Virtual Poster Conference

Virtual Poster Conference

(Virtual Poster Conference)

The Virtual Poster Conference offers a dynamic platform for researchers, scholars, and professionals to showcase their work in an interactive digital format. Hosted entirely online, this innovative event brings together participants from diverse disciplines and geographical locations, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange without the constraints of physical boundaries.

Participants have the opportunity to present their research findings, projects, and ideas through digital posters, which can incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, animations, and interactive graphics. This multimedia approach enhances the engagement and accessibility of the presentations, allowing viewers to explore the content at their own pace and in-depth.

Attendees can browse through the virtual exhibition hall, where they can view posters, engage with presenters through live chat or discussion forums, and network with peers from around the world. The platform also facilitates interactions between presenters and attendees, enabling meaningful discussions, feedback exchange, and potential collaborations.

The Virtual Poster Conference promotes inclusivity by eliminating barriers to participation, such as travel costs and scheduling conflicts, making it accessible to a broader audience. Additionally, the digital format reduces environmental impact by eliminating the need for printed materials and transportation.

Overall, the Virtual Poster Conference redefines the traditional conference experience by leveraging digital technology to create a dynamic and interactive platform for academic exchange and collaboration.

Virtual Poster Conference

For a written transcript, please click herePreview the documentView in a new window.   Poster presentations at conferences are effective methods of communicating research findings. The discussion of the research being presented is a key element in poster conferences. During professional conferences, poster presenters speak with other psychology professionals providing insights into the information offered within the poster as well as explaining key elements of the research findings. See the PSY699 Poster submission guidelines (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for templates and guidelines to aid in the creation of your poster.  For this week’s discussion, you will be submitting a link to your Pathbrite folder where your colleagues will find your poster presentation along with a brief detailed explanation of the materials included in it. Poster presentations are typically informal affairs with limited time for presenters to provide extra information. In keeping with this, your explanations of the materials will be limited to specific parameters. To explain the research presented in your poster, you will be creating a 3- to 5-minute screencast video. You may use any screencast software to create this video. (For further assistance with specific free-use screencast software please see the Quick-Start Guide for Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) Within the screencast video, you will create a voice over that will point out unusual, unique, and important aspects of the research presented in the poster. Be certain to visually indicate the specific sections or headers where the elements are located to guide your viewers through the materials. The link to the screencast will be attached to the poster page within your Pathbrite Portfolio so that your colleagues may interact with your insights into the materials.

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