Week 8 Midterm

1. TCO 3. Phillipe is talking to a group of other students. They are discussing their ancestry. Phillipe describes himself as French-Canadian. This is an example of which of the following aspects of self-concept? (Points : 5)

social identity self-efficacy perceived self-control personal identity

Question 2.2. TCO 10. Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos met when they were young members of the cast on the popular television soap opera, “All My Children.” They were strongly attracted to each other because of constantly working together, their physical attractiveness, and their similar family backgrounds. Eventually they married, started a family, and are both popular current television personalities. They have had a good outcome from meeting each other. Good outcomes are associated with which one of the following theories of interpersonal attraction? (Points : 5)

social learning theory mutual admiration theory reinforcement theory reward theory of attraction

Question 3.3. TCO 13. By definition, militant animal rights groups, like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), are socially deviant because they use bombings, arson, and poisoning to get their messages to get attention in the media. PETA has done major damage to retail outlets, laboratories, and clinics while innocent people have come close to being killed by PETA’s activities. Other groups have behaved similarly in the past, and the technique seems to have been successful. Even so, PETA has a large following of supporters from all the media attention, who by their support, are encouraging the organization to continue its aggression. What theory or concept of aggression, in the textbook, corresponds to the argument that PETA continues its anti-social ways, because it gets attention and support for their cause, and reflects an imitation of observed behaviors of other people?

(Points : 5)

equity theory of motivation social learning theory hostile aggression frustration-aggression hypothesis

Question 4.4. TCO 1. Myers suggests that he can make a confident guess about your attitude towards the 2003 invasion of Iraq, if he knows your educational level and what media you read and watch. This is an example of which one of the following? (Points : 5)

how intellectual training alters our political views the power of the situation the power of social influence a self-fulfilling prophecy

Question 5.5. TCO 8. Six people who interact with each other and have influence on each other several times a week are which of the following according to social psychologists? (Points : 5)

a clan a mob a collectivity a group

Question 6.6. TCO 4. After seeing several advertisements for the Powerball lottery, you imagine living the life of the rich and famous for yourself. This future self-schema you imagine is an example of which one of the following? (Points : 5)

gloried self feared self possible self hoped-for self

Question 7.7. TCO 2. You are interested in whether the high price of gasoline will influence how people will perceive future car purchases. You want to specifically target those individuals who will be purchasing a vehicle within the next six months. The method must be able to be administered to a large number of people in a simple and direct way. Which is the best approach to completing this research? (Points : 5)

ask people to come to your lab, and put them through a car purchasing simulation administer a survey to the specific target group you are studying unobtrusively follow people around two or three car dealership sales floors, observing the makes of cars that they look at first and longest (field study)

Question 8.8. TCO 11. Which one of Melvin’s relatives is most likely to respond favorably to an unexpected request for a charitable donation to a local hospital? (Points : 5)

Melvin’s older sister, who is in a hurry to get to her doctor’s appointment Melvin’s mother, who just got a very positive job evaluation at work Melvin’s cousin, who is upset over receiving a D on his college physical exam Melvin’s father, who is annoyed because the person who delivers the newspaper threw the paper into a prized rose bush

Question 9.9. TCO 7. If an attorney purposely creates a Prisoner’s Dilemma-like situation for two suspects, the attorney’s goal is which one of the following? (Points : 5)

trick one or the other into revealing what really happened create an incentive for one of them to confess, while the other maintains innocence create the incentive for each of them to confess privately achieve the greatest punishment for both suspects

Question 10.10. TCO 3. After arguing with her boyfriend over the telephone, in a fit of rage, Roberta throws the cordless telephone receiver across the room as a means for taking the anger out in another way. She barely misses the TV. This behavior demonstrates which one of the following aspects of aggression? (Points : 5)

displacement instrumental aggression hostile aggression an adaptation response

Question 11.11. TCO 9. Research on proximity and social attraction, in general, supports which one of the following views?(Points : 5)

familiarity breeds contempt familiarity encourages liking proximity leads to affection distance makes the heart grow fonder

Question 1.1. TCO 5. The Beijing Olympic Games were all over the news in 2008, well before opening day on August 8th. World leaders, human rights groups, and sports celebrities condemned China’s policies in Tibet. As the Olympic torch began its world tour, Beijing faced a fresh wave of international criticism over human rights issues, because of China’s latest crackdown on Tibet. Talk of boycotting the 29th Olympiad was widely heard within the international community.

Among the countries criticizing China were two nations that had and continue to have questionable records on human rights issues internally, and have been widely criticized for their international human rights policy failures, Canada and the United States. Even so, just before the opening ceremonies, George Bush promoted the virtues of American-style democracy and scolded China for its repression, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper encouraged China to change its ways towards dissidence.

Apply the course concepts of ethnocentrism and moral hypocrisy to the criticisms of China made by these international leaders. What do you conclude about their behaviors? Hint: Explicitly use each course concept by name and also give a one sentence definition of it before explaining how it applies to this case.

(Points : 41)


Question 2.2. TCO 6. The Beltway sniper attacks in the Washington D.C. area, in 2002, completely transfixed American consciousness for the three weeks in October, when a pair of armed killers roamed through the Capital region, ambushing and killing 10 people, and wounding three others. As time progressed and law enforcement officials were having little luck in solving the case, tensions and apprehensiveness spread far beyond the area where the killings were concentrated. Even though there was never any hard evidence that the killers were headed in their direction, the citizens of towns and cities a hundred miles away were terrorized by the notion that the killers were about to show up in their communities.

Discuss this with respect to the effects of suggestibility that Myers writes about in Chapter 6. Be specific as to what aspects of suggestibility apply to the case.

(Points : 41)


Question 3.3. TCO’s 4 and 12. At the 1994 Winter Olympics, American figure skaters Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan became embroiled in bitter conflict. Harding, envious of the attention the media paid to Kerrigan, arranged for an attack on her at the Olympic trials. Harding’s husband and a confederate, accosted Kerrigan with a pipe, and struck her hard on the knee, causing significant injury. When the facts of the matter became public, Harding was banned for life from participating in competition figure skating.

This is a two part question:

a. What is it about the fundamental nature and structure of the Olympics that helps explain why the conflict arose and escalated?

b. Was the form of aggression displayed by the attackers hostile aggression or instrumental aggression? Explain your reasoning. (Note: you must make a decision between these alternatives and defend your decision.)

(Points : 41)


Question 4.4. TCO 9. One rarely sees a homely person in a romantic leading role on television, or in the movies, or as an anchor person on a major television news or talk program. Everyone is at least pleasant looking, and many are especially beautiful or handsome. Katie Couric, Anderson Cooper, Kelly Ripa, Julia Roberts, and Matt Damon are examples.

Name two (2) factors of interpersonal attraction mentioned in the textbook that would explain why audiences prefer celebrities with pleasing looks.

(Points : 26)


Question 5.5. TCO 6. Why do common external threats and shared goals lead to greater cooperation between two conflicting groups?(Points : 26)


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