
community fire & risk prevention assignment

community fire & risk prevention assignment, writing homework help

(community fire & risk prevention assignment)

Question description

The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply the concepts and information that you have learned in this unit aboutthe position of a Community Fire and Risk Prevention Officer. This assignment provides you with the opportunity to useyour skills, expertise, and experience to enrich your response when compiling data that will be used for risk reductionwithin thecommunity. You will need to consider several components or elements of research and data gathering.

The outcome of your research will provide you with two profiles: demographic and risk. In order to develop a course of action to be undertaken in an effort to reduce risk, you must first gather sufficient data relative to the demographics of your community. Once you have gathered and analyzed the demographics, you will move to the second component of identifying both types of risks: human-created and naturally-created.

This project requires you to act in the position of Community Fire and Risk Prevention Officer. Your final analysis and narration should be written in a professional and educated format, as this paper might be presented to public and private organizations, which have input and/or responsibility for pre-planning, preparedness, and mitigation of potential risks and their outcome as it effects the community.

Part A: Identify your community’s demographic profile. Click here to visit the United States Census Bureau’s webpage. In  the center of the opening page, you will find a box with the title “Quick Facts.” Inside the Quick Facts box is a drop-down menu titled, “Select a state to begin.” Click on the drop-down menu, and select your respective state of residence. On the next page, you will find two drop-down boxes, one for all counties, and the other for all cities/towns in your state.

First, select your county of residence. Then, using a Word document, identify all of the characteristics of a Demographic Profile as found on page 229 of the textbook. There are three primary headings: Housing/Location, People, and Economic Information. Within these three, there are 16 sub-characteristics. Locate the data associated, or as closely associated, to each of the sixteen sub-characteristics, and create a demographic profile. Here is an example of how our outcome might look:

1. Housing/Location

a. Owner or renter-occupied units

b. Age and condition of structures

c. Percentage of vacant/abandoned or blighted structures

You will repeat this format for each of the three primary characteristics, all of which should fit onto a single page.

Remember to use the outline format. If the census data is not available for a specific characteristic, do not invent the data as doing so will skew the outcome and invalidate your data analysis. Once you have completed this portion, move on to Part B below.

Part B: Using the same webpage, click the drop-down menu, “Select a city,” and select your respective city/town.

Following the exact same format as used in Part A, create a new page (best to append it to the previous page(s) by simply tapping the “enter” key, or holding down the “control” (ctrl) while pressing “enter,” advancing line spacing to begin a new page). Remember to address all three primary characteristics and all sixteen sub-characteristics. Once you have completed Part B, move on to the final segment-art C.

Part C: For this segment, you will need to rely on your personal knowledge of your community. You must identify as many potential risks that might adversely affect your community and how your fire prevention bureau could best alleviate the risks. You will need to first identify all possible risks that would be human-created risks then identify all possible naturallyoccurring

risks. You will itemize these risks under their appropriate heading on a new page. Again, you must utilize the outline format.

You do not need to identify human-created risks possibilities by company name, owner name, or street location. Simply identify the type of potential risk posed. Include the hours of operation (if possible), the type of risk being posed, and the area surrounding the location of the risk. Include information relative to potential life-threating risks such as nursing homes, schools, hospitals, and dense residential neighborhoods. Once completed, identify potential naturally-occurring risks associated to your specific geographical region. These are likely to be few in number and should be added to the end of the list from above.

Your paper must be a minimum of three full pages and not more than five full pages of written text. You must follow APA formatting. In-text-citations are not required, however, a properly written and formatted reference citation will be needed.

Part C is understood to originate from your own knowledge of the community; therefore, no citations are warranted.

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Persuasive Paper: Problem Exists

Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists, writing homework help

Persuasive Paper: Problem Exists

Question description


Attached is my original topic and paper.

Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists  
Due Week 5 and worth 150 points

Using your thesis statement and research, present the problem that needs to be addressed with your proposed solution. Note: Your solution, advantages, and challenges, will be in Parts 2 and 3.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening paragraph to appeal to your stated audience (appeal with logic, ethics, or emotion).
  2. Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. (Revised from Assignment 2)
  3. Describe the history and status of the issue and provide an overview of the problem(s) that need to be addressed. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
  4. Explain the first problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
  5. Explain the second problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.). and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
  6. Explain the third problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
  7. Provide a concluding paragraph that summarizes the stated problems and promises a solution.
  8. Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  9. Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences throughout the paper.
  10. Support claims with at least three (3) quality, relevant references. Use credible, academic sources available through Strayer University’s Resource Center. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Note: Submit your assignment to the designated plagiarism program so that you can make revisions before submitting your paper to your professor.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Recognize the elements and correct use of a thesis statement.
  • Recognize the use of summary, paraphrasing, and quotation to communicate the main points of a text.
  • Analyze the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, logos in writing samples and for incorporation into essays or presentations.
  • Prepare a research project that supports an argument with structure and format appropriate to the genre.
  • Recognize how to organize ideas with transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
  • Incorporate relevant, properly documented sources to substantiate ideas.
  • Write clearly and concisely about selected topics using proper writing mechanics.
  • Use technology and information resources to research selected issues for this course.
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Nursing Care Models Paper

Nursing Care Models Paper, writing homework help

(Nursing Care Models Paper)

Question description

It is very important that in order to complete this assignment you read the pages stated from the text on Finkelman (2012), pages 118-127. If not points will be deducted.


The purpose of this assignment is to identify nursing care models utilized in today’s various health care settings and enhance your knowledge of how models impact the management of care and may influence delegation. You will assess the effectiveness of models and determine how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to identify opportunities for improvement to ensure quality, safety and staff satisfaction.


1.  Read your text,Finkelman (2012) pp- 118- 127.

2.  Observe staff in delivery of nursing care provided. Practice settings may vary depending on availability.

3.  Identify the model of nursing care that you observed. Be specific about what you observed, who was doing what, when, how and what led you to identify the particular model.

4.  Write a 5-7 page paper that includes the following:

5.  Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to the nursing care model you observed in the practice setting.

6.  Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to a nursing care model that is different from the one you observed in the practice setting.

7.  Discuss your observations about how the current nursing care model is being implemented. Be specific.

8.  Recommend a different nursing care model that could be implemented to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction. Be specific.

9.  Provide a summary/conclusion about this experience/assignment and what you learned about nursing care models.

10.  Write your paper using APA format. Submit to the Dropbox.

Grading Criteria: Nursing Care Models Paper(Nursing Care Models Paper)

Category Points % Description
Identify Nursing Care Model in practice including specifics about who, what when, where, etc. 60 30% Identifies Nursing Care Model for delivery of nursing care.  Provides specifics.
Besides Finkelman, locate scholarly resources related to Nursing Care Models 40 20% In addition to Finkelman, locates four scholarly resources related to Nursing Care Models. Summarizes all resources in body of paper.
Implementation and Recommendations 60 30% Describe implementation of current Nursing Care Model and recommend a different model that could be utilized to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction.
Conclusion/ summary 20 10% Summarize what you learned about this experience including new knowledge about nursing care models.
Clarity of writing 20 10% Content is organized, logical, and with correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure are correct.  APA formatting is apparent and CCN template is utilized. References are properly cited within the paper; reference page includes all citations; proper title page and introduction are present and evidence of spell and grammar check is obvious.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance


Very Good or High Level of Performance


Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance


Poor, Failing, or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance


After an introduction paragraph, identifies Nursing Care Model in practice including specifics about who, what when, where, etc.

60 points

After an introduction paragraph, thoroughly identifies Nursing Care Model in practice including specifics about who, what when, where, etc.

55-60 points

After an introduction paragraph, clearly identifies Nursing Care Model in practice including specifics about who, what when, where, etc.

50-54 points

After an introduction paragraph, briefly identifies Nursing Care Model in practice including minimum specifics about who, what when, where, etc.

46-49 points

Does not provide an introduction paragraph but identifies Nursing Care Model in practice in first or subsequent paragraphs including minimum specifics about who, what when, where, etc.

0-49 points

Besides Finkelman, locate scholarly resources related  to Nursing Care Models

40 points

Thoroughly reviews and summarizes two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to the nursing care model you observed in the practice setting; then, reviews and summarizes two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to a nursing care model that is different from the one you observed.

37-40 points

Clearly reviews and summarizes two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to the nursing care model you observed in the practice setting; then, reviews and summarizes two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to a nursing care model that is differentfrom the one you observed.

34-36 points

Briefly reviews only one resource (besides text) related to nursing care model observed in practice setting and only one resource (besides text) related to a nursing care model that is differentfrom the one you observed.

30-33 points

Briefly reviews only one resource (besides text) related to nursing care model observed in practice setting ORonly one resource (besides text) related to a nursing care model that is different from the one you observed.

0-29 points

Implementation and Recommendations

60 points

Thoroughly describes implementation of current Nursing Care Model and recommends a different model that could be utilized to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction.

55-60 points

Clearly describes implementation of current Nursing Care Model andrecommends a different model that could be utilized but omits quality or safety or staff satisfaction.

50-54 points

Briefly describes implementation of current Nursing Care Model and recommends a different model that could be utilized but omits two of the following (quality/safety/staff satisfaction).

46-49 points

Briefly describes implementation of current Nursing Care Model or recommends a different model that could be utilized. Various elements are missing related to improving quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction.

0-45 points

Conclusion/ summary

20 points

Includes conclusion paragraph and thoroughly summarizes what you learned about this experience including new knowledge about nursing care models.

18-20 points

Includes conclusion paragraph and clearly summarizes what you learned about this experience including new knowledge about nursing care models.

16-17 points

Includes conclusion paragraph but briefly summarizes what you learned about this experience or includes new knowledge about nursing care models but not both.

14-15 points

Does not Include a conclusion paragraph orconclusion/summary is present but difficult to find in closing paragraphs of paper.

0-13 points

Clarity of writing

20 points

Content is organized, logical, and with correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure are correct. APA formatting is apparent utilizing CCN template. References are properly cited within the paper; reference page includes all citations; proper title page and introduction are present and evidence of spell and grammar check is obvious. Less than three errors noted.

18–20 points

Content is mostly organized, logical and with correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure are correct. APA formatting is apparent utilizing CCN template. References are properly cited within the paper; reference page includes all citations; proper title page and introduction are present and evidence of spell check and grammar check is obvious. Four to six errors noted.

16–17 points

Content is somewhat organized, logical and with correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure are correct. APA formatting is somewhat apparent but CCN template was not utilized. References are properly cited within the paper; reference page includes all citations; proper title page and introduction are present and evidence of spell check and grammar check are not obvious. Seven to 10 errors noted.

14–15 points

Content is disorganized and writing has numerous grammar, spelling, or syntax errors and APA formatting errors are obvious. Spell check and grammar check are not obvious. More than 11 errors noted.

0–13 points

Total Points Possible= 225 Points Earned = A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
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Empowering Team Excellence

Creating, Developing, and Leading Effective Teams, writing homework help

Empowering Team Excellence: Nurse Management Strategies

(Empowering Team Excellence)

Question description

Discussion: Creating, Developing, and Leading Effective Teams

A critical skill for all nurse managers is the ability to create, develop, and lead effective teams. When people are part of an effective and well-functioning team, they are more productive and have a stronger commitment to the organization. Nurse managers have a responsibility to create teams that fulfill functional needs within their units or departments. These can include leadership teams, ad hoc project teams, or primary work teams.

As a nurse manager, there is a variety of ways that you can enhance team functioning. The first step is developing the structural elements of the team and then designing the team with the appropriate membership. Just as you must critically examine each application during the employment process, so will you critically examine the skills and attributes of each employee before appointing him or her to a collective team.

In this week’s Discussion, you lay the groundwork for creating and developing a team for your unit, department, or health care setting. You also identify leadership strategies that you could employ to increase the team’s organizational effectiveness.

To prepare

  • Review Chapter 5, “The Art of Effectively Facilitating Processes” from the course text, From Management to Leadership: Strategies for Transforming Health Care. Carefully examine the section, “Essential Elements of a Team” to identify the six steps of creating an effective team.
  • Consider a team you might create for your current organization or one with which you are familiar. For example, is there a project to be accomplished or a problem to be solved? Perhaps there is a need for a leadership team within your unit or department?
  • Identify the purpose or goal for your team. Then, reflect on the following questions:
    • What type of team would you create (leadership, ad hoc, or primary work team) to accomplish this purpose or goal? What are the benefits or disadvantages of creating this type of team?
    • What staff members would you want on this team? Why? How could their skill sets and positions make them effective team members?
  • Explore this week’s Learning Resources to identify leadership strategies you might employ before, during, and after the team-building phase. For example, what leadership strategies might influence synergy among team members while also increasing the effectiveness of the team?

Post a description of the team you would create, including the purpose or goal the team would serve, the team type, and the specific skills each member would contribute as well as their job positions. Describe at least two leadership strategies you could implement to help this team effectively achieve its purpose or goal.

APA format

3 scholarly references


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literature review paper writing , writing homework help

literature review paper writing , writing homework help

(literature review paper writing)

Question description

Hello there,

please check the information bellow:

literature review paper writing, 7 full pages + another resource page i already have ( 5 scholarly journals, attach bellow ) as a resource it need to be done with in the time range given 13 H

The writing literature review about my topic which “ How does the violence against nurses in the public health hospitals affect stress and productivity “ . note : my discipline is Healthcare Management administration

I already have the 5 scholarly journals articles about my topic use all of them please

Write abstract

An abstract is a 200 words paragraph that provides readers with a quick overview of your essay or report and its organization. It should express your thesis (or central idea) and your key points; it should also suggest any implications or applications of the research you discuss in the paper.

Your abstract should read like an overview of your paper, not a proposal for what you intended to study or accomplish. Avoid beginning your sentences with phrases like, “This essay will examine…” or “In this research paper I will attempt to prove…”

Body: ( 6 full pages ) ==} Introduction -thesis-, Methods , Results ,Discussion , Conclusion and recommendations ( please see pictures to have more explaining for each one .

– Read the articles and look for points of comparison, contrast, agreement, disagreement, and/or departure. Perhaps all are addressing the same issue, but suggest different methods of resolving it, or perhaps all use the same method, but work with different populations, or perhaps several authors differ majorly in terms of perspective and argument. Reading with an eye for such things will give you a sense of how to approach outlining and writing your paper.

– Synthesis is a key aspect of the literature review. It is best not to cover each article individually. Instead, establish a series of topics and points across the paper, and discuss each article in regards to that point (a “point by point” structure). It’s fine to provide a summary of each article at the outset of your paper, but you should soon move away from covering each one individually.

– For citation: use the authors name in context : ex smith (2010)argue that …..

References page for 5 articles (APA style)

Please see in the attachment: you will find an example of a literature review paper and the 5 scholarly journals articles pdf along side the requirement doc,

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disc 3 Haitian earthquake

disc 3 Haitian earthquake, writing homework help

(disc 3 Haitian earthquake)

Question description

Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .

post most have  4 or more  sentences .

you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings

I terms of a natural disaster, and using the Haitian earthquake, I would say that the first major consideration would be infection.  The smallest wound, even as scratch, can become life threatening when it is invaded with a damaging microorganism.  A natural disaster places individuals at an increased risk of acquiring some kind of injury which creates a portal of entry which we have learned is part of the chain of infection. Additionally, the fact that the disaster took place in a country which could be defined as third world increases the risk for development of an adverse health situation. There are several interventions which a nurse could initiate to help contend with the problem of infection. 

  • At the Primary level a nurse is concerned with the prevention of infection and this can be done through education.  Setting up healthcare workers, informations sessions, flyers, and even posters to help increase a patient population.  In terms of the Haitian earthquake, first responders can teach/demonstrate how to clean injuries and/or simple breaks in the skin so that infection can be prevented.  The education can also include the signs and symptoms of what an infection in an injury could look like.  This education and teaching leads directly into the next area of treatment.
  • At the Secondary level a nurse is concerned with the treatment of infections which have already started.  Proper assessment, cleaning, and possible administration of antibiotic would be critical at this stage.  With respect to the Haitian Earthquake, having nurses go out amongst the injured and assess any skin tears/wounds could help catch those individuals who are already experiencing an early infection.  Catching the infection early could prevent long term consequences. 
  • At the Tertiary level a nurse is concerned with taking care of those patients who are suffering from the long term effects of an infection.  Complications from untreated illnesses include scaring, amputations, and chronic pain.  Those individuals who acquired an infection during the destruction of Haiti, which subsequently went untreated, could suffer from some of the long term effects previously mentioned.  Using chronic pain as an example, nurses would be concerned with helping patients manage their medication, remain free from over use, and also discover non-pharmacological methods to help alleviate their chronic pain.

I would say that all of the nursing interventions would fall under the primary phase of the disaster.  By that I mean just after the disaster occurs.  Immediate education of what to monitor related to all of the skin tears and wounds which occurred during the earthquake, then assessment of those wounds/injuries which became infected due to the fact that infection can set in quickly in highly unsanitary conditions.  The last nursing intervention, more education and illness management, is something that will be taking place immediately after the disaster and for a significant time afterwards. 

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Articles on Aging and the Law

Aging and Law Writing Briefs/Research Articles, writing homework help

(Articles on Aging and the Law)

Question description

LAWS/SOCL 205: Aging and the Law

Articles on Aging and the Law: Analysis and Application

You are to choose two articles on any “Aging and the Law” topic that interests you. You can use the article you chose the first week of class and another article on the same topic. Or you can choose another topic and choose two articles on that topic.

1. Analyze the two articles by summarizing the articles and post the summaries in the Discussion Board for the week you are assigned. Your assigned week is listed below.

2. In the Discussion Boards we have been using, I have created different scenarios based on the week’s topic. The Discussion Boards are designed to apply your knowledge of the topic to real-life Elder Law situations. After you summarize the articles, your must also write a scenario based on the articles’ topic. You will post 2-3 questions following your scenario. Every student is required to respond to at least three postings by other students by answering the questions posed. You do not need to respond to other students’ responses, you only need to answer the questions.

3. You can choose to approach the topic from a legal, public policy or sociology point of view.

4. Each student must respond to the questions posted by at least three other students in the class.

The week your articles summary, scenario and questions are due is indicated below.

***Please do exactly as this says, I will pay for this to be at it’s best.

Please include the articles either as a pdf, word doc, or link so I can acess them. Summarize in full. Solid 400 words or more for each article would be good.

Example of a discussion board (this includes answers):

Discussion Board #6 Week # 6 Comments(Articles on Aging and the Law)

Please read the answers below very carefully. The answers further explain the concepts presented in the lecture notes.

1. Janice Small owns a lake cottage. In a deed she conveys the cottage “to my father Brett Small, for life, then to my sister, Sue Small for life.” Janice outlives her father but dies before her sister, Sue. It Brett a life tenant? Explain. Who gets the property when Brett dies? What interest does Sue have at the time of Janice’s conveyance? In this scenario, what happens to the property when Sue dies?

Janice conveyed the cottage during her life to her father Brett Small for his life. Brett was given a life estate and was the life tenant for his life. (“to my father Brett Small, for life”) Brett died before Janice and when he died the property went to Janice’s sister Sue Small for her life. (“then to my sister, Sue Small for life”) Sue has a future interest in the property in the form of a life estate, and is the life tenant for her own life. Both Brett and Sue only have life interests (for his or her own life) in the property. When Brett died the property went to Sue for her life. When Sue dies she no longer has an interest in the property; therefore, the property will revert to the estate of Janice. No remainder interest was named in the original deed, only life estates were given, one to her father, Brett, and one to her sister, Sue. Janice’s estate has a reversionary interest in this property (reverting to her estate) and this property will then pass by her will (if her will is determined to be valid) or according to the laws of intestate succession, if she does not have a valid will or no will at all. If there is no residuary clause in her will (for the leftovers!) and no named beneficiaries (who are still alive), the lake cottage would then pass by intestate succession law. As some of you mentioned, in the deed Janice could have named a remainder interest after Sue’s life tenancy ended, but Janice did not; therefore, there is no other person (or charity) to inherit the property; thus, the lake cottage will revert to Janice’s estate.

2. In his will, Alex Lane names his friend Robert Conners trustee and places substantial property in a trust for the benefit of Alex’s wife Marie and for Alex’s sister, Minnie. Marie and Robert are not on good terms and the hostility between them worsens after Alex’s death. The trust gives Robert broad discretion to distribute the trust income to the two beneficiaries. As a matter of fact, the first year of the trust, Robert distributed the trust income in unequal amounts giving a much greater share to Minnie than to Marie. Marie is outraged and seeks to remove Robert as an unsuitable trustee claiming he is favoring one beneficiary over another. Based on the information provided above and your reading, will Marie be successful in her effort to remove Robert as the trustee? Explain.

Most likely, based on the information above and your reading, Marie will not be successful in removing Robert as the trustee. Since Alex gave Robert “broad discretion” to distribute the trust income to the two beneficiaries, Marie’s claim that Robert is an “unsuitable” trustee for favoring one beneficiary over the other would probably fail. (I say probably because we do not know how the court will rule nor do we have all the facts).(Articles on Aging and the Law)

Some of you suggested that more facts were needed to fully answer question #2 and that is a very good point. As you know, there are times in the law where there may be “unknown facts” which must first be investigated before any action can be taken. It is the attorney and/or paralegal’s responsibility to do this factual investigation to the best of his/her ability. Should Alex have been more specific in the trust instrument regarding Robert’s duties? Would this make a difference? Is “mere friction” between the trustee and the beneficiary sufficient grounds to remove the trustee? Does this “mere friction” lead to “favoring one beneficiary over the other?” But, the trust instrument gives Robert “broad discretion,” to distribute the trust income, what does this mean? Is there a conflict of interest on the part of the trustee? If there is hostility between the trustee and a beneficiary, is this sufficient grounds for removal of the trustee? Is the hostility interfering with the trustee’s ability to perform the required duties of the trust? Has the hostility adversely affected the administration of the trust? What is in the best interest of all the beneficiaries? Was there mismanagement of the trust funds? Were Robert’s actions, in this one instance, sufficient to prove a case of breach of Robert’s “fiduciary duty” to Marie? A thorough investigation of all the facts would determine if Robert could/should be removed as trustee. The court would and should consider all these questions and make its determination accordingly. Several of you suggested that Robert could not be removed as trustee because the trust was a testamentary trust that is irrevocable since Alex has passed. However, if the trustee breaches his/her fiduciary duty, the trustee, even a trustee of an irrevocable trust, can be removed if a beneficiary, or other interested party, petitions the court for removal and is successful by proving actual conduct by the trustee that amounts to a breach of the trustee’s fiduciary duty. Otherwise, if a trustee cannot be removed, the trustee could abscond with all the funds and the beneficiaries would be left with nothing!

One student asked if the court would follow the “strict letter of the law” or “interpret the law” to adjust the distribution more in line with Alex’s original wishes. However, do we know what Alex’s original wishes were? The facts state that “Marie and Robert are not on good terms and the hostility between them worsens after Alex’s death.” This means that when Alex created the trust he must have been aware of the tensions between Marie and Robert since the “hostility between them” worsened “after” his death. Therefore, do we know what Alex’s original wishes were?

3. Federal estate and gift taxes are discussed in Ch. 7 Financial and Estate Planning. Listed below are some of the areas discussed in the chapter. Explain how two of these areas can be used in an estate plan to reduce taxes:

a. Gifts made during one’s lifetime

b. The unlimited marital deduction

c. Irrevocable trusts

d. Life Estates

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Thematic analysis paper/project

Thematic analysis paper/project , writing homework help

(Thematic analysis paper/project)

Question description***No Plagiarism***

Please let me know if there is anything you do not quite understand or are unsure about!

Please include everything I have asked for!


For this project, you will be writing a thematic analysis paper. This is your final paper for high school English, and it should demonstrate everything you have learned not only in this unit, but in this class, and in your entire high school career.

Your paper will compare and contrast Macbeth with another piece that we read in this class. This means that first you will need to choose a theme from Macbeth (knowledge, ambition, etc.), and then choose another story from this course that handles a similar theme.


The focus of your paper should be on how this theme is developed throughout each story. You should show how the writer uses the plot, characters, sequencing, or other techniques to create a conclusion about this theme. (For example, “Shakespeare uses the genre of tragedy to show us how ambition can lead to an ultimate downfall.”) Then, deepen the conversation by adding a comparison and contrast to another piece we read in this class. (“In contrast, the genre of epic glorifies ambition, which we see clearly through the way Beowulf boasts about his strength and then goes on to slay his enemies.”) Focus on these points:

  • What assertion does the story make about the theme? (Ambition is dangerous. Femininity does not mean weakness or frailty.)
  • What techniques does the writer use to create this assertion? (Characters, plot, genre, literary devices, etc.)
  • What similarities are there between the themes in the two stories? (Both Macbeth and Beowulf are prime examples of masculinity.)
  • What significant differences are there between the themes in the two stories? (Macbeth ultimately destroys his community, his loved ones, and himself; Beowulf uses his strength to save people from a terrible monster.)
  • What can we learn about this theme from the comparison and contrast of these two stories? (While we see ambition, strength, and cruelty as essential parts of masculinity in these two stories, it is in the selfishness of the individual that danger lies.)

Your paper must include textual analysis. (Review this unit’s close reading pages to review.) Use a minimum of six passages (quotes) from the stories throughout your paper (at least one per story, per body paragraph).

This essay should be between two and five pages (500-1250 words) in length. It should be in 12-point font in Times New Roman.

10% of your grade will be on grammar and mechanics. Write as clearly and correctly as you can. This means that 90% of your grade is based on your ideas – however, you will not earn an A if you do not proofread carefully and check for errors.(Thematic analysis paper/project)


First, choose a theme that you find compelling. Then, choose an accompanying story from elsewhere in the course. Here are a few suggestions of themes, and what might make a good comparison. Feel free to use any of these. Remember, you must discuss Macbeth. Then, you can discuss either one or two accompanying stories.


  • Knowledge: Macbeth vs. Genesis
  • Ambition and Temptation: Macbeth vs. Don Quixote
  • Femininity and Strength: Lady Macbeth vs. Grendel’s Mother
  • Masculinity and Cruelty: Macbeth vs. Beowulf
  • Kingship and Tyranny: Macbeth vs. King Arthur
  • Appearance and Reality: Macbeth vs. the Lilliputians from Gulliver’s Travels
  • Fate and Freewill: Macbeth vs. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
  • Guilt and Remorse: Lady Macbeth vs. Sir Bedivere in Le Mort d’Arthur

Next, work on creating a solid outline.

The most important thing about comparing and contrasting is looking for the significant points. Here are some of the big mistakes students make while comparing and contrasting:

1) Some students make the mistake of finding irrelevant contrasts. Because they are told to contrast, they take the first three differences that come to mind. For example, Beowulf was written long before Macbeth. This is true, but not important to a discussion of the themes in the stories.

2) Not contrasting enough. Often, students try to make the two stories fit together by ignoring important points of difference. You will find insight and meaning by digging into the different ways the stories develop the theme – do not try to make the characters, plots, and themes line up perfectly side-by-side.

3) Poor organization. Many students end up with a weak, four-paragraph structure (introduction, body paragraph, body paragraph, conclusion). Often, their body paragraphs either focus on all the similarities and then all the differences, or they discuss just one character (Macbeth) in one paragraph and then the other character in the next (Beowulf). These will leave you with a confusing paper. The best way to develop a strong comparison and contrast is to choose three points of comparison (the beginning, middle, and end of the story), and discuss both characters according to one point. Here is a sample outline:

Introduction(Thematic analysis paper/project)
Thesis statement: While Beowulf and Macbeth both address themes of masculinity and its relationship to strength, violence, power, and cruelty, the two characters use these tools in quite different ways.

First Body Paragraph: The Beginning
1) Beowulf is strong and powerful
2) Macbeth leads a successful war campaign

Second Body Paragraph: The Middle
1) Beowulf boasts about his strength publicly before the fight
2) Macbeth is crafty and underhanded; he kills the king in his sleep and covers it up

Third Body Paragraph: The End
1) Beowulf saves the people from the monsters
2) Macbeth causes a bloody mess

Conclusion – While we see ambition, strength, and cruelty as essential parts of masculinity in these two stories, it is in the selfishness of the individual that danger lies.

Create your outline to be similar in structure for the strongest essay.

Make sure that you locate your textual evidence from the texts before you begin drafting. Remember what we learned about close reading, citing Shakespeare, and “quote sandwiches.”

***No Plagiarism***

Please let me know if there is anything you do not quite understand or are unsure about!

Please include everything I have asked for!


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Health Management Information Systems

Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) Evolution Essay, writing homework help

(Health Management Information Systems)

Question description

*The Internet is changing the technology used in health care. Medicine is becoming more commonly practiced through a wide range of telehealth options, and consumers are now far more computer savvy than at any time in the past, using the Internet to self-research symptoms or diseases, as well as seek out medical professionals or advice.

Administrators must be aware of the direction in which health care is moving and be aware of both current and upcoming technology and information system advancements.For this assignment, you will be researching the next major Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) evolution.

The assignment begins with the selection of a topic of what you identify as “the next big thing” that you expect to see in health care regarding HMIS.

After making your topic selection, compose a 1,000-1,250 word paper to include the following:

1.Describe your HMIS topic and support the selection with applicable research.

2.Identify the potential advantages and limitations of the selected HMIS topic in relation to advantages and/or limitations for, or other impacts on, the consumer.

3.Explain how this HMIS topic will impact the concept of “digital equity.”

4.Discuss the delivery of quality health care through this new HMIS.

5.From an administrator perspective, describe when, how, and where this HMIS will first be seen.

6.From an administrator perspective, describe how this HMIS will impact your organization.

**You are required to use three qualified references in addition to your textbook for this paper.

***Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.

****You will be graded on:

1. Description of Selected HMIS Topic: Essay provides a clear and thorough description of the selected HMIS topic in an insightful manner. Supportive details are present, relevant, and elaborate, and they reinforce the explanation provided.

2. Identification of Potential Advantages and Limitations: Essay provides a clear and thorough identification of the potential advantages and limitations of the selected HMIS topic in an insightful manner. Essay relates specific advantages and/or limitations for, or other impacts on, the consumer in depth. Supportive details are present, relevant, and elaborate, and they reinforce the explanation provided.

3. Discussion on Quality Health Care Delivery: Essay clearly and thoroughly discusses the delivery of quality health care through new HMIS with relevant, elaborate, and insightful detail, reinforcing the discussion.

4. Description of Introduction: Essay provides a clear and thorough description of the introduction of the HMIS from the perspective of an administrator in an insightful manner. Supportive details are present, relevant, and elaborate, and they reinforce the description provided.

5. Description of Impact on Organization: Essay provides a clear and thorough description of the HMIS impact on organization in an insightful manner. Supportive details are present, relevant, and elaborate, and they reinforce the description provided.

6. Thesis Development and Purpose: Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

7. Argument Logic and Construction: Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

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