Week 4 Homework Assignment On Environmental Science


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Allied American University

Author Note


SCI 110: Environmental Science

Module 4 Homework Assignment

Directions: This homework assignment will be written in the form of a lab report. A lab report consists of the following sections: introduction, materials/methods, data, and conclusion. The introduction section is usually one (1) paragraph that explains the purpose or objectives of the lab and consists of a hypothesis. The materials/methods section lists everything that is needed to complete the experiment and describes all the steps that were taken during the experimentation. The data section includes what was recorded (facts not opinions) when the experiment was conducted. The conclusion section sums up what happened in the experiment. Please scroll down to see an example of a lab report.

You will write a lab report for the following task:

Test for mold in your environment.

INTRODUCTION. Explain the purpose or objectives of testing for mold in your environment. State your hypothesis. For example, do you think you will have mold in your environment? You will also need to perform some research using the internet and the LIRN Library (please visit the Academic Resource Center for guidelines on how to use LIRN). One (1) outside source should be cited in the introduction from a peer-reviewed journal (from LIRN or any other publicly available journal). Here you will need to include an in-text reference. Wikipedia or any other Wiki citation will not count towards this requirement. Failure to include this will result in a reduction of points in the final grade of the assignment.

MATERIALS/METHODS. In a paragraph (3 to 7 complete sentences), describe the materials that you will use to complete this experiment.

Materials supplied in the Mold Test Kit:

petri dish
cotton swab

vial with liquid contents

Then in two (2) to three (3) paragraphs (5 to 7 complete sentences in each paragraph), explain all the steps that you plan to take during the experiment. Please do not list the steps as shown below (copying the steps below will result in a reduction of points in the final grade of the assignment). The steps listed below will help you conduct the lab.

Step 1: Remove the petri dish from the plastic bag and lay it on a level surface with the lid side up.
Step 2: Remove the lid of the petri dish and pour the contents of the vial into the bottom of the dish.

Step 3: Replace the lid and swirl gently until the bottom is completely covered. Allow to harden for 1 hour on a level surface.

Step 4: Carry the covered dish to the area you wish to test. You will use the Settling Plate Method.

Step 5: Locate a level surface and remove the lid of the petri dish.

Step 6: Leave the petri dish open to the environment for a period of 1 hour. Once the 1 hour period is complete, you will replace the lid and allow it to incubate for 48 hours.

Step 7: Check the dish after 48 hours and note any signs of growing mold. You may leave the dish for as long as 96 hours to ensure that no slow growing mold has been overlooked.

DATA. Record the results of this experiment and relevant additional data. Note the presence or absence of mold.

CONCLUSION. In two (2) paragraphs (5 to 7 complete sentences per paragraph), explain what occurred and if your hypothesis was correct. Also, describe the impact of mold on the environment and determine if it is an environmental health hazard. Explain the four (4) types of environmental hazards.

REFERENCES. Please include a reference page that is formatted using APA style. For guidelines, please visit the Academic Resource Center.

Save and submit your lab report.


INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of a stream ecosystem and to determine the relative quality of the water ecosystem. Streams provide great recreational and general water resources for many people, therefore their cleanliness is important. Most streams in America suffer some impairment (Doe, 2015). My hypothesis is that the water ecosystem is highly polluted.

MATERIALS/METHODS. The materials used in this experiment are as follows: thermometer, rubber band, fishing line, bobber, plastic pipet, pencil, string, hand lens, plastic collecting jar, pH paper, stoppered agar test tube, and meter stick.

A number of steps were taken in this experiment. First, a rubber band was loosely wrapped around the bottom of the thermometer. Next, the second rubber band was wrapped tightly around the top of the thermometer, and then a fishing line was inserted through the rubber band at the top of the thermometer. The thermometer bulb was then inserted near the bottom of the stream. The thermometer remained in the bottom of the water for approximately 2 minutes to ensure that the temperature equilibrated. After 2 minutes the bottom temperature was recorded. After measuring the bottom water temperature, the thermometer bulb was placed just under the surface of the water and left for approximately 2 minutes. Then the surface temperature was recorded.

DATA. The water temperature was 50° Fahrenheit. This observation was made in sunny conditions with an ambient temperature of 60° Fahrenheit and after a brief precipitation event (less than 2 cm).

CONCLUSION. The temperature suggests that there is a high amount of pollution in the water ecosystem, which proves my hypothesis to be true. Other confounding variables with respect to temperature of the stream water are the weather conditions in the air (i.e., temperature) and the amount of precipitation recently received. Future experiments that may be conducted are to measure the temperature over several days to determine the influence of weather conditions on temperature and pollution.


Doe, J. (2015) Stream health and the environment. Environmental Journal of Nowhere 15(5): 12-32.

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