
Yeung Analysis Worksheet

Yeung Analysis Worksheet

(Yeung Analysis Worksheet)


The Yeung Analysis Worksheet is a structured tool used to assess various factors related to decision-making or problem-solving situations. It typically consists of several sections designed to guide a comprehensive analysis.

Firstly, the worksheet helps define the problem or decision to be addressed. This step involves clarifying the issue, its scope, and the desired outcomes. Next, it prompts the analysis of potential causes or contributing factors. This involves identifying both immediate and underlying reasons for the problem.

The worksheet then assists in evaluating different alternatives or solutions. This step involves brainstorming possible approaches and assessing their feasibility, benefits, and drawbacks. Additionally, it encourages consideration of potential risks and implications associated with each option.

Furthermore, the Yeung Analysis Worksheet often includes a section for decision-making criteria. This involves establishing clear criteria or metrics against which alternatives can be objectively evaluated. Finally, the worksheet facilitates the selection and implementation of the preferred solution, including defining action steps and assigning responsibilities.

Overall, the Yeung Analysis Worksheet is a valuable tool for structured decision-making, ensuring thorough consideration of all relevant factors and increasing the likelihood of successful problem resolution or decision outcomes.

) Refer to “The Use of Electro-Acupuncture in Conjunction with Exercise for the Treatment of Chronic Low-Back Pain” by Yeung, Leung, and Chow.


2) Complete “Yeung Analysis Worksheet.”


3) Examine the question the researchers were trying to answer and write an essay (500-750 words) that explains why you feel the t-test was chosen. Choose one of the other tools studied so far in this course and explain why it would not provide relevant findings.


4) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center


5) This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructor will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.


Yeung Analysis Worksheet:


Yeung, C., Leung, M., & Chow, D. H. K. (2003). The Use of Electro-Acupuncture in Conjunction with Exercise for the Treatment of Chronic Low-Back Pain.


What was the research question?


What were the independent variables?


What was the dependent variable?


What was the sample size and how was it chosen?


What was the experimental design and use of control group?


Were the instruments of measurement shown to be reliable and valid?


What data types were included?


Describe the statistics used, what they were used for, and the results.


What were the researchers’ conclusions? How did they answer the research question(s)?


How was error controlled?


Did you see any concerns with the research study? If so, what?

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