you will be writing peer response to two peers from last week merging self and profession

You will be responding to two peer from last week assignment merging self and profession. I will give talking points from both peer they have two be separate response. they can be put on the same page.

A 1-2 minute VT Video response paced well is approximately 250 words for each person and reference

Demonstrate analysis of peer video discussions

Extend meaningful discussion by building on previous video recordings

Ask questions or show examples to extend the discussion further using critical thinking skills.

Use practice examples or literary references to enrich your response content.

The first person was Samantha Freeman,,, she talk about being an effective communicator and having self awareness to be a good social worker.

Being cultural competent, genuine to all age groups and professional to the population you are giving services. The ability to balance adversity and a personal life at the same time.

The next person is Carnelius Dantzler.. he talk about balancing personal life and being a social worker. He thinks that all social worker wear many different hats and to be a social worker you need to have empathy, problem solvers, motivation and honesty.

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