Excel Spreadsheet Homework Assignment


Vehicle Purchase Analysis
Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2 Vehicle 3 Vehicle 4 Average Highest Lowest
Description 2011 Ford Mustang GT 2012 Honda Civic LX 2013 Ducati Superbike 848 Evo 2012 GMC Canyon Regular Cab Price
Vehicle Type Passenger Passenger Motorcycle Truck MPG City
MPG Highway
Seller private seller dealer private seller dealer MPG Average
Price $25,490 $17,998 $13,995 $17,475
MPG City 19 29 44 18 Yearly Costs Average Highest Lowest
MPG Highway 31 41 44 25 Maintenance
Average MPG Registration Fee
Yearly Costs Insurance
Maintenance/Year $600 $300 $500 $500
Registration Fee Loan Average Highest Lowest
Insurance/Year $1,000 $700 $1,500 $600 Amount to Borrow
Need Loan? APR
Amount to Borrow Years
APR 4.90% 1.90% 7.90% 3.90%
Years 5 4 2 3 Monthly Costs Average Highest Lowest
Monthly Costs Gas
Gas Loan Payment
Loan Payment Maintenance
Maintenance/Month Insurance
Insurance/Month Total Monthly
Total Monthly


Vehicle Purchase Assumptions
$5,000 Total Cash Available for Vehicle Purchase
$600 Total Monthly Amount Available to Pay for Operating Vehicle
600 Number of Miles I Expect To Drive Each Month
$3.65 Gas Price Per Gallon
Registration Fee Lookup Table
column # 1 2
Cargo Van 100
Farm Vehicle 68
Motor Home 100
Motorcycle 60
Passenger 100
Taxicab 160
Trailer 30
Truck 100
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Computer Science Application FRQ Paragraph Questions

A big part of using classes in Java is thinking about the  design of the class. You’ll need to figure out what information  needs to be in the blueprint. So far we’ve seen a handful  of examples. In our Rectangle class, we needed to know the  width and height. For our Student class, we needed to know  the first name, last name, and grade level.

This exercise is a free response question. Imagine that someone comes  to you and asks you to design a class that represents a  Pizza. What instance variables should the Pizza class have?  Why? What are the types of those instance variables?




Your job in this exercise is write down some of the differences between objects and primitives.  What is an object, and what is a primitive?  How are they stored differently?  How do we compare objects to each other? How do we compare primitives to each other?

Write down your answers to these questions in the space provided. If you need a refresher on the differences between objects and primitives, rewatch the Objects vs Primitives video.



Data Structures are a fundamental building block of programming and computer science. Not surprisingly, they are a crucial part of the Java programming language. In any application that you use, there are data structures at work behind the scenes.

Choosing data structures and designing classes are often the most important decisions you’ll make when writing a large program. For example, think about your cell phone – how should it store your text messages? How should it store all the apps on your phone? And what about the location of the apps? And your phone book?

Online mapping applications are another great example. If you want to look up a location, how should the mapping program store that location? What data structures does the application need in order to find directions from one place to another?

In this exercise, you should come up with some software application you use (a website, game, or other application) and write a few paragraphs describing what data structures you think it uses behind the scenes to make it work.



An algorithm is a step-by-step process to solve a problem. In this course you will program the computer to execute an algorithm, but you could also see an algorithm as something you do every day.

Come up with an example of an algorithm from your every day life and write a few paragraphs explaining the process, the problem, and the algorithm.

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Excel Spreadsheet Homework Assignment


Vehicle Purchase Analysis
Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2 Vehicle 3 Vehicle 4 Average Highest Lowest
Description 2011 Ford Mustang GT 2012 Honda Civic LX 2013 Ducati Superbike 848 Evo 2012 GMC Canyon Regular Cab Price
Vehicle Type Passenger Passenger Motorcycle Truck MPG City
MPG Highway
Seller private seller dealer private seller dealer MPG Average
Price $25,490 $17,998 $13,995 $17,475
MPG City 19 29 44 18 Yearly Costs Average Highest Lowest
MPG Highway 31 41 44 25 Maintenance
Average MPG Registration Fee
Yearly Costs Insurance
Maintenance/Year $600 $300 $500 $500
Registration Fee Loan Average Highest Lowest
Insurance/Year $1,000 $700 $1,500 $600 Amount to Borrow
Need Loan? APR
Amount to Borrow Years
APR 4.90% 1.90% 7.90% 3.90%
Years 5 4 2 3 Monthly Costs Average Highest Lowest
Monthly Costs Gas
Gas Loan Payment
Loan Payment Maintenance
Maintenance/Month Insurance
Insurance/Month Total Monthly
Total Monthly


Vehicle Purchase Assumptions
$5,000 Total Cash Available for Vehicle Purchase
$600 Total Monthly Amount Available to Pay for Operating Vehicle
600 Number of Miles I Expect To Drive Each Month
$3.65 Gas Price Per Gallon
Registration Fee Lookup Table
column # 1 2
Cargo Van 100
Farm Vehicle 68
Motor Home 100
Motorcycle 60
Passenger 100
Taxicab 160
Trailer 30
Truck 100
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Computer Science: Application Code FRQ

AP Java FRQ: Combination Lock Game





· Assume that the classes listed in the Quick Reference have been imported where needed.

· Unless otherwise noted in the question, assume that parameters in method calls are not null and that methods are called only when their preconditions are satisfied.

· In writing solutions for each question, you may use any of the accessible methods that are listed in classes defined in that question. Writing significant amounts of code that can be replaced by a call to one of these methods may not receive full credit.


Consider a game with a combination lock box that has a 4-letter word as the combination. A player tries to guess the combination by guessing one letter at a time to win a prize inside the box. The combination only contains 4 lower-case letters. A guess is one lower-case letter.


For each round of play, the player is given a binary clue (yes/no) based on a comparison between the combination lock and the guess. If the letter that the player guesses is in the combination lock word, the player gets a binary clue (yes/no) that says “yes”; if the letter that the player guesses is NOT in the combination lock word, the clue is “no”.


The CombinationLock class will be used to represent the combination lock in the game. The combination lock is passed to the constructor. The class contains a method, getClue, that takes a guess and produces a clue.


For example, suppose the variable comboLock is declared as follows:


CombinationLock comboLock = new CombinationLock(“frog”);


If a player guesses “f”, then the binary clue would be “yes”; if the player guesses “t”, then the binary clue would be “no”.


Write the complete CombinationLock class, including any required instance variables, its constructor, and the method getClue, described above.

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MARIE Simulator Help Needed. Must Use MARIE Simulator

Project 2 MARIE Start code at bottom of document

1. Introduction

The objective of this project is to reinforce your understanding of computer organization, instruction set architectures, and assembly language. You will accomplish this by writing, analyzing, and debugging an assembly language program for the MARIE processor.

You must: (i) design and write an assembly language program for the MARIE processor that inputs, transforms, stores, and then outputs a sequence of characters from the set A-Z; (ii) debug and test your program by simulating it using the MARIE simulator; (iii) document your work in a short report; and (iv) submit the report file (*.pdf), assembler source file (*.mas), assembler listing file (*.lst), and assembler executable file (*.mex).

2. The MARIE Simulator

The MARIE simulator is provided as a zip file containing Java archives (*.jar) files, documentation, and example source files. Unzip the file to a directory for use. Do the following to become familiar with the MARIE simulator

3. Design Specification

You are to design, write, test, and debug a MARIE assembly language program that inputs a sequence of characters from the set A-Z (capital letters only), stores each character in memory after it is transformed by the trivial ROT13 cipher, and then, after character input completes, outputs the transformed characters.

A template source code file (Project-2_Start.mas) is provided with this assignment. Edit this file to create a program that meets the program specifications. Note that the template includes instructions to initialize some working values that your program can use. The template also defines memory locations. You may add data memory locations. The program can be designed without additional data locations, but it may be necessary to do so for your design.

For full credit, your solution must perform the functions and satisfy the requirements specified below.

a) The first instruction of the program must be placed at location (address) 0x100 (100 hexadecimal) in MARIE’s memory. This is accomplished by following the program template that is provided.

b) The constant data values (One, ChA, ChZ, ChPer, Val13, Start) should not be changed by the program. The program can load from these memory locations, but should not store to them.

c) Transformed input characters must be stored in successive memory locations beginning at location 0x200 (200 hexadecimal) as indicated in the program template. The program should store all transformed input characters before any characters are output.

d) The program should always initialize the values for Ptr in the working data memory and not rely on the values for these locations that are defined in the assembly source file. This initialization is done by the provided template file.

e) The program should work for any inputs ‘A’ through ‘Z’ and ‘.’ (a period terminates input). In the interest of keeping the program simple, the program does not need to validate inputs.

f) When transformed characters are stored and when transformed characters are output, the program must use a loop and indirect addressing to access the values in the array of words. Note that variable Ptr is initialized in the template code and should be used in the loop. You may also define a Count variable to count the number of characters, but there are also correct designs that do not require a Count variable.

g) The program should operate as follows. Input Phase:

1. A character (A-Z or ‘.’) is input. MarieSim allows the user to input a single character that is read into the accumulator (AC) with an Input instruction.

2. If character ‘.’ (period) is input, then the input phase ends and the output phase begins (step 5 below). (The period may be stored in memory to mark the

end of the characters or the characters can be counted to determine how many transformed characters to output during the output phase.)

3. The character that is input is transformed using the trivial ROT13 cipher (see Section 5.1).

4. The transformed character is stored in the next location in the block of memory beginning at location Start. (Variable Ptr must be updated and indirect memory addressing must be used.)

Output Phase:

5. All transformed characters are output, beginning with the first character that was transformed. The ‘.’ character is not to be output. (This will require a loop using variable Ptr and indirect addressing. Note that the number of characters to output will vary and the program must know when to stop the output by relying on a ‘.’ or other special character in memory, counting the number of input characters during the input phase, or some other method.)

6. After all characters are output, the program halts by executing the HALT


4. Testing

Test and debug the program using the MARIE simulator (MarieSim.jar). Debug the program using the “Step” and “Breakpoint” features of the simulator. You must test your program with the following two test cases.

Test 1: Input the eight-character sequence “VIRGINIA” followed by a ‘.’ to terminate the input. Note that you need to input one character at a time into MarieSim’s ASCII Input area, with each character followed by pressing the “Enter” key. The ROT13 value of each character (“IVETVAVN”) should be displayed after the ‘.’ character is input.

Test 2: Reload the program in MarieSim, without reassembling, input the four-character sequence “GRPU” followed by a ‘.’ To terminate the input. Note the output.

When you create your source file within MarieSim (using the File > Edit menu pick), use file name lastname_firstname_P2.mas, where “lastname” is your last or family name and “firstname” is your first or given name. You can assemble your source file in the editor program. The assembly process creates a listing file (lastname_firstname_P2.lst) and an executable file (lastname_firstname_P2.mex). Load the executables file into the simulator for execution.

5. Design Notes

5.1. he ROT13 Cipher

The ROT13 cipher (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROT13) is an old, but trivial cipher that simply rotates the characters by 13 positions. For example, ‘A’ is transformed to ‘N’ and ‘Z’ is transformed to ‘M’.

The Project-2_Start.mas source file includes a ROT13 subroutine that almost performs this transformation. You need to fix one bug in the subroutine.

/ *****

/ This is starting code for Project 2 for ECE 5484, Fall 2016

/ Remove this header and identify your project name and your name.

/ *****

ORG 100 / Start the program at location 100 hexadecimal

/ —–

/ Input characters, transform, and store in memory until ‘.’ is input

/ —–

Load Start / Initialize character pointer to start of block

Store Ptr

/>>>>> Add code to accomplish the input and output phases. <<<<<

Input InVal

/>>>>> Here’s an example of how subroutine ROT13 is called. <<<<<

/>>>>> We’ll just transform ‘A’ in this example then halt. <<<<<

Load ChA / Put ‘A’ in AC

Store InVal / Store value to be transformed into InVal

Jns ROT13 / Jump to the ROT13 subroutine

/ Upon return, the transformed character is in AC


/ —–

/ Rotate-13 subroutine: Apply ROT13 to input character in location InVal and return in AC

/ —–

/>>>>> WARNING: This subroutine *almost* works. You need to fix a bug.

ROT13, HEX 0

Load InVal / Get character

Add Val13 / Add 13

Store Hold / Save it

Subt ChZ / Check if modulo adjust is needed (past ‘Z’)

Skipcond 800 / No adjust needed if past ‘Z’

Jump NoAdj

Add ChA / Add ‘A’ back to difference to perform modulo

Jump Done / Result is in AC

NoAdj, Load Hold / No adjust needed, get result

Done, JumpI ROT13 / Return with result in AC

/ —–

/ Constants (the program should not write to these locations)

/ —–

ChA, HEX 0041 / Constant value ‘A’ for modulo adjust in subroutine

ChZ, HEX 005A / Constant value ‘Z’ for modulo check in subroutine

ChPe, HEX 2E / Constant period character that marks end of input

Val13, DEC 13 / Constant rotate value of 13 for subroutine

One, HEX 1 / Constant value 1

Start, HEX 200 / Constant address for start of character block

/ —–

/ Data area (these locations are for reading and writing)

/ —–

InVal, HEX 0 / Reserved for subroutine input value

Hold, HEX 0 / Reserved for temporary variable for subroutine

Ptr, HEX 0 / Reserved for character pointer

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Module 2 Discussion(DR)

Module 2 Discussion Forum

Include at least 250 words in your posting and at least 250 words in your reply.  Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. Please see syllabus for details on submission requirements.

Module 2 Discussion Question

Search “scholar.google.com” for a company or school that has defined the role of end-users in the creation of a contingency plan. Discuss why it is (or is not) important to include end users in the process of creating the contingency plan? What are the possible pitfalls of end user inclusion?

Reply -1 (Praneeth)


Chevron infrastructure is one of the largest energy companies who uses seismic imagine technologies in their corporation which helps them to improve the efficiency of the process and give best outcomes. Since, risks and uncertainties are the part of the recent days business world this organization take all the security mechanism which helps them to protect the business networks. They implemented the contingency plan for the organization, which helps them to continue the business operations as long as possible to face the business risks and uncertainties.

End users plays a crucial role in the contingency plan, end users involved in the development of contingency plans and design the best security mechanisms to control the effects of the uncertainties and risk. End user is the person responsible for taking care of the entire contingency plan and design the effective system to meet the business objectives. They use all the strategic and business plans to target the key areas of the organization. Contingency plan is the best course of action that organization prefer so that they can quickly respond to the business emergencies and unplanned events like disasters.

Along with the several advantages of involving end users in contingency plan, have couple of pitfalls and other issues. End users designed tools and applications for the contingency plans, often they failed to respond during the disasters and unplanned business events. On the other hands contingency plan sometimes referred as the ultimate options for the organization and keep it as plan B. In such cases, end users show less interest to the business call and that effects directly to the end objective of the business. End users show less organizational responsibility in the contingency plan for maintaining the complete program. Security and other control may not be adequate and faces issues to safeguard the networks of the business during the unplanned business events.


Fallara, P. Disaster Recovery Planning. IEEE Potentials (Volume: 23, Issue: 5, Dec. 2003-Jan.  2004). DOI: 10.1109/MP.2004. 1301248.

Meshal, A. (2016). Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering research, Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016.

Philips, B. (2005). Disaster as a Discipline: The Status of Emergency Management Education in  the US. International Journal of Mass-Emergencies and Disaster, 111-140.



Organizational readiness for change is a multi-level construct. Readiness can be more or less present at the individual, group, unit, department, or organizational level. Readiness can be theorized, assessed, and studied at any of these levels of analysis. However, organizational readiness for change is not a homologous multi-level construct. That is, the construct’s meaning, measurement, and relationships with other variables differ across levels of analysis. Below, I focus on organizational readiness for change as a supra-individual state of affairs and theorize about its organizational determinants and organizational outcomes.

Organizational readiness for change is not only a multi-level construct, but a multi-faceted one. Specifically, organizational readiness refers to organizational members’ change commitment and change efficacy to implement organizational change. This definition followed the ordinary language use of the term ‘readiness,’ which connotes a state of being both psychologically and behaviorally prepared to take action (i.e., willing and able). Similar to Bandura’s  notion of goal commitment, change commitment to change refers to organizational members’ shared resolve to pursue the courses of action involved in change implementation. I emphasize shared resolve because implementing complex organizational changes involves collective action by many people, each of whom contributes something to the implementation effort. Because implementation is often a ‘team sport,’ problems arise when some feel committed to implementation but others do not. Herscovitch and Meyer observe that organizational members can commit to implementing an organizational change because they want to (they value the change), because they have to (they have little choice), or because they ought to (they feel obliged). Commitment based on ‘want to’ motives reflects the highest level of commitment to implement organizational change.


  1. Amatayakul M. EHR? Assess readiness first. Healthc Financ Manage. 2005;
  2. Armenakis AA, Harris SG, Mossholder KW. Creating readiness for organizational change. Human Relations. 1993;46:681–703. doi: 10.1177/001872679304600601
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Read The Case Study “Creating A Methodology” On Page 108 And Then Answer One (1) Of The Questions On Page 110

Truly, PMO can quicken the execution procedure. PMO remains for Project Management office and yes we require in any association .The PMO total incorporates a pinch of get-together of individuals from various divisions in a connection and this social gathering need to pick a Leader and worked with him to get destinations and measures of accomplishment. PMO hoard must give a report that must unite information financing, resourcing, destinations, criteria for advance, and affiliation and this must be trailed by the Real time Management gathering. The point of confinement of a task association relationship to add to the accomplishment of its parent firm relies on various elements including the change of its undertaking association limits. Low headway venture association affiliations tend to expect a supporting part reliably focused on process consistence and on separating, while more make affiliations can relate unmistakable capacities to drive an impulse from ventures and the portfolio, and to acknowledge a much extended part including structure definition, asset dissemination and association of outsourcing.

Change is a choice that is other than understanding. It have some particular strategy of breaking points. An association’s undertaking association change might be surveyed by pondering the quality and movement of key characteristics, for example, techniques and culture. Working theory, how adjusted are ventures and the portfolio to a connection’s basic objectives Processes – how fitting, persevering and serious are the affiliation’s task association outlines Culture – how unquestionably knew is PPRM and what does the alliance do to draw in and create extraordinary practices Information building – does the alliance have masterminded access to and impact amazing utilization of undertaking data for fundamental activity Organization to design – are parts and duties without a doubt depicted Performance association – how well does the firm measure respect creation and how well does it compensate social affairs and people for duty.

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Excel Problem #10

New Perspectives Excel 2013| Tutorial 10: SAM Project 1a


New Perspectives Excel 2013

Tutorial 10: SAM Project 1a

Firestone Clock Company



Project Goal

M Project Name

Project Goal






Walter Silva runs operations at Firestone Clock Company. The company currently owns and operates its own manufacturing facilities that produce three lines of clocks, Desktop Models, Wall Units, and Custom Clocks. Manufacturing and other costs have been rising, and profits are being squeezed. Walter has asked you to create a workbook that details the financial components of each product line, then analyze a number of scenarios that involve cutting expenses and/or raising prices. You are trying to find the most profitable mix of products using the most cost-effective means of production.


· Download the following file from the SAM website:

· NP_Excel2013_T10_P1a_FirstLastName_1.xlsx

· Open the file you just downloaded and save it with the name:

· NP_Excel2013_T10_P1a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx

· Hint: If you do not see the .xlsx file extension in the Save file dialog box, do not type it. Excel will add the file extension for you automatically.

· With the file NP_Excel2013_T10_P1a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation sheet. If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.


· This project requires the use of the Solver add-inIf this add-in is not available in the Analysis group (or if the Analysis group is not available) on the DATA tab, install Solver by following the steps below.

· In Excel, click the FILE tab, and then click the Options button in the left navigation bar.

· Click the Add-Ins option in the left pane of the Excel Options window.

· Click on the arrow next to the Manage box, click the Excel Add-Ins option, and then click the Go button.

· In the Add-Ins window, click the check box next to the Solver Add-In option and then click the OK button.

· Follow any remaining prompts to install Solver.


Go to the Desktop Models worksheet. In cell C28, use Goal Seek to perform a break-even analysis for Desktop Models by calculating the number of units the company needs to sell (represented by the value in cell C27), at the price per unit listed in cell C25, in order to break even, or reach a Gross Profit of $0. (Hint: The number format applied to cell C25 will make a value of $0 display as -)

Create a one-variable data table to display values for Sales, Expenses, and Profits based on the Number of Clocks sold by completing the following actions:

a. In cell E5, enter a formula to reference cell C5, which is the input cell to be used in the data table.

b. In cell F5, enter a formula that references cell C20, which is the expected total sales for this product.

c. In cell G5, enter a formula that references cell C21, which is the expected total expenses for this product.

d. In cell H5, enter a formula that references cell C22, which is the expected gross profit for this product.

e. Select the range E5:H10 and then complete the one-variable data table, using cell C5 as the Column input cell for your data table.

Select range E14:L19. Create a two-variable data table to display values for gross Profit based on Units Sold and Price per Unit (Hint: Use cell C6 as the Row input cell and cell C5 as the Column input cell).

Apply a custom format to cell E14 to display the text “Units Sold/Price” in place of the cell value.

Go to the Wall Units worksheet. Create a Scatter with Straight Lines chart based on range E4:G14 in the data table Wall-Units – Break-Even Analysis. Modify the chart as described below:

f. Resize and reposition the chart so the upper-left corner is in cell E15 and the lower-right corner is in cell H28.

g. Remove the chart title from the chart.

h. Add Sales and Expenses as the Vertical Axis title and Units Sold as the Horizontal Axis title.

i. For the Vertical Axis, change the Minimum Bounds to 300000 and the Maximum Bounds to 550000. Change the Number format of the Vertical Axis to Currency with decimal places.

j. For the Horizontal Axis, change the Minimum Bounds to 5000 and the Maximum Bounds to 9000.

k. Use the Change Colors option to change the color set for the chart to Color 14 (the 4th entry from the bottom in the gallery of color choices).

Open the Scenario Manager and add two scenarios for the data in the Wall Units worksheet based on the data shown in Table 1. The changing cells for both scenarios are the non-adjacent cells C12, and C15. Close the Scenario Manager without showing any of the scenarios.




Table 1: Wall Unit Scenario Values

Values Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Scenario Name Standard Materials Green Materials
Wall_Unit_Variable_Cost (C12) 33.75 42.50
Wall_Unit_Fixed_Cost (C15) 175000 225000


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Go to Custom Clocks worksheet. Create a Scatter with Straight Lines chart based on range E6:J14 in the data table Custom Clocks – Net Income Analysis. Make the following modifications to the chart:

l. Resize and reposition the chart so the upper-left corner is in cell E15 and the lower-right corner is in cell J28.

m. Remove the chart title from the chart.

n. Reposition the chart legend to the Right of the chart.

o. Add the title Net Income as the Vertical Axis title and Units Sold as the Horizontal Axis title.

p. For the Vertical Axis, change the Minimum Bounds to –150000 and the Maximum Bounds to 250000. Change the Number format of the Vertical Axis to Currency with decimal places.

q. For the Horizontal Axis, change the Minimum Bounds to 3000 and the Maximum Bounds to 7500.

In the Scatter with Straight Lines chart created in the previous step, edit the chart series names as described below:

r. For Series 1, set the series name to cell F5 (Hint: The series name should automatically update to =’Custom Clocks’!$F$5).

s. For Series 2, set the series name to cell G5.

t. For Series 3, set the series name to cell H5.

u. For Series 4, set the series name to cell I5.

v. For Series 5, set the series name to cell J5.

Firestone Clocks is considering subcontracting the construction of their Custom Clock line to other woodshops in the area. Walter wants to determine if this option will reduce the costs associated with this product line.

Go to the Custom Clock – Suppliers worksheet. Run Solver to minimize the value in cell F11 (Total Cost) by adjusting number of units produced by each woodshop (Hint: Changing cells will be C5:E5) assuming the four (4) manufacturing constraints below:

w. F5=5500

x. F11 <=560000

y. C5:E5 <=3500

z. C5:E5 should be an Integer

Run Solver, keep the Solver Solution, and then return to the Solver Parameters Dialog box. Save the model to the range B15:B22. Close the Solver Parameters Dialog box.

Go to the All Products worksheet. Open the Scenario Manager and create a Scenario Summary report for the resultant cells C18:E18. The Scenario Summary report will summarize the impact of the following three scenarios: Status Quo, Outsource Manufacturing, Raise Prices 5%.

Go back to the All Products worksheet. Open the Scenario Manager and create a Scenario PivotTable report for result cells C18:E18. Format the Scenario PivotTable as described below:

aa. Remove the Filter field from the PivotTable.

ab. Change the number format of the Profit_per_Unit_Sold_Desktop, Profit_per_Unit_Sold_Wall_Units, and Profit_per_Unit_Sold_Custom fields (located in the Values box of the PivotTable Field List) to Currency (with 2 decimal places).

ac. In cell A1, enter the value All Products Scenario PivotTable and format the cell with the Title cell style.

Go back to the All Products worksheet. Open the Scenario Manager and view the Outsource Manufacturing scenario in the worksheet.


Your workbook should look like the Final Figure on the following page. Note that some of the outcome values have been intentionally blanked out. Save your changes, close the workbook, and exit Excel. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

Final Figure 1: Desktop Models Worksheet

Microsoft product screenshot reprinted with permission from Microsoft Incorporated. Copyright © 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.


Final Figure 2: Wall Units Worksheet

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Final Figure 3: Custom Clocks Worksheet

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Final Figure 4: Scenario Summary Worksheet


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Final Figure 5: Scenario PivotTable Worksheet


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Final Figure 6: All Products Worksheet


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Homework Assignment

Independent Project 4-5

Windows   Mac

Boyd Air is monitoring flight arrival status as well as capacities. Before formatting the data as an Excel table, you will export it as a text file for use in the reservation software. You will filter the data in the table, build a PivotTable, and create a PivotChart.

[Student Learning Outcomes 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.7, 4.8]

File Needed: BoydAir-04.xlsx (Available from the Start File link.)

Completed Project File Name: [your name]-BoydAir-04.xlsx

Skills Covered in This Project

  • Export data as a text file.
  • Format data as an Excel table.
  • Use a number filter in a table.
  • Set conditional formatting with an icon set.
  • Filter data by cell icon.
  • Create and format a PivotTable.
  • Create and format a PivotChart.
  1. Open the BoydAir-04.xlsx start file. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button so you can modify it.
  2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
  3. Rename the sheet tab Stats.
  4. The worksheet includes the Boyd Air Flight Statistics.
  5. Select cell A4 and format the data as an Excel table using Green, Table Style Medium 21.
  6. Copy the Stats sheet to the end and name the copy PM Flights.
  7. Select the PM Flights sheet, and use a Greater Than filter to display flights with a departure time after 12:00 PM (Figure 4-106).Departure label in row 4 displays filter iconFigure 4-106 Filter results for Departure Time field
  8. Select the Stats worksheet, select cells I5:I32, and set conditional formatting to use 3 Flags from the Icon Sets.
  9. Build a two-level Custom Sort for the Capacity column to sort by icon. Show the green flag at the top, followed by the yellow flag. The red flag will default to the bottom (Figure 4-107).The red flag is not used in the Sort dialog boxFigure 4-107 Custom sort for the 3 Flags icon set
  10. Select the Stats worksheet, select cells A4:I32, and use the Quick Analysis tool to create a PivotTable to display average of capacity by origin (Figure 4-108).The ScreenTip displays Average of Capacity by OriginFigure 4-108 PivotTable suggestions from the Quick Analysis tool
  11. Rename the sheet PivotTable&Chart.
  12. Select cell B3 in the PivotTable and use Field Settings to set a Number Format of Percentage with two decimal places. Edit the Custom Name to display Average Capacity.
  13. Add the Passengers field to the PivotTable Values area with a sum calculation. Edit the field settings to display # of Passengers as the custom name. Set the number format to Number with zero decimals and a thousand’s separator.
  14. Use White, Pivot Style Light 8 for the PivotTable and show banded rows and columns.
  15. Add a 3-D Pie PivotChart to the sheet and position the chart object to start in cell E3. Size the chart to reach cell N22.
  16. Select the legend in the chart and change the font size to 11 from the Home tab.
  17. Show Data Labels on the chart positioned at the Inside End. Select a data label and format all labels from the Home tab as bold and 10 pt.
  18. Select cell A1 and save and close the workbook (Figure 4-109).Excel 4-5 completedFigure 4-109 Excel 4-5 completed
  19. Upload and save your project file.
  20. Submit project for grading.
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To Bid Or Not To Bid

What other factors should Marvin and his team consider?


Marvin along with his team can examine the following factors before proceeding to bid or not bid.

1.     If Marvin’s company would voluntarily decide not to bid, then it has to think that any other company can bid for the project and potentially benefit from bidding. The primary reason is Marvin’s company is not the only company which has to publish its detail cost analysis of the project to the client, but also all companies have to present this cost analysis.

2.     Marvin’s company can research whether there is a way to get more profit margin by following the client cost model because it is a long-term contract for ten or more years.

3.     Marvin has to think whether company loses its brand value if it doesn’t participate in the bid because, in the consulting industry, the companies must be active in getting projects else the reputation diminishes among clients.

4.     Marvin and his team must consider whether their company is suitable for contracts of the type cost reimbursable because in this contract type the client pays for each work package, so the profit is less compared to fixed price projects.


Should they bid on the job?

There are a lot of crucial factors that help the company if they can get this contract. The most important to consider is this is the most significant contract compared to all other agreements that Marvin’ company ever received in its history. For 10-year or longer, the company will generate continuous revenue that helps the growth of the company. As it is a contract with a major client, Marvin’s company’s reputation will increase in consulting industry, and this, in turn, attracts more clients. The performance of the company will increase by improving their evaluation of contracts using a bottom-up approach. Marvin’s company can also try to address its concern to release complete cost breakdown information by using its association with the client, and they can explain in detail by showing the examples of previous project budgets associated with them. Finally, it is helpful for Marvin’s company by considering all these factors, so they have to bid for the job.


Marvin’s company should also consider a lot of interesting facts regarding the new contract opportunity. The customer’s ability to treat Marvin’s business as a strategic partner rather than an offer. Establishing a workable standard to win a larger contract and, ultimately, better overall earnings and profits due to a larger business base. On the other hand, Marvin’s team can also ask relevant questions about the prospects of his company. Will the company survive the impact of publishing sensitive information later? Can the company manage without the project? Will the project be a development path for the company in the long term? The answers to these questions could also be crucial for Marvin to make the right decision. If issues become a concern, it is desirable that the company explore this new horizon and learn ways to manage the impacts of sharing key information.


There is a legitimate purpose behind the additional necessities on the DP. Basic information has been requested in the RFP cuts on all organizations offering so, they all offer risks and rewards. What’s more, since the offer will be considered non-receptive without them, it’s excessively prescribed that Marvin’s organization offers for the task.


Before choosing to bid deliberately recognize all the potential hazards that might emerge on the job. Monitors tender records, plans and determinations for the task and relies on verifiable information from comparable companies whose hazards you have come to recognize. Basic hazards include fragmented development files, obscure site conditions, fast schedules, and welfare issues.



[1] Bob, L. (2015). 7 Question to Answer When Making Bid/ No Bid  Decisions. Washington Technology.


[2] Cagno, E., Caron, F., and Perego, A. (2001). Multi-criteria evaluation of the likelihood of winning in the focused bidding process. Global Journal of Project Management, 19(6), 313-324.


[3] Jones, K. (2017). Key Factors to Consider in Bid/No-Bid Decision Making. Construct Connect. Retrieved from  https://www.constructconnect.com/blog/operating-insights/key-factors-consider-bidno-bid-decision-making/


[4] Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: – a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.


NOTE: All initial postings must have at least one citation or reference and it must be in APA format. please make sure they’re in APA format. Need to be atleast 150 word.

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