
Topic 6 DQ 1

Topic 6 DQ 1

The literature evaluation table helps with the critical synthesis of empirical and theoretical research evidence for research support. The table includes various sections that help with adopting a proper reference for the article and evaluating the research questions, purpose, aim, hypothesis, research design, methodology, data analysis and interpretation, research findings, and limitations to the research. Other sections include future research recommendations and evaluating how the research study reviewed supports the research topic or question. For the DPI project, using the literature evaluation table is paramount to extract data effectively and conduct a rigorous synthesis and review. It helps develop a synopsis of each article, succinctly presenting all relevant information pertinent to the review and research support (Younas & Ali, 2021). Conducting a literature evaluation using the table helps me see the information at a glance, including frameworks and methods, strengths and limitations, the conceptual contribution of each article reviewed, and themes. (Topic 6 DQ 1)

Topic 6 DQ 1

The most crucial criterion is key research findings. The primary aim of every research is to generate outcomes that are useful scientifically, clinically, or in other ways desired by the researchers. The other sections or criteria help evaluate the reviewed article’s reliability, validity, authority, and robustness. However, the research findings are the primary target and help determine the study’s relevance and whether it supports the research topic and questions. Although the level of evidence does not always signify the quality of the research or evidence, it is vital in establishing the best available evidence for the research purpose. The “Levels of Evidence in Research” helps categorize the reviewed studies by evidence level, and level 1 evidence is often perceived as the best or appropriate evidence for the research question (Simmons University, 2022). It also helps determine the internal validity of the various studies. The “Criteria for Acceptance Research” helps understand the requirements for appropriate practice questions, literature searches, or primary research studies for inclusion in the DPI project. It guides what to consider and include during the literature search and review. (Topic 6 DQ 1)


Simmons University. (2022, March 3). Nursing – Systematic Reviews: Levels of Evidence

Younas, A., & Ali, P. (2021). Five tips for developing useful literature summary tables for writing review articles. Evidence-Based Nursing24(2), 32-34.

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