Research In Motion (RIM)

Running head: research in motion (rim) 1

research in motion (rim) 8

Company History





An organization is bound to experience a crisis at one point in its existence. The manner in which the organization manages the disaster will determine the success or failure of the organization. Communication is an essential tool in an organization. It is through communication that organizations find it easy to coordinate their activities. Conversely, there is no better time when organizations need to be effective in communication than in times of crisis. In many instances, when an organization is in crisis, there is confusion since many people may be attempting to do what they think is in the best interests of the organization. Unfortunately, their efforts may not be coordinated, and that may end up having adverse effects on the ability of the organization to manage the crisis. Communication plays an integral role in crisis management to the extent that it makes sure that all the stakeholders are reading from the same script, and that all of the stakeholders are moving toward the same direction (Coombs, 2014). In the absence of effective communication, there will be confusion, and that will have adverse effects on the organization.

Company History Research in Motion is a Global telecommunications company. In 2011, the company’s co-chief executives found themselves facing a serious crisis which needed them to take actions to prevent the company from experiencing a further decline in market performance. The previous year, the company had faced one of the most challenging times when it had a decline in its market share while its stock price also experienced a serious hit. In this particular crisis, one of the senior executives in the organization addressed a damning anonymous letter which revealed some of the weaknesses and cultural problems of the company. The letter questioned, among other things, the leadership style of the organization, the organizational culture as well as the product development systems in the company. The anonymous senior executive offered personal insights and possible solutions which could be used to bring back the company to its lost market standing. While the letter was addressed to the executives of the company, it was unfortunate that the letter got leaked and it was picked up by an online technology news provider referred to Boy Genius Report. The contents of this letter were later published in an online article of Boy Genius Report, thereby exposing the weaknesses of the company to the public (, 2012).

Further, the letter seriously exposed the leadership weaknesses of Research in Motion. The co-chief executives of the company were under pressure to find out the best ways to address the public over the issues addressed in the letter. Most importantly, since it was evident that they were being questioned by their employees, the co-chief executives had to find the most suitable approaches to communicate with the employees internally. It was necessary for the co-chief executives to assure the employ the most suitable mechanisms to address the problems internally.

The specific problems to be addressed

There are two specific problems which need to be addressed in this case study. The following is an illustration of some of the problems which would have to be addressed in this case study;

Change the perception of the outsiders concerning the problems facing company; form the case study, it is apparent that the company has come from a difficult financial year which was characterized by poor performance in the market as well as dwindling share prices. When this letter went public, it affected the reputation of the company in the market since it exposed its weaknesses to outside parties. Thus, it is necessary to execute a communication strategy which will restore the reputation of the company in the market (Ulmer et al., 2017).

Address the confidence and faith of the employees in the leadership of the organization; from the letter, it is notable that the employees have lost faith in the company and its leadership. To some of the employees, the leadership is prepared to address the ills facing the company. Besides, it would be helpful for the organization to carry out communication, which would address the concerns of the company. Most importantly, it would be necessary to make the employees understand that the leadership is aware of the challenges, and it is taking necessary steps to address them (Coombs, 2014).


Communication goals

There are two primary targets of this communication exercise. The first target is the employees of the organization. The second target of this communication is the outside stakeholders of the company, including clients, suppliers and partners. Among the employees, the communication goal is to reassure them that the organization is doing whatever is possible to address their concerns. However, communication also seeks to help establish a communicating structure between the leadership and the employees (Coombs, 2014). Apparently, the employee might have written the synonymous letter because there was no alternative communication channel which he could use. Another goal of communication is to provide an opportunity for the employees to understand the operations of the company. It may be argued the employee who had a problem with the product development and employee culture of the organization did not have an adequate understanding of the operations of the company. Nonetheless, the main goal of outside communication is to rebuild the image of the company. The publication of the contents of the letter had caused a serious dent to the image of the company, and it was necessary to rebuild it.

The mediums of communication applicable

There are two primary mediums of communication which will be used in this communication. One of the mediums is memos while the second medium is the use of emails. The main purpose of using memos is because it is capable of being used to reach a wide range of audience. For instance, since it will be necessary to communicate with all employees about a wide range of concerns, the use of memos will be most appropriate. When a memo is used, it is possible to summarize the information in such a manner that will make it easily accessible to all the employees. One of the advantages which makes the use of memos suitable in this case is that memos are easy to produce, and they are also easy to read since they are not loaded with many words (Guffey & Loewy, 2012).

However, since there are only a few senior executives working for the organization and it would be possible to reach out to them. The most suitable medium for reaching senior executives is the use of emails. At their level, it would be possible to draft emails which will be directed at each senior executive. The first benefit of this medium is that it will affirm to the senior executives that the management recognizes their rank and status in the organization. Additionally, the use of emails allows senior executives to provide immediate responses to communication.

Targeted audience

For this internal communication, there are two primary targets of communication; employees and senior executives. The issues arising from the leaked letter to the management concerned mainly the employees and the senior executives. A critical examination of both the executives and the employees reveal that they have unique features and cultural dispositions which determine the interaction among them (Thorson & Moore, 2013). Firstly, it is important to note that not all employees speak the same language. While a significant majority of the employees have English as their first language, it is also notable that there are many employees who are not English speakers. Thus, when making internal communication, it would be necessary to make sure that there is consideration of the interests of these groups. Perhaps it would be necessary to consider translating the messages or using simple language for the benefit of the employee who does not have English as their first language.

The message


TO: All Employees

FROM: Co-Chief Executive Officers

CC: Senior Executives

DATE: 27.06.2019

SUBJECT: Clarification on Employee Concerns

Research in Motion (RIM) has been one of the most effective companies in the industry for the last decade. In an environment which is a highly competitive industry, there is a reason which has made the company stand out among its peers. It is through sheer determination and commitment to the highest standards of quality and innovation that the company has managed to stand tall in the industry. Besides, the stable leadership which the management has shown has provided a favorable environment for the growth of the company. Although it is notable that the company has in the recent years lost a little ground to its rivals with regards to market share and share prices, there is no reason to suggest that the county is heading south. While appreciating that the recent performances do not indicate the direction which the company wants to take in its growth agenda, it is notable that the challenges are not insurmountable. In a letter which has been circulated in various online platforms, there has been a projection that the company is directionless and disorganized as a result poor leadership, unsuitable organizational culture as well as the product development problems.

Concerning these accusations leveled against the company, we have the following to say; we have the following to say;

Firstly, in the face of the massive growth which RIM has experienced in the last few decades, it is not fair to say that there is poor leadership. Perhaps the accusation concerning poor leadership arises from the fact that the company has lost some economic and competitive ground in the last few years. It is important to note that the performance of an organization in the market is determined by a wide spectrum of political, economic and social factors. Thus, it would be very shortsighted to place the blame on the management. Throughout the time when this company has existed, the leadership has always desired to make decisions which it feels best serves the interest of the business. In many times, the decisions have been favorable, but there are also times when the decisions may fail to achieve the desired objectives. These challenges do not mean there is poor leadership. We would like to assure you that the leadership is steadfast and has an unwavering commitment to take this organization to the next level.

The organizational culture of RIM has also come into sharp focus. Just like many other aspects of the business, the culture of the organization has always kept changing. The management realizes that as times change, it becomes necessary to lead a cultural change which would make sure that the culture in line with the contemporary environment in which the organization operates (Schein, 2010). It is true that the leadership appreciates that there could be problems with the organizational culture which could have been responsible for the poor performance of the organization in the recent past. However, the cultural problem is not so massive that it could be a cause for concern to the organization. The leadership is currently adopting a wide range of measures to influence the development of an organizational culture which would enable RIM to enhance its competitiveness in this ever-changing environment.

While appreciating that the employees may at times have concerns with several issues in the organization, it is, however, essential that employees must use the most appropriate ways or mediums to relay these concerns to the concerned authorities. The leadership of RIM has an open-door policy, which means everybody with concerns is free to knock any door and present grievances without having any disciplinary action taken against him. The adherence to the proper communication channels will not only protect the image of the company, but it will also make sure that solutions to the challenge are found in time.

Needs and Development

During the development of the message, it was important to consider the levels of professional training of the employees. One of the primary challenges which are responsible for the disorganization of most organizations is poor training on a wide range of organizational processes. While employees may be skilled in their various fields, it is possible that they may not have an adequate understanding of the mode of operations in the organization (Cohen, 2017). For example, in the case of the senior level executive who authored the anonymous letter, it is possible that an individual may not have understood organizational processes. Thus, when developing the message, it was necessary to understand that a significant number of employees may not understand the organization. Besides, it was considered that when the employee accused the organization of having a poor organizational culture, the individual may have been new in the organization and as a result, may not have had a clear understanding of the foundations of the culture of the organization (Rao, 2002). As a result of this, it was essential for the message to clearly demonstrate the process of cultural development in the organization and the way it has served the organization.


As the organization goes through this period of transition, it is possible that employees may be affected in a certain way. Thus, the organization has taken several steps to make sure that it helps the employees through the critical transition phase. Firstly, the organization has clearly provided a communication channel which employees may use to seek any clarification. It is important to note that poor communication is one of the factors which lead to confusion and despair among the employees (Cadon, n.d). Through effective communication, it is possible to address the concerns of the employees and help them settle in the organization. Besides, the organization is embarking on a continual training of employees to improve their exposure to current trends.

Potential conflicts arising from the communication

One of the potential sources of conflict arising from communication is the possible misinterpretation of the communication by the recipients (List, 2011). Among the people who accessed the message through the memos, it is not possible for them to seek clarification. Thus, each recipient is entitled to interpret the message in his way, and that can cause a misunderstanding and a subsequent conflict.


External Communication

Effective external communication serves as a critical strategy when it comes to proper crisis management. For-profit, as well as non-profit organizations in present-day society should adopt and incorporate effective communication frameworks in their operations; given they remain subject to a great deal of public scrutiny. In essence, the 21st century remains characterized by a wide range of complicated and multifaceted crises, which require any given organization to take a comprehensive approach to developing appropriate and result-driven external communication strategies. Typically, an efficient crisis management plan must factor in a seamless external communication framework because the manner in which an organization manages disasters determines its success or failure. In this case study, the various instances of failure show that Research in Motion (RIM) is in a crisis, which can only be addressed or solved through an effective external communication framework. The communication model should be developed and implemented in manner that it aptly manages the situation facing the company’s external stakeholders. In particular, the company’s external communication should go a long way in assuaging the fears of its customers and other stakeholders, such as suppliers and service providers (Ahmed, 2018). A proper external communication channel will ensure that the intended message reaches the target audience and works towards improving the company’s already tainted public image.


RIM can utilize a variety of communication channels with the sole purpose of disseminating information to the public and all other responsible stakeholders. Most importantly, these media possess different characteristics, as well as scope, meaning the company should place great emphasis on identifying and the most appropriate and effective medium. In this respect, RIM can achieve this by evaluating how each of the media performs regarding the target audience, costs, and the conveying the intended message. In other words, some external communication channels tend to enhance convenience and reliability, especially when tasked with the responsibility of delivering information to a given audience. On the same note, the cost incurred determines the type of external communication media to use.

Although some communication methods are more effective than others, communication experts associated with successful and international firms have so far recommended the need for using at least two media as way of dealing with or handling any given organizational crisis. According to Burdstrom (2018), this multidimensional and pragmatic approach allows a firm to benefit a great deal from the strengths of each channel. Sensibly speaking, the use of different media plays a leading role in creating communication synergy, which, in turn, presents an organization with the opportunity to reach a broader audience base. In this way, the company in question can quickly disseminate the message in an efficient manner.

RIM should convey the intended message by considering and using external communication channels. In essence, the company can effectively disseminate its position regarding the leaked letter to the management. The firm should make this consideration; given the rapidly developing information and communication technologies and social networking sites and associated platforms. Change-driven companies from across the globe are increasingly becoming digitized as they have and continue to embrace social media, Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter to communicate with their customers. Information technology (IT) is fast revolutionizing the communication sector with billions of people interconnected through these platforms. The increased uptake of the internet and the use of computers have enabled customers to quickly gain access up to date information about the various developments and trends in the corporate world (Hall, 2014). In this sense, RIM should prioritize the use of their website in disseminating information to external stakeholders. For instance, the company should create a statement on its website and other social media handles, highlighting issues facing the firm, the interventions it has put in place, as well as the way forward.

The use of online platforms in the dissemination of information is advantageous on numerous fronts. When compared to traditional communication channels, such as TV, radio, billboards, and letters, social media networking sites are relatively cheaper. Second, the use of Facebook and other social media platforms would play a fundamental role in ensuring the company reaches the target audience because the leaked letter reached the platform through the same media. Therefore, using the same medium to counter the narrative and set the record straight gives the company an equal opportunity to pass its message to its external stakeholders, especially those who might have been adversely impacted by the letter. Moreover, that the use of online platforms in disseminating information would enable the company reach its millions of customers from wherever they are in the globe (Lazzari, 2018). Concisely, social media has globalized external communication.

In addition to social media, RIM should make a comprehensive media statement on local and international print and electronic media. In the statement, the company should identify, state, and respond accordingly to each of the issues raised by employees in the leaked letter. Equally important, the management should examine and make necessary changes to the statement before it goes public as a precautionary measure; avoiding errors and omissions. The media statement will allow RIM to respond to the various issues affecting the company and reassure its customers and other stakeholders of the initiatives it is undertaking to remedy the situation. A media statement helps the organization to formally narrate its story to the public, which helps in controlling the situation. Hall (2014) argues that an organization can manage a crisis by going ahead of the damaging story. Accordingly, the whole process of arresting the situation allows the firm to shape the narrative of the ongoing crisis and remedy the image of the company.

Target Audience

In the case at hand, the target audience for the external communication comprises the company’s existing and potential clients, shareholders, service providers, and the general public. In particular, RIM is currently facing a crisis that has led to poor share performance in the stocks market and reduced profits. The leaked letter to management highlighting the leadership deficiencies in the organization has had had a negative impact on the company’s corporate reputation. With the perception among shareholders that the company is being poorly managed, the RIM’s share prices have decreased significantly because individual investors have lost confidence in the company. Besides shareholders, the general public and potential investors shied away from the company’s shares as it seemed that the company was experiencing significant leadership and organizational challenges. In his recent article, Ahmed (2018) corroborates that investing in a business with significant the identified management and performance problems serves as a severe risk that both short-term and long-term investors often consider before investing.

Apart from the identified external stakeholders, the company should invest in assuring the general public of the high levels of professionalism and competence that the firm ascribes to. RIM should make the general public aware of its principles as way of ensuring people embrace and identify with it the organization. Cardon (2016) argues that people tend to associate not only with successful but also socially responsible brands that promote their ideals and public policy. The general public is a critical target audience as they are the consumers of the organization’s products and services. In essence, the company’s sales volume depends on the level of consumer loyalty. The relevance of the general public has been reflected by the poor performance posted by RIM in the recent past as the market refrained from purchasing its products.

Draft of External Communication

Media Statement by Jones Whitaker about the Leaked Letter to the Management of RIM

Research in Motion is a dedicated and responsible company driven by high standards of corporate governance.

The company has learnt of the public dissemination of the contents of a letter to the management. As an organization, RIM encourages its employees to continuously critique and make suggestions of how the organization may improve its operations. Through this policy, the company has tremendously improved its capacity and organizational efficiency thereby enabling the organization to meet its objectives. As such, the leaked letter is a testament to the expanded freedom of employees to air out their grievances and highlight areas in need of improvement.

To this end, RIM has forwarded the issues highlighted in the latter to a special task force, as is ordinarily the case, to investigate the allegations raised therein. The company assures its stakeholders that appropriate action will be taken to address these organizational weaknesses, if any, upon receiving the official taskforce report.

Thank you for your continued support.

For interviews contact:

Alex Maine

Head of Public Relations

Phone number: 202-555-1212


One of the anticipated conflicts expected by the issuance of the above media statement is the possible misinterpretation of the message. The company’s external stakeholders may have numerous questions arising from the statement because it appears to take a general approach to conveying the intended message. In essence, the statement at hand has not identified any of the issues raised by RIM employees. In this respect, stakeholders are more likely to demand for clarifications. Another conflict would result from external stakeholders’ relationship with the already appointed special contact person tasked with the responsibility of to conducting further interviews and queries. Other players might have difficulty developing and maintaining the much-needed rapport with the contact person thereby keeping crucial information. Cardon (2016) has noted with a great deal of concern that this type of misinformation might compel stakeholders to not fully appreciate the company’s efforts in addressing the various issues highlighted in the leaked letters.


Follow Up

Mission, Vision and Goals

LaReau, J. (2017, October 19). NADA Data shows dealer profits eroding. Retrieved November 25, 2018, from



Internal Communication Measurement


External Communication Measurement


Lessons Learned



References Milestone 1

Coombs, W. T. (2014). Ongoing crisis communication: Planning, managing, and responding. Sage Publications. (2012). Research in Motion: Sincerely, a RIM Employee (A). Ivey Publishing. Available at:

Ulmer, R. R., Sellnow, T. L., & Seeger, M. W. (2017). Effective crisis communication: Moving from crisis to opportunity. Sage Publications.


References Milestone 2

Cadon, P. W. (2nd Edition). Managing Through Communication. McGraw-Hill Education.

Cohen, E. (2017). Employee training and development. In CSR for HR (pp. 153-162). Routledge.

Guffey, M. E., & Loewy, D. (2012). Essentials of business communication. Cengage Learning.

List, C. (2011). Group communication and the transformation of judgments: an impossibility result. Journal of Political Philosophy19(1), 1-27.

Rao, J. A. (2002, November). Helping employees embrace change. Retrieved from McKinsey&Company:…

Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership (Vol. 2). John Wiley & Sons.

Thorson, E., & Moore, J. (Eds.). (2013). Integrated communication: Synergy of persuasive voices. Psychology Press.

References Milestone 3

Ahmed, A. (2018). Types of external communication. Bizfluent. Retrieved Feb. 6, 2019 from

Burdstrom, G. (2018). When you need to make a statement to the media. Retrieved Feb. 7, 2019, from

Cardon, P. (2016). Business communication: Developing leaders for a networked world (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Hall, J. (2014). How to choose the right medium for your message. Retrieved January 25, 2019, from

Lazzari, Zach. (2018, June 28). Importance of external business communication. Retrieved February 6, 2019, from

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Project Management _ Getta Byte Software

In the video that follows, you will meet Hugh Duitt, Nonia Bizness, and Ima Payne, who are on the leadership team of Getta Byte software, the CEO, PMO Director, and the Project Manager, respectively. They are discussing the new billing system that they need to develop and implement. Based on the information in the video, play the drag and drop game below and complete the charter template. This week’s discussion will be based on this charter, so be sure to complete it.



Getta Byte Software—The Project Scope

We need a new billing system.


The one we have works fine.

It’s manual, time-consuming, and inaccurate.

There is that…

So, it has to be automated, fast, and accurate.

An online system

Easy data entry

Dynamic updates to receivables

It should save us 25% in labor per month.

We need to work with a bunch of people.

CEO, CFO, Finance, Billing, Customer Service

How will we know if it is a successful system?

Billing cycles are reduced by 30%

We must do the first pilot by September 1.

That means development and testing is done by August 15.

Final release will be complete on September 10.

If we are able to generate reports dynamically…

Speed up transactions and response time…

We’ll be golden!

We only have $250,000 to spend on this project.

What if while we are replacing the system, we have network issues?

There is a risk in data transfer from our paper records to the new system.

That budget is going to be a challenge—a real constraint.

We have to assume that our most of our current customer data are correct.

We won’t be able to do anything with accounts receivable.

We won’t be able to change our financial system of record, either except to interface.

I think that’s all I need for a charter.

The End

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One Page Report



  • why does HRM represent one of the major challenges faced by foregin companies entering the chinese market ?
  • what are the  main issues expat managers generally face ?
  • why dont foreign companies simply hire local staff instead of reaching out for  foreign  managers?
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A- introduction : strat with a general introduction about the case study and the main problem / issue presented in the case study

B- BODY   answer the case study questions  that are listed with clear demonstration of your analysis


C- CONCLUSION give a brief recap of the analysos ( case study

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Hypothetical Organization

Please create a hypothetical organization and address 3 of the five topics below in which this company is currently doing and include resources from the last five years that address these trends in OD and the future focus for organizations. Submit your paper on the current trends in OD today and include 4 peer-reviewed sites and format the entire document according to APA 6th edition standards.

This paper should include a culmination of the topics discussed and learned throughout this class.


  • Developing Strategic, Emotionally Intelligent Leaders, and Teams
    • Emotional Intelligence embraces four key domains: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Emotional Intelligence is described as how leaders handle themselves and their relationships.
  • Shifting Organizational Systems to a New Paradigm
    • Management processes and delivery of care methods between providers will need to be much more coordinated and open.
  • Supporting Aligned Cultures
    • We need to focus on creating effective cultures that align the new incentive/reward systems, new roles, and more efficient work processes.
  • Delivering Comprehensive Learning Programs
    • There needs to be a focus on building a variety of skills and competencies in health provider systems.
  • Creating Engaged Employees
    • The massive transformation of the industry will challenge employee retention in years to come.
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Case Study 1: Walmart Manages Ethics And Compliance Challenges

Read “Case Study 3: Walmart Manages Ethics and Compliance Challenges,” located on page 407 of the textbook. Then, read the article titled, “The Good, the Bad, and Wal-Mart”, located at

Write a four (4) page paper in which you:

  1. Examine the manner in which Walmart’s business philosophy has impacted its perception of being unethical towards supply and employee stakeholders. Provide one (1) example of Walmart in an unethical situation.
  2. Determine the major effects that Walmart’s business philosophy has had on its human resource practices and policies.
  3. Analyze two (2) of the legal mandates that workers and U.S. government has accused Walmart of violating. Provide an explanation as to why these legal mandates were violated, citing specific violations.
  4. Evaluate the efficiency of the structure of the ethical decision making framework that Walmart has used in making its decisions. Provide a rationale for your response.
  5. Recommend two (2) actions that Walmart’s Human Resources Department should take in order to improve the employees’ perspectives of Walmart’s human resources policies. Provide a rationale for your recommendations.
  6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe the business ethics issues and definitions, theories, and frameworks important to organizational ethical decision making and the role of a human resource professional.
  • Determine the role of stakeholder interests, the interrelationship of ethics and social responsibility, and the role of corporate governance in ethics.
  • Examine ethical issues and dilemmas in business.
  • Write clearly and concisely about issues in ethics and advocacy for HR professionals using correct grammar and mechanics.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics and advocacy for HR professionals.
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Persuasive Speech




Godfrey, E. M. (2015). Helping clinicians prevent pregnancy among sexually active adolescents: US medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use and US selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use. Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, 28(4), 209-214.

The author of the article argues that the rates of teenage births in the United States are on the increase. The high rates of teen pregnancy put them at a risk of poor health, decreased educational attainment and also increased poverty (Godfrey, 2015). The use of birth control methods is the only alternative that will save the nation out of the consequences that are adversely affecting the young women and the nation as a whole. The author further argues that the responsibility of the healthcare providers to know the contraceptive that is safe for administering (Godfrey, 2015). The methods that are harmful to the adolescents should be withheld to ensure that the medication administered. is safe for those seeking family planning, adolescents included. Emily The author is a specialist in birth control and women’s health. Godfrey is a specialist in family medicine, family planning, pregnancy termination, and women’s health.

The information provided in the article will be used in the discussion of the reasons why parents do not necessarily have to be involved in the purchase of birth control for their minors. The article is essential in the speech as there is critical information on the need to allow teens into using the family methods. I will be using the source to persuade the audience that there is no need to restrict access to birth control by young women. The author is for the idea that provided that the health care providers are educated on what is safe to administer and what to avoid the adolescents are good to go (Godfrey, 2015). The statistics from the U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 2010, shows that the United States has greatly relied on the family planning methods to eliminate the problems that come with early pregnancies among teenagers.

Jones, R. K., & Jerman, J. (2017). Abortion incidence and service availability in the United States, 2014. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, 49(1), 17-27.

The authors outline the benefits that come with having little or no restrictions on contraceptive use among teenage girls. The article states that having national and state-level information on the incidents of abortion can greatly help make informed decisions and establish policies meant to eliminate chances of early pregnancies (Jones & Jerman, 2017). The author bases the argument on the need to have birth control methods which can reduce the incidents of abortion among the young women. The authors use statistics from all the health facilities offering abortion services in the United States. The authors surveyed the facilities which offered the services between 2015 and 2016. The available data were analyzed and the results show a relative decline in the rates of abortions. An estimate of 926,200 abortions was performed in 2014 and the number represented a 12% decline from 2011 (Jones & Jerman, 2017). ). The number of clinics also declined. Rachel K. Jones is a specialist in abortion, adolescent, and contraception.

The article will be an adequate source of facts on the rates of abortion and the reasons why teens need the freedom to access birth control. The article argues for the need to allow access by young women to the birth control methods. I will use the statistics provided to push for fewer restrictions in the access to birth control by minors. The authors state that the use of contraceptives among young women was the reason why there were reduced cases of abortion and the clinics that offered the services between 2011 and 2014 (Jones & Jerman, 2017). ). There, therefore, every need to allow the young women to access birth controls methods. Abortion is one act that the governments of many nations across the globe and the church as a whole are struggling to eliminate. Contraceptives will save them and they can only be effective if the users are set free to make their decisions.

Myers, C.K. (2017). The power of Abortion Policy: Reexamining the effects of young women’s access to reproductive control. Journal of political economy, 125(6), 2178-2224

The author critically analyzes the impact of the abortion policy and the access to reproductive control by young women. The abortion policy and the use of contraceptives among young women have led to transformations in the social setting of families (Myers, 2017). According to the author the use of contraceptives among women has given them the authority to delay motherhood and their marriage decisions. Family formation has thus been altered by women having authority to control how they give birth (Myers, 2017). The article has been used to show what the society and the family unit has been exposed to due to by the power to abort. The author, Caitlin Knowles Myers, is a renowned economist and professor in the Middlebury College. The author also has interest in determinants of prosocial behavior, race, and gender. The areas of interest make the author an expert in the field of birth control mechanisms among the young people and whether the behavior is deviant.

The source will be adequate for discussion of the negative consequences that result from granting young women freedom to access birth control methods. The information of the article will be useful in arguing for the need to control the access to contraceptives by young women. I will have adequate information from the source to argue against the use of contraceptives by minors. The author gives some of the aspects which can be used as grounds against the use of contraceptives; women have the powers to delay motherhood even if the ultimate decision is to abort (Myers, 2017). The formation of families has been negatively affected because everyone has access to the birth control techniques and there is unlimited freedom towards the same. There is the need for parents to step in and ensure that their daughters do not have all the freedom to use the birth control methods.



Godfrey, E. M. (2015). Helping clinicians prevent pregnancy among sexually active adolescents: US medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use and US selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use. Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, 28(4), 209-214.

Jones, R. K., & Jerman, J. (2017). Abortion incidence and service availability in the United States, 2014. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, 49(1), 17-27.

Myers, C.K. (2017). The power of Abortion Policy: Reexamining the effects of young women’s access to reproductive control. Journal of political economy, 125(6), 2178-2224

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HR Assessment

5RST IHR105001(17)


Assessment Bank – Intermediate level – August 2017

CIPD Candidate Assessment Activity

Title of unit/s Resourcing and Talent Planning

Unit No/s 5RST

Level 5

Credit value 6

Assessment method(s) Written answers and appropriate evidence of activity as specified in the questions

Learning outcomes: 1 Understand key contemporary labour market trends and their significance for workforce

planning. 2 Be able to undertake talent planning and recruitment activities 3 Understand how to maximise employee retention 4 Know how to manage dismissal, redundancy and retirement effectively and lawfully.

Assessment brief/activity Assessment You are required to provide written responses to each of the following seven Criteria questions:

Question 1

Your organisation is based in two different countries (the UK and another

country of your choice). Write a short account which briefly assesses the 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 labour market trends in each country. In your account, briefly explain the

significance of tight and loose labour market conditions and how organisations

position themselves strategically in competitive labour markets.

Question 2

Give a brief description of the role of government, employers and trade unions

in ensuring future skills needs are met. 1.4

Question 3

Briefly describe the main principles of effective workforce planning and give

some examples of any tools that may be used for this. 2.1

Question 4

1. Develop and provide a basic succession and career development plan

2. Provide evidence to show your contribution to plans for downsizing an 2.2 organisation 2.3

3. Provide evidence to show your contribution to the development of job

descriptions, person specifications and competency frameworks. 2.4

Question 5

Explain some of the main legal requirements in relation to recruitment and

selection and briefly assess the strengths and weaknesses of at least two 2.5, 2.6,

different methods of recruitment and selection.

Question 6

Briefly explain briefly why people leave or remain with organisations and

provide a summary of some of the costs associated with dysfunctional 3.1 employee turnover. Go on to assess the strengths and weaknesses of at least 3.2

two different approaches to retaining talent.



5RST IHR105001(17)


Assessment Bank – Intermediate level – August 2017




Question 7 Provide a brief summary of the advice you would provide to your organisation on good and lawful practice for managing dismissal, retirement and redundancies.



Evidence to be produced/required

Answers to each of the seven questions 3900 words +/-10% (divided appropriately

across the questions).

You should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organisations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organisational examples for illustration.


All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where

appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).

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CASE STUDY: Passion For The Outdoors And For People

CASE APPLICATION 1 Passion for the Outdoors and for People

At its headquarters in Ventura, California, Patagonia’s office space feels more like a national park lodge than the main office of a $400 million retailer.100 It has a Douglas fir staircase and a portrait of Yosemite’s El Capitan. The company’s café serves organic food and drinks. There’s an infant and toddler child-care room for employees’ children. An easy one-block walk from the Pacific Ocean, employees’ surfboards are lined up by the cafeteria, ready at a moment’s notice to catch some waves. (Current wave reports are noted on a whiteboard in the lobby.) After surfing or jogging or biking, employees can freshen up in the showers in the restrooms. And no one has a private office. If an employee doesn’t want to be disturbed, he or she wears headphones. Visitors are evident by the business attire they wear. The company encourages celebrations to boost employee morale. For instance, at the Reno store, the “Fun Patrol” organizes parties throughout the year.

Attracting people who share its strong passion for the outdoors and the environment, Patagonia motivates its loyal employees by giving them responsibility for the outcomes of their work and a high level of task significance that their work is meaningful because it contributes to the purpose of protecting and preserving the environment.

Patagonia has long been recognized as a great workplace for mothers. And it’s also earned a reputation for loyal employees, something that many retailers struggle with. Its combined voluntary and involuntary turnover in its retail stores was around 25 percent, while it was only 7 percent at headquarters. (The industry average for retail is around 44 percent.) Patagonia’s CEO Casey Sheahan says the company’s culture, camaraderie, and way of doing business is very meaningful to employees and they know that “what they do each day is contributing toward a higher purpose—protecting and preserving the areas that most of them love spending time in.” Managers are coached to define expectations, communicate deadlines, and then let employees figure out the best way to meet those.

Founded by Yvon Chouinard (his profile as a Leader Who Made a Difference can be found on p. 134), Patagonia’s first and strongest passion is for the outdoors and the environment. And that attracts employees who are also passionate about those things. But Patagonia’s executives do realize that they are first and foremost a business and, even though they’re committed to doing the right thing, the company needs to remain profitable to be able to continue to do the things it’s passionate about. But that hasn’t seemed to be an issue since the recession in the early 1990s when the company had to make its only large-scale layoffs in its history.

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Training & Development Course Project

Using the organization of your choice (SOUTHWEST AIRLINES) you will combine the work you have done in weeks 2, 4 and 6 with your training evaluation, recommendation, and conclusion.

The final course project will be a 12 page minimum paper that will contain an introduction, conclusion, at least five scholarly sources, a reference page and matching citations (the text may be one of those sources) and be in APA 6th edition format.

The final deliverable is one comprehensive and cohesive paper that includes the above parts plus the evaluation portion you add in Week 8.

The final paper must contain the following subheadings:


Needs Assessment (from week 2 – Attached)

What method(s) of needs assessment would you use, and why?

Who would you involve in your needs assessment, and why?

Training Goals and Objectives (from week 4- attached )

Develop three, specific objectives for your training. Ensure they are broken down into the outcome, criterion, and condition.

Develop a SMART goal for each objective.

Training Methods (from week 6- attached)

Identify at least two method(s) of training would you use to train the personnel, and why.

Training Evaluation (week 8)

Go back to Chapter 6 of the text – page 265 – Choose two types of evaluation from Table 6.7 – Comparison of Evaluation Designs.

Then review page 269 Table 6.10 – Factors That Influence the Type of Evaluation Design.

Choose two types of evaluation and provide a rationale as to why you chose those types.  Use the information in Table 6.10 to help justify your decision.

Recommendation –Final Summary of how the organization you selected will benefit from your chosen training development, implementation and evaluation.

Conclusion – Address all ADDIE elements.

See the Grading rubric for points earned for each element.



Grading Rubric

Criteria Possible Points Actual Points Comments
Introduction 20    
Needs Assessment 25    
Training Goals and Objectives 25    
Training Methods 25    
Training Evaluation 30    
Recommendations 30    
Conclusion 20    
APA Formatting, including in-text and references list citations, appropriate grammar/punctuation/spelling.

Paper is at least 8-10 pages in length, and is cohesive.

Total 195    
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Case Study- 2 Pages

For the case study, we will focus on the importance of safety and all parties helping to make safety a priority. The effectiveness of the safety training will depend on how prepared the participants are for the training and their perception of the training.

Review “Case: Safety First” located in the textbook on pages 199-200, and respond to the prompts below. You are not required to answer the questions at the end of the case study in the textbook.

  1. Examine the components of an effective training needs analysis for this scenario. What would the basic parts for a successful training program be?
  2. Describe how the training should be delivered, and briefly describe one motivational theory from those listed on pages 163–173 in the textbook and how it supports this type of training to enhance an organization’s performance.

Your case study should be at least two pages in length. Case Analysis:

1. Organization – You are  required to use headings.  Headings are required as they improve flow and readability of the assignment. It also allows you to identify gaps. All headings are bolded.

2. Cite in every paragraph with author(s), year. In other words, anything you write related to what you read must be cited. If citing a single reference in a paragraph, one citation is enough.  Do not include a page number when paraphrasing.

3.  Include an APA formatted reference page.

4. If you do not cite or if you do not include a reference, you will not earn any credit for your response.

5. Direct quotes are not analysis and  should not be used when answering questions.

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