Unit IV

Before -After Risk Matrix

Task or Condition LO FE DPH NP HRN Risk Level (Before)
Spillage along the conveyor belt creating a slip, trip and fall hazard. 0 Negligible
Task LO FE DPH NP HRN Risk Level (Before)
Spillage along the conveyor belt creating a slip, trip and fall hazard. (CONTROL – Re-routing employee route) 0 Negligible
Risk Levels:
>500 Extremely High
>250 and <500 High
>50 and <250 Medium
>5 and <50 Low
Less than or equal to 5 Negligble


Likelihood of Occurrence (LO)
0.033 Almost impossible – only in extreme circumstances
1 Highly Unlikely – though conceivable
1.5 Unlikely – but could occur
2 Possible – but unusual
5 Even Chance – could happened
8 Probable – not surprising
10 Likely – to be expected
15 Certain – no doubt that it will occur
Frequency of Exposure (FE)
0.5 Annually
1 Monthly
1.5 Weekly
2.5 Daily
4 Hourly
5 Constantly
Degree of Potential Harm (DPE)
0.1 Scratch/Bruise
0.5 Laceration or mild ill-effect
2 Break of a minor bone or minor illness (temporary)
4 Break of a major bone or major illness (temporary)
6 Loss of one limb, eye, hearing (permanent)
10 Loss of two limbs or eyes (permanent)
15 Fatality
Number of Persons at Risk (NP)
1 1-2 persons
2 3-7 persons
4 8-15 persons
8 16-50 persons
12 50 + persons
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