Psychology Timeline Not Paper

This is only for a timeline to be created not a 8-ten page assignment make sure to read directions carefully please . the links are attached below that you cannot open.


Task is to make a timeline following steps below

Assignment 4: Introduction to RA, LASA, and Portfolio

A required assignment (RA) is a substantive assessment intended to measure students’ performance against selected course objectives and/or program outcomes within a course. RAs are completed by all students across all Argosy University campuses and delivery formats without exception. Each RA assignment contributes to a significant portion of the overall course grade and is assessed by faculty using the rubric designed for that assessment. These are individual assignments, and students earn individual grades. RAs are not intended to assess students on every topic covered in the course but just on the key course objectives and/or program outcomes.

Click here to view the RA alignment table.

A Learning Assessment System Assignment (LASA) is a signature assessment intended to measure students’ performance against selected course objectives and/or program outcomes within a course. These signature assessments are completed by all students across all Argosy University campuses and delivery formats without exception. Each assignment contributes to a significant portion of the overall course grade and is assessed by faculty using the rubric designed for that assessment. These are individual assignments, and students earn individual grades. Both the signature assignments and related rubrics become part of the Learning Outcome Manager database and are used in the aggregate to evaluate levels of student learning, as well as the effectiveness of the curriculum, course content, and faculty. The combined results of the signature assessments across an entire academic program provide a comprehensive picture of the students’ academic programs. This data drives the continuous improvement cycle as part of comprehensive program reviews conducted by the colleges.

Click here to view the LASA alignment table.

In this course, there is one RA and one LASA assignment that make up 50% of your total class grade.

In the RA assignment, you will develop a paper that will help uncover your multicultural background as well as any potential ethical challenges you may face both in counseling and supervision. Your final product will be in a Microsoft Word document and be approximately 5–7 pages in length. Utilize three to five scholarly sources in your research (not including relevant codes of ethics and laws). Click here to read the description of RA.

The LASA assignment will help individuals not only apply an ethical decision-making model but also clearly identify a conceptual model for risk management that can be used throughout one’s clinical practice. Your final product will be in a Microsoft Word paper and be approximately 8–10 pages in length. Utilize approximately six to eight scholarly sources in your research. Click here to read the description of LASA.


  • Carefully review the description of each of these critical projects, prepare a timeline for completing all parts of them, and submit that timeline to your instructor as described below.
  • Describe exactly what you will do to complete these tasks and when you will do each of these things.
  • List the resources and information you will need to obtain to complete the tasks.

Submission Details:

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Narrative Essay

Question description

– You are required to write a 3000 word essay that makes substantial reference to two of the texts you have studied on the unit in the Spring term.

– The Essay should begin: ‘In this essay I will argue…’

[This form of words is particular to THIS assignment and is intended to help you construct an essay that advances an argument in response to your chosen question.]

– MHRA Referencing!

-Deadline 16th/April 12:00 Noon UK time

Select one question from the list below.

  • ‘To read a narrative is to engage with an alternative world that has its own temporal and spatial structures.’ (Teresa Bridgeman) In what ways do the presentation of EITHER time OR space impact on the reading of any two modernist and/or postmodernist texts studied in Term 2 of this unit?
  • ‘Genre directs the ways in which we writeread, and interpret texts.’ (Heta Pyrhönen) Giving a detailed account of the function of genre, consider the ways in which it ‘directs’ the reading of any two texts studied in Term 2 of this unit.
  • ‘The text has a meaning only through its readers; it changes with them; it is ordered in accord with codes of perception that it does not control.’ (Michel de Certeau) Evaluate this claim in relation to any two modernist and/or postmodernist texts studied in Term 2 of this unit.
  • ‘The frontiers of a book are never clear-cut [ . . . ] it is caught up in a system of references to other books, other texts, other sentences…’ Discuss the concept of intertextuality in relation to any two texts studied in Term 2 of this unit.
  • Consider the ways in which two texts studied in Term 2 of this unit use generic conventions AND/OR narrative voice to raise questions about gender AND/OR racial identity.
  • ‘There is much more to the telling of a story than simply listing what happens.’ Compare and contrast the narrative methods of any two modernist and/or postmodernist texts studied in Term 2 of this unit.
  • ‘In ergodic literature, nontrivial effort is required to traverse the text.’ (Espen Aarseth). Discuss the demands placed on the reader in interpreting, or creating, meaning in relation to any two texts (digital or otherwise) studied in Term 2 of this unit.
  1. Discuss the ways in which any two texts studied in Term 2 of this unit draw attention to their own fictionality and consider the effects that this has on the stories that they tell.

The texts that are eligible for discussion are:

  • John Barth, ‘Lost in the Funhouse’
  • Robert Coover, ‘The Babysitter’
  • Meg Jayanth, 80 Days
  • Jackie Kay, Red Dust Road
  • Stephen Marche, ‘Lucy Hardin’s Missing Period’
  • Gaultam Mulkani, Londonstani
  • Emily Short, Galatea
  • Virginia Woolf, ‘The Mark on the Wall’
  • Virginia Woolf, ‘Monday or Tuesday’

Learning Outcome 1: Identify and analyse various aspects of narrative.

Learning Outcome 2: Use relevant theoretical concepts and terminology in the analysis of narrative.

Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the periods, movements and genres central to the development of prose narrative.

Learning Outcome 4: Plan and produce a critical essay

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Emergent Literacies In The Foundation Stage

The assignment its in two parts. Part 1 which is Reflective journal entry (1500 words and part 2 Critical reflective essay (2000 words) This could be an adult led literacy section or an observation of literacy within the learning environment. For each of the examples, you are to provide an evaluation critically analysing the strategies and the resources used to support speaking and listening, reading and writing. Use relevant theory to support your views. You are to observe two examples of literacy practice and provision in an Early years setting In your introduction outline the aim of the assignment(s) and provide a definition of emergent literacy. Refer to the reasons why emergent literacy is a ‘bottom up’ rather than a ‘top down’ approach. I will send the Task 2 later and the books and journals to be used later. I will upload the part one assignment of a colleague who got the highest mark. Task 1. • Contextual summary of the placement observation: Pre-school/Reception class/Nursery/Children Centre/Childminder • Summary of the 1st Observation (e.g. learning environment, give examples of activities/resources/areas of provision which offer children the opportunity to develop their emergent literacy skills (consider the 4 strands). • Link the observation to theory/research/literature/lectures about how children develop their emergent literacy skills through access to a rich and stimulating learning environment • Summary of the 2nd Observation: Adult Led observation: What kind of activity was it? What was the aim of the activity? How does the activity link to the EYFS Development Matters statements? How was the activity conducted? What strategies did the adult use to promote children’s literacy skills (enjoyment of books, comprehension, phonics skills, questioning, encouraging speaking and listening, scaffolding thinking skills Conclusion: Summarise your observations in the context of emergent literacy in the Early Years. These are the learning outcomes: Knowledge 1. Be familiar with the new Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and all of it components and have a sound understanding of the principles underpinning the Early Foundation Stage Curriculum; 2. Use theories regarding the differences between top-down and bottom-up approaches to the teaching of literacy in settings and in reception classes in a critical evaluation of literacy practice in the FS; 3. Appreciate the importance for learning of storytelling, books, speaking and listening in all settings; Thinking skills 4. Critically analyse theories about how language is acquired; 5. Use the information in the Foundation Stage to plan a literacy activity Subject-based practical skills 6. Be able to plan learning activities that are built on children’s ages, needs and interests and language abilities; Skills for life and work (general skills) 7. Be able to plan meaningful, play-based activities that engage all children, including those with special needs and those with English as an additional language;
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Referral Information And The Interview Process For Drug Addiction

Was supposed to be Due by Sunday 01/31 by 8:00 pm however tutor fell through.. I need ASAP within 8-10 hours please…..  No exceptions or excuses. Follow all instructions precisely and accurately. Professor is picky…..Thank You….



A court system refers a person who was found to be over the legal limit for drinking to Alcoholics Anonymous.


A doctor who has a patient exhibiting symptoms of methamphetamine addiction refers the patient to an addictions counselor.


A probation officer working with an individual who has a history of illegal gambling refers to the individual to an addictions professional specializing in gambling.


Referral is a central aspect of the addictions profession. Addictions professionals often both accept referrals and administer them. Few individuals truly begin therapy as a “blank slate.” Addictions professionals need to know how to integrate referral information into the interview to maximize interview time and to tailor the questions to the individual’s unique history and background of behaviors. Like any profession, the addictions profession uses certain terminology in assessments settings to describe observable behaviors, which also aids the integration of referral information for desired results.


In this Assignment, you review a case study that includes the type of information typical in a referral situation. You apply professional terminology to summarize client status and create interview questions.




To prepare:




Review the Learning Resources, including the following references: Which are required for this assignment. You may use additional resources/references.



  • The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment
    • Chapter 5, “Assessment of the Patient”
  • Perkinson, R. R. (2012). Chemical dependency counseling: A practical guide (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
    • Chapter 4, “The Biopsychosocial Interview”
    • Appendix 6, “Sample Biopsychosocial Interview”****Focus on the case study of Jane Roberts (See below)****




Assignment Directions:




Submit by Day 7 a 3- to 4-page paper (Not including title or reference pg.) in which you do the following:




  • Based on the review of the Jane Roberts case study, in 1–3 paragraphs use professional terminology to describe the mental, physical, and behavioral characteristics of the client.
  • Create 10 interview questions integrating the referral information from the case study provided. Provide your rationale for your choice of questions




Jane Roberts case summary




Jane is single and a beautician. Father died when she was young. She was raised by an emotionally distant alcoholic mother. She felt abandoned all her life which led to her drinking starting in her teenage years. She strived for affection and attention from other men which led to addiction to sex. Was confused between sex and love. She has men who were abusive, which led to her not having assertive skills to the point where she had trouble for asking what she wanted and problems expressing how she feels. Her alcohol started increasing, which led to her take valium to sleep. Therefore, addiction to valium increased to double the dosage. She has no social system except for her boyfriend of 2 months. The psychological testing showed she is emotionally unstable and manipulative. She breaks the rules of society to get her own way. She is suffering from mild depressive symptoms, along with daily anxiety.




Jane Roberts problems are as follows:




1.      Extended withdrawal from alcohol and valium, as evidence by autonomic arousal and elevated vital signs.


2.      Inability to maintain sobriety outside a structured program of recovery, as evidenced by client having tried to quit using chemicals many times unsuccessfully.


3.      Anemia, as evidenced by chronic history of low red blood cell counts.


4.      Upper respiratory infection, as evidenced by sore throat and rhinitis.


5.      Fear of rejection and abandonment, as evidenced by client feeling abandoned by both her mother and her father now clinging to relationships even when abusive.


6.      Poor relationship skills, as evidenced by client not sharing the truth about how she feels or asking for what she wants, leaving her unable to establish and maintain intimate relationships.


7.      Dishonesty, as evidenced by client chronically lying about her chemical use history.


8.      Poor assertiveness skills, as evidenced by client allowing other people to make important decisions for her, inhibiting her from developing a self-directed program of recovery.








Perkinson, R. R. (2012). Chemical dependency counseling: A practical guide (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.


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Don't Forget To Use Empirical Artical Research

Biopsychosocial Model for the Mind


View Rubric

Due Date: Jul 01, 2015 23:59:59       Max Points: 220


The brain injury of Phineas Gage in 1848 prompted renewed interest in localizing mental functions and dysfunctions in the brain. Galton’s insight into hereditary traits reintroduced the nature/nurture debate in psychology. This assignment focuses on examining those two historical threads in relation to the current biopsychosocial view of mental disorders.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to
    the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be
    submitted to Turnitin.


In a 1,500-1,750-word paper, discuss schizophrenia using a biopsychosocial model. In your discussion, include the following:

  1. The evidence supporting brain localization for schizophrenia.
  2. The genetic factors in the onset of this disorder.
  3. The environmental factors in the onset of this disorder.

Write an abstract of one scholarly research source you used to write the paper. Clearly identify the abstract as a separate section of the assignment titled “Literature Abstract.” Use the following guidelines to write the abstract:

  1. Introduction (50 words): Briefly describe the purpose, intent, and scope of the study, including the statement of the problem, hypotheses or research questions, and key concepts.
  2. Methodology (100 words): Describe the research design, population sample, data collection procedure, and other procedures used in the study.
  3. Results (100 words): Briefly describe the data collected and the findings of the study, including the interpretation and implications of the study.
  4. Conclusion (50 words): Briefly critique the presentation of the study, including the researcher’s credentials. Provide a summary assessment of the study.
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NR 507 Midterm Exam (Version 9 Solutions)

1. Question: The coronary ostia are located in the:

2. Question: Which manifestations of vasoocclusive crisis are associated with sickle cell disease (SCD) in infants?

3. Question: Decreased lung compliance means that the lungs are demonstrating which characteristic?

4. Question: What is the life span of an erythrocyte (in days)?

5. Question: Infants are most susceptible to significant losses in total body water because of an infant’s:

6. Question: Causes of hyperkalemia include:

7. Question: Erythrocyte life span of less than 120 days, ineffective bone marrow response to erythropoietin, and altered iron metabolism describe the pathophysiologic characteristics of which type of anemia?

8. Question: The lung is innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system via which nerve?

9. Question: When an individual aspirates food particles, where would the nurse expect to hear decreased or absent breath sounds?

10. Question: Which T-lymphocyte phenotype is the key determinant of childhood asthma?

11. Question: What is the final stage of the infectious process?

12. Question: How is most of the oxygen in the blood transported?

13. Question: When a patient has small, vesicular lesions that last between 10 and 20 days, which sexually transmitted infection is suspected?

14. Question: An individual is more susceptible to infections of mucous membranes when he or she has a seriously low level of which immunoglobulin antibody?

15. Question: Which congenital heart defects occur in trisomy 13, trisomy 18, and Down syndrome?

16. Question: What is the functional unit of the kidney called?

17. Question: Which of the following is classified as a megaloblastic anemia?

18. Question: What are the abnormalities in cytokines found in children with cystic fibrosis (CF)?

19. Question: The only surface inside the nephron where cells are covered with microvilli to increase the reabsorptive surface area is called the:

20. Question: Between which months of age does sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) most often occur?

21. Question: What is the primary site for uncomplicated local gonococci infections in men?

22. Question: Which organism is a common sexually transmitted bacterial infection?

23. Question: The drug heparin acts in hemostasis by which processes?

24. Question: What is the primary cause of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) of the newborn?

25. Question: An infant has a loud, harsh, holosystolic murmur and systolic thrill that can be detected at the left lower sternal border that radiates to the neck. These clinical findings are consistent with which congenital heart defect?

26. Question: Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) can occur if the mother:

27. Question: Blood vessels of the kidneys are innervated by the:

28. Question: What is the most common cause of insufficient erythropoiesis in children?

29. Question: If the sinoatrial (SA) node fails, then at what rate (depolarizations per minute) can the atrioventricular (AV) node depolarize?

30. Question: Hypersensitivity is best defined as a(an):

31. Question: Which criterion is used to confirm a diagnosis of asthma in an 8-year-old child?

32. Question: How is most carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood transported?

33. Question: When the bladder accumulates 250 to 300 ml of urine, it contracts and the internal urethral sphincter relaxes through activation of the spinal reflex arc (known as the micturition reflex).

34. Question: Which cells have phagocytic properties similar to monocytes and contract like smooth muscles cells, thereby influencing the glomerular filtration rate?

35. Question: Which statement best describes a Schilling test?

36. Question: Fetal hematopoiesis occurs in which structure?

37. Question: Which disorder results in decreased erythrocytes and platelets with changes in leukocytes and has clinical manifestations of pallor, fatigue, petechiae, purpura, bleeding, and fever?

38. Question: What is the life span of platelets (in days)?

39. Question: What is the ratio of coronary capillaries to cardiac muscle cells?

40. Question: Which type of immunity is produced by an individual after either natural exposure to the antigen or after immunization against the antigen?

41. Question: The most common site of metastasis for a patient diagnosed with prostate cancer is which location?

42. Question: During an IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reaction, which leukocyte is activated?

43. Question: In which primary immune deficiency is there a partial-to-complete absence of T-cell immunity?

44. Question: Innervation of the bladder and internal urethral sphincter is supplied by which nerves?

45. Question: What effects do exercise and body position have on renal blood flow?

46. Question: Which blood cell type is elevated at birth but decreases to adult levels during the first year of life?

47. Question: It has been determined that a tumor is in stage 2. What is the meaning of this finding?

48. Question: Research supports the premise that exercise has a probable impact on reducing the risk of which cancer?

49. Question: Where in the respiratory tract do the majority of foreign objects aspirated by children finally lodge?

50. Question: What is the most common cause of iron deficiency anemia (IDA)?

51. Question: Which type of antibody is involved in type I hypersensitivity reaction?

52. Question: Which organ is stimulated during the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS)?

53. Question: Which cytokines initiate the production of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)?

54. Question: What is the major concern regarding the treatment of gonococci infections?

55. Question: What part of the kidney controls renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, and renin secretion?

56. Question: Examination of the throat in a child demonstrating signs and symptoms of acute epiglottitis may contribute to which life-threatening complication?

57. Question: The function of the foramen ovale in a fetus allows what to occur?

58. Question: Which compensatory mechanism is spontaneously used by children diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot to relieve hypoxic spells?

59. Question: Perceived stress elicits an emotional, anticipatory response that begins where?

60. Question: Which term is used to identify the movement of gas and air into and out of the lungs?

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community perception towards nurses and the nursing profession

Question descriptionThis course has been amazingly interesting to me and I quite enjoyed seeing the theorists behind my every day nursing practice. I do not I think I realized how hard the nurses before had to work and advocate to ensure our patients were receiving the best care, and to ensure nursing was a valued and respected profession. We have made significant strides since the times many of these theorists were implementing their ideas, and modern-day nurses have these nurses to thank! It is because of them I am able to work in a safe environment to provide safe care to my patients, and that nurses are now respected to speak up and advocate for the health of our patients. They allowed us to actually care and feel with our patients instead of just doing tasks directed by others. I love my profession, and these theorists made nursing the way it is today. This course has given me more respect for this profession and it has given me new insight into how I treat my patients and why my nursing practice is the way that it is. Hopefully it has inspired some to create new nursing theory and to continue to advance this profession!

According to Colley, nursing theory gives nurses a sense of identity, and a directed way to care for patients; it allows nursing to be viewed as a unique profession and shows nurses can greatly contribute to healthcare (Colley, 2003). I do believe I have met the objectives of this course. I understand how these theories set the foundation for nursing to be multicultural, caring, and a profession of advocacy. I understand how patients are not just their illness, but parts of health and illness. Nursing theorists have allowed current nurses to advocate and educate our patients, ensuring we are preventing further instances of illness. This course has allowed me to think and view how these theories apply to my current practice and how I can better for my patients in my day to day work. I am able to think about their theories and I have been finding myself spending more quality time with patients due to learning about these theories. I found the importance of this class to be more one of caring and on a deeper level than just nursing skill and tasks. In my associate degree program, the goal was to ensure I could perform the tasks in order to safely be a nurse. This course has allowed me to view nursing in a broader light and to be able to focus on the critical thinking aspect of the profession and made me think of how I can better forward this profession.


Colley, S. (2003). Nursing theory: its importance to practice. Nurs Stand17(46), 33.


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Summarize the project’s performance in terms of schedule and costs, writing homework help

Question description

Performance Management
Due Week 9 and worth 60 points

This assignment consists of two (2) parts: a project schedule, and a written response. You must submit both parts as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the part of the assignment it is written for.

Part A: Project Schedule
(Submit as one [1] Microsoft Project file)

  1. Create a multilevel work breakdown structure (WBS) and detailed project schedule based upon the information from Appendix 13.2.

Part B: Written Response
(Submit as a Microsoft Word file)

Write a one to two (1-2) page response in which you:

  1. Summarize the project’s performance in terms of schedule and costs.
  2. Recommend corrective actions (at least two [2] total) to improve the project’s performance.
  3. Give your opinion on what you foresee as the greatest risk to the project.
  4. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

Project Proposal
Due Week 3 and worth 150 points

You have been selected to be the project manager (for a project of your choice). The project you choose here will be used again in Assignment 4 (Week 6) and you may be asked to reference this project in subsequent weekly discussions. The project that you decide to use should meet the key criteria of a project, such as (a) having a beginning and an end; (b) results in something being delivered to someone; (c) requires a series of activities that must be done to complete the project; and (d) requires resources (e.g, people, materials) to complete the work. The project can be one of a personal or professional nature.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you define the scope of your chosen project. In your paper you must:

  1. Provide a brief summary of your chosen project.
  2. Describe at least three (3) project goals and three (3) project objectives.
  3. Identify the key customer(s) and at least two (2) stakeholders for your project. Remember, you are delivering the project to your customer(s); however, there are others (stakeholders) who have a vested interest in your project.
  4. Describe at least three (3) key milestones and /or deliverables for your project.
  5. Describe a high-level timeline that includes key tasks and deadlines.
  6. Estimate the project’s overall cost and any key staffing and non-staffing resources needed.
  7. Examine your project’s greatest challenge and provide a recommendation for addressing the challenge in question.
  8. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.







Project proposal

Project Title: Cleaning project proposal

Project proponent: Go Green Company

Summary of the project

The project idea was prompted by increasing urban pollution, especially in impoverished areas. Research conducted several weeks ago indicated that these individuals lack proper systems of garbage disposal since some of the companies offering these services are expensive. These individuals live on less than a dollar a day, the cost of garbage disposal as per our records indicates that some of the companies charge up to 5 dollars on a weekly basis. Many people, therefore, opted to throw garbage on the streets. Heaps of non-recyclable matter creates a foul smell in the environment making some of these areas inhabitable. The recyclable materials pollute the environment since they are not able to degrade. Several issues arose from the issue of pollution. Most real estate agents claim that these areas are bad for their businesses since most people shun away when the environment is unwelcoming. Some of these areas are therefore left abandoned creating hubs for thugs and, therefore, record higher numbers of crime rates. Huge numbers of street people also characterize them since they readily find food there.

Go Green Company aims at creating a conducive environment by eliminating recyclable waste. The company encourages the recycling of polyethylene products and, therefore, helps in reducing land pollution. This project aims to create a conducive environment by eliminating both recyclable and non-recyclable waste from these environments.  This project will be a diversion from the original company mission of preventing pollution. It will work to reduce the effects of pollution in the already polluted areas and encourage a more realistic way of garbage disposal and maintenance of cleanliness in the environment. The beneficiaries of this project will be the inhabitants and potential inhabitants of these areas. The other beneficiaries will include the real estate agents that manage home in these areas since clean environments encourage the settlement of people. The major investor in this project will include real estate agents, homeowners, environmental agencies and the Go Green Company.

Project goals

By the end of the implementation of the project, it would have attained the following goals

1.  Encouraged settlement of individuals in these areas

2.  Lessen the burden of garbage collection and dirt in these areas.

3.  Create a recycling where revenues can be generated.

Project objectives

1.  To clean the environment off waste including both recyclable and non-recyclable

2.  To decrease the amount of money people pay for garbage collection by creating a proper system for garbage disposal.

3.  To create a better environment and encourage staying

Stakeholders and customers

As mentioned above, our customers will be the inhabitants of these areas and the stakeholders will include real estate agents, homeowners, environmental agencies and the Go Green Company.

Milestones for the delivery of this project

Some of the milestones will include:

Proper cooperation with the inhabitants since some of the cleaning workforce will come from them.

Since it begins as a non-profit project for the good will of the communities, some of the investors may back out when they lose hopes of returns on investment.

Failure of coordination since most of the project activities overlap.

The project may face resistance from the thugs who view the abandoned places as their hub.

Project timeline

Step 1: The project will begin by creating awareness to the individuals in the community of what the companies decide to do.

Step 2: Recruiting the cleaning team. This will include some of the cleaning companies and willing inhabitants.

Step 3: The cleaning process will commence. A common dumping site will be created where individuals will separate organic from inorganic matter.

Step 4: Recycling of recyclable matter.

Step 5: Creation of a proper garbage system collection through installing of dumping sites.

The overall cost of the project

The estimated cost of the project will be around $15000. This will be broken down as follows.

Since the area is about the 2-mile square, cleaning will take an average of two weeks with a workforce of about 50 people. Each person will earn around $10 a day for its charity work and therefore for 14 days it will be $7000. At the dumping site, the whole process will take $4000 since some of the waste will have to be destroyed and some recycled.  The creation of permanent dumping sites will cost $2000. And eventually the last $2000 will be used to buy equipment needed for this whole process.

assignment graphic

Project Schedule
Due Week 6 and worth 150 points

This assignment consists of two (2) parts: a project schedule, and a written response. You must submit both parts as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the part of the assignment it is written for.

Part A: Project Schedule
(Submit as one [1] Microsoft Project file)

  1. In Assignment 2, you developed a project plan. Now, using the information from your project proposal, create a multi-level work breakdown structure (WBS) and detailed project schedule.
    Your project must include the following criteria:

    • The project must consist of at least twenty-five (25) tasks.
    • Each task must contain a start date, a finish date, and have main staffing and non-staffing resources assigned.
    • Assume that your work activities are completed during normal weekdays (no weekend work) under normal conditions (8 hours per day).
    • In terms of holidays, you can assume no work will be done the following days: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Good Monday, Friday before Memorial Day, Memorial Day, the business day before Independence Day, Independence Day, the Friday before Labor Day, Labor Day, the day before Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving), the business day before Christmas, Christmas Day, the business day after Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve.

Part B: Written Response
(Submit as a Microsoft Word file)

Write a one to two (1-2) page response in which you:

  1. Analyze your project in terms of project completion, critical path, and slack / float. Specifically, be sure to answer the following:
    • When will the project be completed?
    • What is the critical path for the project?
    • How much slack / float is in your project? What activities have the greatest slack / float?
  2. Summarize the recommendations or improvements you would make to your project schedule. Specifically, be sure to answer the following:
    • Identify the top three (3) activities that you believe could impact the project completion date.
    • What additional activities would you add to this project to make it more complete, from a project management viewpoint?
  3. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.


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Strategies and tactics of the Kmart/Sears Corporation

Question description

With prior topics’ discussion of the evolution of industries and core competencies as a background, you will now begin to explore a variety of tools and options related to the design of the organization, beginning with strategies and tactics, and how innovation can be applied to make an organization more competitive within an industry.

Beyond the Fluid Phase of its industry, an organization emphasizes innovation in its organizational processes and this necessitates an examination of organizational structure. In industries beyond the Fluid Phase of the Abernathy model, organizational structures are increasingly mechanistic and less conducive to change. And yet, the long-term survival of these companies is dependent upon change. Effective operation of an enterprise requires both a long-term strategic and a short-term tactical plan.

Activity: Strategies and Tactics Paper

You will examine strategies and tactics to familiarize yourself with their purpose, function, and the role they play when organizations seek to advance by being innovative. Writing this will help you understand the selected company’s strategies and tactics and how they affect the company’s planning and operations.

Task Description

  • Continue to research the web, various publications, and any other relevant sources for information on either the Walt Disney Company’s expansion into Euro Disney or Kmart/Sears’ strategies and tactics.
  • Prepare a six- to eight-page paper.

The paper should contain three sections identified below.

Background (choose one or the other)

  • Background on either Disney’s move into Europe.
  • The history of Kmart or Sears pre-merger.


  • Defines strategies and tactics.
  • Identifies two critical actions performed that strategically and tactically had a positive effect on the company.
  • Identifies two critical actions performed that strategically and tactically had a negative effect on the company.
  • Provides support for your decisions.
  • Includes a bibliography (set of references) of the research (not included in page count).


Your personal thoughts on:

  • The importance of strategies and tactics.
  • The strategies and tactics applied by the company you researched.
  • The knowledge gained from doing this assignment.
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Organization Enterprise Plan and Security Policy

Question description

Organization Enterprise Plan and Security Policy

Prepare a security plan for your chosen organization that provides a security awareness policy using the security policy framework outline prepared in Project 1 according to the Critical Infrastructure document which concentrates on the following integral keywords to cover the necessary elements of an organization security plan.  These are: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. The plan is a capstone of the work that you have accomplished in this course. You will use your outline to guide the outcome of the plan in addition to the keywords. The plan is an enterprise plan and security policy that includes the following considerations, analysis approach, and protections for the enterprise::

  • Identify threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Assign appropriate security controls to protect the infrastructure of the organization.
  • Identify vulnerability scans and effective risk management protocols to ensure protections remain current and effective and detect any issues.
  • Initiate an incident response plan for responding to problems.
  • Develop a business continuity and disaster recovery plan to recover from interruptions in business whether manmade or geographical

This plan must be completed and submitted in MS Word format. Use your chosen organization from Project 1 and the outline as a resource.

From the Critical Infrastructure document, align your organizational plan to reflect the intent of the document as follows from an excerpt taken from the document and ensure you read the document in its entirety:

“The Framework complements, and does not replace, an organization’s risk management and cybersecurity program. The organization can use its current processes and leverage the Framework to identify opportunities to strengthen and communicate its management of cybersecurity risk while aligning with industry practices. Alternatively, an organization without an existing cybersecurity program can use the Framework as a reference to establish one.

Just as the Framework is not industry-specific, the common taxonomy of standards, guidelines, and practices that it provides also is not country-specific. Organizations outside the United States may also use the Framework to strengthen their own cybersecurity efforts, and the Framework can contribute to developing a common language for international cooperation on critical infrastructure cybersecurity.

1.1 Overview of the Framework

The Framework is a risk-based approach to managing cybersecurity risk, and is composed of three parts: the Framework Core, the Framework Implementation Tiers, and the Framework Profiles. Each Framework component reinforces the connection between business drivers and cybersecurity activities. These components are explained below.

·  The Framework Core is a set of cybersecurity activities, desired outcomes, and applicable references that are common across critical infrastructure sectors. The Core presents industry standards, guidelines, and practices in a manner that allows for communication of cybersecurity activities and outcomes across the organization from the executive level to the implementation/operations level. The Framework Core consists of five concurrent and continuous Functions—Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover. When considered together, these Functions provide a high-level, strategic view of the lifecycle of an organization’s management of cybersecurity risk. The Framework Core then identifies underlying key Categories and Subcategories for each Function, and  matches them with example Informative References such as existing standards,  guidelines, and practices for each Subcategory.

·  Framework Implementation Tiers (“Tiers”) provide context on how an organization views cybersecurity risk and the processes in place to manage that risk. Tiers describe the degree to which an organization’s cybersecurity risk management practices exhibit the characteristics defined in the Framework (e.g., risk and threat aware, repeatable, and adaptive). The Tiers characterize an organization’s practices over a range, from Partial (Tier 1) to Adaptive (Tier 4). These Tiers reflect a progression from informal, reactive responses to approaches that are agile and risk-informed. During the Tier selection process, an organization should consider its current risk management practices, threat environment, legal and regulatory requirements, business/mission objectives, and organizational constraints.

·  A Framework Profile (“Profile”) represents the outcomes based on business needs that an organization has selected from the Framework Categories and Subcategories. The Profile can be characterized as the alignment of standards, guidelines, and practices to the Framework Core in a particular implementation scenario. Profiles can be used to identify opportunities for improving cybersecurity posture by comparing a “Current” Profile (the “as is” state) with a “Target” Profile (the “to be” state). To develop a Profile, an organization can review all of the Categories and Subcategories and, based on business drivers and a risk assessment, determine which are most important; they can add Categories and Subcategories as needed to address the organization’s risks. The Current Profile can then be used to support prioritization and measurement of progress toward the Target Profile, while factoring in other business needs including cost-effectiveness and innovation. Profiles can be used to conduct self-assessments and communicate within an organization or between organizations.

1.2 Risk Management and the Cybersecurity Framework

Risk management is the ongoing process of identifying, assessing, and responding to risk. To manage risk, organizations should understand the likelihood that an event will occur and the resulting impact. With this information, organizations can determine the acceptable level of risk for delivery of services and can express this as their risk tolerance.

With an understanding of risk tolerance, organizations can prioritize cybersecurity activities, enabling organizations to make informed decisions about cybersecurity expenditures. Implementation of risk management programs offers organizations the ability to quantify and communicate adjustments to their cybersecurity programs. Organizations may choose to handle risk in different ways, including mitigating the risk, transferring the risk, avoiding the risk, or accepting the risk, depending on the potential impact to the delivery of critical services.

The Framework uses risk management processes to enable organizations to inform and prioritize decisions regarding cybersecurity. It supports recurring risk assessments and validation of business drivers to help organizations select target states for cybersecurity activities that reflect desired outcomes. Thus, the Framework gives organizations the ability to dynamically select and direct improvement in cybersecurity risk management for the IT and ICS environments.”

Format: Provide a security policy and plan that will include the framework, essential plans for inclusion in the enterprise, risk management strategies, and recommended solutions for a baseline security control assessment. Refer to NIST 800-39 and FIPS 200 plus NIST 800-53-4. Double space the document. Use APA. Complete with in cite citations and add a reference page. Write DRAFT on the upper right hand corner. Include your name and Project Name on a cover sheet.

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