Using an Outline Template

Using an Outline Template

(Using an Outline Template)

Objective(Using an Outline Template)

Prepare detailed and well-planned outlines

Assignment Overview

In this writing assignment, you will practice creating an outline based on a template.


A one- to two-page (250- to 500-word) outline and reference list.

Step 1 Review the process of outline creation.

Review the information that discusses creating outlines. In particular, study the section that describes full-sentence preparation outlines, their elements, and how to create them.

Step 2 Review a Topic you chose from a past assignment.

Review the assignment in which you selected a speech topic, wrote a thesis statement, identified a question based on the thesis statement, and identified at least three main points.

Step 3 Select a Pattern of Organization.

Based on your knowledge of patterns of organizing speech information, select a pattern of organization to use to create an outline for your speech.

Step 4 Locate and open a template outline that matches the speech pattern that you chose.

  • Search for speech template outlines online and locate one you wish to use.
  • Copy the template outline, and paste it into your word processing document.

Step 5 Enter Identifying Data.

Enter the Identifying Data for your speech:

  • Title
  • General Purpose
  • Specific Purpose
  • Thesis

Step 6 Create an outline.

Using the template, create a full sentence, formal outline for your speech. Follow the guidelines presented in the lesson for using a consistent set of symbols, using full declarative sentences, and entering transitions within square brackets.

Step 7 Create a reference list.

Include any and all sources you use to locate information for your formal outline.

example(Using an Outline Template)

Title: The Importance of Physical Exercise for Mental Well-being

I. Introduction A. Definition of physical exercise B. Importance of mental well-being C. Thesis statement: Physical exercise plays a crucial role in promoting mental well-being by reducing stress, improving mood, and enhancing cognitive function.

II. Stress Reduction A. Explanation of stress and its impact on mental health B. How physical exercise reduces stress hormones like cortisol C. Examples of stress-reducing exercises such as yoga, running, and swimming

III. Mood Improvement A. The connection between exercise and the release of endorphins B. Studies showing the positive effects of exercise on mood disorders like depression and anxiety C. Personal anecdotes or testimonials illustrating mood enhancement through exercise

IV. Cognitive Function Enhancement A. Discussion of the link between physical activity and improved cognitive function B. Research findings on the role of exercise in neuroplasticity and brain health C. Examples of cognitive benefits such as increased focus, memory retention, and creativity

V. Conclusion A. Restate the importance of physical exercise for mental well-being B. Summarize key points: stress reduction, mood improvement, and cognitive function enhancement C. Call to action: Encourage readers to incorporate regular exercise into their lifestyles for better mental health.


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