Educational benefits of E-learning

Educational benefits of E-learning

Research question: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?

Educational benefits of E-learning

Working thesis

E-learning has been of much importance as an aid to studying to both the students and educational facilities. It helps change the personal progress of students and also adjusts to students, strengths, and weaknesses. It is always available anywhere and anytime when the need arises this motivates the students making them more engaged and interactive. Some E-learning facilities offer students with real-life facts, hence making them obtain knowledge rather than memorizing the content and also increases their confidence. Educational institutions can provide learning materials at any time apart from class hours. Library services are also made online which reduces congestion during critical periods such, as exam time. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

Al‐Qahtani, Awadh AY, and Steven E. Higgins. “Effects of traditional, blended and e‐learning      on students’ achievement in higher education.” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 29.3 (2013): 220-234.

The authors try to compare traditional, blended and e-learning educational systems and their benefits to students and learning institutions. It includes the benefits of distant education which were indicated in (Al-Dabbassi, 2002 and Ismail, 2003). E-learning is always chosen as the best options in a vast of education styles considering its benefits and advantages which are also included in this book. As an aid to the research, the information from this book will help realize the different benefits of applying e-learning in the world of education.

Anderson, Terry. The theory and practice of online learning. Athabasca University Press, 2008.

Anderson tries to show the operation and philosophies behind e-learning and involves different experiments in laboratories.(Anderson, 92) He says that the technologies that existed and the one emerging about e-learning have the profound influence in the education system and those who feel the change mostly are the teaching professionals. The e-learning program has changed the designing and delivery of courses and programs. The author says that different professional have credited e-learning in that it has brought effective response and accelerated global competition in the education system ( Daniel, 2000). From this book, the research will involve questions like, has e-learning delivered as expected?

Arkorful, Valentina, and Nelly Abaidoo. “The Role of E-learning, the Advantages and     Disadvantages of Its Adoption in Higher Education.” International Journal of Education and Research 2.12 (2014): 397-410. Web.

The author considers the world as a complex place with a lot of emerging issues that were not there some years back. One of the major transformation is the importance of education and the realization that it is an essential factor in addressing society and life issues. By making people literate and knowledgeable. The role, importance and the shortcomings of introducing the e-learning program into the education world are addressed in this paper.

Bernsteiner, Reinhard, Herwig Ostermann, and Roland Staudinger. “Facilitating e-learning with     social software: Attitudes and usage from the student’s point of view.” International     Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT) 3.3 (2008): 16- 33.

Reinhard explores how social software tools can be used in supporting learning innovations, and the overall designing of instructions to create an academic self-organized learning. It involves how weblogs, discussion forums, and wikis can be used in the learning context. It also includes results of the importance of the social software tools in learning from the students’ views and conclusion that the tools are critical in transforming learning. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

Beetham, Helen, and Rhona Sharpe. Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age: Designing for 21st- century learning. Routledge, 2013.

The article focuses on how technology has enhanced learning in high education, how technology has been designed to an active learning environment, it has analyzed how involved and complex learning environments have been explored and made simple, the challenge facing teachers in the development and the tools to guide them practice. In the research information above is important in creating a simple to understand e-learning environment.

Donnelly, Roisin, and Fiona McSweeney. Applied E-Learning and E-Teaching in Higher   Education. Hershey, Pa: Information Science Reference, 2009. Print.

The books focus on the technological advancements that have to occur over the past few years the increase in demand for digital learning such as the use of the web. E-learning and E-teaching have been applied in the education system and created an interactive environment making the teachers and students realize how important it is to integrate the technology in a classroom. In my research, I will try to find how every classroom or hall can be equipped with virtual machines and tools that will be used in the online writing, examples are video players.

Ellis, Robert, and Peter Goodyear. Students’ experiences of e-learning in higher education: the  ecology of sustainable innovation. Routledge, 2013.

Ellis tries to show the self-correcting mechanisms which are related to the virtual and e-        learning; the different benefits student get in high education institutions that apply this mode of learning. He tries to compare students from other agencies that do not provide these social arrays of e-learning and those that have this facility, the disadvantages, and     benefits. It is critical to the research since for me to identify the benefits of e-learning     I must consider institutions with no virtual tools of study. Considering that some institution are not capable of applying the online learning, the article will help in finding the different methods that can be used to make sure that all learning institutions enjoy the benefits of virtual tools.

John, Gurmak Singh, John O’Donoghue, and Harvey Worton. “A Study Into The Effects Of     Elearning On Higher Education.” Journal of University Teaching and Learning  Practice (2014): n. pag. Web.

The article explores how the internet has been used by the society not only to acquire knowledge and information, but it has also been used to reconstruct the high education system particularly in the field of interaction and to obtain the reading materials. The utilization of the internet to initiate learning processes has created high hopes both in the business and the high education sectors. Through the research, information from the article will aid in making the internet more resourceful in the e-learning system.

Lee, Ming-Chi. “Explaining and predicting users’ continuance intention toward e-learning:      extension of the expectation–confirmation model.” Computers & Education 54.2 (2010): 506-516.

Lee explores how the e-learning system has been deployed at different levels of education and afterward the e-learning system is no longer used. He states that it is common for many institutions to initially accept the system though have no long term intentions of using the system. The paper contains theories and models that can be used to predict the intension of using e-learning in future. They are predictions that mostly reflect the attitude and normal behavior and constructs implications at the end of the forecast. From the book, the ability to forecast the willingness of different institution to continue using e-learning will be helpful in realizing what factors to input in order to make the system more durable.

McPherson, Maggie, and Miguel Baptista Nunes. “Organisational issues for e-learning: Critical      success factors as identified by HE practitioners.” International Journal of Educational     Management 20.7 (2006): 542-558.

Maggie’s paper focuses on critical success factors for e-learning introduction in the high education system, and it is a part of a report on a project. The importance of e-learning in the field of decision making and the strategy implementation are seen in this paper. It also focuses on essential elements that need to be looked into to make the process more useful. Across the project, information from this source will help realize how useful e-learning in making the education more successful and making better strategies for the development of the education center.

Njenga, James Kariuki, and Louis Cyril Henry Fourie. “The myths about e‐learning in higher     education.” British journal of educational technology 41.2 (2010): 199-212.

The paper focuses on the myths that are related to the e-learning development and terms e-learning aspect as techno positives. In the journal e-learning introduction to the high education is seen be driven by those who want to benefit from this exercise and have personal agendas and they continuously create the enthusiasm. There are little time and chance given to the education system to look at the advantages and disadvantages of the e-learning. The disadvantages gotten in this section will aid the project where different means of combating dangers of e-learning will be identified. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

Paechter, Manuela, Brigitte Maier, and Daniel Macher. “Students’ expectations of,      experiences in e-learning: Their relation to learning achievements and course  satisfaction.” Computers & Education 54.1 (2010): 222-229.

This book focuses on education technological advancement within the past decade,         many details on distant education and e-learning and which may be used as a     methodology for decision making. It gives more information on emerging trends in distant education specialization and convergence. Distance education as explained in this book is when students study on their own at any place of choice with no contact with a         teacher and therefore technology is critical explaining why e-learning is important in distant education especially the use of the Internet and World Wide Web. Online forums enabled by e-learning, allows discussion and reflection at different time and place making learning efficient. Through the research, the content in this book will aid in identifying the problems in education before e-learning and its benefits after. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

Salmon, Gilly. “Flying not flapping: a strategic framework for e-learning and pedagogical      innovation in higher education institutions.” ALT-J 13.3 (2005): 201-218

Salmon views e-learning that is extra ordinary since it was born but now it has created many changes in different systems, and it is itself still undergoing changes It has improved the learning and teaching system and has promoted sustainable innovations. This paper shows attempts on how possible it is to use sophisticated strategies to bring new stage of development of e-learning in various universities. The author says that introducing e-learning in the education system was like a transition from flapping to actual flying. He quotes, “E-learning is a complicated process and involves personal and institutional changes above technological provisions (Zentel et al., 2004)”. From this article, I will include in the research the transformations that can be introduced in the e-    learning program to make it more beneficial. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

Sharpe, Rhona, and Greg Benfield. “The Student Experience of E-learning in Higher Education:     A Review of the Literature.” Brooks EJournal of Learning and Teaching 1.3 (2005): n.

The paper involves a discussion on the experience of using e-learning to see the areas that are worth future investigations. It covers common themes from the experience of using the virtual tools and come with the results of this exposure. Mostly, it concentrates on emotional experience and if the e-learning has been of aid in time management. This is an important aspect of the project, learning from experience helps make something better

Wagner, Nicole L., Khaled Hassanein, and Milena M. Head. “Who is responsible for e-learning success in higher education? A stakeholders’ analysis.” Educational Technology & Society 11.3 (2008): 26-36.

The paper focuses on the high need for distant education, and these many high education institutions are striving to apply the e-learning method. An institution may be encouraged to adopt e-learning due to different reasons discussed in this paper. However, some systems have failed to input e-learning, and the factors were causing success or failure of the implementation are widely addressed in this article. this is beneficial to the project since the factors that I will require to make e-learning a well operating system and with less failures are discussed in the paper (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

 Where I got my sources

The internet, most of the article and books I got from the internet Google scholar. Some journals I obtained from the libraries like the journal about students experience on e-learning was from Jomo Kenyatta university library. The book about open learning and distant education, I googled one of the British E-library. Other articles are PDF papers obtained from personal and organizational sources like…/34. ,and “…/E-learning-White-Paper_…”  By Jennifer Olson Michigan state university and “…/ pdf/odonoghue_003. …” by Gurmak Singh university of Wolverhampton. (Educational benefits of E-learning: What are the benefits of E-learning to student and educational institutions?)

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Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS)

(Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS)) After studying the course materials located on Module 8: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following:

  • Euthanasia Medical or Generic definition & Bioethical definition.
  • Describe pain and suffering within context of faith
  • Physician Assisted Suicide / Death ( PAS / PAD) Definition. Is it ethical?
  • Should we have the right to end our lives? Why yes or why not?
  • Better alternatives to PAS; compare and contrast each: Hospice Palliative care / Terminal sedation
  • Case studies.

Brief summary of: Hemlock Society Jacob Kevorkian & Britanny Maynard. Read and summarize ERD paragraphs #:  59, 60, 61.Submission Instructions: is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling. If references are used, please cite properly according to the current APA style

Euthanasia: Medical and Bioethical Definitions

Medically, euthanasia refers to the deliberate act of ending a person’s life to relieve suffering, often involving a physician administering a lethal dose of medication. Bioethically, euthanasia is viewed through the lens of moral principles, examining whether it respects human dignity, autonomy, and the sanctity of life.

Pain and Suffering within the Context of Faith

Within faith contexts, pain and suffering are often seen as part of the human experience, with redemptive value and a test of faith. Many religious perspectives emphasize compassionate care and support over measures to hasten death, viewing suffering as an opportunity for spiritual growth and community support.

Physician-Assisted Suicide / Death (PAS/PAD) Definition and Ethical Considerations

Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) or physician-assisted death (PAD) involves a doctor providing a patient with the means to end their own life, typically through prescribed medication. The ethicality of PAS/PAD is highly debated. Proponents argue it respects patient autonomy and alleviates suffering, while opponents contend it undermines the sanctity of life and could lead to a slippery slope of devaluing life, especially among vulnerable populations. (Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS))

Right to End Our Lives: Ethical Considerations

The debate over whether individuals should have the right to end their lives hinges on autonomy versus the intrinsic value of life. Advocates for the right to die emphasize personal autonomy and the relief of unbearable suffering. Conversely, opponents argue that legalizing this right could lead to societal devaluation of life, particularly for the disabled and terminally ill.

Better Alternatives to PAS: Hospice, Palliative Care, and Terminal Sedation

Hospice and palliative care focus on providing comfort and improving the quality of life for terminally ill patients without hastening death. Hospice care offers comprehensive support, including pain management, emotional support, and spiritual care. Palliative care provides similar services but can be offered at any stage of illness, not just end-of-life. (Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS))

Terminal sedation involves sedating a patient to alleviate intractable suffering, with the patient remaining unconscious until death occurs naturally. While not intended to hasten death, it allows patients to escape unbearable pain. Comparing these alternatives, hospice and palliative care focus on holistic support and pain relief, while terminal sedation addresses extreme cases of suffering when other methods fail.

Case Studies: Hemlock Society, Jacob Kevorkian, and Brittany Maynard

The Hemlock Society advocates for the right to die with dignity, providing education on end-of-life choices, including PAS/PAD. Jacob Kevorkian, known as “Dr. Death,” assisted terminally ill patients in ending their lives, sparking significant ethical and legal debates. Brittany Maynard, a terminally ill woman, chose to end her life under Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act, bringing national attention to the right-to-die movement.

ERD Paragraphs 59, 60, 61 Summary

ERD 59 emphasizes that euthanasia and PAS are morally unacceptable, as they undermine the respect for human life. ERD 60 discusses the importance of pain management and palliative care, encouraging efforts to relieve suffering without hastening death. ERD 61 highlights the need for compassionate care and the moral duty to avoid actions that intentionally cause death, affirming the value of life even in suffering. (Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS))


The discussions on euthanasia, PAS/PAD, and end-of-life care revolve around balancing ethical principles, patient autonomy, and the sanctity of life. While there are no easy answers, a focus on compassionate, holistic care remains paramount. The case studies and ethical directives underscore the complexities and moral imperatives in these deeply personal decisions. (Euthanasia & Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS))


Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide:

Emanuel, E. J., Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B. D., Urwin, J. W., & Cohen, J. (2016). Attitudes and practices of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in the United States, Canada, and Europe. JAMA, 316(1), 79-90.

Pain and Suffering within the Context of Faith:

Sulmasy, D. P. (2006). The rebirth of the clinic: An introduction to spirituality in health care. Georgetown University Press

Hospice and Palliative Care:

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. (2021). Palliative care and hospice care

Terminal Sedation:

Rietjens, J. A., van Delden, J. J., Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B. D., Buiting, H. M., van der Maas, P. J., & van der Heide, A. (2008). Continuous deep sedation for patients nearing death in the Netherlands: Descriptive study. BMJ, 336(7648), 810-813.

Hemlock Society, Jacob Kevorkian, and Brittany Maynard:

Quill, T. E., & Greenlaw, J. (2008). Physician-assisted death. Ethics in Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine

The Brittany Maynard Fund. (2014). Brittany’s story.

Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERD):

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. (2018). Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, Sixth Edition.

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Human Services and Families.

Human Services and Families.

(Human Services and Families.)

Family And Children

In this course, you had an opportunity to examine some of the specific areas in which human services professionals intervene in the lives of families and children to help keep children safe. Throughout the term, you used the readings, the audiotape shows, and the websites to do research in your specific area targeting specific populations. You also developed strategies throughout the term that could improve the condition of children who receive services. In some units, you were asked to reflect on your role as a human services professional. One of the most important aspects of your job is knowing what services are available for your clients.

Begin your evaluative essay with a discussion about your knowledge of intervention resources in your area prior to completing this assignment. Did you think it would be difficult to access them? Why or why not?

Next, you will locate an agency in your area that provides services for each of the following social problems:

  • Child Abuse/Family Preservation
  • Domestic Violence
  • Substance Abuse
  • Homeless

Once you have located an agency for each of the social problems, you will write a summary (at least 1 paragraph) of the services that each agency provides. Be sure to identify the pros and cons of the services provided. Do NOT copy/paste from the agency’s website. Remember to use in-text citing and to cite your references.

In the next paragraph, explain how clients access those services. (If that information isn’t available online, you need to call the agency and ask.) For example, do they apply online, make an appointment over the phone, or go in to the office to fill out paperwork?

Finally, based on the course material, discuss the influences that might lead a family to not seek out services when they are in need for the above social problems. What do you think can be done to change that?

Requirements for this assignment paper:

Be sure to use specific information from the text to support your answers.

(APA formatting and in-text citation must be used for each source referenced.)

  1. You will write a 2-3-page evaluative essay on the four social problems.
  2. Include a title and reference page (not included in the 3-page count essay).
  3. Double-spaced with 12 point Times New Roman.
  4. Be sure to incorporate information from course readings, textbook, or other library sources to support their discussion and directed to properly cite all sources of information by including in-text citations and a list of references.

The viewpoint and purpose of this assignment should be clearly established and sustained. The assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.

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