Assignment #2 Security in Computing COSC2536/2537
Total Marks: 35 Submission Deadline: Week 10, May 11 2018 11:59pm
Q1 (Privacy) (Mark 6) Answer either Question (a) or (b) (a): Suppose there are seven voters to vote for YES or NO to give their opinions.
Design a secure voting prototype as shown in Fig. 1 using Paillier cryptosystem where the votes must be encrypted from Voting Booth before sending them to the Voting Server. Assume, four voters will vote for YES and three voters will vote for NO. The Voting Authority should find four YESs and three NOs after counting the votes. The Voting Authority chooses p=59, q=97 and select g=5724. Seven voters select the random numbers as 𝒓𝟏 = 𝟗𝟎, 𝒓𝟐 = 𝟗𝟏, 𝒓𝟑 = 𝟗𝟐, 𝒓𝟒 = 𝟗𝟑, 𝒓𝟓 = 𝟗𝟒, 𝒓𝟔 = 𝟗𝟓 and 𝒓𝟕 = 𝟗𝟔 respectively. Show the encryption, homomorphic computations and decryption processes.
Fig. 1: Secure E-voting Scenario
Hints: Refer to the lecture-5 Secure e voting. You need to represent the total number of votes by 6-bit string. The first three of bits should represent the votes for YES and the rest for NO. When adding a vote for YES, the system adds 001000, which is 8 in integer. Similarly, the system adds 000001 when voting for NO, which is 1 in the integer form. (b) As shown in Fig. 2, Alice owns two different shops where she sells mobile phones of a specific brand. The prices of the phones are different based on the shops. Now with
the help of a third-party cloud server, Alice wants to know remotely and securely, how much she earned by selling the mobile phones in both shops with different price rate (assume that Alice does not have the homomorphic computation power). Note that, Alice does not want to reveal how many phones are sold also the total amount of money that she earned to the server. How can you build a secure protocol using Exponential ElGamal cryptosystem where the cloud server can perform such computations without knowing the number of phones that are sold and the total earnings? Please refer to the below table for detail information.
Shops Shop 1 Shop 2 Phones sold 20 25 Price rate 50 30
Total Earning per shop 1000 750 Total Earning 1750
Fig. 2: Secure Transactions
Hints: Alice as a receiver, should generate the public and private key pairs (as shown in figure) and sends the public keys to the shops. The corresponding shops as senders can encrypt (with random numbers given in the figure) the number of phones sold and send the cipher-texts with the price rate (as plaintext) to the cloud server. The server with computation power should perform the required computations homomorphically so that it cannot reveal the total amount that is earned by selling the phones, since it is privacy sensitive. Only Alice should decrypt and find the Total earning. Q2 (Signatures) (Mark 2+2+1+1=6) (a) Suppose Bob (the sender) wants to send a signed message m=456789 to Alice (the receiver). However, before sending the message he would like to sign the message. When Alice receives the signed message, she would like to verify that the message is
indeed from Bob. To facilitate signing and verification Bob generates public and private keys using RSA encryption algorithm and sends the public key to Alice. Bob uses parameter p=10009 and q=9739, and chooses a suitable public key parameter e=5737. How would Bob sign message m=456789? How would Alice verify the signed message from Bob? (b) Suppose Bob (the sender) wants to send a signed message m=3456 to Alice (the receiver). However, before sending the message he would like to sign the message. When Alice receives the signed message, she would like to verify that the message is indeed from Bob. To facilitate signing and verification Bob generates public and private keys using ElGamal encryption algorithm and sends the public key to Alice. Bob chooses p=8081, g=2849, x=59. How would Bob sign message m=3456? How would Alice verify the signed message from Bob? (c) Recall that we use both a public key system and a hash function when computing digital signatures. Suppose that the hash function used to compute and verify signatures is insecure, but the public key system is secure. Show that you can forge signatures. (d) Why is it a bad idea to use the same RSA key pair for both signing and decryption? Explain with an example (i.e. a numerical example). Is this also true for ElGamal? Q3 (BlockChain) (Mark 12) Study (i.e. research) various supply-chain systems as listed below. Choose one of the supply-chain systems as a case study (or you may choose any, which is not listed) and write a short report/proposal on how integrity and traceability of the chosen system can be improved by using BlockChain principle. Use plenty of diagrams to explain your concept. We are not asking you to write code and develop the system, but your report should contain enough information for a system architect to understand and build the proposed system. Some existing Blockchain based Supply-chain case studies are as follows.
1. Blockchain in Pharmaceutical supply chain to prevent counterfeit drugs supply.
2. Blockchain based Port logistics 3. Food safety and traceability using Blockchain: Meat traceability, Sea food
traceability etc. 4. Blockchain based garment products supply chain. 5. Tracking and tracing the provenance of diamonds using blockchain.
Some resources to study about existing Blockchain based Supply chain systems to improve the trust, traceability and integrity: Seafood Traceability using Blockchain IBM’s Solution on Blockchain based Food Supply chain
Q4 (Authentication and Intrusion Detection) (Mark 2+2+3+2=9) (a) Consider the following mutual authentication protocol, where KAB is a shared symmetric key. Give two different attacks that Trudy can use to convince Bob that she is Alice.
(b) Suppose R is a random challenge sent in the clear from Alice to Bob and K is a symmetric key known only to Alice and Bob. Which of the following are secure session keys and which are not? Justify your answers.
(c) The popular method for anomaly-based intrusion detection is based on file-use statistics.
(i) Many other statistics could be used as part of an anomaly-based IDS. For example, network usage would be a sensible statistic to consider. List five other statistics that could reasonably be used in an anomaly-based IDS.
(ii) Why might it be a good idea to combine several statistics rather than relying on just a few?
(iii) Why might it not be a good idea to combine several statistics rather than relying on just a few?
(d) Alice forgets her password. She goes to the system administrator’s office, and the admin resets her password and gives Alice the new password.
(i) Why does the SA reset the password instead of giving Alice her previous (forgotten) password? Why should Alice re-reset her password immediately after the SA has reset it?
(ii) Suppose that after the SA resets Alice’s password, she remembers her
9.8 Problems 1. Modify the authentication protocol in Figure 9.12 so that it uses a hash
function instead of symmetric key encryption. The resulting protocol must be secure.
2. The insecure protocol in Figure 9.24 was modified in Figure 9.26 to be secure. Find two other distinct ways to slightly modify the protocol in Figure 9.24 so that the resulting protocol is secure. Your protocols must use a timestamp and “encrypt and sign.”
3. We want to design a secure mutual authentication protocol based on a shared symmetric key. We also want to establish a session key, and we want perfect forward secrecy.
a. Design such a protocol that uses three messages.
b. Design such a protocol that uses two messages.
4. Consider the following mutual authentication protocol, where KAB is a shared symmetric key.
“I’m Alice”, R ►
E(R+1,KAB) r Bob
Give two different attacks that Trudy can use to convince Bob that she is Alice.
5. Consider the attack on TCP authentication illustrated in Figure 9.28. Suppose that Trudy cannot guess the initial sequence number 62 ex- actly. Instead, Trudy can only narrow 62 down to one of, say, 1,000 possible values. How can Trudy conduct an attack so that she is likely to succeed?
6. Timestamps can be used in place of nonces in security protocols.
a. What is the primary advantage of using timestamps?
b. What is the primary disadvantage of using timestamps?
7. Consider the following protocol, where CLNT and SRVR are constants, and the session key is K = h(S, RA, RB)·
Alice ~
9.8 PROBLEMS 341
“I’m Alice”, RA Certificate, RB
{ S ^ , E(CLNT.K)
E(SRVR,K) Alice + Bob
a. Does Alice authenticate Bob? Justify your answer.
b. Does Bob authenticate Alice? Justify your answer.
Consider the following protocol, where KAB is a shared symmetric key, CLNT and SRVR are constants, and K = h(S,RA,Re) is the session key.
“I’m Alice”, RA
3s. E(S, Κ^), E(CLNT.K) t
E(SRVR,K) Alice ■* Bob
a. Does Alice authenticate Bob? Justify your answer. b. Does Bob authenticate Alice? Justify your answer.
9. The following two-message protocol is designed for mutual authentica- tion and to establish a session key K. Here, T is a timestamp.
“I’m Alice”, \J]Miœ, {K>Bob
Alice Bob
This protocol is insecure. Illustrate a successful attack by Trudy.
10. Suppose R is a random challenge sent in the clear from Alice to Bob and K is a symmetric key known only to Alice and Bob. Which of the following are secure session keys and which are not? Justify your answers.
a. R®K b. E{R,K) c. E(K,R)
9.8 PROBLEMS 341
“I’m Alice”, RA Certificate, RB
{ S ^ , E(CLNT.K)
E(SRVR,K) Alice + Bob
a. Does Alice authenticate Bob? Justify your answer.
b. Does Bob authenticate Alice? Justify your answer.
Consider the following protocol, where KAB is a shared symmetric key, CLNT and SRVR are constants, and K = h(S,RA,Re) is the session key.
“I’m Alice”, RA
3s. E(S, Κ^), E(CLNT.K) t
E(SRVR,K) Alice ■* Bob
a. Does Alice authenticate Bob? Justify your answer. b. Does Bob authenticate Alice? Justify your answer.
9. The following two-message protocol is designed for mutual authentica- tion and to establish a session key K. Here, T is a timestamp.
“I’m Alice”, \J]Miœ, {K>Bob
Alice Bob
This protocol is insecure. Illustrate a successful attack by Trudy.
10. Suppose R is a random challenge sent in the clear from Alice to Bob and K is a symmetric key known only to Alice and Bob. Which of the following are secure session keys and which are not? Justify your answers.
a. R®K b. E{R,K) c. E(K,R)
previous password. Alice likes her old password, so she resets it to its previous value. Would it be possible for the SA to determine that Alice has chosen the same password as before? Why or why not?
Q5 (Data Hiding) (Mark 2) Assume that we have a stego ECG signal with 200 samples in which binary bits of a text message is hidden as secret message. There are 168 bits of the binary secret message. A bit is hidden in the least significant bit (LSB) of an ECG sample. Please note that the bits are embedded sequentially. For example, we have a text message “hello world”. The equivalent binary of secret message is:
011010000110010101101100011011000110111100100000011101110110111 1011100100110110001100100
Now, if we hide first 5 bits of the binary string given above in LSB of first 5 ECG samples then the resultant ECG samples will look like as follows:
ECG Samples
Equivalent Binary Binary After Hiding a bit in LSB
-0.045 10111101001110000101000111101100 10111101001110000101000111101100 -0.055 10111101011000010100011110101110 10111101011000010100011110101111 -0.055 10111101011000010100011110101110 10111101011000010100011110101111 -0.075 10111101100110011001100110011010 10111101100110011001100110011010 -0.065 10111101100001010001111010111000 10111101100001010001111010111001 ⁞ ⁞ ⁞
You need to perform steganalysis to find out the secret text message from the stego ECG signal. In order to do this, convert each ECG samples into 64 bit binary and read corresponding LSB to store. At the end, convert retrieved bits into text.
The contents of stego ECG signal file (stego_ecg.txt) are given in the Appendix.
APPENDIX Stego_ecg.txt: -0.16999999999999998 -0.16 -0.17 -0.165 -0.15499999999999997 -0.15999999999999998 -0.17 -0.15 -0.10499999999999998 -0.045000000000000005 -0.030000000000000002 0.019999999999999997 0.065 0.12000000000000001 0.05499999999999999 0.01 -0.07999999999999999 -0.16 -0.17 -0.19 -0.21499999999999997 -0.21499999999999997 -0.4000000000000001 -0.39000000000000007 0.475 2.07 3.28 2.345 0.22499999999999998 -0.48000000000000004 -0.235 -0.23500000000000001 -0.275 -0.26000000000000006 -0.26000000000000006 -0.2800000000000001 -0.265 -0.255 -0.2750000000000001 -0.24 -0.24 -0.23 -0.215 -0.195 -0.19000000000000003 -0.16999999999999998 -0.175 -0.13500000000000004 -0.12 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.07 -0.055 -0.05 -0.004999999999999999 -0.015
-0.030000000000000002 -0.04 -0.07000000000000002 -0.08 -0.07999999999999999 -0.135 -0.12000000000000001 -0.135 -0.135 -0.17 -0.16499999999999998 -0.175 -0.16499999999999998 -0.14 -0.14 -0.175 -0.13500000000000004 -0.145 -0.14 -0.13000000000000003 -0.13 -0.15499999999999997 -0.14000000000000004 -0.16499999999999998 -0.16 -0.13500000000000004 -0.135 -0.165 -0.15 -0.155 -0.15999999999999998 -0.15999999999999998 -0.15499999999999997 -0.17 -0.14999999999999997 -0.14999999999999997 -0.15999999999999998 -0.15499999999999997 -0.13 -0.14999999999999997 -0.12000000000000001 -0.10000000000000002 -0.05499999999999999 -0.03 0.045 0.085 0.11 0.09 0.02 -0.10000000000000002 -0.14 -0.18500000000000003 -0.19000000000000003 -0.20000000000000004 -0.18000000000000002 -0.395 -0.34500000000000003 0.5200000000000001 2.0299999999999994 3.1300000000000003
2.1600000000000006 0.1 -0.505 -0.26 -0.24000000000000002 -0.26000000000000006 -0.26000000000000006 -0.275 -0.24 -0.235 -0.22499999999999998 -0.255 -0.25000000000000006 -0.24000000000000002 -0.19000000000000003 -0.18 -0.19000000000000003 -0.18 -0.165 -0.15999999999999998 -0.12000000000000001 -0.10000000000000002 -0.09500000000000001 -0.07999999999999999 -0.07000000000000002 -0.07999999999999999 -0.039999999999999994 -0.06 -0.04 -0.030000000000000002 -0.035 -0.07000000000000002 -0.07 -0.1 -0.105 -0.14 -0.12000000000000001 -0.14000000000000004 -0.14 -0.165 -0.18000000000000002 -0.15 -0.13 -0.175 -0.155 -0.13500000000000004 -0.13 -0.14499999999999996 -0.115 -0.12000000000000001 -0.14000000000000004 -0.15 -0.145 -0.15 -0.16 -0.17 -0.145 -0.165 -0.155 -0.18
-0.18 -0.175 -0.165 -0.19 -0.17 -0.175 -0.155 -0.12 -0.06 -0.04 0.01 0.06 0.1 0.08 0.06 -0.06 -0.12 -0.185 -0.195 -0.2 -0.195 -0.27 -0.425