Unit 4 Discussion: Web Services And Web Pages


Web services and web pages are very different entities. It is important to understand how they work together as part of a Cloud solution. What are the differences between web pages and web services? Describe how they work together and why they are important to each other. Is one more important than the other? Back up your opinion with facts!

Be sure to use at least 2 external sources and to include all of your sources by providing citations/links to the Web pages you used in APA format.




What are the differences between web pages and web services?

A Web service is a web application component that uses standardized format like XML to interact with other web applications over internet. Whereas a website is a collection of webpages put together which are accessed by a web browser.

The difference between a web service and a website or webpage are as follows:

Web Service

A web service doesn’t have a user interface.

Web services are meant for other applications to be interacted with over internet.

Web services are platform independent as they use open protocols.

Web services are accessed by HTTP methods – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc.

Example – Google maps API is a web service that can be used by websites to display Maps by passing coordinates to it.

Website or page

A website has a user interface or GUI.

Websites are meant for use by humans.

Websites are cross platform as they require tweaking to operate on different browsers, operating systems etc.

Websites are accessed by using their GUI components – buttons, text boxes, forms etc.


Describe how they work together and why they are important to each other. Is one more important than the other?

Web services are the primary way to for businesses to communicate with each other and with clients. Allowing them to communicate without intimate knowledge of each other’s IT systems behind the firewall. Both web services and websites work together, one is informational and the other is interactive, one is not more important than the other.


N.A. (N.D.). What is the difference between webpages, website, web server, and search engine? MDN web docs. Retrieved from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Pages_sites_servers_and_search_engines (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Segue Technologies. (2013, March 13). What Are Web Services and Where Are They Used? Segue III Technologies. Retrieved from https://www.seguetech.com/web-services/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.



Web Pages

Web pages are used to display the company site, which would say amazon or google chrome. This document is created for the visitors that come to look at the services provided, because you could have a document that shows every available service that is offered. This would be called a web site, because It would have multiple pages tied together. The real power of the page come from the links, which would redirect you to the services available. In conclusion a web page is just a document that displays the company in a web browser.

Web services

Web services would be classified as IaaS, SaaS, GaaS, and IDaas. Web services provide a service through multiple servers, which would consist of virtual machines with software installed. This is just one way you could provide a service, because your email client would not work without the VM. The next service would be data storage, because many companies like to have an offsite backup. This would be another service offered as a web services. There are many web services that can be provided, so web services offer customers a service and the web page is just a document displaying the company information.

How do they work together

I will a brief minute and explain how the web page works with the web services. The web page would show the company logo, which is tied to the services as well. Once you reach the web page, then it would contain links to the services and have any information about the company. Some companies would have multiple pages, because they want you to know where they started from. The main purpose for having a web page, consist of the name, information about the company, links to the services, and the company history.


MDN.(2019).What is the between webpage, website, web server, and search engine. Retrieve by:

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Pages_sites_servers_and_search_engines (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


Margaret.R(2013).AWS. Retrieved by:

 https://searchaws.techtarget.com/definition/Amazon-Web-Services (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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