Training And Development

After you have completed your readings for this unit, please list two to three training delivery models you have been exposed to. Then, answer the questions below.
What new knowledge, skill, or ability (KSA) did you learn?Was the training delivery model effective in learning the KSA? Please give an explanation of why it was or was not.How do you think the training delivery model could be improved to enhance learning?Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”


My name is Vinkel J. Valentin, I currently live in Falmouth, Virginia, but I’m hoping to move to Florida after military retirement next Summer (2021). I’m currently the Clinic Supervisor of a Coast Guard Clinic and due to the exposure to health care I gathered experience in occupational safety and health. I want to combine my experiences and education to work in Environmental Health after retirement with God will. My wife and my 2 teens are the supportive force in my house.

Military service provided experiences in all major training delivery methods: self-directed study, instructor-led training, and OJT. From all three, I prefer OJT because it’s easier to enhance KSA. When I learned how to work in the pharmacy I learned multiple medication names, their purpose, dosages, how to read the prescriptions, how to fill it, and to counsel the patients, how to keep inventory, how to order, etc. It was a great experience and because I was physically doing it, it was easier to learn and remember.

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