
“Tim Gunn And A Leaky Shower: Welcome To My Life Little Guy

“Tim Gunn And A Leaky Shower: Welcome To My Life Little Guy

Writing A Response To Maggie Downs, “Tim Gunn And A Leaky Shower: Welcome To My Life Little Guy”, I Selected For Your Week 2 Outline- Critical Response Essay (Rough Draft)

Running head: WELCOME TO MY LIFE 1


Tim Gunn and a leaky shower: Welcome to my life, little guy

Yesenia Cruz

ENG 121: English Composition I

Instructor: Kristin Sanders

February 25, 2019

Tim Gunn and a leaky shower: Welcome to my life, little guy

First time mothers always find it challenging when motherhood sets in with the birth of their first-born babies. mothers on most times fail to get quality sleep and when other problems creep in the mother is left at a difficult position especially when the father has to go to work in order to cater for the family. “Tim Gunn and a leaky shower: Welcome to my life, little guy,” from the Washington Post is the article I chose to look in to. The article is based on a new mother who experiences a lot of the struggles that new mothers go through.

Maggie in her article,” Tim Gunn and a leaky shower: Welcome to my life, little guy,” provides a good way to learn about how mothers face a difficult task having to recover from giving birth and at the same time taking care of their newly born children. In order to escape from the tiring responsibilities of motherhood, mothers take up a form of escapism which in the case of Maggie is watching old episodes of Project Runaway.

· Tim Gunn and a leaky shower: Welcome to my life, little guy teaches readers the need for mothers to find a way to rest from the perils of new parenting.

a. Maggie starts watching Project runaway as a way of escaping from all the noise and stressors within the house.

b. Maggie experienced a lot of noise coming from the construction of the house and at the same time from her baby crying.

c. “I turned up an old episode of “Project Runaway” and jacked up the volume to drone out the crying and hammering,” which shows how much stress of an environment Maggie and her child went through and the need to escape from all that.

d. Maggie faced challenges with the noise in the house due to the construction, the hot weather and an aging air conditioner that offered little help and pain coming from the unplanned caesarean section.

a. Like Maggie, I have seen my aunt go through the same first time mother problems and how she has coped with all the problems to become a good mother.

b. My aunt has developed a habit of watching a rerun of NCIS Los Angeles as a way of coping with the motherly responsibilities and resting.

c. My aunt faced challenges when the kitchen had to be remodeled in order to offer more space for more people when she hosts guests. She had to cope with the noise from the walls being smashed and drilling of holes throughout the construction.

d. Watching a rerun of a good series helps mothers to gain some good relaxation and strength to look out after their children throughout the day. The mothers will be refreshed, and they will be happy to enjoy the little free time they have to themselves.

· conclusion

a. ” Tim Gunn and a leaky shower: Welcome to my life, little guy,” provides a good way to learn about how mothers face a difficult task having to recover from giving birth and at the same time taking care of their newly born children.

b. Mothers require some form of escapism and a good way would be to binge watch on a good series. Mothers could face a stressful environment with the new baby crying and other forms of disturbances and it’s up to them take care of themselves.

c. As a reader what ways would you manage the stressful environment that would come with having a new baby and do your methods ensure that you have the proper relaxation before coming back to motherly responsibilities?


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