Benner Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics

Week 5 Topic: Benner Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics

Benner Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics

Dr. Patricia Benner has contributed to nursing theory through her From Novice o Expert concept. The concept has been used in research to understand the gap between knowledge and skills development and patient care understanding and how new graduates transition to practice (Murray et al., 2019). The difference in quality and safety among graduate registered nurses remains an issue that significantly impacts patient outcomes. Effective facilitation of the transition process helps enhance experiential learning, allowing them to develop and establish a safe, quality nursing practice. An in-depth understanding of the transition process helps understand barriers and appropriate enablers to ensure a successful transition (Murray et al., 2019). Benner’s theory plays a critical role in shaping nursing research and education, providing nursing educators and leaders with an understanding of how to facilitate knowledge and skills acquisition and transition into practice for newly graduated registered nurses (Nursing Theory, 2023). This model that describes nurses’ transition through five nursing experience levels: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert is used as a theoretical framework in research to help measure, understand and improve the safety and quality of nursing care and influence on the future of the nursing workforce. (Benner Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics)

Nurses point to experience as critical to providing safe and quality care, and hospitals and educational institutions should bolster nurses’ experience via recruitment, orientation, and continuous learning and retention (Nyikuri et al., 2020). Therefore, Benner’s theory has seen considerable interest from nurse educators since it was published, who adopted it to improve nursing curricula. The theory is widely accepted across all stages apart from the efficacy of the intuitive practice, an attribute of an expert practitioner. Benner’s concept has been valuable, becoming widely used to inform and guide nursing practice, education, research, and administration. However, some reviews of her work indicate that the theory is not clearly a theory or philosophy but leans more on the philosophical side. Understanding whether the concept is a theory or a philosophy would help with its appropriate use. ((Benner Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics))


Murray, M., Sundin, D., & Cope, V. (2019). Benner’s model and Duchscher’s theory: Providing the framework for understanding new graduate nurses’ transition to practice. Nurse education in practice34, 199–203.

Nursing Theory. (2023). Dr. Patricia Benner Novice to Expert – Nursing Theorist

Nyikuri, M., Kumar, P., English, M., & Jones, C. (2020). “I train and mentor, they take them”: A qualitative study of nurses’ perspectives of neonatal nursing expertise and its development in Kenyan hospitals. Nursing open7(3), 711–719.


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HIV in Infants and Children

Write a discussion that includes a brief summary of;

HIV in Infants and Children

HIV in Infants and Children

Vertical transmission contributes to most HIV infections in pediatric cases. HIV pathophysiology in infants and children is similar to that of adults, but the clinical presentation, therapeutic options, and mode of infection differ. HIV is more detrimental, with a higher risk of opportunistic diseases, and can progress quickly in pediatric and neonatal populations because they have a weaker immune system (Ward Susan & Hisley Shelton, 2009). The risk of an infant getting the infection through lactation is minimal, but the risk increases with women with a high viral load. The risk of infection through vertical transmission is more significant. Factors including elevated maternal plasma viral RNA concentrations, maternal milk viral load, decreased maternal CD4+ T-cell count, advanced maternal illness, and acute maternal seroconversion increase the risk of infection. ART therapy during pregnancy can help reduce the risk of infection. (HIV in Infants and Children)

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systematic immune condition that affects multiple systems and is linked to high morbidity and mortality in infants and children. The disease occurs when pathogenic autoantibodies that damage tissue via various mechanisms appear after the loss of immunological tolerance against self-antigens (Ward Susan & Hisley Shelton, 2009). Genetic, environmental, endocrine, and immunological factors contribute to the loss of immunological tolerance. The cause of the disease is still unknown, but genetic factors contribute significantly to its development.

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JIA) is a heterogenous group of chronic arthritis and a common chronic rheumatological disease among infants and children below 16 years, lasting at least six weeks. JIA subtypes include systemic arthritis, oligoarthritic, undifferentiated arthritis, enthesitis-related arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, RF enthesitis-related arthritis, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (Ward Susan & Hisley Shelton, 2009). These subtypes differ in genetic predispositions, phenotypes, prognosis, lab findings, disease course, and pathophysiology. The cause is still unclear, but environmental factors such as antibiotic exposure and C-section deliveries triggering abnormal immune responses in genetically vulnerable individuals are speculative. Genetic factors play the most significant role in JIA development, especially when JIA subtypes and uveitis attack particular HLA alleles and non-HLA genes. Breastfeeding is protective against JIA.

Tetralogy of Fallot

Tetralogy of Fallot

Tetralogy of Fallot describes a congenital anomaly leading to pulmonary stenosis, interventricular defects, right ventricular hypertrophy, and biventricular aorta origin. Tetralogy of Fallot is a cyanotic condition common among children who managed above neonatal times without treatment, leading to congenital defects (Ward Susan & Hisley Shelton, 2009). It is critical to identify the disease early and begin intervention before the infant turns one year to prevent congenital defects. Many factors, including untreated maternal diabetes, retinoic acid use by the mother, chromosomal anomalies, and phenylketonuria, are associated with the disease development. The disease is linked to an intrauterine pathological process involving the pulmonary artery and the subpulmonary infundibulum leading to pulmonary stenosis.


Ward Susan, L., & Hisley Shelton, M. (2009). Maternal-Child Nursing Care Optimizing Outcomes for Mothers. Children, and Families. Philadelphia, FA Davis


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Steps followed in strategic planning

Steps followed in strategic planning

Steps followed in strategic planning

Strategic planning is the process by which a company sets what it wants to look like in the coming years and the means of reaching there. An organization comes up with a vision and checks out what is important, the methods, and tasks that can be attained. It mostly concentrates on long-term targets and objectives. Planning as a whole makes the company remain focused and therefore contributes to its progress and stability. Hence it must be carried out in an organized way by following some steps. (Steps followed in strategic planning)

One of the measures is to agree on the strategic planning process. This is done by a meeting of the board with key members present including staff and some external stakeholders. It falls under the formulation stage as it involves determining how the strategic planning will be done, its importance, the cost of carrying out the planning and considering whether the organization is ready to take a plan that takes a longer period or a plan that takes a shorter time. This step is important as it gives the company a chance to determine if it’s ready for the plan regarding financial resources, staff involvement and decide on whether to take long-term or short-term project. To make the step successful, the participants of the planning should be chosen carefully by determining their commitment. For the staff involved, ensure that much staff time is devoted to the planning and reduce the workloads and responsibilities of the staff.

Another step is to agree on the main strategies to meet the targets and the key issues that have been identified by carrying out an environmental scan. The scan involves the SWOT analysis and also the external factors that affect the company. There should be a relation between the strategies and specific goals. It includes prioritizing the strategies to ensure the key strategies like the new programs are carried out first. Identifying viable strategies is also important, and for the non-potential strategies, the board may suggest changes be done. Choosing among the strategies follows a criterion which involves determining the value, appropriateness, feasibility, acceptability, cost-benefit and the timing of the strategy. The step falls under the implementation stage. The importance of this stage is that it allows the planning board to precisely evaluate the responsibilities for their implementation. For the establishment of this process to be successful, selection, evaluation and prioritizing the strategies should be carried out carefully based on any agreed criteria. (Steps followed in strategic planning)

Building in a method for supervising, and for changing plans about variations in the external components of the environment or the company is also another step. It falls under the review stage as it involves monitoring the planning. Strategies are discussed and annual goals developed by checking the progress made, difficulties encountered and environmental changes. The plan should be used to give direction and therefore should be flexible. Both the board and the staff play key role in revising progress and modification of the strategies where necessary. This stage is of benefit as it allows the organization to monitor progress to see if the targets are met and evaluate reasons for some difficulties in the accomplishment. For the process to be successful, the planning and evaluation sectors should work hand in hand. The planning unit may carry out documentation of data which is used by the evaluation unit to review the progress of the organization.

The steps above are necessary for any organization, and they can be broken further to sub-steps that will clearly define every vital issue to be addressed. Through the steps above, strategic planning becomes that relies on the board and the staff working together. The planning also may involve knowledgeable outsiders consultation who may give precise information about the external environment and the community .(Steps followed in strategic planning)


Buchanan, S., & Gibb, F. (1998). The information audit: an integrated strategic approach. International journal of information management, 18(1), 29-47.

Hofer, C. W. (1975). Toward a contingency theory of business strategy. Academy of Management journal, 18(4), 784-810.

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Study of manometry and polarography

Study of manometry and polarography

Study of manometry and polarography

Manometry refers to measuring of pressure by use of the manometer device.  Examples of manometry activities include; Esophageal manometry, is carried out to determine movements and muscle pressure in the esophagus when evaluating achalasia (smooth muscle fibers failure to relax), the doctors can determine the ability of the esophagus to move food to the stomach, forecast the reason behind you experiencing a digestive problem and know the processes of digesting and swallowing. Normally administered to people with swallowing difficulties and pain, heartburn and chest pain; the anal manometry, involves measuring the pressure the anal sphincter produces. Anal manometry is beneficial when evaluating anal and fecal incompetence and incontinence respectively. (Study of manometry and polarography)

Manometry operation theory

Manometry involves pressure measurement on the different areas in the GI-tract. Its operation involves use of a catheter with transducers filled with a liquid or in solid state (Ghosh, Pandolfino, Zhang, Jarosz, & Kahrilas, (2006). The catheter is passed through the mouth or anal into the canal of part to be studied. The operation is performed more so to evaluate disorders that cannot be explained by other studies. This disorder can be of the esophagus, duodenum, stomach, anal and rectal sphincters which give minor discomforts but have very little complications. A patient undergoing manometric tests is accustomed to several restrictions like, they are not allowed to eat anything past midnight. (Study of manometry and polarography)

Instrument used in manometric study

A manometer is widely used since it can measure and at the same time indicate the pressure, it uses a liquid column in its measurements. There are various types of manometers, the U-Tube manometer, two types; differential and inverted U-Tube manometers, the micro manometer, and the inclined manometer. The Bourdon gauge instrument is also commonly used, it operates mechanically and can also measure and indicate pressure. A vacuum gauge is also used, it measures the pressure below ambient atmospheric pressure. Other methods used to measure evolution of pressure involve sensors, the sensors are used in transmitting the pressure readings to a control system. (Study of manometry and polarography)

Types of manometry

Manometry is classified into three major categories, esophageal manometry, anorectal manometry, rhinomanometry. Esophageal test is carried out in patients experiencing heartburn, swallowing difficulties, and having chest and stomach pains. It involves two types of tests which are determined by your instructing physician. The standard manometry is the first test, it entails examining the functioning of the esophagus muscles and how effective the valve between the stomach and the esophagus is. The procedure involves inserting a tube in an anesthetized nose and pulling the tube back slowly through the esophagus, swallows with water are also undertaken. The second test is the impedance manometry which works closely as the standard manometry but involves assessment of bolus movements in the esophagus. The procedure involves a tube which is passed into the esophagus, performing swallows with saline and undertaking swallows with applesauce.

Anorectal manometry is performed by a gastroenterologist or any other assistant with special training. The pressure produced by the anal and rectal sphincter is measured by a transducer attached to a tube which is inserted into the anal canal and pulled slowly. The relaxation and contraction of the anal and rectal sphincter controls the bowel movements. The procedure can be performed alternatively by use of a metal cylinder that has three balloons attached to it to measure the pressure. Anorectal manometry is undertaken to determine anal canal functioning and understand the reasons for chronic constipation occurring, used as a treatment in restructuring contraction of anal muscles in those people with fecal inconsistency.

Rhinomanometry is carried out to evaluate the airflow in the nasal canal. The procedure involves a probe which is placed at the end of a nostril and attached by a tape. Masks are used in the test to cover the faces of patients who breath in severally through their noses. A sensor placed at the back of the cavity is sometimes used to check on the airflow and report the observation to a computer. (Study of manometry and polarography)

Applications of manometry

Esophageal manometry is applied clinically to patients with GERD and it involves pH monitoring. Extended esophageal pH monitoring is used to manage patients having symptoms which are typical or atypical and are under the standard therapy for GERD. This test is also applicable in monitoring abnormal reflux in a person without esophagitis being examined for anti-reflux surgery. The multichannel intraluminal impedance is a technic used to evaluate movements of the bolus in the esophagus. Its information relevance is expanded by combining it with manometry or the pH monitoring. Manometry is also applied when identifying non-functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. Problems in the GI tract involving smooth muscles and extrinsic nerves may be detected by measuring the pressure inside the tract and examining the phasic contraction of the tract. (Study of manometry and polarography)

Limitations of manometry

Analyzing esophageal disorder tracings is tiring, consumes a lot of time also and has different reader views. The procedure for undertaking esophageal test is uncomfortable and is accompanied by pain due to the anesthetization of the nostril through which the tube is inserted. Esophageal test has side effects like the, sore throats that are not severe, irritations and sinus problems. The patient may also suffer from nose bleeds. Anorectal manometry has side effects which include, slight discomfort and exposure to radiation associated with Defacograghy and Sitzmark test used when examining patients with chronic constipation. Nerve injuries may occur when the pudendal nerve testing is undertaken, this test is used to examine bladder and rectal sphincters. Intranasal corticosteroids like sildenafil citrate are used to treat nasal obstructions in people with allergic rhinitis. This treatment has associated side effects like sneezing. Itching of the nasal cavity and running nose. (Study of manometry and polarography)

What is polarography?

Polarography is an analysis method that involves subjecting a sample to electrolysis by use of specific electrodes and voltages of a given range, plotting a graph of current against voltage which shows procedures corresponding to a certain chemical and their concentration proportionality (Study of manometry and polarography)

Polarography theory

Polarography has a theory behind its operation, it includes the processes of oxidation, reduction, absorption, and catalysis. It is a subclass of voltammetry and involves voltammetric measurements in which convection mass transport determines their responses. Polarographic study involves examining solutions and electrode processes by applying the process of electrolysis. Electrolysis consists of polarized and un-polarized electrodes. The polarized electrode is formed by mercury which drops from a capillary tube more often. The electrode potential is changed linearly from the starting to the final potential and the graph produced has a sigmoid shape. The use of an electrode formed from a dropping mercury differentiates polarography from other voltammetry measurements. (Study of manometry and polarography)

Types of polarography

There are different types of polarography which are categorized in relation to their sensitivity and resolution; the classical polarography and the high-frequency polarography. (Study of manometry and polarography)

Applications of polarography

Polarography is applied in pharmaceutical analysis where it is used to differentiate reducible and oxidisable compounds (Zuman, (2006).). A base solution is used in which the sample to be studied is dissolved and placed in an electrolytic cell with a liquid mercury in a pool as anode and dropping mercury as cathode. Increasing voltage is applied in the cell and current measured with a galvanometer is used to evaluate the characteristics of the reducible compound. Changing the dropping mercury to be the anode helps determine the characteristics of the oxidisable compound. Polarography and voltammetry are applied in marine and aquatic chemistry; mercury is known to be toxic to aquatic life since it is dissolved in inland waters in small quantities that are hard to trace and when the water reacts with sediments there is a risk mercury entering the food chain of aquatic organisms, therefore polarography and voltammetry are used to detect mercury concentrations in aquatic environment. Direct current polarography in relation with other technics are used to determine derivatives of metals in ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid where the stripping of a cathode is evaluated to be the most suitable methods (Busk, Horsman, Jakobsen, Keiding, van der Kogel, Bussink & Overgaard, (2008).)   (Study of manometry and polarography)

limitations of polarography

The classical experiment of polarography that consists of quantitative analysis of different measurements has complications due to the rapidly changing electrode potentials applied to the electrode formed by the mercury drop in the whole experiment. The direct current polarography has limitations like, there is lack of clear explanations of the sigmoid curve; to distinguish two different waves and measure their potentials in a halfwave and limiting currents, they should have differing potentials above 200mV, instead the highest resolution is of about 50mV. Another limitation is the noise of the oscillations which increases after a substance is reduced hence making the calculation of other compounds undergoing reduction difficult. There are also some drawbacks in relation to the current needed to change the dropping mercury electrode potential, there is slight difference of the current and Faradaic current when a depolarizer concentration with number of moles ranging between 10-5 is used. (Study of manometry and polarography)


Von Renteln, D., Inoue, H., Minami, H., Werner, Y. B., Pace, A., Kersten, J. F., … & Fuchs, K. H. (2012). Peroral endoscopic myotomy for the treatment of achalasia: a prospective single center study. The American journal of gastroenterology, 107(3), 411-417. 10.1038/ajg.2011.388

Ghosh, S. K., Pandolfino, J. E., Zhang, Q., Jarosz, A., & Kahrilas, P. J. (2006). Deglutitive upper esophageal sphincter relaxation: a study of 75 volunteer subjects using solid-state high-resolution manometry. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 291(3), G525-G531.

Pandolfino, J. E., Ghosh, S. K., Zhang, Q., Jarosz, A., Shah, N., & Kahrilas, P. J. (2006). Quantifying EGJ morphology and relaxation with high-resolution manometry: a study of 75 asymptomatic volunteers. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 290(5), G1033-G1040.

Busk, M., Horsman, M. R., Jakobsen, S., Keiding, S., van der Kogel, A. J., Bussink, J., & Overgaard, J. (2008). Imaging hypoxia in xenografted and murine tumors with 18 F-fluoroazomycin arabinoside: a comparative study involving microPET, autoradiography, pO 2-polarography, and fluorescence microscopy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 70(4), 1202-1212.

Zuman, P. (2006). Principles of applications of polarography and voltammetry in the analysis of drugs. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 31, 97115.

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Any project planning by an organization includes identifying the aim of the project, the resources required to undertake the project and the way they will be allocated, the operations needed to  implement the plan and deliver the final products. Also, there is need to respond to significant  issues and evaluate the results.

Stakeholder’s involvement in the project planning is a critical problem in that, the trust on the  project is heightened, there is a high commitment to the project goals and operations, and  the  project’s results are highly credited ( Manetti & Toccafondi,  2012).

The key role of stakeholders is to provide capital to carry out the project. They sometimes also  provide the way forward, or they are consulted (Newcombe, 2003). In public organizations, they can be present in meetings, and they may need to know the decision reached and the progress of  the company from the top officials.

Some internal stakeholders may be held accountable for anything in the process, and they play a  significant role in the success of the project, and the external stakeholders who provide advice  but are not held accountable for anything

For a company to successfully involve stakeholders in their operations, it is important the follow some steps which include; identifying the stakeholders, developing an issue map and creating an engagement plan.

A company needs to know its areas of interest, what speakers are suitable for this areas and how  much vital they are in your operation. Knowing the areas of interest helps you to use less time,  and maximize the value of your production. After successfully identifying the stakeholders, it is  important to come up with a list of key issues and analyze the list with the stakeholders and also  take note of the areas of influence. The company also has to measure its progress about its goals  by use of an engagement plan. The program help realizes how effective your efforts are.

The success of you engaging the stakeholders can be determined by how the stakeholder has  impacted on your business and the way the business has affected the stakeholder. This  marks the sustainability strategy.


Manetti, G., & Toccafondi, S. (2012). The role of stakeholders in sustainability reporting assurance. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(3), 363-377.

Newcombe, R. (2003). From client to project stakeholders: a stakeholder mapping approach. Construction Management and Economics, 21(8), 841-848.

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The benefits of E-learning

Benefits of Online Learning: 8 Advantages of Online Degrees

The benefits of E-learning

Research question: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?

Working thesis

E-learning has been of much importance as an aid to studying to both the students and educational facilities. It helps change the personal progress of students and also adjusts to students, strengths, and weaknesses. It is always available anywhere and anytime when the need arises this motivates the students making them more engaged and interactive. Some E-learning facilities offer students with real-life facts, hence making them obtain knowledge rather than memorizing the content and also increases their confidence. Educational institutions can provide learning materials at any time apart from class hours. Library services are also made online which reduces congestion during critical periods such, as exam time. (The benefits of E-learning)

Al‐Qahtani, Awadh AY, and Steven E. Higgins. “Effects of traditional, blended and e‐learning      on students’ achievement in higher education.” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 29.3 (2013): 220-234.

The authors try to compare traditional, blended and e-learning educational systems and their benefits to students and learning institutions. It includes the benefits of distant education which were indicated in (Al-Dabbassi, 2002 and Ismail, 2003). E-learning is always chosen as the best options in a vast of education styles considering its benefits and advantages which are also included in this book. As an aid to the research, the information from this book will help realize the different benefits of applying e-learning in the world of education.

Anderson, Terry. The theory and practice of online learning. Athabasca University Press, 2008.

Anderson tries to show the operation and philosophies behind e-learning and involves different experiments in laboratories.(Anderson, 92) He says that the technologies that existed and the one emerging about e-learning have the profound influence in the education system and those who feel the change mostly are the teaching professionals. The e-learning program has changed the designing and delivery of courses and programs. The author says that different professional have credited e-learning in that it has brought effective response and accelerated global competition in the education system ( Daniel, 2000). From this book, the research will involve questions like, has e-learning delivered as expected?

Arkorful, Valentina, and Nelly Abaidoo. “The Role of E-learning, the Advantages and Disadvantages of Its Adoption in Higher Education.” International Journal of Education and Research 2.12 (2014): 397-410. Web.

The author considers the world as a complex place with a lot of emerging issues that were not there some years back. One of the major transformation is the importance of education and the realization that it is an essential factor in addressing society and life issues. By making people literate and knowledgeable. The role, importance and the shortcomings of introducing the e-learning program into the education world are addressed in this paper.

Bernsteiner, Reinhard, Herwig Ostermann, and Roland Staudinger. “Facilitating e-learning with     social software: Attitudes and usage from the student’s point of view.” International     Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT) 3.3 (2008): 16- 33.

Reinhard explores how social software tools can be used in supporting learning innovations, and the overall designing of instructions to create an academic self-organized learning. It involves how weblogs, discussion forums, and wikis can be used in the learning context. It also includes results of the importance of the social software tools in learning from the students’ views and conclusion that the tools are critical in transforming learning.

Beetham, Helen, and Rhona Sharpe. Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age: Designing for 21st- century learning. Routledge, 2013.

The article focuses on how technology has enhanced learning in high education, how technology has been designed to an active learning environment, it has analyzed how involved and complex learning environments have been explored and made simple, the challenge facing teachers in the development and the tools to guide them practice. In the research information above is important in creating a simple to understand e-learning environment.

Donnelly, Roisin, and Fiona McSweeney. Applied E-Learning and E-Teaching in Higher   Education. Hershey, Pa: Information Science Reference, 2009. Print.

The books focus on the technological advancements that have to occur over the past few years the increase in demand for digital learning such as the use of the web. E-learning and E-teaching have been applied in the education system and created an interactive environment making the teachers and students realize how important it is to integrate the technology in a classroom.

Ellis, Robert, and Peter Goodyear. Students’ experiences of e-learning in higher education: the  ecology of sustainable innovation. Routledge, 2013.

Ellis tries to show the self-correcting mechanisms which are related to the virtual and e-        learning; the different benefits student get in high education institutions that apply this mode of learning. He tries to compare students from other agencies that do not provide these social arrays of e-learning and those that have this facility, the disadvantages, and     benefits. It is critical to the research since for me to identify the benefits of e-learning     I must consider institutions with no virtual tools of study.

John, Gurmak Singh, John O’Donoghue, and Harvey Worton. “A Study Into The Effects Of     Elearning On Higher Education.” Journal of University Teaching and Learning  Practice (2014): n. pag. Web.

The article explores how the internet has been used by the society not only to acquire knowledge and information, but it has also been used to reconstruct the high education system particularly in the field of interaction and to obtain the reading materials. The utilization of the internet to initiate learning processes has created high hopes both in the business and the high education sectors.

Lee, Ming-Chi. “Explaining and predicting users’ continuance intention toward e-learning:      extension of the expectation–confirmation model.” Computers & Education 54.2 (2010): 506-516.

Lee explores how the e-learning system has been deployed at different levels of education and afterward the e-learning system is no longer used. He states that it is common for many institutions to initially accept the system though have no long term intentions of using the system. The paper contains theories and models that can be used to predict the intension of using e-learning in future. They are predictions that mostly reflect the attitude and normal behavior and constructs implications at the end of the forecast.

McPherson, Maggie, and Miguel Baptista Nunes. “Organisational issues for e-learning: Critical      success factors as identified by HE practitioners.” International Journal of Educational     Management 20.7 (2006): 542-558.

Maggie’s paper focuses on critical success factors for e-learning introduction in the high education system, and it is a part of a report on a project. The importance of e-learning in the field of decision making and the strategy implementation are seen in this paper. It also focuses on essential elements that need to be looked into to make the process more useful.

Njenga, James Kariuki, and Louis Cyril Henry Fourie. “The myths about e‐learning in higher     education.” British journal of educational technology 41.2 (2010): 199-212.

The paper focuses on the myths that are related to the e-learning development and terms e-learning aspect as techno positives. In the journal e-learning introduction to the high education is seen be driven by those who want to benefit from this exercise and have personal agendas and they continuously create the enthusiasm. There are little time and chance given to the education system to look at the advantages and disadvantages of the e-learning.

Paechter, Manuela, Brigitte Maier, and Daniel Macher. “Students’ expectations of,      experiences in e-learning: Their relation to learning achievements and course  satisfaction.” Computers & Education 54.1 (2010): 222-229.

This book focuses on education technological advancement within the past decade,         many details on distant education and e-learning and which may be used as a     methodology for decision making. It gives more information on emerging trends in distant education specialization and convergence. Distance education as explained in this book is when students study on their own at any place of choice with no contact with a         teacher and therefore technology is critical explaining why e-learning is important in distant education especially the use of the Internet and World Wide Web. Online forums enabled by e-learning, allows discussion and reflection at different time and place making learning efficient. Through the research, the content in this book will aid in identifying the problems in education before e-learning and its benefits after.

Salmon, Gilly. “Flying not flapping: a strategic framework for e-learning and pedagogical      innovation in higher education institutions.” ALT-J 13.3 (2005): 201-218

Salmon views e-learning that is extra ordinary since it was born but now it has created many changes in different systems, and it is itself still undergoing changes It has improved the learning and teaching system and has promoted sustainable innovations. This paper shows attempts on how possible it is to use sophisticated strategies to bring new stage of development of e-learning in various universities. The author says that introducing e-learning in the education system was like a transition from flapping to actual flying. He quotes, “E-learning is a complicated process and involves personal and institutional changes above technological provisions (Zentel et al., 2004)”. From this article, I will include in the research the transformations that can be introduced in the e-    learning program to make it more beneficial.

Sharpe, Rhona, and Greg Benfield. “The Student Experience of E-learning in Higher Education:     A Review of the Literature.” Brooks EJournal of Learning and Teaching 1.3 (2005): n.

The paper involves a discussion on the experience of using e-learning to see the areas that are worth future investigations. It covers common themes from the experience of using the virtual tools and come with the results of this exposure. Mostly, it concentrates on emotional experience and if the e-learning has been of aid in time management.

Wagner, Nicole L., Khaled Hassanein, and Milena M. Head. “Who is responsible for e-learning success in higher education? A stakeholders’ analysis.” Educational Technology & Society 11.3 (2008): 26-36.

The paper focuses on the high need for distant education, and these many high education institutions are striving to apply the e-learning method. An institution may be encouraged to adopt e-learning due to different reasons discussed in this paper. However, some systems have failed to input e-learning, and the factors were causing success or failure of the implementation are widely addressed in this article. (The benefits of E-learning)

Where I got my sources

The internet, most of the article and books I got from the internet Google scholar. Some journals I obtained from the libraries like the journal about students experience on e-learning was from Jommo Kenyatta university library. The book about open learning and distant education, I googled one of the British E-library. Other articles are PDF papers obtained from personal and organizational sources like…/34. ,and “…/E-learning-White-Paper_…”  By Jennifer Olson Michigan state university and “…/ pdf/odonoghue_003. …” by Gurmak Singh university of Wolverhampton.

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E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions

E-learning in the US

E-learning in the US


E-learning is a computer-based learning tool that allows anyone to engage in learning anytime anyplace and delivered through the internet. E-learning provides the ability to materials such as videos, slideshows and word documents, or conducting online classes with a professor. With e-learning, learners and the busiest person can build their careers and gain qualifications. The technologies involved in delivering e-learning are most and ever changing and require frequent updates. The research conducted will cover e-learning applications in both business and learning institutions, advantages and some disadvantages, it’s marketing, different e-learning models, its industrial applications and the future of e-learning. The research is mainly based in America, and therefore most of the discussion examples are from there. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

The future of e-learning in the US

With the growing computer ownership in the whole of America, e-learning viability and accessibility also increases. Internet speeds are growing at a fast rate, and therefore there are more opportunities to build more multimedia training methods. With the advancement in technology such as the increasingly use of Smartphone and other portable virtual devices, e-learning is being constantly transformed. E-learning has been on the positive side of developing an easy and efficient education system by creating tools for interactive courses and lessons. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

E-learning market in the US

This involves a market research which shows a segmentation of e-learning market by high education and K-12 who are the end users. The research results reveal the key drivers to the growth of the market and the challenges facing the market. The high ranking vendors in the market are the Blackboard, Desire2Learn, Oracle, Pearson, and SunGard. The research analysts forecast the growth of e-learning market by 16% within 2016 and 2020. According to the research, one of the major factor influencing the growth of the market is private equity organizations investing in the education sector. The integration of e-learning in the education sector has led to the development of new education models of learning and teaching such as m-learning and blended learning. These developments have encouraged the participation of private firms in the education sector thereby boosting the market.

To make e-learning more successful, the US government is increasing the support for digitalized education system. The support includes initiatives such as the use of tablets and IPads. The education department in also revealed its National Education Technology Plan November 2010 that was about an e-learning model for the education sector. These initiatives by the government to support e-learning in the education industry will highly boost the market. The changes that have come with e-learning have to lead to the growth of the higher education sector leading to its dominance in 2015. The institutions aim at developing online content as well as back-end structures and solutions and with the government support most universities have developed distance education enrollments in different academic fields. In the product segmentation including content, technology, and services, reveal that services segment is the most growing and may account for 24% of the market growth. The education institutions are implementing different e-learning related services to establish a healthy learning environment, and at the same time, e-learning vendors are designing customized courses for the academic institutions. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

E-learning integration in high education

The traditional face to face teaching is complicated process but also the online learning increases the complexity due to lack of eye contact, body language which are important elements of communication. However, the technology enhanced learning is working towards the use of innovative and new technologies to support learning facilities online and in blended settings. Its success depends on different factors such as learner’s ability, sound pedagogy, nature and layout of the curriculum, social, cultural and accessibility issues. The primary focus of this system is academic development, provide teaching and access to online programs, use of technology for collaborative learning and develop skills that can be transferred to the students for their future professionalism.

E-learning, in general, is a computer enhanced learning and is associated with both the technologies and the methodologists used. In the past five years, the application of E-learning at the college level has become a standard feature on the US high education system. Before the application of education technology with network computers and asynchronous instructions was received with a high level of doubt mostly from the educators. This is because of the distant education by use of televisions, newspapers and newly computers had disappointing results, and e-learning appeared to be more the same. The high acceptance computer-aided distance learning was surprising with the revolution ending as fast as it became and e-learning advocates carrying the day. The main issue now is the comparison of the e-learning system and the face to face system in the higher education. However different reports from various higher education boards reveal the grudging acceptance of the e-learning. The Council of Higher education accreditation (Eaton 2001) issues a new report about the evaluation method for online courses and explains how it interacts with the traditional method. The best uses of e-learning and m-learning, e-learning makes lessons more engaging and interactive using learning platforms such as video and game classrooms and develop flipped classrooms. M-learning is used where modern technology may not be available to everyone or where resources are scarce, and therefore a mobile learning device that can be passed quickly is more appropriate. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

The spread of electronic distance learning

According to a trend line, between 2009 and 2010 online courses accounted for 31% of the total number of courses provided by the higher education. Also, the New York SUNY learning network reveals the same popularity among full and part-time, old and young students. E-learning is proving to be of beneficial and a disruptive technology in reshaping and changing how we think about the education system. However, the same enthusiasm on the application of e-learning in distant learning by the public sector is not seen in the industry and can be related to the issues of mission, image, and resources available. An example of little engagement is the Cardean University which consists of business schools put together such Columbia University, the University of Chicago among others. Although some private institutions like the Purdue University offer e-library services for journals and books and provide support to the students in need of information from the web. Statistics show clearly how e-learning is established and growing in the high-education sector. It is not easy to find a library with no online catalog and a subscription to some its journals and database. The growing of e-learning has lead to the establishment of hybrid courses which are a combination of technology and classroom interaction contributing to distance education. (EE-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

 The models of online learning in high education

The models include video-based credit classes, open online courses, pre-matriculation programs and post-graduation programs. The models have pros and cons, revenue potentials and these give any institution to choose which model is more attractive to apply and also the different ways to introduce online learning. The credit courses and online courses are a part of some degree program; the pre-matriculation courses target prospective or incoming students, the post-graduation programs are a way to connect to the former students. The pre-matriculation programs are used by institutions to attract, assess, enroll and prepare the likely students before they join. The post-graduate programs are a way of improving, extending and deepening the former students’ engagement and offer continuing education that is required and the institution has already in place. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

The role of US higher education in the global e-learning market

The international trade in education services has rare and difficult to evaluate statistics, and it is hard to obtain data regarding global e-learning. Many students study abroad for higher education, and the US is the leading with 31% making it the biggest exporter of education services. The number of international students is usually used as an indicator of the overall level of trade education in the globe. However, the cross-border supply (e-learning) is growing at a faster rate than the number students studying in other countries. In spite of fewer data to evaluate the cross-border delivery of e-learning, a comparison on the domestic provision of e-learning across countries is relevant. The US is always seen as the leading player in the world’s e-learning market and holds a strong position about the use of ICT in higher education. According to the research, the students in the US use the internet as the primary support for e-learning, email, and web-pages and also the number of students owning computers is significantly increasing.

The US is ahead compared to other countries about market size and the value. A large number of US college students spend billions of dollars being online, and the amount is expected to increase due to the growth in online corporate learning. The user has input strategies to curb the of e-learning enterprises going bankrupt due to the high amount of launching causes online and maintaining more top quality. In the competitive market, many e-learning companies have been shaken off the market and only the strong companies, that is are profitable and brand-named have survived, and with this, the US has brought the e-learning market into focus to make sure it maintains the high position of the global e-learning market. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

  Making e-learning effective

E-learning involves online courses and lessons that students enroll, and there is the need for effectiveness to increase performance. All e-learning materials that are created includes high-level research before they are available to the students since not all students understand information in the same way and there e-learning resource developer in the US have policies like you provide relevant examples and proofs. The learning style should be taken into consideration such as video or text presentations which different students would prefer. The online must take into account open line communication between students and teachers hence the course should specify when the teacher and the student will be available for the students to get the support they need.  Students may communicate with their instructors through discussion forums, social media, chats, email, video presentations or VoIP technologies. An ease of navigation and high functionality of the system should be taken into consideration. The web-based learning platforms are created to help students focus on course work and therefore should be well designed. The course documentation like the outline of the syllabus should be available for viewing for the students to know which lessons should be covered and the teachers can plan for the lessons. The instructors should provide clear objectives of the course to the learners and in a manner which is easy to understand and implement.

To create a successful online course some tools have been suggested, like the LMS, Website creation platform, course design tools, and multimedia production tools. The LMS offers a large list of tools that enable the developer to create, curate and present content in a way that saves on cost. The advantage of the LMS is the all in one element where a website is developed at one place with no necessity of proper administration and management skills. The website creation tools allow you to create an easily navigable website while the course design tools enable an administrator to upload the content of the course and design efficient layout presentations. The multimedia tools help create a great interactive and engaging course. You can use streaming videos, clear recording tools, and instant chat support services (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

E-learning in businesses

The business environment is ever changing regarding technology, and there is increasing competition, and therefore engagement in learning and development is critical. The employees should be natured in both talent and ability by providing decent skills that are necessary to advance their career (Thome and Mackey, 2007). Active training process motivates the employees and gives them the feeling that their employer is committed to making them more resourceful. Providing a learning environment for the existing employees helps cut the cost of hiring or training new staff. Due to this, it is necessary for a business to choose the appropriate learning tools to make sure they survive in the competitive world like the e-learning platforms. Technology is now the backbone of any business operation, and it is changing every day hence businesses have to evolve, adapt and respond to these changes for a high gain in their competitive world. Many businesses have developed the e-learning programs due to the changing events (Sumathisri, 2012). E-learning is now a necessity to the success of any company since it ensures that all individuals access the same resources and similar learning experience. Employees become more cooperative when the method of learning used is relevant to their career advancement.  A successful implementation of e-learning is determined by the plan layout which involves the installation and testing for the appropriate applications to use and to develop safety and backup plans. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

How e-learning can help an organization achieve its goals

Selling more with just in time product knowledge training, for a company to sell more and faster, a well-trained sales team is required and with E-learning training can be delivered at anytime, any place or on any device with access to the internet. Also, companies need to comply with laws regarding training environments and with e-learning, the company can train any given number of employees in a more efficient way. The employees can adapt to new processes and respond to them appropriately (Thome and Kaye, 2007). E-learning is used in different online training platforms such as sales training, customer training, safety training, IT training, product training and healthcare training. With these, there is increased customer satisfaction, increased profits, flexibility, and accountability. The training can be offered by the organization itself or engage an online training company like the Open edX learning platform which has clients like Harvard University, Microsoft, KAUFFMAN, and Smithsonian. The training platforms offer online courses for different institutions, revenue generating online training, and internal learning. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

Advantages of E-learning for business

For any company that considers using a new training model for the face to face model, the e-learning training is more suitable. Efficiency advancement is critical to any business today, and also an industry looks forward at saving money, time and energy and e-learning provide such benefits. E-learning is cost effective; any online training model saves on extra expenses incurred in classroom training such as traveling, purchase of learning materials, venue hiring and catering. The online training provides platforms where you can update essential texts packets and lessons in a fast and easy way and since they are online printing cost is saved. E-learning improves performance and productivity; every business has an objective of growing and with online training employees adapt quickly to new processes. Within this training management system employees can engage in training at any time and place and so learning does interfere with job tasks. E-learning is convenient and flexible, employees with access to the internet participate in practice at any particular location and this help save the energy that would be spent looking for the appropriate place and time the training would take place. That is, e-learning provides just in time training as the requirements keep changing. E-learning allows timely feedback, during any online training employees have the ability to get the right and just in time feedback. And since the courses are online the management can analyze their performance and the progress of each employee. The grading and evaluation system are automated and therefore no manual assessment of the course work. E-learning provides easy access to information compared to referring to the hand-written notes. E-learning materials are stored online hence employees have access data anytime they are in need or face a complex situation. E-learning improves retention, there is the opportunity to create fun, and the training may include videos, interactive slides or even games, and therefore most of the information can be retained. E-learning makes the training experience personal, although training resources are the same for every employee, e-learning allows each participant to take the course at their pace and in the environment more suitable to their style of learning. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

Factors necessary for successful e-learning implementation

For the learning through online means to relevant to the success of business, the objectives of the course developed and the content should be considered. The knowledge to be provided should be well set in accurate data, facts, and figures (Clark and Mayer 2003). The primary considerations are results, technology constraints, resources available and the general readiness of the organization. The applicability, analysis, and synthesis of the e-learning program are critical before the implementation is done. Putting together the objectives and the expectations are the best ensure method to ensure the implementation of the e-learning program is successful. The choice of technology to use also determines the successful of the implementation. Quality, reliability, and content of the medium determine the learning results. Different techniques are specific support different learning models so the need to choose the appropriate. Online forums make learning more interactive and engaging ensuring availability and accessibility of information. The forum allows employees to develop new knowledge from the view of other employees. The e-learning development should be easy to use and flexible for it to be successful. Therefore the technology applied should be easy to avoid the difficulties that may be faced by employees. For those who have little knowledge of how to navigate through the computer, orientation should be conducted to ensure that they are par with the operation of the e-learning tool before implementation takes place. Under flexibility, the employees can take learning lessons in their appropriate time and location since they might not be available at all times. They should be able to participate in learning either at the workplace or home. This makes the training process convenient and accounts for the success of the program. After these considerations, input strategies should be in place to measure and determine the progress of the e-learning tool and the acceptance among the employees undergoing the learning process (Sun, Tsai, Finger, Chen, 2008)

E-learning cannot be suitable for every business operation or training activities. The learning process that involves new products or methods of operations, face to face methodology is suitable. It is easy to get first-hand clarification from the instructor; the body language used gives more room for understanding and it easy to convince learners. For this reason, a suitable program in enhancing business operation should be selected for every business type, for small businesses and large businesses. It is logical that e-learning for a business with fewer employees is not suitable. For e-learning, the technology chosen should be independent of time and place. Internet-based e-learning is used at any time and irrespective of place and leads easy access of information. The company’s objectives should clearly depict which learning model is suitable for the training, either the face to face or the e-learning tools. Some companies shake off the traditional model only to find it is relevant in some fields and therefore a hybrid of the two methods should be applied where one method is used to surpass the drawbacks of the other method. The e-learning is more flexible and convenient while face to face is more interactive therefore creating collaboration among the employees. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

Challenges were facing E-learning implementation.

Managing employee resistance, most organizations hardly notice that implementing e-learning makes changes to the mode of training. Therefore trainers have to change their mode of instructions to the perspective of training an invisible learner. The developers have to be knowledgeable of the new tools; managers learn new management skills and the employees have no physical classes but learning on their desks. The approach can face resistance and is up to the company to involve everyone in the relevance of the implementation and mentally prepare them for the changes that will take place, the training process and give them the opportunities to present their opinions. The management should give feedback to the employees and carry out a survey to determine their reactions.

Choosing the right topic, with all the enthusiasm organizations can change all the training programs to e-learning without checking whether it is operational or not and if the objectives are not met they have to review the whole process. In organizations with many employees, the training methodology should match with the strategic plans considering long and short term plans. The product training, ethics training, safety training, software training, diversity training and soft skills training should align with the organizational goals. The topic chosen should be relevant, and the training gauged if it is skill-based or topic-based to bring the right impact.

Sourcing content, choosing the right content for the topic selected is a challenge to many organizations. The content like training manuals and materials may be available but how to classify them and convert them into e-learning is also an issue. The content chosen must deliver according to the expectations. Content can be generic which consists of topics like ethics training or specific content which is related to the business. The content must be of high quality and convenient to learners and match with your delivery infrastructure (Naidoo, 2016). (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)


E-learning as a computer-based program has come with it many advantages and benefits both to the business sector and the education industry. The learning process in both organization’s training and institutions has been made flexible, cost-effective, and interactive through the different platforms supported by e-learning. 92% of the higher education establishments in the US have put in e-learning in their system, and it has lead to a positive growth of distance education. The employees and students can access information and attend lesson online through forums and discussions, online courses. However amid all the benefits e-learning resistance from those who do not see the benefit and opt to cling to the traditional methods of learning and training. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)


DeLone, Walker., and McLean, Richard. The DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems Success: A Ten Year Update. Kalamazoo, Mich: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2008. Print.
Hernández, Jorge E. Decision Support Systems Ii Recent Developments Applied to Dss Network Environments: Euro Working Group Workshop, Ewg-Dss 2012, Liverpool, Uk, April 12-13, 2012, and Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-11, 2012, Revised Selected and Extended Papers. , 2013. Print
Naidoo, V. (2016). Challenges Facing E-Learning. Multiculturalism and Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, 271.
Shee, D. Y., & Wang, Y. S. (2008). Multi-criteria evaluation of the web-based e-learning system: A methodology based on learner satisfaction and its applications. Computers & Education, 50(3), 894-905.
Sun, P. C., Tsai, R. J., Finger, G., Chen, Y. Y., & Yeh, D. (2008). What drives a successful e-Learning? An empirical investigation of the critical factors influencing learner satisfaction. Computers & education, 50(4), 1183-1202.
Thorne, Kaye and David Mackey. Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Training. London: Kogan Page, 2007. Print.

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Educational benefits of E-learning

Educational benefits of E-learning

Research question: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?

Educational benefits of E-learning

Working thesis

E-learning has been of much importance as an aid to studying to both the students and educational facilities. It helps change the personal progress of students and also adjusts to students, strengths, and weaknesses. It is always available anywhere and anytime when the need arises this motivates the students making them more engaged and interactive. Some E-learning facilities offer students with real-life facts, hence making them obtain knowledge rather than memorizing the content and also increases their confidence. Educational institutions can provide learning materials at any time apart from class hours. Library services are also made online which reduces congestion during critical periods such, as exam time. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

Al‐Qahtani, Awadh AY, and Steven E. Higgins. “Effects of traditional, blended and e‐learning      on students’ achievement in higher education.” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 29.3 (2013): 220-234.

The authors try to compare traditional, blended and e-learning educational systems and their benefits to students and learning institutions. It includes the benefits of distant education which were indicated in (Al-Dabbassi, 2002 and Ismail, 2003). E-learning is always chosen as the best options in a vast of education styles considering its benefits and advantages which are also included in this book. As an aid to the research, the information from this book will help realize the different benefits of applying e-learning in the world of education.

Anderson, Terry. The theory and practice of online learning. Athabasca University Press, 2008.

Anderson tries to show the operation and philosophies behind e-learning and involves different experiments in laboratories.(Anderson, 92) He says that the technologies that existed and the one emerging about e-learning have the profound influence in the education system and those who feel the change mostly are the teaching professionals. The e-learning program has changed the designing and delivery of courses and programs. The author says that different professional have credited e-learning in that it has brought effective response and accelerated global competition in the education system ( Daniel, 2000). From this book, the research will involve questions like, has e-learning delivered as expected?

Arkorful, Valentina, and Nelly Abaidoo. “The Role of E-learning, the Advantages and     Disadvantages of Its Adoption in Higher Education.” International Journal of Education and Research 2.12 (2014): 397-410. Web.

The author considers the world as a complex place with a lot of emerging issues that were not there some years back. One of the major transformation is the importance of education and the realization that it is an essential factor in addressing society and life issues. By making people literate and knowledgeable. The role, importance and the shortcomings of introducing the e-learning program into the education world are addressed in this paper.

Bernsteiner, Reinhard, Herwig Ostermann, and Roland Staudinger. “Facilitating e-learning with     social software: Attitudes and usage from the student’s point of view.” International     Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT) 3.3 (2008): 16- 33.

Reinhard explores how social software tools can be used in supporting learning innovations, and the overall designing of instructions to create an academic self-organized learning. It involves how weblogs, discussion forums, and wikis can be used in the learning context. It also includes results of the importance of the social software tools in learning from the students’ views and conclusion that the tools are critical in transforming learning. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

Beetham, Helen, and Rhona Sharpe. Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age: Designing for 21st- century learning. Routledge, 2013.

The article focuses on how technology has enhanced learning in high education, how technology has been designed to an active learning environment, it has analyzed how involved and complex learning environments have been explored and made simple, the challenge facing teachers in the development and the tools to guide them practice. In the research information above is important in creating a simple to understand e-learning environment.

Donnelly, Roisin, and Fiona McSweeney. Applied E-Learning and E-Teaching in Higher   Education. Hershey, Pa: Information Science Reference, 2009. Print.

The books focus on the technological advancements that have to occur over the past few years the increase in demand for digital learning such as the use of the web. E-learning and E-teaching have been applied in the education system and created an interactive environment making the teachers and students realize how important it is to integrate the technology in a classroom. In my research, I will try to find how every classroom or hall can be equipped with virtual machines and tools that will be used in the online writing, examples are video players.

Ellis, Robert, and Peter Goodyear. Students’ experiences of e-learning in higher education: the  ecology of sustainable innovation. Routledge, 2013.

Ellis tries to show the self-correcting mechanisms which are related to the virtual and e-        learning; the different benefits student get in high education institutions that apply this mode of learning. He tries to compare students from other agencies that do not provide these social arrays of e-learning and those that have this facility, the disadvantages, and     benefits. It is critical to the research since for me to identify the benefits of e-learning     I must consider institutions with no virtual tools of study. Considering that some institution are not capable of applying the online learning, the article will help in finding the different methods that can be used to make sure that all learning institutions enjoy the benefits of virtual tools.

John, Gurmak Singh, John O’Donoghue, and Harvey Worton. “A Study Into The Effects Of     Elearning On Higher Education.” Journal of University Teaching and Learning  Practice (2014): n. pag. Web.

The article explores how the internet has been used by the society not only to acquire knowledge and information, but it has also been used to reconstruct the high education system particularly in the field of interaction and to obtain the reading materials. The utilization of the internet to initiate learning processes has created high hopes both in the business and the high education sectors. Through the research, information from the article will aid in making the internet more resourceful in the e-learning system.

Lee, Ming-Chi. “Explaining and predicting users’ continuance intention toward e-learning:      extension of the expectation–confirmation model.” Computers & Education 54.2 (2010): 506-516.

Lee explores how the e-learning system has been deployed at different levels of education and afterward the e-learning system is no longer used. He states that it is common for many institutions to initially accept the system though have no long term intentions of using the system. The paper contains theories and models that can be used to predict the intension of using e-learning in future. They are predictions that mostly reflect the attitude and normal behavior and constructs implications at the end of the forecast. From the book, the ability to forecast the willingness of different institution to continue using e-learning will be helpful in realizing what factors to input in order to make the system more durable.

McPherson, Maggie, and Miguel Baptista Nunes. “Organisational issues for e-learning: Critical      success factors as identified by HE practitioners.” International Journal of Educational     Management 20.7 (2006): 542-558.

Maggie’s paper focuses on critical success factors for e-learning introduction in the high education system, and it is a part of a report on a project. The importance of e-learning in the field of decision making and the strategy implementation are seen in this paper. It also focuses on essential elements that need to be looked into to make the process more useful. Across the project, information from this source will help realize how useful e-learning in making the education more successful and making better strategies for the development of the education center.

Njenga, James Kariuki, and Louis Cyril Henry Fourie. “The myths about e‐learning in higher     education.” British journal of educational technology 41.2 (2010): 199-212.

The paper focuses on the myths that are related to the e-learning development and terms e-learning aspect as techno positives. In the journal e-learning introduction to the high education is seen be driven by those who want to benefit from this exercise and have personal agendas and they continuously create the enthusiasm. There are little time and chance given to the education system to look at the advantages and disadvantages of the e-learning. The disadvantages gotten in this section will aid the project where different means of combating dangers of e-learning will be identified. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

Paechter, Manuela, Brigitte Maier, and Daniel Macher. “Students’ expectations of,      experiences in e-learning: Their relation to learning achievements and course  satisfaction.” Computers & Education 54.1 (2010): 222-229.

This book focuses on education technological advancement within the past decade,         many details on distant education and e-learning and which may be used as a     methodology for decision making. It gives more information on emerging trends in distant education specialization and convergence. Distance education as explained in this book is when students study on their own at any place of choice with no contact with a         teacher and therefore technology is critical explaining why e-learning is important in distant education especially the use of the Internet and World Wide Web. Online forums enabled by e-learning, allows discussion and reflection at different time and place making learning efficient. Through the research, the content in this book will aid in identifying the problems in education before e-learning and its benefits after. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

Salmon, Gilly. “Flying not flapping: a strategic framework for e-learning and pedagogical      innovation in higher education institutions.” ALT-J 13.3 (2005): 201-218

Salmon views e-learning that is extra ordinary since it was born but now it has created many changes in different systems, and it is itself still undergoing changes It has improved the learning and teaching system and has promoted sustainable innovations. This paper shows attempts on how possible it is to use sophisticated strategies to bring new stage of development of e-learning in various universities. The author says that introducing e-learning in the education system was like a transition from flapping to actual flying. He quotes, “E-learning is a complicated process and involves personal and institutional changes above technological provisions (Zentel et al., 2004)”. From this article, I will include in the research the transformations that can be introduced in the e-    learning program to make it more beneficial. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

Sharpe, Rhona, and Greg Benfield. “The Student Experience of E-learning in Higher Education:     A Review of the Literature.” Brooks EJournal of Learning and Teaching 1.3 (2005): n.

The paper involves a discussion on the experience of using e-learning to see the areas that are worth future investigations. It covers common themes from the experience of using the virtual tools and come with the results of this exposure. Mostly, it concentrates on emotional experience and if the e-learning has been of aid in time management. This is an important aspect of the project, learning from experience helps make something better

Wagner, Nicole L., Khaled Hassanein, and Milena M. Head. “Who is responsible for e-learning success in higher education? A stakeholders’ analysis.” Educational Technology & Society 11.3 (2008): 26-36.

The paper focuses on the high need for distant education, and these many high education institutions are striving to apply the e-learning method. An institution may be encouraged to adopt e-learning due to different reasons discussed in this paper. However, some systems have failed to input e-learning, and the factors were causing success or failure of the implementation are widely addressed in this article. this is beneficial to the project since the factors that I will require to make e-learning a well operating system and with less failures are discussed in the paper (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

 Where I got my sources

The internet, most of the article and books I got from the internet Google scholar. Some journals I obtained from the libraries like the journal about students experience on e-learning was from Jomo Kenyatta university library. The book about open learning and distant education, I googled one of the British E-library. Other articles are PDF papers obtained from personal and organizational sources like…/34. ,and “…/E-learning-White-Paper_…”  By Jennifer Olson Michigan state university and “…/ pdf/odonoghue_003. …” by Gurmak Singh university of Wolverhampton. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

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Business ethics and principals

Business ethics and principals

Business Ethics and Principals

Driving on the internet express

The internet has made the world a village by interconnecting different people in various places of the world. People can share information and obtain resources without necessaries having to travel from one location to another. The internet has come with its advantages and disadvantages which have widespread effects on the world communities although the dangers of the internet are relative. I support Markkula’s idea of licensing the use the use of the internet to control the harmful effects it causes. Whether idea will work or not work is upon the universal acceptance considering that morality is taken as relative. Some of the issues such as; terror, pornographic movies, internet addiction, hacking, and many others are considered immoral. There exists a universal moral code of doing well acceptable by everyone to make the world a peaceful and livable place. The ability to control immorality by making sure every user has a license will be an objective standard that will help break the moral relativism that has hindered the creation of order in the society. According to the moral code, it is wrong to kill and steal but considering these activities are also enabled by the internet then there must be a way to control its use. Everyone needing access to the internet has to be issued a license through the required protocols like minimum age and purpose. The license just a driver’s license should be maintained and retained for the continuous use of the internet. (Business ethics and principals)

The process of licensing the internet will be difficult since the world is made of different cultures that make morality relative. What is considered wrong in one culture is not necessarily the same in another culture since this moral concept is universal but relative applications across different fields. Those who kill through terror attack believe they are right according to religious backgrounds and may not support the idea. The idea should lie on the neutral ground in that it does not condemn anybody’s culture. The idea tries to bring progress in morality, but those who believe in moral relativism and ethical nihilism also think that moral progress impossibility. For the moral code to proceed there must be set standards and rules in using the different resource like the internet. The idea may be successful since a large world’s population follows a similar invocation of moral and ethical code that keeps them moving. (Business ethics and principals)

Dewey’s prescription for success

Every in charge of a post in an organization tries their best to see that the company is successful coming up with steps and ideas that will increase the company’s revenue. Considering a model for leadership, a leader can span boundaries, bold in decision making, different complexities and diversity enrich them, always sees an organization in a broad context considering the social, environmental and legal issues in any business environment and understand the reality of any choice made. Every business venture has the primary goal of making the profit, and it involves research into the market for any possible niche. Dewey, the deputy president of marketing in his research, finds out that a pharmaceutical company from Brazil into the US but needs a vehicle to enable them to access the local consumer market. The idea is very attracting and profitable, but since it will be across the company’s borders, then it poses a risk of breaking different laws like the Food and Drug Act. (Business ethics and principals)

According to me, a leader being a risk taker, resilient and reaching out, Dewy should try executing the idea. There is the concept of sustainability above legality since laws are made by upon the bureaucracy which is very slow to adapt to different innovation projects. A lot of legislation were written before the actual development of technology. However since the business ventures have to abide by the law and environmental, ethical issues, I would consider the introduction of informatics into the idea to prevent the process being so manual. Although it is a challenge to the IT to do the right thing and achieve the required outcomes and at the same time be responsible to different ethical business practices. (Business ethics and principals)

Dewey suffers different ethical problems considering the major business principals of Integrity, Performance, and Responsibility he has to abide by. Any business has to work with honesty diligence and adhere to the applicable laws, promote positive cultural performance by measuring personal accountability and development and remain responsible for every action committed. However, apart from the laws applicable, it is worth looking for the necessary acceptance from the legal department, like licenses or any court permission to be able to enter into such a business venture which seems of much benefit to the advertisement company and Dewey’s career future. (Business ethics and principals)


Berger, M., Wagner, T. H., & Baker, L. C. (2005). Internet use and stigmatized illness. Social science & medicine, 61(8), 1821-1827.

Eynon, R., Fry, J., & Schroeder, R. (2008). The ethics of internet research (pp. 23-41). Sage: London.

Karim, N. S. A., Zamzuri, N. H. A., & Nor, Y. M. (2009). Exploring the relationship between Internet ethics in university students and the big five model of personality. Computers & Education, 53(1), 86-93.

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Crane, A., & Matten, D. (2016). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press.

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Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment

Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a non-progressive neurological disorder affecting movement, posture, and muscle coordination. It is the most common childhood motor disability, with an estimated prevalence of 2 to 3 per 1000 live births globally. CP poses significant challenges to individuals, families, and communities due to its diverse manifestations and lifelong impact. From impaired movement and muscle stiffness to associated conditions like intellectual disabilities and seizures, CP manifests in various ways, making its management complex. Understanding its causes, signs, symptoms, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria, treatment options, and patient education is crucial for effective management and support. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of cerebral palsy, shedding light on its multifactorial nature and emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in addressing its challenges and improving outcomes. (Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment)

Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment


Cerebral palsy (CP) stems from a multitude of factors, encompassing prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal origins. Prenatally, maternal infections, such as rubella or cytomegalovirus, can significantly increase the risk of CP. Genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities, though less frequent, are also implicated. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and maternal health issues like thyroid disorders or hypertension during pregnancy contribute to the prenatal landscape of CP.

Perinatal factors play a pivotal role in CP development. Birth asphyxia, resulting from oxygen deprivation during labor or delivery, remains a critical risk factor. Prematurity, defined as birth before 37 weeks of gestation, exposes infants to vulnerabilities in brain development, increasing CP risk. Low birth weight, often associated with prematurity, is another determinant, as it can lead to underdeveloped brain structures and heightened susceptibility to injury.

Postnatally, brain injuries during infancy or early childhood significantly contribute to CP. Infections like meningitis or encephalitis can cause inflammation and damage to brain tissue, impacting motor function. Traumatic brain injuries resulting from accidents or non-accidental trauma, such as shaken baby syndrome, are also potential triggers for CP. Additionally, strokes occurring in infancy or childhood can disrupt blood flow to the brain, leading to cerebral palsy.

While the exact mechanisms underlying CP causation remain intricate and multifaceted, understanding these diverse factors is crucial for prevention, early detection, and intervention strategies. Initiatives aimed at minimizing risk factors, promoting maternal health, and ensuring access to quality prenatal and perinatal care can play a pivotal role in reducing the incidence of cerebral palsy and improving outcomes for affected individuals. (Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment)

Signs and Symptoms

Cerebral palsy (CP) manifests in a spectrum of signs and symptoms, reflecting its heterogeneous nature and diverse impact on motor function and development. Impaired movement and coordination are hallmark features of CP, characterized by difficulties in controlling muscles and executing precise movements. Muscle stiffness or spasticity, often accompanied by involuntary muscle contractions, contributes to the overall motor impairment seen in CP.

Abnormal reflexes, such as exaggerated or absent reflex responses, are commonly observed in individuals with CP. These reflex abnormalities further hinder movement coordination and contribute to difficulties in achieving and maintaining posture and balance. As a result, individuals with CP may exhibit abnormal gait patterns, including toe-walking, scissoring of the legs, or asymmetrical movements.

In addition to motor impairments, CP frequently presents with associated conditions that impact overall functioning and quality of life. Intellectual disabilities, ranging from mild to severe, affect cognitive abilities and learning potential in varying degrees. Seizures, occurring in up to half of individuals with CP, pose additional challenges and require careful management to minimize their impact on daily activities.

Sensory impairments, including visual and auditory deficits, are also prevalent among individuals with CP, further complicating their ability to interact with their environment. Behavioral challenges, such as impulsivity, hyperactivity, or difficulties with social interactions, may arise due to the underlying neurological differences associated with CP.

The combination of motor impairments, associated conditions, and sensory and behavioral challenges underscores the complex nature of cerebral palsy and its wide-ranging impact on individuals’ lives. Early recognition of signs and symptoms, coupled with comprehensive multidisciplinary assessments, is crucial for timely intervention and support to optimize outcomes for individuals living with CP. (Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment)

Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment


The etiology of cerebral palsy (CP) is multifactorial and often involves complex interactions between genetic, environmental, and developmental factors. Prenatal influences play a significant role in shaping CP risk, with maternal health and prenatal exposures impacting fetal brain development. Maternal infections, such as rubella or cytomegalovirus, can lead to neuroinflammation and disrupt normal brain development, increasing the likelihood of CP.

Genetic factors contribute to CP susceptibility, although their role is not always straightforward. Genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities may predispose individuals to CP, affecting neurodevelopmental processes critical for motor function and coordination. Additionally, variations in genes related to neuronal growth, synapse formation, and neurotransmitter regulation may influence CP risk.

Perinatal factors exert a substantial influence on CP etiology, with events occurring around the time of birth playing a pivotal role. Birth asphyxia, resulting from oxygen deprivation during labor or delivery, can lead to brain hypoxia and subsequent injury, contributing to CP development. Premature birth, defined as birth before 37 weeks of gestation, exposes infants to vulnerabilities in brain development, increasing CP risk.

Postnatal factors, including brain injuries and infections during infancy or early childhood, also contribute to CP etiology. Traumatic brain injuries, such as those resulting from accidents or non-accidental trauma, can cause structural damage to the brain, disrupting motor pathways and leading to CP. Infections like meningitis or encephalitis can result in neuroinflammation and neuronal damage, further exacerbating CP risk.

The interplay of these diverse etiological factors highlights the complexity of CP development and underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach to understanding its origins. Continued research into the genetic, environmental, and developmental determinants of CP is essential for elucidating its etiology and informing strategies for prevention, early intervention, and improved outcomes for affected individuals. (Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment)


The pathophysiology of cerebral palsy (CP) involves complex disruptions in brain development and function, affecting motor control, muscle tone, and coordination. While the precise mechanisms underlying CP pathogenesis vary among individuals, several key processes contribute to its manifestations.

Abnormalities in brain development, particularly during the prenatal and perinatal periods, play a central role in CP pathophysiology. Disturbances in neuronal migration, which occur during early brain development, can lead to structural abnormalities and impaired connectivity within the brain. Disruptions in white matter development, characterized by abnormalities in myelination and axonal connectivity, further impair the transmission of neural signals involved in motor control.

Neuroinflammation and oxidative stress are also implicated in CP pathophysiology, contributing to neuronal damage and functional impairments. Inflammatory responses triggered by prenatal infections, perinatal hypoxia-ischemia, or postnatal insults lead to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species, exacerbating neuronal injury and impairing neurodevelopmental processes.

Alterations in neurotransmitter systems, including imbalances in excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission, contribute to motor dysfunction and spasticity in CP. Imbalances in neurotransmitters such as glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) disrupt the delicate balance of neuronal signaling, leading to increased muscle tone and impaired motor control.

Structural abnormalities within specific brain regions, such as the basal ganglia and cerebellum, are commonly observed in individuals with CP and contribute to motor impairments. Dysfunction within these regions disrupts the coordination of voluntary movements and postural control, further exacerbating motor difficulties.

The cumulative effects of these pathophysiological processes result in the diverse manifestations of CP, including impaired movement, muscle stiffness, abnormal reflexes, and associated comorbidities. Understanding the underlying pathophysiology of CP is essential for developing targeted interventions aimed at mitigating its impact and improving outcomes for affected individuals. (Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment)

DSM-5 Diagnosis

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), provides criteria for diagnosing cerebral palsy (CP) based on motor impairments and evidence of neurological abnormalities. The DSM-5 criteria emphasize the importance of a comprehensive medical evaluation to accurately diagnose CP and differentiate it from other motor disorders.

The primary criterion for CP diagnosis involves the presence of motor impairments that significantly interfere with movement and posture. These motor impairments typically manifest as abnormalities in muscle tone, coordination, and control, affecting both gross and fine motor skills. Examples include spasticity, muscle stiffness, involuntary movements, and difficulties with balance and coordination.

The onset of motor impairments is another key criterion for CP diagnosis according to DSM-5 guidelines. Motor symptoms must be evident before the age of 2 to meet the diagnostic criteria for CP. Early recognition of motor abnormalities and developmental delays is crucial for timely diagnosis and intervention.

In addition to motor impairments, the DSM-5 criteria for CP diagnosis require evidence of neurological abnormalities consistent with the disorder. Neurological assessments, including imaging studies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans, may reveal structural brain abnormalities or signs of perinatal brain injury consistent with CP.

The DSM-5 also emphasizes the importance of ruling out other conditions that may mimic CP or coexist with it. Differential diagnosis may involve evaluating for other neurological disorders, musculoskeletal conditions, or developmental disabilities that share similar clinical features with CP.

A comprehensive evaluation incorporating clinical assessment, neurological examinations, developmental assessments, and imaging studies is essential for accurate CP diagnosis according to DSM-5 criteria. Timely and accurate diagnosis facilitates appropriate interventions, including early intervention services, rehabilitation therapies, and support services, to optimize outcomes for individuals living with CP. (Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment)

Treatment Regimens and Patient Education

The management of cerebral palsy (CP) involves a multidisciplinary approach aimed at addressing the diverse needs of individuals with CP and optimizing their overall function and quality of life. Treatment regimens for CP are tailored to the specific needs and challenges of each individual and may encompass various therapeutic interventions, support services, and patient education initiatives.

Therapeutic Interventions:

Physical therapy plays a central role in CP management, focusing on improving mobility, strength, flexibility, and motor function. Therapeutic exercises, stretching routines, and gait training are integral components of physical therapy programs tailored to the unique needs of individuals with CP.

Occupational therapy aims to enhance independence and participation in daily activities by addressing fine motor skills, sensory integration, and adaptive strategies. Occupational therapists work with individuals with CP to develop skills necessary for self-care, school, work, and recreational activities.

Speech therapy targets communication and swallowing difficulties commonly associated with CP. Speech-language pathologists assess and address speech articulation, language development, and oral motor function to improve communication and feeding skills.

Medications may be prescribed to manage spasticity, muscle stiffness, seizures, and associated comorbidities in individuals with CP. Common medications include muscle relaxants, antispasmodics, antiepileptic drugs, and medications to alleviate pain or discomfort.

Orthotic devices, such as braces, splints, or orthopedic footwear, may be recommended to improve posture, stability, and mobility in individuals with CP. Orthotics help support weakened muscles, correct alignment issues, and facilitate optimal movement patterns.

Patient Education:

Patient education is an essential component of CP management, empowering individuals with CP and their families to actively participate in treatment plans, access support services, and make informed decisions about their care. Education initiatives for individuals with CP may include:

  • Providing information about the nature of CP, including its causes, symptoms, and prognosis.
  • Educating individuals and families about available treatment options, including therapeutic interventions, medications, and surgical procedures.
  • Offering guidance on accessing support services, such as early intervention programs, special education services, and community resources.
  • Providing strategies for managing daily challenges associated with CP, including mobility limitations, communication difficulties, and behavioral issues.
  • Promoting self-advocacy skills and encouraging individuals with CP to express their needs, preferences, and goals in healthcare settings and beyond.

By incorporating therapeutic interventions and patient education initiatives into comprehensive treatment regimens, healthcare professionals can effectively support individuals with CP in achieving their maximum potential and enhancing their overall well-being.  (Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment)


Cerebral palsy (CP) presents a complex array of challenges requiring a comprehensive approach to management. From understanding its multifactorial etiology, diverse signs and symptoms, and intricate pathophysiology to utilizing the DSM-5 criteria for accurate diagnosis, the paper has shed light on various aspects of CP. Treatment regimens encompassing physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, medications, and orthotic devices are tailored to address the specific needs of individuals with CP. Moreover, patient education initiatives play a crucial role in empowering individuals and their families to actively participate in their care and make informed decisions. By incorporating these multidisciplinary interventions and educational efforts, healthcare professionals can enhance the quality of life for individuals living with CP, emphasizing the importance of early intervention, personalized care, and ongoing support to optimize outcomes and promote overall well-being. (Nursing Paper Example on a Comprehensive Overview of Cerebral Palsy: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Empowerment)


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