ENR disc 3

Describe the value of qualitative research in healthcare and its’ impact on clinical decision making. Provide an example how qualitative research may influence nursing practice or healthcare delivery. Initial 400 APA format 7th edition

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Article relating to nursing theory

Research an article relating to nursing theory and its utilization in nursing practice or nursing research.Article should be current, peer reviewed and within a five year span.

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NURS 2003

Poverty among persons with mental illness is a significant barrier to maintaining housing in the community.1.Discuss the special needs of the mentally ill population.2. Compare and contrast the homeless client with the mentally ill homeless client.

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informatic nusing

The purpose of the informatics Solution Proposal is to increase knowledge and ability with informatics and technology products for the healthcare workplace setting. You will review the functionality of various products and select one that best meets the needs of a Health care setting.Identify an issue in a health care workplace that could be resolved by implementing an informatics or technology solution. The issue can be an administrative issue or a clinical issue.Draft a 350-word letter or a memo to a nursing administrator informing them of the clinical or administrative problem. Why is it a concern, and a request for permission to propose a solution. Support your letter with at least three peer-reviewed resources .Format the letter according to APA guidelines for formal business correspondence.DO NOT SEND LETTER

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Scenario:An RN walks into a patient’s room and encounters the patient with his arms crossed. The patient states in a loud voice, “How come I’m not being taken care of in this hospital?” The patient points to the covered tray on the table across the room and states,” My lunch tray is sitting over there, and I can’t reach it. My call light has been on for the last 30 minutes, and nobody has responded. My wife was right when she said the care here is deplorable!“Initial Discussion Post:Address the following:Describe which communication style the RN should use to benefit the patient in this scenario.Provide two conflict resolution strategies for the RN to use when responding to the patient.Base your initial post on your readings and research of this topic. Your initial post must contain a minimum of 250 words. References, citations, and repeating the question do not count towards the 250 word minimum.

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Community Health VI

In this assignment, you will develop two separate infographics (informative posters) to discuss two separate health issues relevant to the LGBT communities. In each infographic you will discuss:What is the health problemWhich group(s) are most likely to be at riskWhat social/behavioral/health system determinants affect thisIdentify at least two potential interventions/activities the community, community health agency, community health nurse could offer to prevent and or support this health issueWhat resistance might be met in implementing the intervention/activityView these links on how to create infographics:http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/34223/5-Infographics-to-Teach-You-How-to-Easily-Create-Infographics-in-PowerPoint-TEMPLATES.aspxhttp://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/free-ppt-infographic-templates-designs-htYou should submit two infographics and one reference list containing at least three scholarly sources. These can be submitted as three separate files.

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Teaching Project

Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population or community assessment and intervention. Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues (local or global in nature) and in creating an appropriate intervention, including screenings and referrals, for the community or population.

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Planning is the key to successful completion of this course and your overall program of study. The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment requires early collaboration with the course faculty and your course mentor. You will need to establish a plan for successful completion of (1) deliverables associated with weekly course objectives, (2), required practice immersion hours, and (3) deliverables associated with your capstone project.Access the “Individual Success Plan” resource in the Topic Materials. Read the information in the resource, including student expectations and instructions for completing the ISP document.Use the “Individual Success Plan” to develop a personal plan for completing your practice hours and how topic objectives will be met. Include the number of hours you plan to set aside to meet your goals.A combination of 100 supervised clinical hours in community health and leadership areas will be obtained through the application of the objectives listed in the Guidelines for Undergraduate Field Experiences manual.Practicum immersion experiences are required in a community health setting. Community-based settings should encourage community integration and involvement; expand accessibility of services and supports; promote personal preference, strengths, dignity; and empower people to participate in the economic mainstream.According to HealthyPeople.gov, educational and community-based programs and strategies are designed to reach people outside of traditional health care settings. These settings may include schools, worksites, health care facilities, and communities. Community health and leadership practice immersion can occur in the same site and in conjunction with the evidence-based project in the NRS-490 course.If you are a registered nurse in Washington, your practicum experience must include a minimum of 50 hours in a community health setting.Students should apply concepts from prior courses to critically examine and improve their current practice. Students should also integrate scholarly readings to develop case reports that demonstrate increasingly complex and proficient practice.Consider the challenges you expect to encounter as you continue the practice hour and competency requirements throughout this course. How might you overcome these challenges?You can renegotiate these deliverables with your faculty and mentor throughout this course and update your ISP accordingly.Once your ISP has been developed and accepted by your course faculty, you will have your course mentor sign it at the beginning of, and upon completion of, each assignment that incorporates practice immersion hours. You will track all course practice immersion hours in the ISP.APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

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Discussion forum

In this forum, you will use you will use skillsets you have developed in this module related to the sampling process by responding to the following discussion prompt and answering all (4) questions. You may want to use the internet in addition to resources provided.A researcher based in Miami wants to learn about the experiences of homeless people in the United States by conducting interviews with them. He plans to conduct in-person interviews with the homeless people he samples. He is having trouble deciding how to draw a representative sample of homeless people because homeless people are difficult to find, often move from place to place, and are often cycled in and out of homelessness. The researcher has one year and a $5,000 grant with which to conduct his interviews.Your task is to help this researcher.1. What is the population he wants to generalize to?2. What are possible sampling frames (sources) from which he can draw his sample?3. What do you think would be a good/realistic sample size?4. What sampling methods would you suggest he uses? Why?

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Module 4: Assignment N496

Module 4: Assignment N496Assignment DescriptionEffective CommunicationThe Joint Commission reported that [poor] communication was the root cause of 66% of Sentinel Events between 1995-2005. Examine the communication and collaboration in your workplace. Include these aspects:The      components necessary for effective interpersonal communication.Discuss      the importance of interprofessional collaboration.Apply      components of interpersonal communication to interprofessional      collaboration.Discuss      strategies to promote interprofessional collaboration.Describe      effective strategies to build interprofessional teams.Cultural      competenceAssignment Expectations:Length: Between 1500 and 2000 wordsStructure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. You should utilize at least two scholarly sources in addition to your textbook.

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