writing milestone 1 gathering and citing sources

If you decide to accept this work, please consider you will be available in the future to finish the rest of the part. This writing exercise have total 3 part combined together. Now, you just need to finish the Milestone#1, I will invite you for the future part if I chose you as my tutor. please see the file attached.

Milestone #1 involves selecting a topic and finding at least 10 sources on that topic to support your paper. The following requirements and steps will guide you in selecting your sources.

  • Select a topic and be sure to state what it is – almost anything that has to do with physical geography (natural hazards/disasters, water resources, climate change, etc.) is fine
    • One example is introducing earthquakes in general, then using the rest of your paper to discuss a specific earthquake in more detail
    • Another example is comparing and contrasting two phenomena, such as two hurricanes, after providing some background information on hurricanes in general
    • Your textbook’s table of contents is a good place to look for topics
  • Find your sources – all sources must relate to your topic and contain useful information
    • Your sources MUST meet the following criteria
      • You must have at least 10 sources (you may have more)
      • At least 4 must be from peer-reviewed scientific literature
      • Only 2 may be from newspaper articles (online or print)
      • The rest should be from other reliable sources (educational, government, etc.), or additional peer-reviewed sources
      • All sources must be credible (none from opinion pages, etc.)
      • You can use your textbook as a source, but it does not count toward the 10
      • Ask me if you are unsure whether or not a source meets the requirements
    • Good places to look for sources include:
      • Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/)
        • Almost all peer-reviewed sources; just search for your topic
      • Zahnow Library Databases (http://librarysubjectguides.svsu.edu/dbases)
        • Not all peer-reviewed, but all reliable sources
        • JSTOR, Science Direct, SpringerLink under “Geography” are good
        • Scott Mellendorf (mel@svsu.edu, 989-964-7052) is an excellent librarian who is awesome at helping students – be sure to give him a call if you need assistance with anything
      • Use Interlibrary Loan to get any articles that you cannot see or access through the databases or Google Scholar (don’t ever pay for articles)
  • Place your sources into an alphabetical, formatted list with your topic listed at the top
    • Use 1″ margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, hanging indent, single spacing
    • Be sure format based on the “Sample_Paper_&_References” document on Canvas
    • Pay attention to detail when listing your sources and recheck them several times before turning them in (submit to Written Paper Milestone #1 assignment on Canvas)
    You will have a 3-part writing exercise during the semester. The milestones are 1) gathering
    sources for your paper, 2) making an outline, and 3) writing the paper itself. You will also
    have a chance to revise your paper and improve your grade if you think it is necessary. Each
    step (milestone) will have a deadline that you must meet and these deadlines are listed in the
    course schedule at the end of this syllabus. The instructions for all milestones will be available
    at the beginning of the semester. The paper will be graded based on the “Writing_Rubric”
    provided in Canvas and must be submitted through Turnitin.com. Students agree that by
    taking this course all required assignments may be subject to submission to Turnitin.com for

    the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such.papers.

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