
Assignment #2 Security in Computing COSC2536/2537

Total Marks: 35 Submission Deadline: Week 10, May 11 2018 11:59pm

Q1 (Privacy) (Mark 6) Answer either Question (a) or (b) (a): Suppose there are seven voters to vote for YES or NO to give their opinions.

Design a secure voting prototype as shown in Fig. 1 using Paillier cryptosystem where the votes must be encrypted from Voting Booth before sending them to the Voting Server. Assume, four voters will vote for YES and three voters will vote for NO. The Voting Authority should find four YESs and three NOs after counting the votes. The Voting Authority chooses p=59, q=97 and select g=5724. Seven voters select the random numbers as 𝒓𝟏 = 𝟗𝟎, 𝒓𝟐 = 𝟗𝟏, 𝒓𝟑 = 𝟗𝟐, 𝒓𝟒 = 𝟗𝟑, 𝒓𝟓 = 𝟗𝟒, 𝒓𝟔 = 𝟗𝟓 and 𝒓𝟕 = 𝟗𝟔 respectively. Show the encryption, homomorphic computations and decryption processes.

Fig. 1: Secure E-voting Scenario

Hints: Refer to the lecture-5 Secure e voting. You need to represent the total number of votes by 6-bit string. The first three of bits should represent the votes for YES and the rest for NO. When adding a vote for YES, the system adds 001000, which is 8 in integer. Similarly, the system adds 000001 when voting for NO, which is 1 in the integer form. (b) As shown in Fig. 2, Alice owns two different shops where she sells mobile phones of a specific brand. The prices of the phones are different based on the shops. Now with



the help of a third-party cloud server, Alice wants to know remotely and securely, how much she earned by selling the mobile phones in both shops with different price rate (assume that Alice does not have the homomorphic computation power). Note that, Alice does not want to reveal how many phones are sold also the total amount of money that she earned to the server. How can you build a secure protocol using Exponential ElGamal cryptosystem where the cloud server can perform such computations without knowing the number of phones that are sold and the total earnings? Please refer to the below table for detail information.

Shops Shop 1 Shop 2 Phones sold 20 25 Price rate 50 30

Total Earning per shop 1000 750 Total Earning 1750


Fig. 2: Secure Transactions

Hints: Alice as a receiver, should generate the public and private key pairs (as shown in figure) and sends the public keys to the shops. The corresponding shops as senders can encrypt (with random numbers given in the figure) the number of phones sold and send the cipher-texts with the price rate (as plaintext) to the cloud server. The server with computation power should perform the required computations homomorphically so that it cannot reveal the total amount that is earned by selling the phones, since it is privacy sensitive. Only Alice should decrypt and find the Total earning. Q2 (Signatures) (Mark 2+2+1+1=6) (a) Suppose Bob (the sender) wants to send a signed message m=456789 to Alice (the receiver). However, before sending the message he would like to sign the message. When Alice receives the signed message, she would like to verify that the message is



indeed from Bob. To facilitate signing and verification Bob generates public and private keys using RSA encryption algorithm and sends the public key to Alice. Bob uses parameter p=10009 and q=9739, and chooses a suitable public key parameter e=5737. How would Bob sign message m=456789? How would Alice verify the signed message from Bob? (b) Suppose Bob (the sender) wants to send a signed message m=3456 to Alice (the receiver). However, before sending the message he would like to sign the message. When Alice receives the signed message, she would like to verify that the message is indeed from Bob. To facilitate signing and verification Bob generates public and private keys using ElGamal encryption algorithm and sends the public key to Alice. Bob chooses p=8081, g=2849, x=59. How would Bob sign message m=3456? How would Alice verify the signed message from Bob? (c) Recall that we use both a public key system and a hash function when computing digital signatures. Suppose that the hash function used to compute and verify signatures is insecure, but the public key system is secure. Show that you can forge signatures. (d) Why is it a bad idea to use the same RSA key pair for both signing and decryption? Explain with an example (i.e. a numerical example). Is this also true for ElGamal? 
 Q3 (BlockChain) (Mark 12) Study (i.e. research) various supply-chain systems as listed below. Choose one of the supply-chain systems as a case study (or you may choose any, which is not listed) and write a short report/proposal on how integrity and traceability of the chosen system can be improved by using BlockChain principle. Use plenty of diagrams to explain your concept. We are not asking you to write code and develop the system, but your report should contain enough information for a system architect to understand and build the proposed system. Some existing Blockchain based Supply-chain case studies are as follows.

1. Blockchain in Pharmaceutical supply chain to prevent counterfeit drugs supply.

2. Blockchain based Port logistics 3. Food safety and traceability using Blockchain: Meat traceability, Sea food

traceability etc. 4. Blockchain based garment products supply chain. 5. Tracking and tracing the provenance of diamonds using blockchain.

Some resources to study about existing Blockchain based Supply chain systems to improve the trust, traceability and integrity: Seafood Traceability using Blockchain IBM’s Solution on Blockchain based Food Supply chain



Q4 (Authentication and Intrusion Detection) (Mark 2+2+3+2=9) (a) Consider the following mutual authentication protocol, where KAB is a shared symmetric key. 
 Give two different attacks that Trudy can use to convince Bob that she is Alice.

(b) Suppose R is a random challenge sent in the clear from Alice to Bob and K is a symmetric key known only to Alice and Bob. Which of the following are secure session keys and which are not? Justify your answers.



(c) The popular method for anomaly-based intrusion detection is based on file-use statistics.

(i) Many other statistics could be used as part of an anomaly-based IDS. For example, network usage would be a sensible statistic to consider. List five other statistics that could reasonably be used in an anomaly-based IDS.

(ii) Why might it be a good idea to combine several statistics rather than relying on just a few?

(iii) Why might it not be a good idea to combine several statistics rather than relying on just a few?

(d) Alice forgets her password. She goes to the system administrator’s office, and the admin resets her password and gives Alice the new password.

(i) Why does the SA reset the password instead of giving Alice her previous (forgotten) password? Why should Alice re-reset her password immediately after the SA has reset it?

(ii) Suppose that after the SA resets Alice’s password, she remembers her



9.8 Problems 1. Modify the authentication protocol in Figure 9.12 so that it uses a hash

function instead of symmetric key encryption. The resulting protocol must be secure.

2. The insecure protocol in Figure 9.24 was modified in Figure 9.26 to be secure. Find two other distinct ways to slightly modify the protocol in Figure 9.24 so that the resulting protocol is secure. Your protocols must use a timestamp and “encrypt and sign.”

3. We want to design a secure mutual authentication protocol based on a shared symmetric key. We also want to establish a session key, and we want perfect forward secrecy.

a. Design such a protocol that uses three messages.

b. Design such a protocol that uses two messages.

4. Consider the following mutual authentication protocol, where KAB is a shared symmetric key.

“I’m Alice”, R ►


E(R+1,KAB) r Bob

Give two different attacks that Trudy can use to convince Bob that she is Alice.

5. Consider the attack on TCP authentication illustrated in Figure 9.28. Suppose that Trudy cannot guess the initial sequence number 62 ex- actly. Instead, Trudy can only narrow 62 down to one of, say, 1,000 possible values. How can Trudy conduct an attack so that she is likely to succeed?

6. Timestamps can be used in place of nonces in security protocols.

a. What is the primary advantage of using timestamps?

b. What is the primary disadvantage of using timestamps?

7. Consider the following protocol, where CLNT and SRVR are constants, and the session key is K = h(S, RA, RB)·

Alice ~


9.8 PROBLEMS 341

“I’m Alice”, RA Certificate, RB

{ S ^ , E(CLNT.K)

E(SRVR,K) Alice + Bob

a. Does Alice authenticate Bob? Justify your answer.

b. Does Bob authenticate Alice? Justify your answer.

Consider the following protocol, where KAB is a shared symmetric key, CLNT and SRVR are constants, and K = h(S,RA,Re) is the session key.

“I’m Alice”, RA

3s. E(S, Κ^), E(CLNT.K) t

E(SRVR,K) Alice ■* Bob

a. Does Alice authenticate Bob? Justify your answer. b. Does Bob authenticate Alice? Justify your answer.

9. The following two-message protocol is designed for mutual authentica- tion and to establish a session key K. Here, T is a timestamp.

“I’m Alice”, \J]Miœ, {K>Bob

Alice Bob

This protocol is insecure. Illustrate a successful attack by Trudy.

10. Suppose R is a random challenge sent in the clear from Alice to Bob and K is a symmetric key known only to Alice and Bob. Which of the following are secure session keys and which are not? Justify your answers.

a. R®K b. E{R,K) c. E(K,R)


9.8 PROBLEMS 341

“I’m Alice”, RA Certificate, RB

{ S ^ , E(CLNT.K)

E(SRVR,K) Alice + Bob

a. Does Alice authenticate Bob? Justify your answer.

b. Does Bob authenticate Alice? Justify your answer.

Consider the following protocol, where KAB is a shared symmetric key, CLNT and SRVR are constants, and K = h(S,RA,Re) is the session key.

“I’m Alice”, RA

3s. E(S, Κ^), E(CLNT.K) t

E(SRVR,K) Alice ■* Bob

a. Does Alice authenticate Bob? Justify your answer. b. Does Bob authenticate Alice? Justify your answer.

9. The following two-message protocol is designed for mutual authentica- tion and to establish a session key K. Here, T is a timestamp.

“I’m Alice”, \J]Miœ, {K>Bob

Alice Bob

This protocol is insecure. Illustrate a successful attack by Trudy.

10. Suppose R is a random challenge sent in the clear from Alice to Bob and K is a symmetric key known only to Alice and Bob. Which of the following are secure session keys and which are not? Justify your answers.

a. R®K b. E{R,K) c. E(K,R)



previous password. Alice likes her old password, so she resets it to its previous value. Would it be possible for the SA to determine that Alice has chosen the same password as before? Why or why not?

Q5 (Data Hiding) (Mark 2) Assume that we have a stego ECG signal with 200 samples in which binary bits of a text message is hidden as secret message. There are 168 bits of the binary secret message. A bit is hidden in the least significant bit (LSB) of an ECG sample. Please note that the bits are embedded sequentially. For example, we have a text message “hello world”. The equivalent binary of secret message is:

011010000110010101101100011011000110111100100000011101110110111 1011100100110110001100100

Now, if we hide first 5 bits of the binary string given above in LSB of first 5 ECG samples then the resultant ECG samples will look like as follows:

ECG Samples

Equivalent Binary Binary After Hiding a bit in LSB

-0.045 10111101001110000101000111101100 10111101001110000101000111101100 -0.055 10111101011000010100011110101110 10111101011000010100011110101111 -0.055 10111101011000010100011110101110 10111101011000010100011110101111 -0.075 10111101100110011001100110011010 10111101100110011001100110011010 -0.065 10111101100001010001111010111000 10111101100001010001111010111001 ⁞ ⁞ ⁞

You need to perform steganalysis to find out the secret text message from the stego ECG signal. In order to do this, convert each ECG samples into 64 bit binary and read corresponding LSB to store. At the end, convert retrieved bits into text.

The contents of stego ECG signal file (stego_ecg.txt) are given in the Appendix.



APPENDIX Stego_ecg.txt: -0.16999999999999998 -0.16 -0.17 -0.165 -0.15499999999999997 -0.15999999999999998 -0.17 -0.15 -0.10499999999999998 -0.045000000000000005 -0.030000000000000002 0.019999999999999997 0.065 0.12000000000000001 0.05499999999999999 0.01 -0.07999999999999999 -0.16 -0.17 -0.19 -0.21499999999999997 -0.21499999999999997 -0.4000000000000001 -0.39000000000000007 0.475 2.07 3.28 2.345 0.22499999999999998 -0.48000000000000004 -0.235 -0.23500000000000001 -0.275 -0.26000000000000006 -0.26000000000000006 -0.2800000000000001 -0.265 -0.255 -0.2750000000000001 -0.24 -0.24 -0.23 -0.215 -0.195 -0.19000000000000003 -0.16999999999999998 -0.175 -0.13500000000000004 -0.12 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.07 -0.055 -0.05 -0.004999999999999999 -0.015



-0.030000000000000002 -0.04 -0.07000000000000002 -0.08 -0.07999999999999999 -0.135 -0.12000000000000001 -0.135 -0.135 -0.17 -0.16499999999999998 -0.175 -0.16499999999999998 -0.14 -0.14 -0.175 -0.13500000000000004 -0.145 -0.14 -0.13000000000000003 -0.13 -0.15499999999999997 -0.14000000000000004 -0.16499999999999998 -0.16 -0.13500000000000004 -0.135 -0.165 -0.15 -0.155 -0.15999999999999998 -0.15999999999999998 -0.15499999999999997 -0.17 -0.14999999999999997 -0.14999999999999997 -0.15999999999999998 -0.15499999999999997 -0.13 -0.14999999999999997 -0.12000000000000001 -0.10000000000000002 -0.05499999999999999 -0.03 0.045 0.085 0.11 0.09 0.02 -0.10000000000000002 -0.14 -0.18500000000000003 -0.19000000000000003 -0.20000000000000004 -0.18000000000000002 -0.395 -0.34500000000000003 0.5200000000000001 2.0299999999999994 3.1300000000000003



2.1600000000000006 0.1 -0.505 -0.26 -0.24000000000000002 -0.26000000000000006 -0.26000000000000006 -0.275 -0.24 -0.235 -0.22499999999999998 -0.255 -0.25000000000000006 -0.24000000000000002 -0.19000000000000003 -0.18 -0.19000000000000003 -0.18 -0.165 -0.15999999999999998 -0.12000000000000001 -0.10000000000000002 -0.09500000000000001 -0.07999999999999999 -0.07000000000000002 -0.07999999999999999 -0.039999999999999994 -0.06 -0.04 -0.030000000000000002 -0.035 -0.07000000000000002 -0.07 -0.1 -0.105 -0.14 -0.12000000000000001 -0.14000000000000004 -0.14 -0.165 -0.18000000000000002 -0.15 -0.13 -0.175 -0.155 -0.13500000000000004 -0.13 -0.14499999999999996 -0.115 -0.12000000000000001 -0.14000000000000004 -0.15 -0.145 -0.15 -0.16 -0.17 -0.145 -0.165 -0.155 -0.18



-0.18 -0.175 -0.165 -0.19 -0.17 -0.175 -0.155 -0.12 -0.06 -0.04 0.01 0.06 0.1 0.08 0.06 -0.06 -0.12 -0.185 -0.195 -0.2 -0.195 -0.27 -0.425

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Solved Exp19_Excel_Ch07_Cap_Real_Estate | Excel Chapter 7 Real Estate

Project Description:

You are the office manager for a real estate company in northern Utah County. You tracked real estate listings, including city, agent, listing price, sold price, etc. Agents can represent a seller, a buyer, or both (known as dual agents). Your assistant prepared the spreadsheet structure with agent names, agent types, the listing and sold prices, and the listing and sold dates. You want to complete the spreadsheet by calculating the number of days each house was on the market before being sold, agent commissions, and bonuses. In addition, you will use conditional functions to calculate summary statistics. For further analysis, you will insert a map chart to indicate the average house selling price by city. Finally, you will create a partial loan amortization table and calculate cumulative interest and principal to show a potential buyer to help the buyer make decisions.


The   spreadsheet contains codes (BA, DA, SA) to represent agent roles (Buyer’s   Agent, Dual Agent,   Seller’s Agent). You want to switch the codes for the actual descriptions.
In cell E12 of the Details sheet, insert the SWITCH function to evaluate the   agent code in cell D12. Include mixed cell references to the codes and roles   in the range J2:K4 for the values
and results arguments. use all cell references in the function. Copy the   function to the range E13:E39.


Now you want to calculate the   number of days between the list date and sale date.
In cell J12, insert the DAYS function to calculate the number of days between   the Listing Date and the Sale Date. Copy the function to the range J13:J39.


You want to calculate agent   commissions based on their role.
In cell K12, insert the IFS function to calculate the agent’s commission   based on the agent code and the applicable rates in the range L2:L4. Use   relative and mixed references correctly. Copy the function to the range   K13:K39.


You want to calculate a bonus if   the sold price was at least equal to the listing price, and if the house sold   within 30 days after being listed.
In cell L12, insert an IF function with a nested AND function to calculate a   bonus. The AND function should ensure both conditions are met: Sold Price   divided by the Listing Price is greater than or equal to 100% (cell L7) and   the Days on Market are less than or equal to 30 (cell L8). If both conditions   are met, the bonus is $1,000 (cell L9). Otherwise, the bonus is $0. Use mixed   cell references to the input values in the range L7:L9. Copy the function to   the range L12:L39.


The top-left section of the   spreadsheet is designed for summary statistics for one condition. You will   calculate average selling prices and the number of houses sold in each city   (the condition).
In cell B2, insert the AVERAGEIF function to calculate the average Sold Price   for houses in the city of Alpine. Use mixed references for the range; use a   relative reference to cell A2. Copy the function and use the Paste Formulas   option to paste the function in the range B3:B5 so that the bottom border in   cell B5 is preserved.


You want to count the number of   houses in one city.
In cell C2, insert the COUNTIF function to count the number of houses in the   city of Alpine. Use mixed references for the range; and use a relative   reference to cell A2. Copy the function and use the Paste Formulas option to   paste the function in the range C3:C5 so that the border in cell C5 is   preserved.


You want to calculate the total commissions   for each agent (the condition).
In cell B7, insert the SUMIF function to total the commissions by agent. Use   mixed references for the ranges; and use a relative reference to cell A7.   Copy the function and use the Paste Formulas option to paste the function in   the range B8:B9 so that the borders are preserved.


The top-middle section of the   spreadsheet is designed for summary statistics for multiple conditions. You   will calculate the number of houses sold for each agent when he or she served   as a Dual Agent (DA). Use mixed references for ranges and the agent code   condition in cell J3. Use relative cell references to the agent condition in   cell E2. When you copy the formulas, use the paste Formulas options to   preserve border formatting.
In cell F2, insert the COUNTIFS function in cell F2 to count the number of   houses sold by the first agent (cell E2) who was a Dual Agent (DA) (J3) for   that house. Use all cell references in the function. Copy the function to the   range F3:F4 and preserve the bottom border for cell F4.


You are ready to calculate the   total value of those houses for each agent when he or she served as a Dual   Agent (DA). Use mixed references for ranges and the agent code condition in   cell J3. Use relative cell references to the agent condition in cell E2. When   you copy the formulas, use the paste Formulas options to preserve border   formatting.
In cell G2, insert the SUMIFS function to sum the selling prices of the   houses sold by the first agent (cell E2) who was a Dual Agent (DA) (J3) for   that house. Copy the function to the range G3:G4 and preserve the bottom   border for cell G4.


Now, you will calculate the   highest-price house highest-price house sold for each agent when he or she   served as a Dual Agent (DA). Use mixed references for ranges and the agent   code condition in cell J3. Use relative cell references to the agent   condition in cell E2. When you copy the formulas, use the paste Formulas   options to preserve border formatting.
In cell H2, insert the MAXIFS function in cell H2 to display the highest-price   house sold by the first agent (cell E2) who was a Dual Agent (DA) (J3) for   that house. Copy the function to the range H3:H4 and preserve the borders in   the range H3:H4.


The Map worksheet contains a   list of cities, postal codes, and average house sales. You will insert a map   chart to depict the averages visually using the default gradient fill colors.
Display the Map worksheet, select the range B1:C5 and insert a map chart.


Cut the map chart and paste it   in cell A7. Set a 2.31″ height and 3.62″ width.


You want to enter a meaningful   title for the map.
Change the map title to Average Selling Price by Zip Code.


Display the Format Data Series   task pane, select the option to display only regions with data, and show all   labels. Close the task pane.


You are ready to start   completing the loan amortization table.
Display the Loan worksheet. In cell B8, type a reference formula to cell B1.   The balance before the first payment is identical to the loan amount. Do not   type the value; use the cell reference instead. In cell B9, subtract the   principal from the beginning balance on the previous row. Copy the formula to   the range B10:B19.


Now, you will calculate the   interest for the first payment.
In cell C8, calculate the interest for the first payment using the IPMT   function. Copy the function to the range C9:C19.


Next, you will calculate the   principal paid.
In cell D8, calculate the principal paid for the first payment using the PPMT   function. Copy the
function to the range D9:D19.


Rows 21-23 contain a summary   section for cumulative totals after the first year.
In cell B22, insert the CUMIPMT function that calculates the cumulative   interest after the first year. Use references to cells A8 and A19 for the   period arguments.


The next summary statistic will   calculate the principal paid after the first year.
In cell B23, insert the CUMPRINC function that calculates the cumulative   principal paid after the first year. Use references to cells A8 and A19 for   the period arguments.


Rows 25-28 contain a section for   what-if analysis.
In cell B27, use the RATE financial function to calculate the periodic rate   using $1,400 as the
monthly payment (cell B26), the NPER, and loan amount in the original input   section.


In cell B28, calculate the APR   by multiplying the monthly rate (cell B27) by 12.


Create a footer with your name   on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code   on the right side of each worksheet.

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Logism Combinational Logic Circuit

Logism Combinational Logic Circuit


for example 0011 MUST equal the hexadecimal value C for the project (Logism Combinational Logic Circuit)





1.  Introduction


The objective of this project is to reinforce your understanding of binary codes, combinational logic design, and logic simulation.  You must:  (i) design a combinational logic circuit that displays the hexadecimal value of a gray code input according to the specifications given below; (ii) debug and test your design by simulating it using the Logisim simulator; and (iii) document your work in a short report.


2.  Gray Codes


Consider a system where a value is changed by being incremented or decremented by one.  The value is encoded by n binary signals.  As a specific example, consider a value, represented with 4 bits, being incremented from 3 to 4.  In a traditional weighted binary encoding, 3 is represented as 0011 and 4 is represented as 0100.  For the change from 3 to 4, three bits must change.  Since the time of the transitions in the actual signals will always be different if examined at a sufficiently fine scale, the value will not change instantaneously from 3 to 4.  As an example, the transition could occur as follows, where the transitions to value 7 and then value 5 are transient in nature.


0011 (3) ® 0111 (7) ® 0101 (5) ® 0100 (4)


The physical reality of such signal transitions can create problems for applications including mechanical encoders and asynchronous (clock-free) systems.  This problem can be overcome using Gray codes, which are non-weighted codes that can be used to represent values.  Gray codes have the special property that any two adjacent values differ in just one bit.  For example, the standard four-bit Gray code for 3 is 0010 and the code for 4 is 0110.  These two codes differ in just one bit, the second bit from the left.  So, only a single signal needs to change from 0 to 1 (or 1 to 0 for other values) to represent an adjacent value.  You can read more about Gray codes at


For this project we consider a special type of Gray code called a Balanced Gray code.  In a Balanced Gray code, the number of transitions for each bit position is the same when counting through the values.  For example, a four-bit Balanced Gray code can be used to count from 0 to 15 (hexadecimal F).  There are 16 transitions as the count goes from 0 to 1 to 2 and so on to 15 and then back to 0.  For a Balanced Gray code, there are four bit transitions for each of the four bit positions during the 16 total transitions.  This property is useful in some applications.

(Logism Combinational Logic Circuit)

Table I below shows the encoding of hexadecimal values 0 through F using a 4-bit Balanced Gray code.


Table I.  Hexadecimal Values and Associated 4-bit Balanced Gray Code and Binary Code


Balanced Gray Code
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
3 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
4 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
5 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
6 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
7 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
8 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
9 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
A 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
B 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
C 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
D 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1
E 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
F 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1


3.  Design Specification

(Logism Combinational Logic Circuit)

You are to design a combinational logic circuit that accepts a four-bit Balanced Gray code (X3 X2 X1 X0) as its input and creates a four-bit output (Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0) that uses standard binary encoding to represent the same hexadecimal value.  In other words, the circuit translates between the Balanced Gray code input and the binary code output as indicated in Table I.  Figure 1 provides a block diagram of the function.  You do not need to minimize the logic function or associated circuit, but you may choose to do so.


Note that Table I is not a true truth table in that it is not ordered by input.  You can rearrange the rows in Table I to construct a standard truth table with inputs X3 X2 X1 X0 appearing in order from 0000, 0001, 0010, …, 1111.



Figure 1.  Block diagram of the converter function.

(Logism Combinational Logic Circuit)

4.  Modeling the Circuit in Logisim


Use the Pin device in Logisim’s Wiring library to control the four inputs (X3 X2 X1 X0) to the combinational circuit.  The Pin device is also available on Logisim’s toolbar.  Each pin can be interactively set to 0 or 1 using Logisim’s Poke tool to test the circuit for different Balanced Gray code input values.  If the proper connections are in place when Logisim is running, signals with logic level 1 appear in bright green and signals with logic level 0 are shown in dark green.


The circuit’s four output bits should be used to control a hexadecimal display to show values 0 through F, inclusive.  Use the Hex Digit Display device in Logisim’s Input/Output library.  It accepts a 4-bit binary encoded value as input and displays the hexadecimal digit corresponding to the binary-encoded input.  Use the Splitter device in Logisim’s Wiring library to interface the four individual single bits produced by the combinational circuit (Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0) to the four-bit wide input to the Hex Digit Display.  The Hex Digit Display device has a second input to control the decimal (hexadecimal) point.  The decimal point input can be left unconnected.


Figure 2 shows a possible layout for the design.  The associated Logisim circuit file is provided with this assignment.



Figure 2.  Possible circuit layout including logic to produce output Y0 (input is for Balanced Gray Code value 0011 which produces output 1100 or hexadecimal C).


The design in Figure 2 includes the combinational logic to produce output Y0.  By observation, we see that output Y0 is true if and only if there are an odd number of logic 1 inputs.  Thus, Y0 is implemented by the exclusive-or (XOR) function, i.e., Y0 = X3 Å X2 Å X1 Å X0.  For the Logisim XOR Gate, the Multiple-Input Behavior attribute needs to be set to “When an odd number are on.”


5.  Simulation


After you create your design, use Logisim to simulate the code conversion circuit.  You should test all 16 possible input combinations and verify that the correct values of Y3Y2, Y1, and Y0 are produced and that the correct hexadecimal value is displayed. (Logism Combinational Logic Circuit)


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choose 1 question and answer it. (200 words)

use the pdf file chapter 1 to answer


1. What is encompassed in the question “why computer ethics?” In other words, what more specific questions are included in the broad question?

– What is computer ethics? What does it mean?

– Why do we have to learn ethics?

– Is computer ethics important or not?

– Is it connected to our course?

– Is computer ethics helpful?

2. Give a concise summary of Moor’s standard account of computer ethics.

– Moor’s standard account of computer ethics is saying that when IT comes up a new possibilities for people’s action that is because Ethical issues arises around IT.

3. What is a policy vacuum? Give an example, and explain it using the standard account.

     – Policy vacuum means “no policy”. For example, A Benildean girl went to her school wearing slippers. At that time, the school accepts slippers then suddenly made a school policy of dress code. She wore slippers because there were no rules of not wearing slippers. She can be excused if her feet/s were injured.

Using it in the standard account, the policy vacuum are filled when there are questions or conceptual muddle that needs to be solved or answered.

4. What is a conceptual muddle, and how do they get in the way of filling policy vacuums? Illustrate with an example.

By the word itself, muddle means mix-up, confusing, or jumble. Conceptual muddle gets in the way of filling policy vacuums because conceptual muddles are the questions that to be answered and be solved so they are like making the created policy change. For example, A man asked the IT department if he could access his email account to read his personal emails. The IT says “no” but with reconsiderations and depending on his request he can access his email account with a desired time and if it is business related.

5. What is wrong with the standard account of computer ethics? Identify at least two criticisms, and explain.

The problem with the standard account of computer ethics is the “newness”. In the book, “newness” may skew the kind of analysis that is done.

6. What are the two tenets of the view referred to as “technological determinism”? What is the STS critique of each tenet?

– “technology develops in isolation and according to its own logic – should be rejected outright”

= It does not follow a predetermined or “natural” order of development.

– “technologies are adopted by societies or particular social groups, the adoption brings about – determines – social arrangements and patterns of social behavior”

= When we say that technology determines society, we are forgetting that the technology has been socially shaped; social factors and forces have influenced the development and design of the technology.

7. What is wrong with thinking of technology as merely material objects?

In the statement “thinking of technology as merely material objects”, it sounds normal but it doesn’t look at the main idea why technologies are invented.

In the chapter 1 of Computer Ethics, about “Sociotechnical”, one of the lessons of STS, is not to think of technology as material objects. As sited in this chapter, that “Facebook users think of the site not just as a material object or piece of software, but as a “social” networking site”.

8. What is a sociotechnical system?

For me, sociotechnical system is a system that people should might know. It helps in our decision making and critical thinking. It helps us stretch our mind, ask questions that obviously want decent answers.

Written in the book of Computer Ethics, “sociotechnical systems perspective provides a richer account of situations in which ethical decisions are made, one that may help in articulating moral concerns as well as revealing additional avenues for addressing ethical questions and issues”.

9. Choose a familiar technology and describe its values?

     – Internet

= helps users to reconnect with other people

= to gather informations

          = to send files from other people

10. What is the difference between micro-level ethical issues and macro-level ethical issues?

Micro-level ethical issues are for the individuals’choices and their behavior.

Macro-level ethical issues are for big groups that everyone can be affected.

11. Why is the study of ethics and technology needed? Why is the study of ethics, and IT in particular, needed?

The study of ethics and technology is needed because:

= Ethics -> In ethics, ethics gives us to explore our mind or to widen our mind, ask questions to the unknown, ask questions to the unjust, and etc.  It helps us to think more of cases that are somehow wrong and right.

= Technology -> We need technology. As we our world continues to grow on technologies, we began to be attached to the technologies we created. We are so attached that people can’t live without it. That is why Ethics is needed because Ethics is like the one stopping the evil deeds of an evil person using technology.

The study of ethics and IT in particular is needed because these IT people are mostly creating ethics. Reading some of the recent cases can actually relate some of your problems that can be solved under some of the circumstances.

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Project Description:

You work for a company that sells cell phone accessories. The company has distribution centers in three states. You want to analyze shipping data for one week in April to determine if shipping times are too long. You will perform other analysis and insert a map. Finally, you will prepare a partial loan amortization table for a new delivery van.


Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch07_CapAssessment_Shipping.xlsx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.


The Week worksheet contains data   for the week of April 5.
In cell D7, insert the appropriate date function to calculate the number of   days between the Date Arrived and Date Ordered. Copy the function to the   range D8:D35.


Next, you want to display the   city names that correspond with the city airport codes.
In cell F7, insert the SWITCH function to evaluate the airport code in cell   E7. Include mixed cell references to the city names in the range F2:F4. Use   the airport codes as text for the Value arguments. Copy the function to the   range F8:F35.


Now you want to display the   standard shipping costs by city.
In cell H7, insert the IFS function to identify the shipping cost based on   the airport code and the applicable shipping rates in the range G2:G4. Use   relative and mixed references correctly. Copy the function to the range   H8:H35.


Finally, you want to calculate a   partial shipping refund if two conditions are met.
In cell I7, insert an IF function with a nested AND function to determine   shipping refunds. The AND function should ensure both conditions are met:   Total Days is grater than Total Days Delivery Goal (cell C3) and Order Total   is equal to or greater than Order Total Threshold (cell C2). If both   conditions are met, the refund is 50% (cell C4) of the Shipping Cost.   Otherwise, the refund is $0. Use mixed references as needed. Copy the   function to the range I8:I35.


The Stats worksheet contains   similar data. Now you want to enter summary statistics.
In cell B2, insert the COUNTIF function to count the number of shipments for   Austin (cell B1). Use appropriate mixed references to the range argument to   keep the column letters the same. Copy the function to the range C2:D2.


In cell B3, insert the SUMIF   function to calculate the total orders for Austin (cell B1). Use appropriate   mixed references to the range argument to keep the column letters the same.   Copy the function to the range C3:D3.


In cell B4, insert the AVERAGEIF   function to calculate the average number of days for shipments from Austin   (cell B1). Use appropriate mixed references to the range argument to keep the   column letters the same. Copy the function to the range C4:D4.


Now you want to focus on   shipments from Houston where the order was greater than $1,000.
In cell C7, insert the COUNTIFS function to count the number of orders where   the Airport Code is IAH (Cell D1) and the Order Total is greater than $1,000.


In cell C8, insert the SUMIFS   function to calculate the total orders where the Airport Code is IAH (Cell   D1) and the Order Total is greater than $1,000.


In cell C9, insert the MAXIFS   function to return the highest order total where the Airport Code is IAH   (Cell D1) and the Order Total is greater than $1,000.


On the Map worksheet, insert a   map for the states and revenues. Cut and paste the map in cell C1.


Format the data series to show   only regions with data and show all map labels.


Change the map title to April 5-9   Gross Revenue.


Use the Loan worksheet to   complete the loan amortization table.
In cell F2, insert the IPMT function to calculate the interest for the first   payment. Copy the function to the range F3:F25. (The results will update   after you complete the other functions and formulas.)


In cell G2, insert the PPMT   function to calculate the principal paid for the first payment. Copy the   function to the range G3:G25.


In cell H2, insert a formula to   calculate the ending principal balance. Copy the formula to the range H3:H25.


Now you want to determine how   much interest was paid during the first two years.
In cell B10, insert the CUMIPMT function to calculate the cumulative interest   after the first two years. Make sure the result is positive.


In cell B11, insert the CUMPRINC   function to calculate the cumulative principal paid at the end of the first   two years. Make sure the result is positive.


You want to perform a what-if   analysis to determine the rate if the monthly payment is $1,150 instead of   $1,207.87.
In cell B15, insert the RATE function to calculate the necessary monthly rate   given the NPER, proposed monthly payment, and loan. Make sure the result is   positive.


Finally, you want to convert the   monthly rate to an APR.
In cell B16, insert a formula to calculate the APR for the monthly rate in   cell B15.


Insert a footer on all sheets   with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the   file name code on the right side.

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Windows ProDiscover Forensics Lab

Advanced Computer Forensics

Windows ProDiscover Forensics Lab

This lab is a replacement for the EnCase lab (122) for students who have been unable to access EnCase through RLES. In order to do this lab, you will need to download and install ProDiscover Basic (make sure to pick 32-bit or 64-bit depending on your version of Windows) from this URL: (scroll down until you see the download links at the bottom of the page). You will also need to download a copy of the image files for this lab, These image files are distributed under the GPL and were originally created by Brian Carrier.

Instructions appear as bullet points, questions are numbered and bolded.

Instructions & Questions

  • Start ProDiscover Basic.
  • Create a new project for this laboratory. Give it a unique number and name.
  • Click “Add” then “Image File” and add “123img1.dd”.
  • Click the “Action” menu then generate “OS Info”. This adds some information about the image to the report, which you can view at any time during your examination by clicking on “View” then “Report”.
  1. What is the file system of this image file?
  2. What is the volume name?
  • Go to “Cluster View” and click on the image.
  1. How many clusters are used on this image file?
  • Go to “Content View” and click on the image.
  1. List all the Deleted files recovered by ProDiscover in a table – and calculate the MD5 hash value for each deleted file.
  2. Is there anything special about any of the files?
  • ProDiscover will use the time zone setting of your examiner workstation if no time zone is set for the evidence. When you acquire a computer as evidence it is important to make note of the computer’s time and time zone, especially if you need to correlate evidence from different time zones (never assume the time or time zone on a computer is correct.)
  1. Where does the Time Zone information reside in a Windows system?
  • Set the timezone by clicking on File, then Preferences. The timezone should be US Central Time in this particular case (the image file has been extracted from a computer in that timezone although it is not an image of the system partition so there is no way to find the computer’s actual timezone from the image itself).
  1. What is the latest file creation time on the image?
  2. Which files are resident files? Hint: you can right-click on a file and say “Show Cluster Numbers” to see the cluster/s in which the file is stored – you can do this for the $MFT of the disk image to see which clusters are allocated to the $MFT.
  • Add the second image to the case – “123img2.dd”
  • Go to the “Content View” and click “All Files”.
  • Go to the “View” menu and select “Gallery View”.
  1. Which files display a thumbnail in Gallery View?
  2. Are there any files with mismatching file extensions? If so, which ones? Identify their types according to their extension versus their actual type and explain how you have identified the actual type.
  • Disable Gallery View.
  • Extract all JPEG files from the image by selecting each of them. You will be prompted to add a comment about the file for the report. Record “JPEG file” and whether the file has been hidden, deleted, mislabelled or is in any other way special.
  • Right-click on a file and click “Copy All Selected Files”. Save them in a temporary directory on your computer.
  1. Paste each JPEG file from your temporary directory into your submission document as an embedded image.
  2. Do you think you have identified every JPEG file in the image? Hint: You can search for the JPEG file header by clicking on “Search”, selecting “Hex” and searching for the pattern FFD8. Do any files contain the pattern which do not appear in your temporary directory? If so, which ones?
  3. Create a table for all files on the second image, listing each file’s name and MD5 hash value.


Your answers to all questions should be stored in a LibreOffice document, Word document or PDF, and uploaded to Dropbox in the “EnCase Lab” folder as this exercise replaces the EnCase lab.

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Medication Errors

Medication Errors


Medication errors pose a significant threat to patient safety, highlighting the crucial need for effective strategies and collaborative efforts in healthcare settings. These errors can result from various factors, including human error, miscommunication, and system failures. Understanding the ethical and legal implications, implementing strategies, involving nurses, fostering interprofessional collaboration, and leveraging technologies are essential components in addressing medication errors. 

Ethical and Legal Implications of Medication Errors 

Medication errors bear profound ethical and legal consequences, impacting both healthcare providers and patients. Ethically, these errors infringe upon fundamental principles of patient autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Patients have the right to be fully informed about their treatment, including potential risks associated with medication errors. Failing to uphold these principles erodes the trust between healthcare providers and their patients, a cornerstone of effective medical care. 

Medication Errors

From a legal standpoint, medication errors can result in liability for healthcare professionals. Negligence in medication administration breaches the duty of care owed to patients, opening the door to legal repercussions. Legal ramifications underscore the importance of adhering to established protocols, maintaining competency in medication administration, and ensuring transparency in reporting errors. 

Transparency is not only an ethical obligation but also a legal imperative. Healthcare professionals are ethically bound to report errors promptly, fostering a culture of openness. Legal frameworks mandate the reporting of medication errors to regulatory bodies, emphasizing the shared responsibility of healthcare providers in maintaining patient safety. 

In instances where errors occur, effective communication becomes paramount. Informing patients about errors, though challenging, aligns with ethical principles of honesty and patient-centered care. Legal obligations reinforce the importance of timely disclosure, allowing patients to make informed decisions about their ongoing treatment and establishing a foundation for trust and partnership in healthcare relationships. 

In navigating the ethical and legal implications of medication errors, a collaborative approach is vital. Interdisciplinary discussions involving nurses, physicians, and pharmacists can help reconcile ethical considerations with legal obligations. This collaboration facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the root causes of errors and enables the development of preventive strategies that align with both ethical and legal standards. 

To mitigate ethical and legal challenges, healthcare organizations should prioritize continuous education on medication safety and ethical principles. Integrating ethical considerations into ongoing training programs reinforces the importance of patient-centered care and cultivates a culture where healthcare providers are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of medication administration. 

The ethical and legal implications of medication errors are intertwined, requiring a delicate balance between upholding ethical principles and complying with legal obligations. Healthcare providers must navigate this landscape with a commitment to transparency, open communication, and a shared responsibility for patient safety. By embracing a collaborative and proactive approach, healthcare organizations can foster a culture that prioritizes ethical decision-making, legal compliance, and, ultimately, the well-being of the patients they serve. 

Strategies for Addressing Medication Errors 

Addressing medication errors requires a multifaceted strategy encompassing various elements to enhance patient safety. Implementing a robust reporting system is fundamental in fostering a culture of transparency. Such a system encourages healthcare professionals to report errors without fear of reprisal, facilitating the identification of systemic issues that contribute to errors. 

Education and training play a pivotal role in reducing medication errors. Regular programs that enhance the competence of healthcare providers in medication administration are essential. Training should cover not only the technical aspects but also emphasize the importance of communication, vigilance, and critical thinking during the medication process. 

Standardizing medication protocols is a practical measure to minimize errors. Establishing clear and consistent procedures for prescribing, dispensing, and administering medications helps reduce confusion and variability in practice. Additionally, incorporating barcode scanning technology ensures accuracy in medication administration by matching medication orders with patient information. 

Double-check procedures serve as an extra layer of safety. Having a second healthcare professional independently verify medication orders and administration details can catch potential errors before reaching the patient. This redundancy is particularly crucial in high-risk medications and situations. 

Fostering a culture that prioritizes safety is integral to error prevention. This involves creating an environment where reporting errors is encouraged, viewed as a learning opportunity, and not met with punitive measures. Such a culture promotes shared responsibility among healthcare providers in ensuring patient safety. 

Nurses, being at the forefront of patient care, play a central role in reducing medication errors. Their vigilance during medication administration, accurate documentation, and effective communication with patients and other team members are critical. Empowering nurses to voice concerns and actively participate in the development of safer medication practices contributes significantly to error reduction. 

To address the multifaceted nature of medication errors, a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach is crucial. Regular audits and reviews of medication processes provide insights into potential vulnerabilities. Interprofessional collaboration involving physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other stakeholders allows for a holistic understanding of the factors contributing to errors and the development of targeted interventions. 

Continuous improvement is key. Healthcare organizations should regularly assess the effectiveness of implemented strategies, incorporating feedback from frontline staff. This iterative process allows for adjustments and refinements, ensuring that strategies remain relevant and responsive to evolving challenges in medication safety. 

Addressing medication errors demands a comprehensive and proactive approach. By implementing reporting systems, prioritizing education, standardizing protocols, fostering a safety culture, empowering nurses, and engaging in ongoing evaluation and improvement, healthcare organizations can create a resilient framework that enhances patient safety and minimizes the occurrence of medication errors. 

How Nurses Can Help Reduce Medication Errors 

Nurses, as frontline caregivers, play a pivotal role in minimizing medication errors and ensuring patient safety. Vigilance during medication administration is paramount. Nurses must meticulously check medication orders, confirming the “Five Rights”: the right patient, right medication, right dose, right route, and right time. This diligence forms a crucial defense against errors. 

Medication Errors

Accurate documentation is another linchpin in error reduction. Nurses should meticulously record each medication administered, including any observations or patient responses. This documentation not only serves as a historical record but also aids in identifying patterns, contributing to a proactive approach to preventing future errors. 

Effective communication is the glue that holds together a collaborative healthcare team. Nurses must communicate clearly with physicians, pharmacists, and other team members to ensure a shared understanding of the patient’s medication plan. Any concerns or discrepancies should be promptly addressed through open communication channels, fostering a collective commitment to patient safety. 

Patient education is an essential component of error prevention. Nurses should empower patients to actively participate in their care by providing clear and simple instructions about their medications. This includes explaining the purpose of each medication, potential side effects, and the importance of adhering to the prescribed regimen. Patient understanding and engagement are powerful tools in averting medication errors. 

Embracing a culture of safety is intrinsic to the nurse’s role. Nurses should feel empowered to voice concerns or report errors without fear of retribution. Creating an environment where learning from mistakes is prioritized over blame encourages a proactive stance in addressing potential risks and vulnerabilities in the medication process. 

Participation in interdisciplinary collaboration is key. Nurses should actively engage with physicians, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals in discussions about medication plans and potential risks. Shared decision-making and mutual respect among team members contribute to a comprehensive understanding of patient needs and minimize the likelihood of errors. 

Regular training and continuing education are vital for nurses to stay abreast of the latest advancements and best practices in medication administration. This ongoing learning ensures that nurses remain competent, adaptable, and well-equipped to navigate the complexities of modern healthcare. 

Utilizing technology tools, such as barcode scanning systems and electronic medication administration records, can significantly enhance the nurse’s ability to prevent errors. These tools provide real-time verification and documentation, reducing the risk of administering the wrong medication or dosage. 

Nurses stand at the forefront of patient care and are instrumental in reducing medication errors. Through vigilance, accurate documentation, effective communication, patient education, fostering a safety culture, interdisciplinary collaboration, continuous education, and leveraging technology, nurses contribute significantly to creating a safer healthcare environment. Their commitment to the principles of medication safety is foundational to minimizing errors and ensuring the well-being of the patients they serve. 

Role of Interprofessional Collaboration in Reducing Medication Errors 

Interprofessional collaboration is a linchpin in the collective effort to mitigate medication errors and enhance patient safety. In healthcare settings, where diverse professionals, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other specialists, collaborate, the synergy of their combined expertise forms a robust defense against errors. 

Effective communication is a cornerstone of interprofessional collaboration. Sharing information about medication plans, patient histories, and potential risks ensures a unified understanding among team members. Clear communication pathways enable healthcare professionals to collectively address challenges and prevent misunderstandings that may lead to errors. 

Shared decision-making is a pivotal aspect of collaboration. When healthcare professionals collaboratively determine the best course of action regarding medication plans, it promotes a comprehensive approach that considers diverse perspectives. This collaborative decision-making process helps identify potential pitfalls and implement preventive measures, thereby reducing the likelihood of errors. 

Regular interdisciplinary meetings are instrumental in maintaining open lines of communication and fostering a culture of collaboration. These forums provide a space for healthcare professionals to discuss patient cases, share insights, and collectively problem-solve. Such meetings offer an opportunity to address concerns, clarify doubts, and enhance the overall coordination of patient care. 

Mutual respect among healthcare professionals is fundamental to effective collaboration. Valuing the expertise and perspectives of each team member contributes to a harmonious working environment. When professionals feel respected and heard, they are more likely to actively engage in discussions, share insights, and contribute to error prevention efforts. 

Collaborative problem-solving is inherent in an interprofessional approach. When facing challenges related to medication administration, healthcare professionals from various disciplines can pool their knowledge to identify root causes and implement targeted solutions. This proactive problem-solving contributes to a continuous improvement cycle, where lessons learned from errors lead to refined practices. 

Patient-centered care is a shared goal of interprofessional collaboration. Aligning the focus on the patient’s needs ensures that medication plans are tailored to individual circumstances, minimizing the risk of errors. Collaborating to understand the unique aspects of each patient’s situation enhances the precision and appropriateness of medication administration. 

Recognizing the interconnectedness of roles within the healthcare team is essential. Nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and other professionals each bring a unique perspective and skill set to the table. Acknowledging and leveraging these diverse contributions strengthen the overall fabric of interprofessional collaboration. 

Interprofessional collaboration stands as a cornerstone in the concerted effort to reduce medication errors. Through effective communication, shared decision-making, regular meetings, mutual respect, collaborative problem-solving, and a focus on patient-centered care, healthcare professionals can collectively enhance patient safety. By working together seamlessly, the healthcare team forms a united front against the complexities of medication administration, ultimately ensuring the well-being of the patients under their care. 


Role of Technologies in Addressing Medication Errors 

In the modern healthcare landscape, technology plays a pivotal role in addressing and preventing medication errors. Electronic Health Records (EHR), Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) contribute significantly to enhancing patient safety. 

Electronic Health Records (EHR) serve as comprehensive digital repositories of patient information. By providing a centralized platform for healthcare professionals to access accurate and up-to-date patient data, EHRs reduce the risk of errors stemming from incomplete or outdated information. This accessibility ensures that healthcare providers have a holistic view of a patient’s medical history, including current medications and potential allergies, facilitating informed decision-making during medication administration. 

Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) systems streamline the prescription process, replacing traditional paper-based orders. This transition minimizes errors arising from illegible handwriting and enhances accuracy in medication orders. By electronically transmitting orders to the pharmacy, CPOE systems reduce the likelihood of transcription errors, ensuring that the prescribed medications match the intended treatment plan. 

Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) act as virtual safety nets, providing real-time alerts and guidance to healthcare professionals during the medication process. These systems analyze patient data, cross-referencing it with established protocols and best practices. When potential issues or conflicts are identified, CDSS offers timely alerts, empowering healthcare providers to make informed decisions and preventing errors before they reach the patient. 

Barcode scanning technology is a tangible application of technology at the bedside. By incorporating barcodes on medication packaging and patient wristbands, nurses can verify the “Five Rights” – ensuring the right patient, right medication, right dose, right route, and right time. This hands-on approach adds an extra layer of safety to the medication administration process, minimizing the risk of errors. 

However, while technologies offer substantial benefits, their efficacy depends on proper implementation and user adherence. Adequate training is essential to ensure healthcare professionals can effectively navigate and utilize these systems. Additionally, ongoing support and regular updates are crucial to address evolving healthcare needs and to maximize the potential of these technologies in reducing medication errors. 

Technologies such as EHR, CPOE, CDSS, and barcode scanning play a crucial role in addressing and preventing medication errors. These tools enhance information accessibility, streamline processes, offer real-time guidance, and provide tangible safety measures at the bedside. As technology continues to advance, its integration into healthcare practices will remain essential in creating a safer environment for medication administration and ultimately ensuring the well-being of patients. 


Medication errors pose a significant threat to patient safety in healthcare settings. Ethically and legally, transparency, communication, and collaboration are vital. Strategies such as robust reporting systems, education, standardization, and a safety-focused culture contribute to error reduction. Nurses, with their vigilance and involvement, play a central role. Interprofessional collaboration ensures a holistic approach to error prevention, fostering shared decision-making and problem-solving. Leveraging technologies like EHR, CPOE, CDSS, and barcode scanning enhances accuracy and reduces the risk of errors. However, successful implementation requires proper training and ongoing support. As healthcare evolves, the commitment to learning, collaboration, and technology integration will be crucial in minimizing medication errors, safeguarding patient well-being, and advancing the overall quality of healthcare.


Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP). (2021). Key Elements of the Medication Use System.

World Health Organization (WHO). (2019). Medication Errors: Technical Series on Safer Primary Care.

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Computer Science Scripting Assignment

Create the following SQL script (Save as w6_firstname_lastname.sql) .

Create a simple Database with the following

1) Create insert script (10 inserts)

2) Create update script (10 updates)

3) Create the following:-

a) Select all records

b) Select all records sorted descending , ascending

c) Select all records with condition (where)

d) Count all records

e) Count all record with condition

4) Create 3 delete scripts

Submit your week 6 work in w6_firstname_lastname.txt (Please save the file as a text file of your scripts and upload the text file here for final review.)



Script 1)


Script 2)


Script 3) & Script 4)




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A Systematic Review Of The Role Of Distributed Computing In Enhancing Adolescent Online Safety: Current Trends And Future Directions

A Systematic Review of the Role of Distributed Computing in Enhancing Adolescent Online Safety: Current Trends and Future Directions



This systematic review paper aims to examine the role of distributed computing techniques in promoting online safety among adolescents. Through a comprehensive survey of existing research papers, this study identifies and analyzes the current trends, challenges, and potential applications of distributed computing in mitigating cybersecurity risks for the adolescent population. The paper provides insights into the effectiveness of distributed computing strategies and highlights future research directions for developing robust online safety measures for adolescents.




Overview of the escalating concerns surrounding adolescent online safety and the critical role of technological interventions in addressing cybersecurity risks.

Explanation of the significance of distributed computing methodologies in fostering a secure online environment for adolescents.

Statement of the research objectives and the rationale for conducting a systematic review of existing literature.



Literature Review Methodology:


Description of the systematic review methodology, including the search strategy for identifying relevant research papers and the inclusion criteria applied.

Explanation of the data extraction process, emphasizing the key themes and findings synthesized from the selected research papers.

Discussion of the analytical framework used to assess the contributions of distributed computing strategies to adolescent online safety.


Results and Analysis:


Presentation of the findings derived from the systematic review, categorizing the current trends and applications of distributed computing in mitigating cybersecurity risks for adolescents.

Analysis of the strengths and limitations of the identified research papers, highlighting the gaps and areas for further exploration in the field.

Identification of the common themes and emerging patterns related to the effectiveness of distributed computing techniques in enhancing adolescent online safety.



Interpretation of the findings in the context of the evolving landscape of adolescent online safety and the implications for future research and practical applications.

Examination of the challenges and opportunities associated with the integration of distributed computing solutions into comprehensive cybersecurity frameworks for adolescents.

Critical assessment of the gaps in the existing literature and recommendations for advancing research in the field of distributed computing and adolescent online safety.



Summary of the key insights obtained from the systematic review and their implications for developing robust online safety measures for adolescents.

Proposal of potential strategies and best practices for leveraging distributed computing methodologies to strengthen cybersecurity initiatives for the adolescent demographic.

Suggestion of future research directions aimed at addressing the identified gaps and enhancing the effectiveness of distributed computing in safeguarding adolescent online experiences.



Comprehensive citation of the selected research papers, scholarly articles, and relevant literature pertaining to distributed computing, adolescent psychology, and online safety.

This systematic review paper would contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the identification of best practices for integrating distributed computing strategies into comprehensive online safety frameworks, fostering a safer and more secure online environment for adolescents.


Here are some examples of how distributed computing techniques can specifically be tailored to promote online safety among adolescents:


Adaptive Parental Control Networks:

Developing adaptive parental control networks using distributed computing can provide parents with effective tools to monitor and manage their adolescent’s online activities. These networks can be tailored to track and control access to specific content, websites, and applications, ensuring that adolescents are exposed only to age-appropriate and safe online content.


Peer-to-Peer Cybersecurity Education Platforms:

Establishing peer-to-peer cybersecurity education platforms utilizing distributed computing can facilitate the sharing of knowledge and best practices among adolescents. Such platforms can encourage collaborative learning and the exchange of information on online safety practices, thereby empowering adolescents to make informed decisions and protect themselves from various online threats.


Decentralized Social Media Privacy Controls:

Implementing decentralized social media privacy controls through distributed computing can enable adolescents to have greater control over their personal data shared on social platforms. These controls can include features such as granular privacy settings, decentralized data storage, and transparent data sharing policies, ensuring that adolescents have the necessary tools to protect their online privacy and digital footprint.


Secure Distributed Messaging Platforms:

Developing secure distributed messaging platforms specifically designed for adolescent communication can help safeguard their conversations from potential eavesdropping and unauthorized access. These platforms can integrate end-to-end encryption, secure multi-party communication protocols, and user-friendly interfaces, ensuring that adolescents can communicate with their peers and mentors in a safe and confidential manner.


Blockchain-based Digital Reputation Management:

Utilizing blockchain technology for digital reputation management can enable adolescents to build and maintain a secure online reputation. This approach can provide them with a decentralized and tamper-proof platform to showcase their achievements, skills, and credentials, fostering a positive online presence while protecting them from potential identity theft or reputation-based cyberbullying.


By tailoring these distributed computing techniques to the specific needs and vulnerabilities of adolescents, it becomes possible to create a safer online environment that empowers them to navigate the digital landscape responsibly and with confidence.

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Project Change Management

4-13eRunning Case

Note: Additional running cases are provided on the Companion website, including the Manage Your Health, Inc. case from the seventh edition of this text, now with updated tasks based on this edition. Template files are also available on the Companion website. This running case starts here and continues through Chapter 13. Tasks based on this case are explained in the following Tasks section; throughout the book, these tasks will build on work done in previous chapters and scenarios.

Economic inequality is a huge issue. A recent study found that the world’s 80 wealthiest individuals own as much as the entire world’s poorest 3.5 billion people. The richest 1 percent of the world’s population control half of the world’s total wealth.  Many individuals, corporations, charities, and government agencies have projects and programs in place to attempt to tackle this and other important global issues such as sustainability, but there are many opportunities to do more.

A grassroots group of college students has decided to work together to do their part in making the world a better place. The students are from many different countries, and several of them met at global conferences, through study abroad experiences, or on various Internet groups. Strategic goals of this group include developing skills for both college students and for needy populations, sharing information on existing products and services that promote economic growth and sustainability, and promoting entrepreneurship. Leaders of this group were reviewing some ideas for projects (all with a significant IT component) that they could do to support their strategic goals:

1. Global Treps: Many people are familiar with the television show called  Shark Tank where entrepreneurs (sometimes called “treps”) present their business ideas to a group of investors or sharks. Several colleges, high schools, and even elementary schools throughout the world hold unique versions of a shark tank like event. You believe that creating a non-profit organization with one central mobile-friendly website/application to assist groups in organizing these types of events would spark even more entrepreneurs throughout the world. You would plan to hold several shark tank like events during the term of the project and create a site and applications to help continue developing more global treps. This site/application would include the following capabilities:

· Provide guidelines and templates for running a shark tank type of event.

· Accept donations from potential investors targeted toward specific schools or organizations wishing to host an event (similar to the popular site where people can fund teacher’s requests).

· Accept ideas for needed new products or services.

· Provide the ability for organizations to create their own custom site to solicit local participants and sharks, accept applications, and promote the winners as well as losers.

· Research ideas for a mechanism where a certain percentage of all donations and profits earned by contestants are donated back to the Global Treps organization.

· Provide an online version of the events by showing videos of contestants and live reactions of the sharks while also getting live inputs and donations from viewers.

2. Change the Laws Campaign: Launch a global campaign to change laws to reduce further income inequality and promote social responsibility. This project would also involve creating a mobile-friendly website/application that would include information about current and proposed laws, allow discussions of potential ideas to change laws, organize people to contact appropriate lawmakers, etc.

3. Wealthy Unite: Develop a system to enable the richest people in the world to provide their input on how they can make the world a better place. Provide information on what several people are currently doing (i.e., Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, famous celebrities, etc.) to promote philanthropy. Allow others to donate to suggested causes and recommend other ways to reduce economic inequality.

4. Global Smart Shoppers: Develop a mobile app and website that recommends products and services produced by organizations that promote social responsibility. Customize the app so it works in any country in the user’s desired language. Work with large companies that do not currently sell products or services in certain countries to expand to regions in need. Allow small companies to easily add their products and services to the shopping network.


1. 1.

Summarize each of the proposed projects using a simple table format suitable for presentation to top management. Include the name of each project, identify how each one supports business strategies, assess the potential financial benefits and other benefits of each project, and provide your initial assessment of the value of each project. Write your results in a one-to two-page memo to top management, including appropriate back-up information and calculations.

2. 2.

Evaluate the four projects by preparing a weighted scoring model using the template provided on the Companion website for this text. Develop at least four criteria, assign weights to each criterion, assign scores, and then calculate the weighted scores. Print the spreadsheet and bar chart with the results. Also write a one-page paper that describes this weighted scoring model and the results.

3. 3.

Prepare a business case for the Global Treps project. Assume that the project will take six months to complete, use many volunteer hours, and cost about $130,000 for hardware, software, travel, and labor. Use the business case template provided on the Companion website for this text. Be sure to research information on the television show and events held by colleges and other groups, which have been sparked by the need for more successful entrepreneurs. Also visit to see how that site operates and look into steps for forming a non profit organization.

4. 4.

Prepare a draft project charter and an assumption log for the Global Treps project. Assume that the project will take six months to complete and have a budget of $130,000. Use the project charter template provided in this text and the sample project charter provided in  Table 4-1  as guides. For the assumption log, document at least two assumptions including an assumption ID, date, source, category, description, and status. You will be the project manager, and Dr. K. will be the project sponsor. Other team members will include Bobby, Ashok, Kim, and Alfreda. You plan to hold four shark tank like events plus develop the Global Treps site and application.

5. 5.

Start a lessons learned register to document knowledge learned on this project. Include la lessons learned ID, date, source, category, description, impact, recommendations, and proposed actions. Be creative in then making two entries.

6. 6.

Prepare a change request for the Global Treps project, using the template provided on the Companion website for this text. Assume that you have decided not to provide an online version of the show as it would be too much work for the initial project. Be creative when making up information.



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