Unit V (3 Pages)


Unit V Project

Student Name

Columbia Southern University

Course Name

Instructor Name



Executive Summary

On this page, you should summarize the purpose of the report which is to provide walking and working surface, as well as, materials handling and storage recommendations for various scenarios (be specific on the scenarios), but be short, concise and to the point). Include the major findings (do not discuss the methodology or specifics). The purpose of the executive summary is to give the decision-makers the down and dirty on their problems, options to mitigate or eliminate the issue, and if possible, the estimated costs involved.



On _______________ (date), Student Name was asked to perform the following services: (a)




List all the required obligations of the report.

Do not write the report in first person. (No use of words such as I, we, our, etc.)

Part I

Provide your response to Part I requirements.

Part II

Provide your response to Part II here. Include all details of your recommendations as to the reasoning behind your recommendations.

Part III

Provide your response to Part III here. Only provide the results of your assessment and discuss the methodology employed to obtain that result, including why you chose a specific rating for each factor. Do not include calculations. The calculations should be provided in Appendix A

Part IV

Provide your response to Part IV here. Only provide the results of your analysis. Do not include calculations. Calculations and raw data should be provided in Appendix B.

Summary and Conclusions


Provide a good general summary on your project here.


References (If any)

For all sources used, you must format all citations and references in proper APA Style.

Appendix A – Part III PFAS Calculations

Appendix B – Part IV Shoveling Rate Calculations

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