unit6 discussion reply2

Case #2Mr. SmithRegarding the patient’s available history, he is at high risk for a reoccurrence of a stroke. A detailed plan of care would include controlling any possible risk factors. This would be a lifestyle modification for Mr. Smith that included his family as support.  Evidence-based recommendations in the prevention of future strokes of those who have survived a previous stroke include: “…antiplatelet therapy and effective strategies for the treatment of hypertension, atrial fibrillation (AF), arterial obstruction, and hyperlipidemia.” (Kernan et al., 2014). A detailed plan for Mr. Smith include:“Goals for target BP level or reduction from pretreatment baseline are uncertain and should be individualized, but it is reasonable to achieve a systolic pressure <140 mm Hg and a diastolic pressure <90 mm Hg.” (Kernan et al., 2014).Statin therapy with intensive lipid-lowering to reduce cholesterol and assist in reducing his risk of future stroke.Diabetic screening and testing with that of fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c, or an oral glucose tolerance test.Weight loss and physical activity programs that include nutritional guides. Examples include a low-fat diet or a Mediterranean diet.Routine supplementsSleep studies and treatment of sleep apnea if needed. May include CPAP.If a smoker he will need to quit.If a heavy drinker, he will need to cut down on his alcohol intake.Other recommendations may include Extracranial Carotid InterventionClose follow up and treatment studies may include imaging.

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