)
    • Find the best point estimate of the population mean.
    • Construct a 99% confidence interval for the population mean. Assume that your data is normally distributed and σ is unknown.
      • Please show your work for the construction of this confidence interval and be sure to use the Equation Editor to format your equations.
    • Write a statement that correctly interprets the confidence interval in context of your selected topic.
  1. Compare and contrast your findings for the 95% and 99% confidence interval.
    • Did you notice any changes in your interval estimate? Explain.
    • What conclusion(s) can be drawn about your interval estimates when the confidence level is increased? Explain.
  1. Discuss the process for hypothesis testing.
    • Discuss the 8 steps of hypothesis testing?
    • When performing the 8 steps for hypothesis testing, which method do you prefer; P-Value method or Critical Value method? Why?
  2. Perform the hypothesis test.
      1. Original Claim: The average salary for all jobs in Minnesota is less than $65,000.
      2. Test the claim using α = 0.05 and assume your data is normally distributed and σ is unknown.
    • Based on your selected topic, answer the following:
      1. Write the null and alternative hypothesis symbolically and identify which hypothesis is the claim.
      2. Is the test two-tailed, left-tailed, or right-tailed? Explain.
      3. Which test statistic will you use for your hypothesis test; z-test or t-test? Explain.
      4. What is the value of the test-statistic? What is the P-value? What is the critical value?
      5. 5.) What is your decision; reject the null or do not reject the null?
        1. Explain why you made your decision including the results for your p-value and the critical value.
      6. State the final conclusion in non-technical terms.
  1. Conclusion
    • Recap your ideas by summarizing the information presented in context of your chosen scenario.

Please be sure to show all of your work and use the Equation Editor to format your equations.

This assignment should be formatted using APA guidelines and a minimum of 2 pages in length.
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