
Stimulus Questions homework help

Stimulus Questions homework help

Following is an exercise that is designed to help students to apply some of the material from this chapter to further explore the advantages and disadvantages of different types of research designs. Utilizing Different Types of Research Designs to Investigate Your Topic of Interest Sometimes researchers study a topic by utilizing the same type of research designs over and over. (See Chapter 14 for the consequences of overutilizing analogue methodologies.) It is often useful to initially consider a wide range of research designs when developing a study to

1. determine what type of study you want to do. The purpose of this exercise is to practice conceptualizing studies with different types of research designs on a topic of interest to you.

1. In your topical area of interest, conceptualize a study that utilizes a descriptive laboratory design.

a. What would be the intended purpose of this study?

b. Describe the methods you would utilize to conduct the study.

c. Would this study be high or low on experimental control and external validity? d. What outcomes would you predict would be found from the study?

e. What are the advantages or limitations of the design on the conclusions you could draw from the study? 2. In your topical area of interest, conceptualize a study that utilizes a descriptive field design.

a. What would be the intended purpose of this study?

b. Describe the methods you would utilize to conduct the study.

c. Would this study be high or low on experimental control and external validity?

d. What outcomes would you predict would be found from the study?

e. What are the advantages or limitations of the design on the conclusions you could draw from the study?

3. In your topical area of interest, conceptualize a study that utilizes an experimental laboratory design.

a. What would be the intended purpose of the study?

b. Describe the methods you would utilize to conduct the study.

c. Would this study be high or low on experimental control and external validity?

d. What outcomes would you predict would be found from the study?

e. What are the advantages or limitations of the design on the conclusions you could draw from the study?

4. In your topical area of interest, conceptualize a study that utilizes an experimental field design. a. What would be the intended purpose of this study?

b. Describe the methods you would utilize to conduct the study.

c. Would this study be high or low on experimental control and external validity?

d. What outcomes would you predict would be found from the study?

e. What are the advantages or limitations of the design on the conclusions you could draw from the study?

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