Benner Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics

Week 5 Topic: Benner Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics

Benner Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics

Dr. Patricia Benner has contributed to nursing theory through her From Novice o Expert concept. The concept has been used in research to understand the gap between knowledge and skills development and patient care understanding and how new graduates transition to practice (Murray et al., 2019). The difference in quality and safety among graduate registered nurses remains an issue that significantly impacts patient outcomes. Effective facilitation of the transition process helps enhance experiential learning, allowing them to develop and establish a safe, quality nursing practice. An in-depth understanding of the transition process helps understand barriers and appropriate enablers to ensure a successful transition (Murray et al., 2019). Benner’s theory plays a critical role in shaping nursing research and education, providing nursing educators and leaders with an understanding of how to facilitate knowledge and skills acquisition and transition into practice for newly graduated registered nurses (Nursing Theory, 2023). This model that describes nurses’ transition through five nursing experience levels: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert is used as a theoretical framework in research to help measure, understand and improve the safety and quality of nursing care and influence on the future of the nursing workforce. (Benner Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics)

Nurses point to experience as critical to providing safe and quality care, and hospitals and educational institutions should bolster nurses’ experience via recruitment, orientation, and continuous learning and retention (Nyikuri et al., 2020). Therefore, Benner’s theory has seen considerable interest from nurse educators since it was published, who adopted it to improve nursing curricula. The theory is widely accepted across all stages apart from the efficacy of the intuitive practice, an attribute of an expert practitioner. Benner’s concept has been valuable, becoming widely used to inform and guide nursing practice, education, research, and administration. However, some reviews of her work indicate that the theory is not clearly a theory or philosophy but leans more on the philosophical side. Understanding whether the concept is a theory or a philosophy would help with its appropriate use. ((Benner Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics))


Murray, M., Sundin, D., & Cope, V. (2019). Benner’s model and Duchscher’s theory: Providing the framework for understanding new graduate nurses’ transition to practice. Nurse education in practice34, 199–203.

Nursing Theory. (2023). Dr. Patricia Benner Novice to Expert – Nursing Theorist

Nyikuri, M., Kumar, P., English, M., & Jones, C. (2020). “I train and mentor, they take them”: A qualitative study of nurses’ perspectives of neonatal nursing expertise and its development in Kenyan hospitals. Nursing open7(3), 711–719.


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