working in an extended care facility

working in an extended care facility

(working in an extended care facility)

Here is the background of the question.

You are working in an extended care facility (ECF) when M.Z.’s daughter brings her mother in for a week stay while she goes on vacation. M.Z. is an 89-year-old widow with a 4-day history of dysuria, back pain, incontinence, severe mental confusion, and loose stools. Her most current vital signs (VS) are 118/60, 88, 18, 99.4° F.


In the extended care facility, upon M.Z.’s arrival, it is evident that she is presenting with a constellation of symptoms that demand immediate attention. As an 89-year-old widow with a 4-day history of dysuria, back pain, incontinence, severe mental confusion, and loose stools, her condition raises concerns about a potential urinary tract infection (UTI) or other underlying health issues.

M.Z.’s vital signs further indicate a pressing need for intervention. With a blood pressure of 118/60, a pulse rate of 88 beats per minute, a respiratory rate of 18 breaths per minute, and a temperature of 99.4°F, her elevated temperature suggests a possible infection. Given her age, prompt and thorough assessment is paramount.(working in an extended care facility (ECF))

Immediate action should involve notifying M.Z.’s daughter about the worrisome symptoms and initiating a comprehensive evaluation. A detailed medical history, a focused physical examination, and diagnostic tests, including a urinalysis, should be conducted promptly to identify the root cause of her symptoms. Considering the possibility of a UTI, antibiotic therapy may be required.

While awaiting diagnostic results, measures should be taken to ensure M.Z.’s safety and comfort. Given her severe mental confusion, precautions to prevent falls should be implemented, and efforts to maintain hydration are crucial to address potential dehydration from loose stools.

Communication with M.Z.’s daughter is essential, keeping her informed about the urgency of the situation and involving her in decision-making. Collaborating with the healthcare provider, the extended care facility can play a vital role in coordinating timely medical interventions during M.Z.’s week-long stay.

In conclusion, a prompt and comprehensive approach is necessary to address M.Z.’s complex symptoms, with a focus on accurate diagnosis, appropriate interventions, and effective communication with her daughter to ensure the best possible care during her stay in the extended care facility.

The medical director ordered several lab tests on admission. The results were as follows:

  • WBC: 11 thou/cmm(working in an extended care facility )
  • Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) within normal limits (WNL)
  • Post-void catheterization yielded 100 ml, and urinalysis (UA) showed WBC 100+/HPF (high-powered field), RBC 3 to 6/HPF, bacteria rare.
  • Urinary culture and sensitivity (C&S) results were as follows: Escherichia coli, more than 100,000 colonies, sensitive to ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and nitrofurantoin.


Correlate the patient’s need for teaching with the concept of mobility.

I need at least 500 wordings, and at least 4 references. I will check the references to see if it matches what is on the essay, thank you.

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