Vending Machine JAVA Program Assignment Help

Vending Machine JAVA Program Assignment Help

Please do the following to complete this assignment.


The purpose of this project is to provide non-trivial practice in the use of Java object-oriented programming features to implement an object-oriented design and have a bit of fun doing it.

Resources Needed:

You will need a computer system with Java 7 or greater SE edition run-time and Java Development Kit (JDK). You may optionally use a Java IDE for example NetBeans, Eclipse, etc. However application builders are not allowed.

Submitted Files:

Design and Analysis:

This is an informal essay-style single-spaced word-processed document. The file formats accepted will be announced at project assignment. The length of the document should be between 1 and 1.5 pages. The following subjects should be discussed in this order:

1. General program design. How is the program organized? What major data structures were used? How did you divide the functionality among your classes? How are commands processed? Etc.

2. What alternative approaches were considered and why were they rejected?

3. What did you learn from doing this project and what would you do differently?

Source files:

Each public class must be contained in a separate Java source file. Only one source file will have a main() method and this source will be named Other source/class names are up to you following the guidelines specified so far in the course.

The format of the Java source must meet the general Java coding style guidelines discussed so far during the course. Pay special attention to naming guidelines, use of appropriate variable names and types, variable scope (public, private, protected, etc.), indentation, and comments. Classes and methods should be commented with JavaDoc-style comments (see below). Please use course office hours or contact the instructor directly if there are any coding style questions.


Sources should be commented using JavaDoc-style comments for classes and methods. Each class should have a short comment on what it represents and use the @author annotation. Methods should have a short (usually 1 short sentence) description of what the results are of calling it. Parameters and returns should be documented with the @param and @return annotations respectively with a short comment on each.

JavaDocs must be generated against every project Java source file. They should be generated with a –private option (to document all protection-level classes) and a d [dir] option to place the resulting files in a javadocs directory/folder at the same level as your source files. See the JavaDocs demonstration for more details.

Submit file:

The submit file is to be a Zip file containing your design and analysis document, your Java sources, and your javadocs directory/folder. Any appropriate file name for this Zip file is acceptable.

If you know how to create a standard Java JAR file, this is also acceptable for your source code. However, make sure you include the source code in your JAR file.

Program Specification:

1. Create a new multi-class Java program which implements a vending machine simulator which contains the following functionality:

A) At program startup, the vending machine is loaded with a variety of products in a variety of packaging for example soda/tonic/Coke in bottles, peanuts in bags, juice in cartons, etc. Also included is the cost of each item. The program should be designed to easily load a different set of products easily (for example, from a file).

Also at program startup, money should be loaded into the vending machine. Money should consist of different monetary objects for the specified currency for example $1 bills, $5 bills, quarters, dimes, etc. Your program should be designed to use different national currencies easily (for example the Euro) without changing source code. Money should be maintained as paper bills and coins, not just amounts.

B) A menu of commands must be provided. At a minimum the menu should consists of the following commands:

1. Display the list of commands

2. Display the vending machine inventory. For each item, this command should result in displaying a description and current quantity.

3. Display the money currently held in the vending machine.

4. Purchase an item. The result of this selection should be the following actions:

1. Prompt the user to indicate what item to purchase

2. Prompt the user to specify what monetary items are being used for payment (the actual items for example quarters, dimes, etc.), not a money amount

3. If the user specified enough money to purchase the selected item, the item is purchased (deducted from inventory), supplied money is added to the vending machine, and any change is returned in the form of monetary items (quarters, dimes, etc.).

4. If the user did not specify enough money for the selected item, the transaction is aborted with the supplied money not added to the machine (not accepted) and the product not purchased (i.e. the state of the vending machine is unchanged).

5. Exit – exits the program displaying a departing message.

2. Additional points to consider:

A) You can use the Java Standard Edition (SE) API library as supplied by Oracle (AKA Sun) except the collection classes other than String and standard arrays (i.e. not ArrayList, Map, Vector, etc.). These other collections will be covered later in the course.

B) When developing complex classes, consider creating a main() method to test them out. Once tested successfully, delete the main() method.

C) You should generate error messages when appropriate, for example on invalid input values or not enough money supplied for the selected item to purchase. Exceptions will be covered later in the course so for this program displaying appropriate messages on the console is fine.

Other Activates:

1. Observe the presentation on JavaDocs.

2. Observe the Vending Machine Simulator demonstration for an example of one implementation.

3. Create a compressed zipped folder containing your Design and Analysis document, your Java source code files, and your javadocs folder.

4. Submit your compressed zipped folder.

Assignment Rubric:

Part 70% 80% 90% 100% % of
Design and All but one subject All assigned All assigned subjects All assigned 15%
Analysis addressed with subjects address address with subjects address  
Document relevant, with mostly accurate and with accurate,  
  information. Few relevant relevant. Nicely relevant, and  
  minor information. formatted document. insightful  
  typographical Nicely formatted Document is within information. Very  
  issues. Document document. assigned length nicely formatted.  
  is close to assigned Document is   Document is  
  length close to assigned   within assigned  
    length   length  
Functionality Majority of Most required Nearly all required All required 55%
  required function function parts function parts work function parts  
  parts work as work as indicted as indicted in the work as indicted  
  indicted in the in the assignment text in the assignment  
  assignment text. assignment text above and submitted text above and  
  One major or 3 above and documentation. One submitted  
  minor defects. All submitted to two minor documentation.  
  major functionality documentation. defects.    
  at least partially One major or 3      


image2.jpg working (example minor defects.      
  change provided All major      
  but not correct). functionality at      
  Design document least partially      
  does not fully working      
  reflect ((example      
  functionality. change provided      
    but not correct).      
Code Majority of the Most of the code Almost all code All code 25%
  code conforms to conforms to conforms to coding conforms to  
  coding standards as coding standards standards as coding standards  
  explained and as explained and explained and as explained and  
  demonstrated so far demonstrated so demonstrated so far demonstrated so  
  in the course (ex. far in the course in the course (ex. far in the course  
  method design, (ex. method method design, (ex. method  
  naming, design, naming, naming, formatting, design, naming,  
  formatting, etc.). formatting, etc.). etc.). One to two formatting, etc.).  
  Five to six minor Three to four minor coding Appropriate level  
  coding standard minor coding standard violations. of useful  
  violations. Some standard Appropriate level of comments.  
  useful comments. violations. useful comments. Complete  
  Some JavaDocs Mostly useful Public class JavaDocs as  
  commenting. comments. JavaDocs complete. specified. Code  
  Code compiles Public class Code compiles. compiles with no  
  with multiple JavaDocs Code compiles with errors or  
  warnings or fails to complete. Code no errors or warnings.  
  compile with compiles with warnings.    
  difficult to one to two      
  diagnose error. warnings.      
Submit More than one file All but one file All file submitted in All file submitted 5%
package submitted in submitted in correct format but in correct file  
  incorrect format. correct format. not in the specified formats and  
  Files not enclosed Files not compressed file. compressed as  
  in the specified enclosed in the   specified.  
  compressed file. specified      
    compressed file.  
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