TWO CASE STUDIES homework help

TWO CASE STUDIES homework help

SSC130: Case Studies



Essentials of Psychology : SSC130: Case Studies

Lesson 7 Overview

In this lesson, you’ll review

two case studies and

answer both.

7.1 Analyze two case studies SSC130: Case Studies


Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to five to seven days to grade. Be sure that each of your files contains the following information:

Your name Your student ID number The exam number Your email address

To submit your graded project, follow these steps:

Log in to your student portal. Click on Take Exam next to the lesson you’re working on.

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Find the exam number for your project at the top of the Project Upload page. Follow the instructions provided to complete your exam.

Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school!

You’ll find your case study assignments in the textbook, Psychology

and Your Life, Fourth Edition. Use your textbook to complete your

Case Study.

Please take a few moments to watch the video in the next resource

titled, “Case Study Instructions.” The video gives a verbal explanation

of this assignment.

Read the following case studies in your textbook and answer the

questions in your text:

1. Case Study 1: “The Woman Who Dreams of Stress,” after

Module 14

2. Case Study 2: “John Buckingham, the New Guy on the Job,” after

Module 43


Your assignment must include the following:

1. A cover sheet

2. The answers to both Case Study 1 and Case Study 2 written in

complete sentences

The Cover Sheet

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The first page of your paper will be the cover sheet. Provide the

following information:

Case Studies

Your name and student ID

Current date

Essentials of Psychology SSC130

Assignment #


Format your paper using a standard font, such as Times New Roman,

12 point, double-spaced. Set the margins at a standard 1 inch on all

sides. Since you’ve given your information on the cover sheet, no

header is necessary.

For the body of your paper, make a clear distinction when you’re

answering the questions about Case Study 1 and answer questions

1–5 in complete sentences. Then move on to Case Study 2 and

continue in the same format.

For clarity, please include each question from the case study prior to

your response.

Grading Criteria

Your instructor will use the following rubric when grading your essay.

You may use this rubric as a guide when writing and completing your


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Essentials of Psychology Case Studies Project


Student ID: Skill Realized Skill Developing Skill Emerging SkillNot Evident

CONTENT • The student provided thoughtful answers in complete sentences for the questions regarding both case studies (“The Case of the Woman Who Dreams of Stress” and “The Case of John Buckingham, the New Guy on the Job.”) (8 points per question) _ /80

80 75 74 62 50 10 0

GRAMMAR, SENTENCES, and MECHANICS • The student proofread his or her paper. _ / 2 • The student used correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. _ / 5 • The student made sure that there were no typographical errors and chose appropriate and correct words. _ / 3

10 9 8 7 6 4 0

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FORMAT and LENGTH • The student’s cover page contains all the required information (the title; his/her name and student number; the current date; the course title and number, Essentials of Psychology, SSC 130; and the case studies project number). _ / 5 • The student used a standard 12-point font and 1-inch margins. _ / 5

10 9 8 7 6 4 0

Key Points and Links


Key Points

Watch the video available on your student portal to get specific

details of the assignment.

Read “The Woman Who Dreams of Stress,” after Module 14

Read “John Buckingham, the New Guy on the Job,” after Module


Provide your answers to both case studies per the instructions


Lesson 7 Review

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1. Which of the following content order is correct for your cover sheet?

a. Case Studies, Essentials of Psychology SSC130, Assignment

351260, your name and student ID, current date (for example, April 1,


b. Case Studies, your name and student ID, current date (for

example, April 1, 2019), Essentials of Psychology SSC130,

Assignment 351260.

c. Current date (for example, April 1, 2019), your name and student

ID, Case Studies, Essentials of Psychology SSC130, Assignment


d. Your name and student ID, current date (for example, April 1,

2019), Case Studies, Essentials of Psychology SSC130, Assignment


2. In case study 1, “The Woman Who Dreams of Stress,” on page 164

of your textbook, why can meditation help Arlene’s insomnia?

a. Meditation induces sleep.

b. Meditation helps you evoke your body’s relaxation response.

c. Meditation helps you identify solutions to your problems.

d. Meditation resolves daily stressors.

3. In case study 2, “John Buckingham, the New Guy on the Job,” on

page 530 of your textbook, what was the social influence in play?

a. Similarity bias

b. Obedience

c. Compliance

d. Conformity

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Self-Check Answer Key

1. Case Studies, your name and student ID, current date (for

example, April 1, 2019), Essentials of Psychology SSC130,

Assignment 351260.

Explanation: The first page of your paper will be the cover sheet.

Provide the following information:

Case Studies

Your name and student ID

Current date (for example, April 1, 2019)

Essentials of Psychology SSC130

Assignment 351260

Reference: Section 7.1

2. Meditation helps you evoke your body’s relaxation response.

Explanation: Medication focuses your breathing and helps you

break your focus on stress-inducing thoughts. You train your mind

to evoke your body’s relaxation response.

Reference: Section 7.1

3. Conformity

Explanation: Conformity occurs where one person changes their

behavior or attitudes to follow the norms of a social or peer group.

In this case, John was trying to conform to the norms established

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by his peers at the new job.

Reference: Section 7.1

Flash Cards

1. Term: Cover Sheet

Definition: A introductory page to a paper or report

2. Term: Formatting

Definition: The look of the text in a paper or report; includes items

such as margin size, font type and size, and use of numeric and

bulleted lists

3. Term: Meditation

Definition: An exercise in which a person becomes extremely relaxed

and lets go of the worries of everyday life

4. Term: Conformity

Definition: Changing one’s behavior or attitudes to match those of a

social or peer group

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