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HRM discussion

Throughout this course, many discussion opportunities come up where you need to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. Respond to your Discussion topic after you have completed your reading.

Topic: Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring Insiders

Did You Know? Four in ten positions are filled with insiders. In a survey of large, well-known businesses, respondents said over one-fourth of positions are filled with people who already work for the company and accept a promotion or transfer. As companies have begun to grow again, the greater demand for talent requires more external recruiting.

· Discuss how filling positions internally might impact the organization.

· Explain the benefits of filling a position with an internal source. Explain the limitations.



Reply to Monique

Good Day All,

I feel that both internal promotion, as well as hiring out each has its benefits and drawbacks. I was hired from within a company, from being a representative that helped others, to being on the front line of the management staff, as a team leader. There were benefits that came from that, like I knew the program, I understood the businesses core values and I was also good at coaching others to mimic my sales strategies. I feel that I impacted the organization greatly, only because we had one company to service, after 75% of the center, management included, were let go due to a layoff, because the company lost a major client. They were planning to shut down the Charleston facility because of this.

Being on the inside of an internal hire and seeing it from that point of view, was a great experience and it allowed me to use things that I knew as a representative, to improve the stats on the temporary team I was given, to prove myself with. The biggest benefit to the company was I was able to connect with the reps, because I knew them.  With the training I created, the team improved stats by 15-25 percent. Also, after I was done with the improvements to the training programs, they were able to use my packets to train new employees. The company also gained new clients, because of my teams efforts.

The drawbacks were, I had my limits, because I had never been a supervisor at a call center before, even though they took time to train me on the day to day issues, like controlling the call volumes. However, even though my learning curve was faster I didn’t have the experience to know when the volume matched the clients needs or how many representatives to send home so that the others did not get overwhelmed, when or if, the call volume picked up again, because once they were gone there was no way to call them back. Learning the management procedures was a slight challenge, they did have self training guides that I had to go through while I was, coaching, monitoring, training, counseling, and creating new training packets for the group I had. It became overwhelming for a time, so I imagine with position changes, others would be slightly overwhelmed, if you didn’t know what to expect and had a whole new set of rules to add to the ones you already thought you understood. I did pull through and got used to it, and 2 months after I was an official team leader, my team out sold all the other teams on the sales floor. I also received a commendation from Time Warner Cable for my retention rate improvements, and the new training I created. So it was a great experience.


Reply toStacey

Hi Class and Professor,

Internal sources of recruitment include employees who are currently working within an organization.  Advertising for internal candidate advancement opportunities will usually take place through job postings, company bulletin boards, internal organizational job posting applications, or other communications.  Internal advancement policies can be a valuable tool for recruitment because it not only gives those working in the company the opportunity to advance their careers, it also sends the message to external candidates that there is a career path within the organization available if they choose to work there.  With an organization that emphasizes career growth opportunities through promotions, or even lateral moves, they create a more desired attitude about the organization’s job potential.  Other advantages to internal recruitment include lower costs, less time, less risky, and it boosts employee engagement.

Recruiting from existing talent within the company can be an advantage because these employees learn how the organization operates through their practical work experiences.  This makes them more knowledgeable about the types of job expectations and the way the organization operates compared to an outside candidate.  The training/learning curve will be shorter with internal candidates moving up in jobs associated with their job advancement path.  It also promotes the sense of company value and encourages loyalty and longevity within their existing workforce.

The disadvantage or limitations to the internal recruiting approach is that it does not allow entry level positions to be filled.  Filling positions with external candidates also bring in current ideas and innovations for the company.  Too much internal recruitment can lead to building a company that is set in their ways and therefore can become more regimented in their approach.  New employees can inject more creativity and a fresh perspective on workplace operations and management.  To remain competitive, companies need to find a balance of recruiting through both internal and external sources.  As technology and other advancements in doing business changes at a rapid pace, recruiting internally, without the balance of external recruitment can slowly put a company behind the pace of their competition.  Sometimes recruiting internally can cause internal conflict between other employees, and therefore has a negative impact on morale.  The other disadvantage is the fact you are not only filling one position, but you are also having to hire a second one.  This means an employer incurs the cost of training two employees instead of one.

These are some advantages and disadvantages that I have been able to identify.

Stacey Halverson


Noe, Hollenback, Gehart, and Wright. (2018) 7th Edition.  Fundamentals of Human Resources Management, published by McGraw-Hill.

Hughes, Anthony. (2016 July 4).  The 10 Pros and Cons of Internal Recruitment.  CoburgBanks. Retrieved from https://www.coburgbanks.co.uk/blog/attracting-staff/internal-recruitment-10-pros-and-cons/



Journal: Workforce Reduction

You will only post once for a grade in the Journal. Post a minimum of 250 words, but make sure it is an original post concerning the following:

Based on your reading in Chapter 5 and table 5.2, discuss what options you would consider and why when planning for a reduction in the workforce. Your boss tells you the company is suffering losses in the market and if some employees are not laid off in the next 3 months, the company may not survive.

What will you do and why? You can choose more than one option from the table.

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