Think Inside And Out Side Of The Box Of The Environment

ENVS 1140 Environmental Issues Summer 2019

Dr. Sue C. Ebanks, Instructor Assignment: Thinking inside and outside of the box about the environmental issues

The purpose of this assignment is to put some legs under what we have been and will be

discussing in class. In other words, the goal is to help you see beyond what is just there is front

of you, to see some of the relationships in the environment and some of the broader impacts of

the interactions that we humans have on the environment.

What do you need?

You will need a full-size sheet of posterboard, which you can get rather inexpensively at any

discount store (Family Dollar, Dollar General, Dollar Tree, Walmart, etc.). You will also need

phone/camera for taking a picture (and possibly some helping hands), scissors, and a writing

instrument and paper or something for taking notes (cell phone?). If your phone/camera can

give you GPS, that would be great…bonus points(?)!!!

What should you do?

*Sketch a box for removing the middle of the

posterboard so that you finally have a frame that is 5

cm wide all around. Then cut out that center so that

you have a frame. You will need to go to your

favorite/selected outdoor location and hold your frame

to “enclose” or “frame” your favorite location. This

may be down, held up, or placed around (in which

case, you may need to snip open your frame.

*Take a picture of the “framed environment” and put

the picture in your Word document.

*Below the picture, and flowing on to the following 1-3

pages, you need to prepare and write an essay. This

essay can address more, but at a minimum (just

passing), must address: *Where picture was taken

(GPS coordinates would be great with description),

*what type of habitat is it, *what interests you about

the framed habitat/environment, *what’s at least one (there are probably more) way in which

humans interact with your “framed environment.” Also, *how does your “framed environment”

interact with the remainder of the world?

Lastly, if you are really interested in nailing this assignment and thinking toward something more

meaningful…*For each way that you describe that humans interact with the “framed

environment,” tell whether it is a positive or negative interaction. *If negative, what are some

ways to improve the situation? *If positive, what may be lesson(s) learned or best practices that

could be used to address problems/issues in other “environments?”

*Be sure to follow file naming and saving instructions provided in the syllabus. Submit your

typed, double-spaced essay with embedded picture in the dropbox provided in D2L. Midnight,

13 June 2019 deadline.


5 cm wide border

5 cm wide border

5 c

m w

id e

b o

rd e


5 cm

w id

e b

o rd

e r

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