4 Video Case Studies

Book Reference

Dessler, G. (2015). Human resource management [VitalSource Bookshelf version] (14th ed.).

Unit II Case Study

Video Case: Strategic Management: Joie de Vivre Hospitality

Instructions: Read the video case in your textbook titled “Strategic Management: Joie de Vivre Hospitality,” then watch the corresponding video in the Unit Study Guide. Answer two of the Discussion Questions on page 81. Be sure to restate each question in your own words before answering in essay format. Your total assignment response must be at least 400 words in length. You must use at least your text book to complete this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

PearsonMyLab Video: Joie de Vivre Hospitality: Strategic Management

Pearson Link: http://media.pearsoncmg.com/ph/bp/bp_video_links/2013/mgmt/hrm/JDVH-VID2-WEB640.html


Unit III Case Study

Video Case: Interviewing Candidates (Zipcar)

Instructions: Read the video case in your textbook, titled “Interviewing Candidates (Zipcar),”then watch the corresponding video in the Unit Study Guide. Answer two of the Discussion Questions on page 209. Be sure to restate the question in your own words before answering in essay format. Your total assignment response must be at least 400 words in length. You must use at least your textbook to complete this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

PearsonMyLab Video: ZipCar: Interviewing Candidates

Pearson Link:



Unit IV Case Study

Video: Training (Wilson Learning)

Instructions: Read the video case in your textbook, titled “Training (Wilson Learning),” then watch the corresponding video in the Unit Study Guide. Answer four of the Discussion Questions on page 251. Be sure to restate each question in your own words before answering in essay format. Your total assignment response must be at least 400 words in length. You must use at least your textbook to complete this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

PearsonMyLab: Wilson Learning: Training

Pearson Link:


Unit VII Case Study

Video Case: Union-Management Relations (UPS)

Instructions: Read the video case in your textbook, titled “Union-Management Relations (UPS),” then watch the corresponding video in the Unit Study Guide. Answer Discussion Questions 15-13 and 15-16 on page 483. Be sure to restate each question in your own words before answering in essay format. Your total assignment response must be at least 400 words in length. You must use at least your textbook to complete this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

UPS: Union-Management Relations


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Plagiarism Certification Tests for Master’s and Doctoral Students

These tests are intended for master’s and doctoral students.

Read these directions carefully!

The below test includes 10 questions, randomly selected from a large inventory. Most questions will be different each time you take the test, You must answer at least 9 out of 10 questions correctly to receive your Certificate. You have 40 minutes to complete each test, and you must answer all 10 questions in order to to see your results. If you do not pass this test in 40 minutes, you can begin a new test. Most people complete this test in less than 15 minutes. You only get 1 attempt to have each particular test evaluated (e.g., if you try using the Back button and change something, you will not get another evaluation for this test). If the student version contains BOTH word-for-word and paraphrasing plagiarism, you should select word-for-word. If you need help, see this document which provides criteria for determining plagiarism that are used in this test. Privacy notice: If you pass a test, unique information displayed on your Certificate is also stored in a secure location.

Item 1

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.



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Acknowledge Site

Original Source Material Student Version

Participant motivation to engage in these activities can also be enhanced by providing students with an opportunity to help generate the solutions to tactical problems that exist within net/wall games and have input into game creation. The principles provide a framework of tactical solutions that range from simple to complex (i.e., tactical complexity) and promote understanding of these solutions through creating games that exaggerate their importance and relevance in game settings.


References: Mandigo, J. L., & Anderson, A. T. (2003). Using the pedagogical principles in net/wall games to enhance teaching effectiveness. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 14(1), 8-11.


If tactics don’t matter and a game is all about pure physical skill, it can become rather boring. The tactical dynamic, especially between players, can lead to unexpected outcomes as a result of player innovation. Furthermore, giving players an opportunity to contribute to creating solutions to problems that are tactical in net/wall games can contribute to enhancing player engagement.



Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism

Paraphrasing plagiarism



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This is not plagiarism


Item 2

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material Student Version

We considered a number of methods for measuring similarity between countries with respect to their mathematics attainment. A simple comparison of scale scores over time was rejected as this would limit the investigation to asking how much respondents from a country know on a given topic. Instead, we chose an item-level analysis that allows for a closer examination of what respondents in a given country know and how this compares to other countries.

References: Rutkowski, L., & Rutkowski, D. (2009). Trends in TIMSS responses over time: Evidence of global forces in education? Educational Research and Evaluation, 15(2), 137- 152.

We came up with several methods for assessing how closely related two classes were with regards to their reading ability. A straightforward contrasting of test scores was deemed unacceptable since this would make it challenging to determine what reading strengths students from a specific class had. We decided, instead, to focus on answers to specific test questions to be able to see how students in a particular class stacked up against other classes with respect to the particular test question.



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Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism

Paraphrasing plagiarism

This is not plagiarism


Item 3

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material Student Version

Pei is popularly known for the controversy surrounding his Grand Louvre Pyramid (1988), constructed in the courtyard of the Louvre (fig. 25.21). The Pyramid deliberately turns the tradition and concept of pyramid inside out. A pyramid is supposed to be solid, dark, and solitary–a mesmerizing symbol of the exotic world beyond the streets and cultures of Europe.

References: Arnason, H. H. (2003). History of modern art: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography

One of the great wonders of the world are the pyramids of Egypt. These pyramids have become a mesmerizing symbol of the exotic world beyond the streets and cultures of Europe and the embodiment of associations with the pyramid shape which is supposed to be “solid, dark, and solitary” (Arnason, 2003, p. 667)


References: Arnason, H. H. (2003). History of modern art: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography



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(5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


(5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism

Paraphrasing plagiarism

This is not plagiarism


Item 4

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material Student Version

Pei is popularly known for the controversy surrounding his Grand Louvre Pyramid (1988), constructed in the courtyard of the Louvre (fig. 25.21). The Pyramid deliberately turns the tradition and concept of pyramid inside out. A pyramid is supposed to be solid, dark, and solitary–a mesmerizing symbol of the exotic world beyond the streets and cultures of Europe.

References: Arnason, H. H. (2003). History of modern art:

Arnason (2003) describes Pei’s Grand Louvre Pyramid as playing with traditional notions of what a pyramid should be: “solid, dark, and solitary– a mesmerizing symbol of the exotic world beyond the streets and cultures of Europe” (p. 667). In this way, the pyramid approach serves both functional and aesthetic purposes.


References: Arnason, H. H. (2003). History of modern art:



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painting, sculpture, architecture, photography (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


painting, sculpture, architecture, photography (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism

Paraphrasing plagiarism

This is not plagiarism


Item 5

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material Student Version

It is possible to travel to the future. That is, relativity shows that it is possible to create a time machine that will jump you forward in time. You step into the time machine, wait, step out, and find that much more time has passed on the earth than has passed for you. We do not have the technology today to do this, but it is just a matter of engineering: we know it can be done.

The possibilities that science suggests often provide the inspiration for science fiction authors. For example, the theory of relativity shows that it is possible to create a time machine that will jump you forward in time has no doubt spurred people to consider the implications that this possibility would have for society.





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References: Hawking, S., & Mlodinow, L. (2008). A briefer history of time (Reprint.). New York, NY: Bantam.


Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism

Paraphrasing plagiarism

This is not plagiarism


Item 6

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material Student Version

Suppose you study a group of successful companies and you find that they emphasize customer focus, or quality improvement, or empowerment; how do you know that you haven’t merely discovered the management practice equivalent of having buildings? How do you know that you’ve discovered something that distinguishes the successful companies from

Attributes of rigorous research can be shared across subjects of study. For example, Collins and Porras (2002) highlight the importance of having a control group when comparing companies in any effort to identify what specific company characteristics are able to distinguish the successful from the ordinary.





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other companies? You don’t know. You can’t know–not unless you have a control set, a comparison group.

References: Collins, J. C., & Porras, J. I. (2002). Built to last: Successful habits of visionary companies. New York, NY: Harper Paperbacks.

References: Collins, J. C., & Porras, J. I. (2002). Built to last: Successful habits of visionary companies. New York, NY: Harper Paperbacks.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism

Paraphrasing plagiarism

This is not plagiarism


Item 7

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material Student Version

From reading educator- authors’ revisions, and experiencing confusion myself surrounding how performance measures fit into a design case, I feel the problem arises from how new authors view design cases in relation to scientific experimental

The confusion regarding the way performance measures relate to design cases is explained as stemming from “how new authors view design cases in relation to scientific experimental studies in education” (Howard, 2011, p. 50). The paradigm shift



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studies in education. A designer who is also a researcher must recognize the difference in perspective between a design case and an experimental study which uses a design for teaching and learning.

References: Howard, C. D. (2011). Writing and rewriting the instructional design case: A view from two sides. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 2(1), 40-55.


is something that I can see myself struggling with.

References: Howard, C. D. (2011). Writing and rewriting the instructional design case: A view from two sides. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 2(1), 40-55.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism

Paraphrasing plagiarism

This is not plagiarism


Item 8

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material Student Version

Whereas Gauguin was an iconoclast, caustic in speech, cynical, indifferent, and at times

The personalities of Gauguin and van Gogh were drastically different. A spirit of enthusiasm for



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brutal to others, Vincent van Gogh (1853-90) was filled with a spirit of enthusiasm for his fellow artists and overwhelming love for humanity.

References: Arnason, H. H. (2003). History of modern art: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


his fellow artists and overwhelming love for humanity filled Vincent van Gogh. The personality of Gauguin on the other hand was often described more negatively.


Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism

Paraphrasing plagiarism

This is not plagiarism


Item 9

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material Student Version

While solitary negative reactions or unjustified suggestions for change have the potential to dissipate discourse rather than build it, the pattern analysis shows that the anonymous condition

In their study of anonymity in an online peer feedback activity, the authors found that, under conditions of anonymity, learners seemed more inclined to provide reasons to back up their



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seemed to provide a safe explorative space for learners to try out more reasons for their multiple solutions. Teachers will rarely give anonymous feedback, but the experience of giving anonymous feedback may open a social space where learners can try out the reasons for their suggestions.

References: Howard, C. D., Barrett, A. F., & Frick, T. W. (2010). Anonymity to promote peer feedback: Pre-service teachers’ comments in asynchronous computer- mediated communication. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 43(1), 89-112.

suggestions (Howard, Barrett, & Frick, 2010). Getting both suggestions and the reasons for the suggestions would be welcome in feedback I receive from peers or my instructors. Seeing the reasons would help me know that the suggestions have been thought through (even if I don’t always agree with them).

References: Howard, C. D., Barrett, A. F., & Frick, T. W. (2010). Anonymity to promote peer feedback: Pre-service teachers’ comments in asynchronous computer- mediated communication. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 43(1), 89-112.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism

Paraphrasing plagiarism

This is not plagiarism


Item 10

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material Student Version



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Remember the Grudgers of Chapter 10. These were birds that helped each other in an apparently altruistic way, but refused to help – bore a grudge against – individuals that had previously refused to help them. Grudgers came to dominate the population because they passed on more genes to future generations than either Suckers (who helped others indiscriminately, and were exploited) or Cheats (who tried ruthlessly to exploit everybody and ended up doing each other down).

References: Dawkins, R. (1989). The selfish gene (3rd ed.). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

In the example, three categories of behavior are identified: Cheats, Suckers, and Grudgers. Cheats attempted ruthlessly to take advantage of everybody. Suckers aided others without discrimination, and were taken advantage of. The behavior of Grudgers they replicated accurately was a bit more complex.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism

Paraphrasing plagiarism

This is not plagiarism



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Last updated: December 19, 2018



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Essay Questions Of Human Resource Management

Fundamentals of Human Resource

Sixth Edition

Noe | Hollenbeck | Gerhart | Wright


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fundamentals of Human Resource Management


fundamentals of Human Resource Management


Raymond A. Noe The Ohio State University

John R. Hollenbeck Michigan State University

Barry Gerhart University of Wisconsin–Madison

Patrick M. Wright University of South Carolina




Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2014, 2011, and 2009. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.

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All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Noe, Raymond A. Fundamentals of human resource management / Raymond A. Noe, John R. Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart, Patrick M. Wright.—Sixth edition. pages cm ISBN 978-0-07-771836-7 (alk. paper) 1. Personnel management. I. Title. HF5549.F86 2016 658.3–dc23 2014041580

The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a website does not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw- Hill Education does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites.

In tribute to the lives of Raymond and Mildred Noe —R.A.N.

To my parents, Harold and Elizabeth, my wife, Patty, and my children, Jennifer, Marie, Timothy, and Jeffrey —J.R.H.

To my parents, Robert and Shirley, my wife, Heather, and my children, Chris and Annie —B.G.

To my parents, Patricia and Paul, my wife, Mary, and my sons, Michael and Matthew —P.M.W.


John R. Hollenbeck holds the positions of University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University and Eli Broad Professor of Man- agement at the Eli Broad Graduate School of Busi- ness Administration. Dr. Hollenbeck received his PhD in Management from New York University in 1984. He served as the acting editor at Organiza- tional Behavior and Human Decision Processes in 1995, the associate editor of Decision Sciences from 1999 to 2004, and the editor of Personnel Psychology from 1996 to 2002. He has published over 90 articles and book chapters on the topics of team decision making and work motivation. According to the Institute for Scientific Information, this body of work has been cited over 3,000 times by other researchers. Dr. Hollenbeck has been awarded fellowship status in both the Academy of Management and the Ameri- can Psychological Association, and was recognized with the Career Achievement Award by the HR Division of the Academy of Management (2011) and the Early Career Award by the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (1992). At Michigan State, Dr. Hollenbeck has won several teaching awards including the Michigan State Distinguished Faculty Award, the Michigan State Teacher-Scholar Award, and the Broad MBA Most Outstanding Faculty Member.

Raymond A. Noe is the Robert and Anne Hoyt Designated Professor of Management at The Ohio State University. He was previously a profes- sor in the Department of Management at Michigan State University and the Industrial Relations Center of the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. He received his BS in psychology from The Ohio State University and his MA and PhD in psychology from Michigan State University. Professor Noe conducts research and teaches undergraduate as well as MBA and PhD students in human resource management, managerial skills, quantitative methods, human resource information systems, training, employee development, and orga- nizational behavior. He has published articles in the Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Manage- ment Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Personnel Psychology. Professor Noe is currently on the editorial boards of several journals including Personnel Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. Professor Noe has received awards for his teaching and research excel- lence, including the Ernest J. McCormick Award for Distinguished Early Career Contribution from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychol- ogy. He is also a fellow of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

About the Authors

About the Authors ix

Barry Gerhart is Professor of Management and Human Resources and the Bruce R. Ellig Distinguished Chair in Pay and Organizational Effectiveness, School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has also served as depart- ment chair or area coordinator at Cornell, Vander- bilt, and Wisconsin. His research interests include compensation, human resource strategy, interna- tional human resources, and employee retention. Professor Gerhart received his BS in psychol- ogy from Bowling Green State Univer sity and his PhD in industrial relations from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research has been pub- lished in a variety of outlets, includ ing the Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Jour- nal, Annual Review of Psy chology, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Man agement and Organization Review, and Personnel Psychology. He has co-authored two books in the area of compensation. He serves on the edi torial boards of journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Industrial and Labor Rela- tions Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Jour nal of World Business, Management & Organization Review, and Personnel Psychology. Professor Ger hart is a past recipient of the Heneman Career Achievement Award, the Scholarly Achieve ment Award, and of the International Human Resource Management Scholarly Research Award, all from the Human Resources Divi sion, Academy of Management. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Management, the Amer- ican Psychological Association, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Patrick M. Wright is the Thomas C. Vandiver Bicentennial Chair in the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. Prior to joining USC, he served on the faculties at Cornell University, Texas A&M University, and the Univer- sity of Notre Dame.

Professor Wright teaches, conducts research, and consults in the area of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), particularly focusing on how firms use people as a source of competitive advantage and the changing nature of the Chief HR Officer role. For the past eight years he has been studying the CHRO role through a series of confidential interviews, public podcasts, small dis- cussion groups, and conducting the HR@Moore Survey of Chief HR Officers. In addition, he is the faculty leader for the Cornell ILR Executive Edu- cation/NAHR program, “The Chief HR Officer: Strategies for Success,” aimed at developing poten- tial succes sors to the CHRO role. He served as the lead edi tor on the recently released book, The Chief HR Officer: Defining the New Role of Human Resource Leaders, published by John Wiley and Sons.

He has published more than 60 research arti cles in journals as well as more than 20 chapters in books and edited volumes. He is the Incoming Editor at the Journal of Management. He has co edited a special issue of Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management titled “Strategic Human Resource Management in the 21st Cen tury” and guest edited a special issue of Human Resource Management Review titled “Research in Strategic HRM for the 21st Century.”

He has conducted programs and consulted for a number of large organizations, including Comcast, Royal Dutch Shell, Kennametal, Astra-Zeneca, BT, and BP. He currently serves as a mem ber on the Board of Directors for the National Academy of Human Resources (NAHR). He is a former board member of HRPS, SHRM Foun dation, and World at Work (formerly American Compensation Asso- ciation). In 2011, 2012, and 2013 he was named by HRM Magazine as one of the 20 “Most Influential Thought Leaders in HR.”


Managing human resources is a critical component of any company’s overall mis- sion to provide value to customers, shareholders, employees, and the community in which it does business. Value includes profits as well as employee growth and satisfac- tion, creation of new jobs, contributions to community programs, and protection of the environment. All aspects of human resource management, including acquiring, preparing, developing, and compensating employees, can help companies meet their daily challenges, create value, and provide competitive advantages in the global mar- ketplace. In addition, effective human resource management requires an awareness of broader contextual issues affecting business, such as the economy, legislation, and globalization.

Both the media and academic research show that effective HRM practices result in greater value for shareholders and employees. For example, the human resource practices at companies such as Google, SAS, The Boston Consulting Group, Edward Jones, and Quicken Loans helped them earn recognition on Fortune magazine’s recent list of “The Top 100 Companies to Work For.” This publicity creates a posi- tive vibe for these companies, helping them attract talented new employees, motivate and retain current employees, and make their products and services more desirable to consumers.

Our Approach: Engage, Focus, and Apply Following graduation, most students will find themselves working in businesses or not-for-profit organizations. Regardless of position or career aspirations, their role in directly managing other employees or understanding human resource management practices is critical for ensuring both company and personal success. As a result, Fun- damentals of Human Resource Management, Sixth Edition, focuses on human resource issues and how HR is used at work. Fundamentals is applicable to both HR majors and students from other majors or colleges who are taking an HR course as an elective or a requirement.

Our approach to teaching human resource management involves engaging students in learning through the use of real-world examples and best practices; focusing them on important HR issues and concepts; and applying what they have learned through chapter features and end-of-chapter exercises and cases. Students not only learn about best practices but are actively engaged through the use of cases and decision making. As a result, students will be able to take what they have learned in the course and apply it to solving HRM problems they will encounter on the job.

As described in the guided tour of the book that follows, each chapter includes sev- eral different pedagogical features. “Best Practices” provides examples of companies whose HR activities work well. “HR Oops!” highlights HRM issues that have been handled poorly. “Did You Know?” offers interesting statistics about chapter topics and


Preface xi

how they play out in real-world companies. “HRM Social” demonstrates how social media and the Internet can be useful in managing HR activities in any organization. “Thinking Ethically” confronts students with issues that occur in managing human resources. For this new edition, we have added questions to each of the features to assist students with critical thinking and to spark classroom discussions.

Fundamentals also assists students with learning “How to” perform HR activities, such as writing effective HR policies, being strategic about equal employment opportu- nities, and making the most of HR analytics. These are all work situations students are likely to encounter as part of their professional careers. The end-of-chapter cases focus on corporate sustainability (“Taking Responsibility”), managing the workforce (“Man- aging Talent”), and HR activities in small organizations (“HR in Small Business”).

Organization of the Sixth Edition Based on user and reviewer feedback, we have made several changes to the chapter organization for the Sixth Edition. The chapter on developing human resources now concludes Part 2, and the chapter on creating and maintaining high-performance organizations has been moved up to open Part 3. We believe these changes will help strengthen the discussion of key concepts.

Part 1 (Chapters 1–4) discusses the environmental forces that companies face in trying to manage human resources effectively. These forces include economic, tech- nological, and social trends; employment laws; and work design. Employers typically have more control over work design than trends and equal employment laws, but all of these factors influence how companies attract, retain, and motivate human resources. Chapter 1 discusses why HRM is a critical component to an organization’s overall suc- cess. The chapter introduces HRM practices and the roles and responsibilities of HR professionals and other managers in managing human resources.

Some of the major trends discussed in Chapter 2 include how workers continue to look for employment as the U.S. economy recovers from recession and how the recov- ery has motivated employees to look for new jobs and career opportunities. The chap- ter also highlights the greater availability of new and less expensive technologies for HRM, including social media and the Internet; the growth of HRM on a global scale as more U.S. companies expand beyond national borders; the types of skills needed for today’s jobs; and the importance of aligning HRM with a company’s overall strategy to gain competitive advantage. Chapter 3 provides an overview of the major laws affect- ing employees and the ways organizations can develop HR practices that comply with the laws. Chapter 4 highlights how jobs and work systems determine the knowledge, skills, and abilities that employees need to perform their jobs and influence employ- ees’ motivation, satisfaction, and safety at work. The chapter also discusses the process of analyzing and designing jobs.

Part 2 (Chapters 5–8) deals with acquiring, training, and developing human resources. Chapter 5 discusses how to develop a human resources plan. It empha- sizes the strengths and weaknesses of different options for dealing with shortages and excesses of human resources, including outsourcing, use of contract workers, and downsizing. Strategies for recruiting talented employees are highlighted, including use of electronic recruiting sources such as social media and online job sites.

Chapter 6 emphasizes that employee selection is a process that starts with screen- ing applications and résumés and concludes with a job offer. The chapter takes a look at the most widely used methods for minimizing mistakes in choosing employees, including employment tests and candidate interviews. Selection method standards,

xii Preface

such as reliability and validity, are discussed in understandable terms. Chapter 7 covers the features of effective training systems. Effective training includes not only creating a good learning environment but also hiring managers who encourage employees to use training content in their jobs and hiring employees who are motivated and ready to learn. Concluding Part 2, Chapter 8 demonstrates how assessment, job experiences, formal courses, and mentoring relationships can be used to develop employees for future success.

Part 3 (Chapters 9–11) focuses on assessing and improving performance. Chap- ter 9 sets the tone for this section of the book by discussing the important role of HRM in creating and maintaining an organization that achieves a high level of per- formance for employees, managers, customers, shareholders, and community. The chapter describes high-performance work systems and the conditions that contribute to high performance. Chapter 10 examines the strengths and weaknesses of different performance management systems. Chapter 11 discusses how to maximize employee engagement and productivity and retain valuable employees as well as how to fairly and humanely separate employees when the need arises because of poor performance or economic conditions.

Part 4 (Chapters 12–14) covers rewarding and compensating human resources, including how to design pay structures, recognize good performers, and provide ben- efits. Chapter 12 discusses how managers weigh the importance and costs of pay to develop a compensation structure and levels of pay for each job given the worth of the jobs, legal requirements, and employee judgments about the fairness of pay levels. Chapter 13 covers the advantages and disadvantages of different types of incentive pay, including merit pay, gainsharing, and stock ownership. Chapter 14 highlights the contents of employee benefits packages, the ways organizations administer benefits, and what companies can do to help employees understand the value of benefits and control benefits costs.

Part 5 (Chapters 15–16) covers other HR topics including collective bargaining and labor relations and managing human resources on a global basis. Chapter 15 explores HR activities as they pertain to employees who belong to unions or who are seeking to join unions. Traditional issues in labor–management relations such as union membership and contract negotiations are discussed. The chapter also highlights new approaches to labor relations, the growing role of employee empowerment, and the shrinking size of union membership.

Concluding Part 5, Chapter 16 focuses on HR activities in international settings, including planning, selecting, training, and compensating employees who work overseas. The chapter also explores how cultural differences among countries and workers affect decisions about human resources.

New Features and Content Changes In addition to all new or revised chapter pedagogy, the Sixth Edition of Fundamentals contains the following features:

• New Format for Chapter Summaries: To help students learn chapter content, the Chapter Summary has been revamped to highlight key points in a bulleted list format for each chapter learning objective.

• Review Questions Keyed to Learning Objectives: As a way of pinpointing key concepts, the chapter review questions now tie in to specific chapter learning objectives for quick student reference.



Preface xiii

• Key Terms in Discussion Order: To assist students in learning important chap- ter topics, key terms are now listed in discussion order rather than alphabetical order at the end of the chapter. The key terms and definitions are also listed in the end-of-book glossary for additional study.

• HR in Small Business: A case has been added to each chapter that highlights some of the HR challenges faced by small businesses.

The following content changes help students and instructors keep current on important HR trends and topics:

• Chapter 1 addresses the new chapter reorganization in Figure 1.1 and Table 1.3. It also discusses a recent trend in which some companies are doing away with sepa- rate HR departments, encouraging managers and other employees to handle HR issues as they arise. Table 1.2 has been updated to list the top qualities employers look for in potential employees. Figure 1.3 has been revised to reflect the compe- tencies and example behaviors defined by the Society of Human Resource Man- agement (SHRM). Figure 1.6 has been updated to reflect current median salaries for HRM positions.

• Chapter 2 provides updated workforce statistics, including projections for num- ber of workers over the next several years, as well as a discussion on various age and ethnic groups within the workforce. Chapter figures have been revised to reflect current labor force data. Other trends discussed include which occupa- tions are expected to gain the most jobs in the coming decade. A new section on the trends in cost control and the impact of the Affordable Care Act is touched on and revisited later in the benefits chapter (Chapter 14). New sections on declining union membership and reshoring of jobs back to the United States have been added.

• Chapter 3 has been updated to include a discussion on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and its impact on pay discrimination and employment law. Chapter figures have been updated to reflect current statistics on age discrimination, dis- ability complaints filed under ADA, types of charges filed with the EEOC, and rates of occupational injuries and illnesses. A section has been added about how to keep emergency response workers safe as they aid victims of disasters.

• Chapter 4 includes a new discussion on analyzing teamwork and an updated dis- cussion on the growing trend among companies to encourage telework arrange- ments with workers.

• Chapter 5’s discussion on downsizing, reducing hours, and outsourcing includes new company examples that help students understand how real-world companies deal with the ups and downs of everyday business and decisions relating to human resources.

• Chapter 6 has several topics that have been updated, including the importance of hiring workers who will fit in well with a company’s culture; how the legalization of marijuana may impact drug testing as part of the employee selection process; and how companies are changing their approach to subjectivity when it comes to interviewing job candidates.

• In the training chapter (Chapter 7), new examples explore how some compa- nies are thinking differently about training strategies, employing virtual reality, simulations, teamwork exercises, and social media for learning reinforcement and employee motivation.

xiv Preface

• Chapter 8 focuses on development and includes an updated section on the use of assessment tools, including the DiSC assessment tool.

• Chapter 9 provides an updated discussion of how HRM practices can contribute to high performance of any organization, including job design, recruitment and selec- tion, training, performance management, and compensation.

• Chapter 10 includes a new discussion on how managers should adjust their approach to performance feedback to the level of performance demonstrated by individual employees.

• Chapter 11 provides an expanded discussion on implementing strategies to ensure a company’s discipline system follows procedures consistent for all employees.

• Chapter 12’s discussion about earnings data for women, men, and minorities has been updated, as well as the discussion about HRM salaries in various parts of the country. The chapter also contains current statistics about CEO pay and compensation.

• Chapter 13 focuses on recognizing employee contributions with pay, including new real-world examples about how businesses are rethinking their approach to performance bonuses, tying them to company performance, and the increased use of retention bonuses for executives and other key employees as part of company mergers and acquisitions.

• Chapter 14 includes updated data on employee benefits as a percentage of total compensation, Social Security information, and taxes paid by employers and employees. The section on health care benefits, including updates about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, has been revised to include current informa- tion and requirements.

• Chapter 15 has been updated with current trends and statistics in union member- ship. Content on work stoppages and lockouts has been added. New sections focus on increased cooperation between unions and management and highlight several nonunion representation systems currently being used by companies across the country.

• Concluding the Sixth Edition, Chapter 16 highlights trends in managing human resources globally, including the issue of labor relations in various countries, which may impact a company’s ability to be successful on foreign soil.

The author team believes that the focused, engaging, and applied approach of Funda- mentals distinguishes it from other books that have similar coverage of HR topics. The book has timely coverage of important HR issues, is easy to read, has many features that grab the students’ attention, and gets students actively involved in learning.

We would like to thank those of you who have adopted previous editions of Fun- damentals, and we hope that you will continue to use upcoming editions. For those of you considering Fundamentals for adoption, we believe that our approach makes Fundamentals your text of choice for human resource management.

Acknowledgments The Sixth Edition of Fundamentals of Human Resource Management would not have been possible without the staff of McGraw-Hill Education. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the reorganization at McGraw-Hill, Mike Ablassmeir and Anke Weekes, the editors who worked on this edition of Fundamentals, deserve kudos for their laser focus on ensuring

Preface xv

that we continue to improve the book based on the ideas of both adopters and students. Also, we appreciate that they gave us creative license to use new cases and examples in the chapter pedagogy and text to keep Fundamentals interesting and current. John Weimeister, our former editor, helped us develop the vision for the book and gave us the resources we needed to develop a top-of-the-line HRM teaching package. Jane Beck’s valuable insights and organizational skills kept the author team on deadline and made the book more visu- ally appealing than the authors could have ever done on their own. We would also like to thank Cate Rzasa who worked diligently to make sure that the book was interesting, practical, and readable and remained true to findings of human resource management research. We also thank Michael Gedatus for his marketing efforts for this new edition.

We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all of the professors who gave of their time to offer their suggestions and insightful comments that helped us to develop and shape this new edition:

Glenda Barrett University of Maryland, University College

Marian Canada Ivy Tech Community College

Jeanie Douglas Columbia College

Joseph Eppolito Syracuse University

Betty Fair Georgia College and State University

Amy Falink University of Minnesota

Lisa Foeman University of Maryland, University College

Deborah Good University of Pittsburgh

Jonathon Halbesleben University of Alabama, Birmingham

Tanya Hubanks Chippewa Valley Technical College

Roy Johnson Iowa State University

Chris McChesney Indian River State College

Garry McDaniel Franklin University

Liliana Meneses University of Maryland, University College

Barbara Minsky Troy State University, Dothan

Richard Murdock Utah Valley University

Dan Nehring Morehead State University

James Phillips Northeastern State University

David Ripley University of Maryland, University College

Rudy Soliz Houston Community College

Gary Stroud Franklin University

Gary Thurgood Texas A&M University, College Station

Sheng Wang University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Donna Wyatt University of Maryland, University College

Joy Young University of South Carolina, Columbia

Our supplement authors deserve thanks for helping us create a first-rate teaching package. Joyce LeMay of Bethel University wrote the newly custom-designed Instruc- tor’s Manual and Dr. Connie Sitterly authored the new PowerPoint presentation.



xvi Preface

We would also like to thank the professors who gave of their time to review the previous editions through various stages of development.

Michelle Alarcon, Esq. Hawaii Pacific University

Dr. Minnette A. Bumpus University of the District of Columbia

Brennan Carr Long Beach City College/El Camino College

Tom Comstock Gannon University

Susie S. Cox McNeese State University

Juan J. DelaCruz Lehman College—CUNY

AnnMarie DiSienna Dominican College

Lorrie Ferraro Northeastern University

Carla Flores Ball State University

Linette P. Fox Johnson C. Smith University

Britt Hastey UCLA, Chapman University, and Los Angeles City College

Kim Hester Arkansas State University

Samira B. Hussein Johnson County Community College

Joseph V. Ippolito Brevard College

Adonis “Sporty” Jeralds The University of South Carolina–Columbia

Guy Lochiatto Mass Bay Community College

Liliana Meneses University of Maryland University College

Kelly Mollica The University of Memphis

Tami Moser Southern Oklahoma State University

Richard J. Wagner University of Wisconsin–Whitewater

Brandon L. Young Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Raymond A. Noe John R. Hollenbeck Barry Gerhart Patrick M. Wright




The sixth edition of Fundamentals of Human Resource Management continues to offer students a brief introduction to HRM that is rich with examples and engaging in its application.

Please take a moment to page through some of the highlights of this new edition.


Students who want to learn more about how human resource management is used in the everyday work environment will fi nd that the sixth edition is engaging, focused, and applied, giving them the HRM knowledge they need to succeed.


2 Trends in Human Resource Management What Do I Need to Know? After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

LO 2-1 Describe trends in the labor force composition and how they affect human resource management.

LO 2-2 Summarize areas in which human resource management can support the goal of creating a high-performance work system.

LO 2-3 Defi ne employee empowerment, and explain its role in the modern organization.

LO 2-4 Identify ways HR professionals can support organi- zational strategies for growth, quality, and effi ciency.

LO 2-5 Summarize ways in which human resource management can support organizations expanding internationally.

LO 2-6 Discuss how technological developments are affecting human resource management.

LO 2-7 Explain how the nature of the employment relationship is changing.

LO 2-8 Discuss how the need for fl exibility affects human resource management.

Introduction Business experts point out that if you want your company to gain an advan- tage over competitors, you have to do something differently. Some manag- ers are taking a hard look at human resources management, asking if it needs to be a department at all. At the consulting firm LRN Corporation, management decided to eliminate the human resources department. Their idea was that if all managers were responsible for managing talent, they would make those decisions in a way that directly served their group’s per- formance. Beam, the maker of spirits such as Maker’s Mark bourbon and Jim Beam whiskey, made its line managers responsible for hiring, training, and making compensation decisions. They are advised by a small group of “business partners,” who consult with the line managers on HR questions.1

Is this the end of human resource management? Probably not. The typ- ical company today is maintaining the size of its human resource depart- ment and even spending a little more on the function.2 At LRN, current and former employees have said line managers sometimes struggle with mak- ing HR decisions. For example, a line manager needs time to figure out how to define a job and set a salary range for it, which slows down the whole hiring process. At Beam, the HR business partners are playing a more strategic role than a traditional HR staffer focused on routine processes.

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A lot of managers are disappointed in the support they get from their HR teams, according to a survey by the Hay Group, a global consulting fi rm. The survey questioned line manag- ers and HR directors in China, the United Kingdom, and the United States about their working relation- ships. The results suggest that those relationships are often strained.

HR directors reported being chal- lenged by cutbacks in their depart- ment. One-third said they spend 21% to 50% of their time responding to inquiries from managers, and three- fourths said line managers want immediate responses. For their part, 41% of line managers in the United States said the HR department is too

slow in responding, and 47% said they could make decisions better and faster if they had more informa- tion from the department. An embar- rassing 29% rated Google above the HR department for providing perti- nent information.

Hay’s consultants suggest that human resource managers need to focus on how they can empower line managers by providing them with easy access to relevant information.


1. Suggest one way that HR managers might improve their helpfulness to line managers

2. Suggest one way that line managers can improve communications with HR managers, so they get the support they need.

Sources: Laurence Doe, “Relationship between Line Managers and HR under Increasing Strain, Hay Group Finds,” HR Magazine (UK), November 21, 2013, http://www.hrmagazine.co.uk; Hay Group, “More Managers Turn to Google for HR Information,” Business Wire, November 20, 2013, http://www .businesswire.com; Philip Spriet, “‘Power On’: From Passing the Buck to Activating the Line,” Hay Group Blog, October 16, 2013, http://blog .haygroup.com.

Less Helpful than a Search Engine?

HR Oops!

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Engage students through examples of companies whose HR departments have fallen short. Discussion questions at the end of each feature encourage student analysis of the situ- ation. Examples include “Few Companies Are Prepared for Future Talent Needs,” “401(k) Plans Are a Missed Opportunity for Many,” and “Cross-Cultural Management Mishaps.”

HR Oops!


Assurance of learning: • Learning objectives open each chapter. • Learning objectives are referenced in the page mar-

gins where the relevant discussion begins and are referenced in each Review and Discussion Question at the end of the chapter.

• The chapter summary is written around the same learning objectives and is provided in an easy-to-read bulleted list format.

• Instructor testing questions are tagged to the appropriate objective they cover.

F e a t u r e s




Expanding into Global Markets LO 2-5 Summarize

Land O’Lakes is an example of a company that has successfully re- duced costs by outsourcing human resource activities. Best known for its butter and other dairy products, the company is a food and agricul- ture cooperative owned by the farm- ers who participate in the business. The co-op’s 10,000 employees work toward a strategy of delivering strong fi nancial performance for its farmer- owners while providing programs and services that help the farmers operate more successfully.

In support of that strategy, Pam Grove, the senior director of ben- efi ts and HR operations, led Land O’Lakes to outsource the adminis- tration of employee benefi ts. Man- agement determined that benefi ts administration was not an activity that contributed to the company’s

strategy, and Land O’Lakes already had successfully used an outside fi rm to administer its 401(k) retire- ment savings plan. So Grove ar- ranged to have a fi rm administer its health insurance and pension plans as well.

Outsourcing achieved the basic goal of reducing costs, but that was not the only advantage. Grove freed up time for focusing on strategy- related activities, and she says the outsourcing arrangement also has improved service to employees. When the company tackled health benefi t costs by offering a high- deductible health plan, which shifts spending decisions to employees, Grove and her staff visited 100 Land O’Lakes locations to explain the new option. Employee enrollment was double her expectations, helping

the company save millions of dollars while keeping employees satisfi ed with their benefi ts.


1. When does outsourcing make strategic sense for an organization such as Land O’Lakes?

2. How does Grove ensure that a cost-conscious practice such as outsourcing is well received by employees?

Sources: Land O’Lakes Inc., “Com- pany,” http://www.landolakesinc .com, accessed April 22, 2014; Land O’Lakes Inc., “Careers,” http://www .landolakesinc.com/careers, accessed April 22, 2014; Susan J. Wells, “Benefi ts Strategies Grow: And HR Leads the Way,” HR Magazine, March 2013.

Outsourcing Enriches the Bottom Line for Land O’Lakes

Best Pract ices

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Engage students through examples of companies whose HR departments are work- ing well. Examples include “Morton Salt’s Prize-Winning Safety Program,” “Employees Are Quicken Loans’ Most Valuable Asset,” and “Machinists and Steelworkers Unions Help Harley-Davidson Get Lean.”

In the age of social networking, information sharing has become far more powerful than simply a means of increasing effi ciency through self-service. Creative organizations are enabling information sharing online to permit a free fl ow of knowledge among the

i ti ’ l E il I t ti l i l t ki t i l i i

Software companies are creating apps that let employees view their pay stubs, request time off, check the amounts of their bonuses, fi ll out and approve time sheets, look up coworkers in company directories, and more. At the same time, a grow- ing number of employees expect to be able to use their mobile devices for looking up work-related infor- mation. Given the possibility of and pressure for mobile HRM, here are some guidelines for making it work:

• Learn which mobile devices employees are using. Make sure applications will run properly on all the devices.

• Set priorities for introducing mobile applications that support your company’s strategy.

• Make sure your company has mobile-friendly versions of

its careers website. Many of today’s job hunters are look- ing for leads on their mobile devices, and they expect to be able to submit an application that way.

• If your company uses online training, create versions that run well on mobile devices.

• Select vendors that not only have software for existing mobile devices but also will be fl exible as hardware changes. Check references to fi nd out whether vendors have a history of keep- ing up with changing technology.

• Investigate the security protec- tion built into any app you are considering.

• Test mobile HRM apps to be sure they are easy to use and understand.


1. How could offering a mobile version of its careers website support an organization’s strategy?

2. What could be an advantage of using a software vendor for mobile HR apps, instead of having your organization’s employees create the apps?

Sources: Dave Zielinski, “The Mobiliza- tion of HR Tech,” HR Magazine, February 2014, Business Insights: Global, http:// bi.galegroup.com; Jennifer Alsever, “Objective: Hire Top Talent,” Fortune, January 23, 2014, http://money.cnn.com; Tom Keebler, “New Considerations for HR Service Delivery Success: Where to Begin?” Workforce Solutions Review, December 2013, pp. 17–19.

Providing HR Services on Mobile Devices

HR How To

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Engage students through examples of how HR departments use social media as part of their daily activities. Examples include “The Discrimination Risk of Using Social Media in Hiring,” “Salary Talk Is Trending,” and “Social Support for Getting Healthy.”

Some managers believe organiza- tions need policies restricting em- ployees’ access to social media such as Twitter and Facebook. Their belief is based on the assumption that using social media is merely a distraction from doing real work. However, the research evidence for this assumption is mixed—and the impact of social media may vary across generations of workers.

Some studies simply ask em- ployees for their opinions about their access to social media. A survey of Canadian workers found that almost two-thirds have been distracted by social media, e-mail, or Web browsing. One-third re- ported losing more than an hour a day in checking e-mail and social media, and two-thirds said they would get more done if they were

international survey of information workers, almost half said using so- cial media had increased their pro- ductivity. The younger the workers, the more likely they were to asso- ciate social-media use with greater productivity and to say they could do their jobs even better if their em- ployer would loosen restrictions on the use of social media.

Another study, conducted by the Warwick Business School, in the United Kingdom, measured output instead of opinions. According to the researchers, using social media was associated with greater productiv- ity. The two-year study of employees at a telecommunications company found that they were more produc- tive when they used social media to communicate with customers. The mixed results suggest that a single


1. Thinking about your current job or a job you would like to have, would access to social media help or distract you? Do you think your age plays a role in your opinion? Why?

2. How could human resource management support decisions about creating a policy for using social media?

Sources: Thomson Reuters, “Two-Thirds of Workers Distracted by Emails, Inter- net, Social Media: Survey,” Canadian HR Reporter, April 17, 2014, http://www. hrreporter.com; Shea Bennett, “Social Media Increases Offi ce Productivity, but Management Still Resistant, Says Study,” MediaBistro, June 26, 2013, http://www. mediabistro.com; Bernhard Warner, “When Social Media at Work Don’t Create Productivity Killing Distractions ” Bloomberg

What Social-Media Policies Are Suitable across Generations?

HRM Social

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Engage students through specific steps to create HRM programs and tackle common challenges. Examples include “Writing Effective HR Policies,” “Providing HR Ser- vices on Mobile Devices,” and “Complying with the Affordable Care Act.”

Did You Know?

Half of employed workers are look- ing for a new job or would welcome an offer, according to a U.S. survey by the Jobvite software company. Looking at both employed and

unemployed workers, Jobvite found that 71% are actively seeking or open to a new job. Jobvite’s CEO notes that workers with mobile devices are looking for jobs “all the time.”


What challenges and opportuni- ties do employers face in a climate where half of an organization’s em- ployees feel ready to leave?

Sources: Bureau of National Affairs, “Half of Workers Open to or Actively Seeking New Job, Jobvite Survey Finds,” HR Focus, March 2014, p. 16; Dinah Wisenberg Brin, “Study: Most U.S. Workers Willing to Quit,” Society for Human Resource Management, February 25, 2014, http://www.shrm. org; company website, “Jobvite Seeker Nation Study,” 2014, http://recruiting. jobvite.com.

Half of U.S. Employees Interested in Changing Jobs

U.S. labor force

Employed workers

Workers Seeking or Open to a New Job



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Engage students through interesting sta- tistics related to chapter topics. Examples include “Half of U.S. Employees Interested in Changing Jobs,” “Selection Decisions Affect the Bottom Line,” and “Employers Stress Merit Pay to Retain Workers.”

Best Pract ices

HRM Social Did You Know?




Focused on ethics. Reviewers indicate that the Thinking Ethically feature, which confronts students in each chapter with an ethical issue regarding managing human resources, is a high- light. This feature has been updated throughout the text.

Apply the concepts in each chapter through comprehensive review and discussion questions, which are now keyed to chapter learning objectives.

Apply concepts in each chapter through three cases that focus on corporate sustainability, talent management, and HR in small business. These cases can be used as the basis for class lectures, and the questions provided at the end of each case are suitable for assignments or discussion.



One area in which business managers might consult with HR managers involves the treatment of company data on employees’ electronic devices. In the past, or- ganizations stored their data on their own hardware. But laptop computers and, more recently, tablet computers and smartphones make it possible for employees to carry around data on these mobile devices. Increasingly often, the devices are not even owned by the company, but by the employees themselves. For example, an em- ployee’s smartphone might include business as well as personal contacts in several mobile apps.

The situation is convenient for everyone until something goes wrong: a device is lost, an employee becomes upset with a manager, or the organization lays off some workers. From the standpoint of pro- tecting data, the obvious solution is to remove the data from the devices. So far, no law forbids this. However, it has consequences for the employees. Remotely wiping data from a device will remove all of it, including the user’s personal data, such as photos and addresses.

Companies are addressing concerns by crafting se- curity policies for employees who want to use their own devices for work-related tasks such as e-mail. Typi- cally, the policy requires the employee to download a program for mobile device management. If specifi ed

conditions arise, such as loss of the device or termina- tion of the employee, the company can use the software to send the device a message that wipes out all the data stored on the device. The company also can give the employee some notice, allowing time to save personal data, but this increases the risk to the company. Some employees have complained about their phones being unexpectedly erased after they left a company. They admit they might have been given a link to terms and conditions but tend not to read the terms of using a pro- gram such as company e-mail.


1. Imagine you work in the human resources depart- ment of a company considering a policy to protect its data on employees’ mobile devices. In advising on this policy, what rights should you consider?

2. What advice would you give or actions would you take to ensure that the policy is administered fairly and equitably?

Sources: “Using Your Personal Phone for Work Could Cost You,” CBS Miami, March 26, 2014, http://miami.cbslocal.com; Lauren Weber, “BYOD? Leaving a Job Can Mean Losing Pic- tures of Grandma,” Wall Street Journal, January 21, 2014, http:// online.wsj.com; Society for Human Resource Management, “Safety and Security Technology: Can an Employer Remotely Wipe/Brick an Employee’s Personal Cell Phone?” SHRM Knowledge Center, November 5, 2013, http://www.shrm.org.

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1. What is the role of each branch of the federal gov- ernment with regard to equal employment oppor- tunity? (LO 3-1)

2. For each of the following situations, identify one or more constitutional amendments, laws, or execu- tive orders that might apply. (LO 3-2)

a. A veteran of the Vietnam conflict experiences lower-back pain after sitting for extended peri- ods of time. He has applied for promotion to a supervisory position that has traditionally involved spending most of the workday behind a desk.

b. One of two female workers on a road construc- tion crew complains to her supervisor that she feels uncomfortable during breaks, because the other employees routinely tell off-color jokes.

c. A manager at an architectural firm receives a call from the local newspaper. The reporter wonders how the firm wishes to respond to calls from two of its employees alleging racial discrimination. About half of the firm’s employ- ees (including all of its partners and most of its architects) are white. One of the firm’s clients is the federal government.

3. For each situation in the preceding question, what actions, if any, should the organization take? (LO 3-4)

4. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that employers make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. How might this

requirement affect law enforcement offi cers and fi refi ghters? (LO 3-4)

5. To identify instances of sexual harassment, the courts may use a “reasonable woman” standard of what constitutes offensive behavior. This standard is based on the idea that women and men have dif- ferent ideas of what behavior is appropriate. What are the implications of this distinction? Do you think this distinction is helpful or harmful? Why? (LO 3-5)

6. Given that the “reasonable woman” standard re- ferred to in Question 5 is based on women’s ideas of what is appropriate, how might an organization with mostly male employees identify and avoid be- havior that could be found to be sexual harassment? (LO 3-5)

7. What are an organization’s basic duties under the Occupational Safety and Health Act? (LO 3-6)

8. OSHA penalties are aimed at employers, rather than employees. How does this affect employee safety? (LO 3-7)

9. How can organizations motivate employees to pro- mote safety and health in the workplace? (LO 3-8)

10. For each of the following occupations, identify at least one possible hazard and at least one action employers could take to minimize the risk of an in- jury or illness related to that hazard. (LO 3-8)

a. Worker in a fast-food restaurant b. Computer programmer c. Truck driver d. House painter

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58 e u a esou ce o e t

Netflix Treats Workers “Like Adults” When Patty McCord talks about human resource man- agement at Netfl ix, she refers to treating people “like adults.” McCord, until recently the company’s chief tal- ent offi cer, means the company hires people who are mature enough to take responsibility and then simply gives them responsibility. The result, McCord insists, is that employees live up to what is expected of them. If not, the company feels free to fi nd someone else. That direct approach makes sense to the knowledge work- ers who populate the results-oriented, data-respecting world of information technology.

When McCord was at Netfl ix, she and CEO Reed Hastings settled on fi ve principles that would direct the company’s approach to human resource management:

1. Hire, reward, and keep only “fully formed adults.” For McCord and Hastings, such employees use common sense, address problems openly, and put company in- terests ahead of their own. People like this need not be managed with endless policies. Rather, the com- pany can trust them to take off time when they need it and spend money appropriately. The employees also are literally adults; Netfl ix favors hiring experi- enced workers over recruiting at colleges.

2. Tell the truth about performance. Managers are expected to make performance feedback part of their routine conversations with employees. If an employee is no longer working out, managers are supposed to let him or her know directly, offering a good severance pack- age to smooth a dignifi ed path to the exit.

3 Managers are responsible for creating great teams The

4. The company’s leaders must create the company culture. Netfl ix executives are supposed to model behaviors such as truth-telling and treating people like adults.

5. HR managers should think of themselves fi rst as business- people. As chief talent manager, McCord focused on the company’s fi nancial success and products, not on employee morale. She assumed that if employees, as adults, were able to make Netfl ix a high-performance organization and be compensated fairly, that would improve morale more than anything.

To put these principles into action, Netfl ix rewards high- performing employees with fair pay and a fl exible sched- ule. Employees who do not perform up to standards are asked to leave. Rewarding high performance, in fact, makes it easier to allow fl exibility and empowerment, be- cause managers do not have to police every action and decision. It also creates an environment in which employ- ees do not assume they have a Netfl ix job forever. Rather, they are responsible for doing good work and developing the skills that continue to make them valuable to their employer. Netfl ix’s approach to talent helps the company stay agile—perhaps agile enough to withstand the shift- ing winds of entertainment in the digital age.

Questions 1. How well suited do you think Netfl ix’s principles are

to managing the knowledge workers (mainly soft- ware engineers) who work for Netfl ix? Explain.

2. What qualities of Netfl ix support the idea that it is a high-performance work system? What other quali-


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• Videos: Human Resource Management Video DVD, volume 3, offers video clips on HRM issues for each chapter of this edition. You’ll find a new video produced by the SHRM Foundation entitled “Once the Deal Is Done: Making Mergers Work.” Three new videos specifically address employee benefits: “GM Cuts Ben- efits and Pay,” “Sulphur Springs Teachers,” and “Google Employees’ Perks.” Other new videos available for this edition include “E-Learning English” for the chapter on employee development and “Recession Job Growth” for the chapter on HR planning recruitment. Two new videos specifically address recession-related HR issues: “Some Workers Willing to Sacrifice to Avoid Layoffs” and “Stretched Small Business Owners Forced to Lay Off Employees.” Other notable videos available for this edition include “Johnson & Johnson eUniversity” for the chapter on training and “Hollywood Labor Unions” for the chapter on collective bargaining and labor relations.

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Brief Contents

Preface x


The Human Resource Environment 1 1 Managing Human Resources 2

2 Trends in Human Resource Management 29

3 Providing Equal Employment Opportunity and a Safe Workplace 62

4 Analyzing Work and Designing Jobs 101


Acquiring, Training, and Developing Human Resources 131 5 Planning for and Recruiting Human

Resources 132

6 Selecting Employees and Placing Them in Jobs 167

7 Training Employees 200

8 Developing Employees for Future Success 236


Assessing and Improving Performance 269 9 Creating and Maintaining High-

Performance Organizations 270

10 Managing Employees’ Performance 298

11 Separating and Retaining Employees 332


Compensating Human Resources 365 12 Establishing a Pay Structure 366

13 Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay 395

14 Providing Employee Benefits 423


Meeting Other HR Goals 459 15 Collective Bargaining and Labor

Relations 460

16 Managing Human Resources Globally 495

Glossary 530

Credits 540

Name and Company Index 541

Subject Index 555




Preface x


The Human Resource Environment 1 1 Managing Human Resources 2 Introduction 2

Human Resources and Company Performance 3

Responsibilities of Human Resource Departments 5 Analyzing and Designing Jobs 7 Recruiting and Hiring Employees 7 Training and Developing Employees 8 Managing Performance 8


How Abbott Laboratories Creates a Healthy Business 9

Planning and Administering Pay and Benefits 9 Maintaining Positive Employee Relations 10 Establishing and Administering Personnel Policies 10


Writing Effective HR Policies 11

Managing and Using Human Resource Data 11 Ensuring Compliance with Labor Laws 12 Supporting the Organization’s Strategy 12


“Talent Management Sounds Great, but . . .” 13

Skills of HRM Professionals 14


CEO and CFO Relationships with HRM 16

HR Responsibilities of Supervisors 17

Ethics in Human Resource Management 18 Employee Rights 18 Standards for Ethical Behavior 19

Careers in Human Resource Management 20


SHRM’s Social-Media Presence 21

Organization of This Book 22


How Should an Employer Weigh Conflicting Values? 23

Summary 23

Key Terms 24

Review and Discussion Questions 24

Taking Responsibility: How “Good Things Happen to” Costco 25

Managing Talent: Ingersoll Rand’s Problem-Solving Approach to HRM 26

HR in Small Business: Managing HR at a Services Firm 26 Notes 27

2 Trends in Human Resource Management 29

Introduction 29

Change in the Labor Force 30 An Aging Workforce 30


What Social-Media Policies Are Suitable across Generations? 32

A Diverse Workforce 32 Skill Deficiencies of the Workforce 35

High-Performance Work Systems 35 Knowledge Workers 36 Employee Empowerment 38 Teamwork 38

Focus on Strategy 39


Less Helpful than a Search Engine? 40



Contents xxix

Mergers and Acquisitions 40 High Quality Standards 41 Cost Control 42


Outsourcing Enriches the Bottom Line for Land O’Lakes 45

Expanding into Global Markets 45

Technological Change in HRM 47 Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) 48 Sharing of Human Resource Information 49


Providing HR Services on Mobile Devices 50

Change in the Employment Relationship 50 A Psychological Contract 51 Declining Union Membership 51


Half of U.S. Employees Interested in Changing Jobs 52

Flexibility 52


How Should Employers Protect Their Data on Employees’ Devices? 54

Summary 55

Key Terms 56

Review and Discussion Questions 56

Taking Responsibility: Taking Care of People Gives Cisco Systems a Strategic Advantage 57

Managing Talent: Netflix Treats Workers “Like Adults” 58

HR in Small Business: Radio Flyer Rolls Forward 58

Notes 59

3 Providing Equal Employment Opportunity and a Safe Workplace 62

Introduction 62

Regulation of Human Resource Management 63

Equal Employment Opportunity 64 Constitutional Amendments 64 Legislation 66 Executive Orders 72

The Government’s Role in Providing for Equal Employment Opportunity 73

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) 73


Being Strategic about EEO 74

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) 75

Businesses’ Role in Providing for Equal Employment Opportunity 76 Avoiding Discrimination 76


The Discrimination Risk of Using Social Media in Hiring 78


Lack of Rewards May Explain “Leaky Pipeline” 80

Providing Reasonable Accommodation 81 Preventing Sexual Harassment 82 Valuing Diversity 83

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) 84 General and Specific Duties 85 Enforcement of the OSH Act 87 Employee Rights and Responsibilities 87 Impact of the OSH Act 88

Employer-Sponsored Safety and Health Programs 88 Identifying and Communicating Job Hazards 89


Morton Salt’s Prize-Winning Safety Program 90

Reinforcing Safe Practices 91


Top 10 Causes of Workplace Injuries 92

Promoting Safety Internationally 93


Is Discrimination against the Unemployed Ethical? 93

Summary 94

Key Terms 95

Review and Discussion Questions 96

Taking Responsibility: Keeping Sprint’s Subcontractors Safe 96

Managing Talent: Walmart’s Struggle to Manage Diversity and Safety on a Grand Scale 97



xxx Contents

Managing Talent: Amazon’s Warehouse Jobs: Good or Grueling Work? 128

HR in Small Business: Inclusivity Defines BraunAbility’s Products and Its Jobs 128

Notes 129


Acquiring, Training, and Developing Human Resources 131 5 Planning for and Recruiting Human

Resources 132 Introduction 132

The Process of Human Resource Planning 133 Forecasting 133 Goal Setting and Strategic Planning 136


Trimming More Than Just Fat 139


Using Temporary Employees and Contractors 142

Implementing and Evaluating the HR Plan 144


The Biggest Hiring Challenges Involve Recruiting 145

Applying HR Planning to Affirmative Action 145

Recruiting Human Resources 146

Personnel Policies 147

Recruitment Sources 148 Internal Sources 148


Sources of Talent for Advanced Technology Services 149

External Sources 149


Social Networks Can Also Be Career Networks 152

Evaluating the Quality of a Source 155

Recruiter Traits and Behaviors 156 Characteristics of the Recruiter 157 Behavior of the Recruiter 157 Enhancing the Recruiter’s Impact 157


Is Something Wrong with a Mutual Agreement Not to “Steal” Employees? 159

Summary 160

HR in Small Business: Company Fails Fair- Employment Test 98

Notes 99

4 Analyzing Work and Designing Jobs 101 Introduction 101

Work Flow in Organizations 102 Work Flow Analysis 102 Work Flow Design and an Organization’s Structure 103


Workers Often Don’t Have What They Need to Succeed 104

Job Analysis 105 Job Descriptions 105 Job Specifications 106


Identifying Relevant KSAOs 108

Sources of Job Information 109 Position Analysis Questionnaire 109 Fleishman Job Analysis System 110 Analyzing Teamwork 111 Importance of Job Analysis 111


With Good Analysis, Work Isn’t Just a Game 112

Competency Models 112 Trends in Job Analysis 114

Job Design 114 Designing Efficient Jobs 115 Designing Jobs That Motivate 115


Big Data for High Efficiency at UPS 116


Occasional Telework Dominates Flexibility Options 121

Designing Ergonomic Jobs 121 Designing Jobs That Meet Mental Capabilities and Limitations 122


How Can You Ethically Design a Dangerous Job? 124

Summary 125

Key Terms 126

Review and Discussion Questions 126

Taking Responsibility: How Google Searches for the Right Job Requirements 127



Contents xxxi

Preparing to Interview 189

Selection Decisions 189 How Organizations Select Employees 189


Interview Alarm Bells 190

Communicating the Decision 191


Is a Policy of Not Hiring Smokers Ethical? 191

Summary 192

Key Terms 193

Review and Discussion Questions 194

Taking Responsibility: How Gild Aims to Create Golden Opportunities for Underappreciated Workers 194

Managing Talent: Hiring for an Oil Boom 195

HR in Small Business: Kinaxis Chooses Sales Reps with Personality 196

Notes 197

7 Training Employees 200 Introduction 200

Training Linked to Organizational Needs 201


A Strategic Approach to Learning at ConAgra Foods 202

Needs Assessment 203 Organization Analysis 203 Person Analysis 204 Task Analysis 205

Readiness for Training 206 Employee Readiness Characteristics 206 Work Environment 206

Planning the Training Program 207 Objectives of the Program 207


Many Companies Outsource Training Tasks 208

In-House or Contracted Out? 208 Choice of Training Methods 209

Training Methods 210 Classroom Instruction 210 Audiovisual Training 211 Computer-Based Training 211


Developing Training Content for Mobile Devices 212

Key Terms 161

Review and Discussion Questions 161

Taking Responsibility: SAP’s Inclusive Approach to Recruiting 162

Managing Talent: Boeing’s High-Flying Approach to HR Planning and Recruitment 162

HR in Small Business: For Personal Financial Advisors, a Small Staffing Plan with a Big Impact 163

Notes 164

6 Selecting Employees and Placing Them in Jobs 167

Introduction 167

Selection Process 168 Reliability 170 Validity 170 Ability to Generalize 172


Selection Decisions Affect the Bottom Line 173

Practical Value 173 Legal Standards for Selection 174

Job Applications and Résumés 176 Application Forms 176 Résumés 178 References 178 Background Checks 179


Using Social Media as a Background Check 180

Employment Tests and Work Samples 181 Physical Ability Tests 181


St. Joseph Health Matches Physical Abilities to Job Requirements 182

Cognitive Ability Tests 182 Job Performance Tests and Work Samples 183 Personality Inventories 183 Honesty Tests and Drug Tests 185 Medical Examinations 186

Interviews 186 Interviewing Techniques 186 Advantages and Disadvantages of Interviewing 187


Interviewing Job Candidates Effectively 188



xxxii Contents

Formal Education 239 Assessment 240


Setting Up Stretch Assignments for Employees 245

Job Experiences 245 Interpersonal Relationships 249


Online Support for Career Development 250

Systems for Career Management 251 Data Gathering 252


Managers Must Look Outside for Development Support 253

Feedback 254 Goal Setting 255 Action Planning and Follow-Up 255

Development-Related Challenges 257 The Glass Ceiling 257 Succession Planning 257


A Ceiling above a Ceiling 258

Dysfunctional Managers 260


Should Managers Feel Obligated to Be Mentors? 260

Summary 261

Key Terms 262

Review and Discussion Questions 263

Taking Responsibility: Taking Care of Employees Helps the Patent Office Serve the Public 263

Managing Talent: Procter & Gamble’s Succession Management Slip-Up 264

HR in Small Business: Employee Sabbatical Benefits Others at Little Tokyo Service Center 265

Notes 266


Assessing and Improving Performance 269 9 Creating and Maintaining High-

Performance Organizations 270 Introduction 270

On-the-Job Training 213 Simulations 214 Business Games and Case Studies 215 Behavior Modeling 216 Experiential Programs 216 Team Training 217 Action Learning 218

Implementing the Training Program 218 Principles of Learning 218 Transfer of Training 220


Social Learning with Visual Impact on Pinterest 221

Measuring Results of Training 222 Evaluation Methods 222 Applying the Evaluation 223


Training Executives Are Unimpressed with Their Measurement Processes 224

Applications of Training 224 Orientation of New Employees 224 Diversity Training 225


Internships: Opportunity or Exploitation? 227

Summary 228

Key Terms 230

Review and Discussion Questions 230

Taking Responsibility: How MasTec’s Training Helps Keep Workers Safe 231

Managing Talent: Hewlett-Packard Builds Its Own “University” 232

HR in Small Business: How Nick’s Pizza Delivers Training Results 232

Notes 233

8 Developing Employees for Future Success 236

Introduction 236

Training, Development, and Career Management 237 Development and Training 237 Development for Careers 238


How KPMG Develops for the Future 239

Approaches to Employee Development 239



Contents xxxiii

HR in Small Business: Employees Make a Difference at Amy’s Ice Creams 295

Notes 296

10 Managing Employees’ Performance 298 Introduction 298

The Process of Performance Management 299


“Where Have I Heard That Before?” 301

Purposes of Performance Management 301

Criteria for Effective Performance Management 302

Methods for Measuring Performance 303


A Goal-Oriented System of Performance Management 304

Making Comparisons 304 Rating Individuals 306


Popular Performance Measures 307

Measuring Results 311 Total Quality Management 313

Sources of Performance Information 314 Managers 314 Peers 315 Subordinates 315


Crowdsourcing Performance Reviews 316

Self 316 Customers 317

Errors in Performance Measurement 317 Types of Rating Errors 318 Ways to Reduce Errors 318 Political Behavior in Performance Appraisals 318

Giving Performance Feedback 319 Scheduling Performance Feedback 319 Preparing for a Feedback Session 320 Conducting the Feedback Session 320


Discussing Employee Performance 321

Finding Solutions to Performance Problems 321

Legal and Ethical Issues in Performance Management 322

High-Performance Work Systems 271 Elements of a High-Performance Work System 272 Outcomes of a High-Performance Work System 273

Conditions That Contribute to High Performance 274 Teamwork and Empowerment 275 Knowledge Sharing 275


When Social-Media Tools Support Knowledge Sharing 276

Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement 277


Three in Ten U.S. Workers Describe Themselves as Engaged 278

Ethics 279

HRM’s Contribution to High Performance 280 HRM Practices 280


Few Companies Are Prepared for Future Talent Needs 281

HRM Technology 283 HRM Applications 283 Human Resource Information Systems 284 Human Resource Management Online: E-HRM 285


How e-HRM Helps Plan International Respond to Crises with Agility 286

Effectiveness of Human Resource Management 287 Human Resource Management Audits 288 Analyzing the Effect of HRM Programs 288


Making the Most of HR Analytics 290


How Can—and Should—Organizations Measure Ethics Performance? 291

Summary 292

Key Terms 293

Review and Discussion Questions 293

Taking Responsibility: The Container Store Puts Employees First 293

Managing Talent: Valuing Labor Drives High Performance at HindlePower 294



xxxiv Contents

Supervisors and Co-Workers 352


Employees Are Quicken Loans’ Most Valuable Asset 353

Pay and Benefits 354 Monitoring Job Satisfaction 354


Is It Ethical to Fire by E-mail and Text? 356

Summary 357

Key Terms 358

Review and Discussion Questions 358

Taking Responsibility: General Motors Tries to Steer in a New Direction 359

Managing Talent: What Makes Genentech So Great for Scientists? 360

HR in Small Business: Learning to Show Appreciation at Datotel 361

Notes 362


Compensating Human Resources 365 12 Establishing a Pay Structure 366 Introduction 366

Decisions about Pay 367

Legal Requirements for Pay 368 Equal Employment Opportunity 368 Minimum Wage 369 Overtime Pay 370


Overlooking Overtime 371

Child Labor 371 Prevailing Wages 372

Economic Influences on Pay 372 Product Markets 372 Labor Markets 373


Management, Professional, Computer Occupations Are the Highest Paid 374

Pay Level: Deciding What to Pay 374 Gathering Information about Market Pay 375

Employee Judgments about Pay Fairness 375

Legal Requirements for Performance Management 322 Electronic Monitoring and Employee Privacy 323


How Fair Are Forced Rankings? 324

Summary 324

Key Terms 326

Review and Discussion Questions 327

Taking Responsibility: REI’s Purpose Drives Its Performance Management 327

Managing Talent: Adobe Systems Asks Managers to Check-In 328

HR in Small Business: Appraisals Matter at Meadow Hills Veterinary Center 329

Notes 330

11 Separating and Retaining Employees 332 Introduction 332

Managing Voluntary and Involuntary Turnover 333

Employee Separation 334 Principles of Justice 335 Legal Requirements 336


Employees’ Privacy vs. Employer’s Reputation 338

Progressive Discipline 338 Alternative Dispute Resolution 340


Announcing a Disciplinary Action 341

Employee Assistance Programs 342 Outplacement Counseling 343

Employee Engagement 343


Where Profits Are Growing, More Employees Are Engaged 344

Job Withdrawal 345 Job Dissatisfaction 345 Behavior Change 347 Physical Job Withdrawal 348


Bizarre Excuses for Absences 349

Psychological Withdrawal 349

Job Satisfaction 350 Personal Dispositions 350 Tasks and Roles 351



Contents xxxv

Performance Bonuses 402


Giving Arbitrary Bonuses to Employees 403

Sales Commissions 403

Pay for Group Performance 404 Gainsharing 404 Group Bonuses and Team Awards 405

Pay for Organizational Performance 406 Profit Sharing 406 Stock Ownership 407


Profit Sharing at Paul Downs Cabinetmakers 408

Balanced Scorecard 410

Processes That Make Incentives Work 411


Scoring Social Influence 412

Participation in Decisions 412 Communication 412


Getting the Most from a Limited Compensation Budget 413

Incentive Pay for Executives 414 Performance Measures for Executives 414 Ethical Issues 415


Can Incentives Promote Ethics? 416

Summary 416 Key Terms 418 Review and Discussion Questions 418 Taking Responsibility: At Rhino Foods, Incentive Pay Is an Expression of Respect 418 Managing Talent: Making Hilcorp Energy’s Employees Feel (and Act) like Owners 419 HR in Small Business: Employees Own Bob’s Red Mill 420

Notes 421

14 Providing Employee Benefits 423 Introduction 423

The Role of Employee Benefits 424

Benefits Required by Law 426 Social Security 426 Unemployment Insurance 427 Workers’ Compensation 428


Gathering Wage Data at the BLS Website 376

Judging Fairness 376 Communicating Fairness 377


Salary Talk Is Trending 378

Job Structure: Relative Value of Jobs 379

Pay Structure: Putting It All Together 380 Pay Rates 380 Pay Grades 381


Parkland Health Rethinks Entry-Level Pay Rates 382

Pay Ranges 382 Pay Differentials 383 Alternatives to Job-Based Pay 384

Pay Structure and Actual Pay 385

Current Issues Involving Pay Structure 386 Pay During Military Duty 386 Pay for Executives 386


Is Pay Disparity in the Fast-Food Business Ethical? 388

Summary 388

Key Terms 390

Review and Discussion Questions 390

Taking Responsibility: IKEA Aims to Pay a Living Wage 391

Managing Talent: Twitter Tries to Be an Employer You’d Tweet About 391

HR in Small Business: Changing the Pay Level at Eight Crossings 392

Notes 393

13 Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay 395

Introduction 395 Incentive Pay 396


Employers Stress Merit Pay to Retain Workers 398

Pay for Individual Performance 398 Piecework Rates 399 Standard Hour Plans 400 Merit Pay 400



xxxvi Contents


Meeting Other HR Goals 459 15 Collective Bargaining and Labor

Relations 460 Introduction 460

Role of Unions and Labor Relations 461 National and International Unions 462 Local Unions 463 Trends in Union Membership 463 Unions in Government 465


Profile of a Typical Union Worker 466

Impact of Unions on Company Performance 466

Goals of Management, Labor Unions, and Society 467 Management Goals 467 Labor Union Goals 468


Machinists and Steelworkers Unions Help Harley-Davidson Get Lean 469

Societal Goals 469

Laws and Regulations Affecting Labor Relations 470 National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) 470 Laws Amending the NLRA 471


Avoiding Unfair Labor Practices 472

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) 473

Union Organizing 474


Protected Social Activity 475

The Process of Organizing 475 Management Strategies 476


Did Too Many Voters Spoil the Election? 477

Union Strategies 477 Decertifying a Union 479

Collective Bargaining 479 Bargaining over New Contracts 479 When Bargaining Breaks Down 481

Contract Administration 483

New Approaches to Labor Relations 485

Unpaid Family and Medical Leave 429 Health Care Benefits 429


Complying with the Affordable Care Act 430

Optional Benefits Programs 431 Paid Leave 432 Group Insurance 433


Social Support for Getting Healthy 437

Retirement Plans 437


401(k) Plans Are a Missed Opportunity for Many 440

“Family-Friendly” Benefits 442 Other Benefits 443

Selecting Employee Benefits 444 The Organization’s Objectives 444 Employees’ Expectations and Values 444 Benefits’ Costs 446


Big Data Looks Like a Sure Bet for Caesars Entertainment 447

Legal Requirements for Employee Benefits 448 Tax Treatment of Benefits 448 Antidiscrimination Laws 448 Accounting Requirements 449


Employees Say Benefits Matter 450

Communicating Benefits to Employees 450


Should All Employees Pay the Same Amount for Health Insurance? 451

Summary 452

Key Terms 454

Review and Discussion Questions 454

Taking Responsibility: The Starbucks Way to Get an Education 454

Managing Talent: Sodexo’s Stumble on Benefits for Workers at Colleges 455

HR in Small Business: Babies Welcomed at T3 456

Notes 457



Contents xxxvii

Global Employee Development 510

Performance Management across National Boundaries 510

Compensating an International Workforce 510 Pay Structure 511 Incentive Pay 512 Employee Benefits 512

International Labor Relations 513

Managing Expatriates 514 Selecting Expatriate Managers 514


Online Communities to Support Expatriates’ Spouses 515

Preparing Expatriates 515 Managing Expatriates’ Performance 518 Compensating Expatriates 518


Priciest Cities Are Spread over Three Continents 520

Helping Expatriates Return Home 521


Can Offshoring Be Done More Ethically? 523

Summary 523

Key Terms 525

Review and Discussion Questions 525

Taking Responsibility: Coping with Pollution in Beijing 526

Managing Talent: Global Mindset Gives Renault- Nissan a Strategic Edge 526

HR in Small Business: Is Translating a Global Business? 527

Notes 528

Glossary 530

Credits 540

Name and Company Index 541

Subject Index 555

Labor-Management Cooperation 485 Nonunion Representation Systems 486


Free Ride or Free Speech? 487

Summary 487

Key Terms 489

Review and Discussion Questions 489

Taking Responsibility: The SEIU’s “Fight for 15” Campaign 490

Managing Talent: Volkswagen Wants the United Auto Workers 490

HR in Small Business: Republic Gets Serious 491

Notes 492

16 Managing Human Resources Globally Introduction 495

HRM in a Global Environment 496 Employees in an International Workforce 497 Employers in the Global Marketplace 498

Factors Affecting HRM in International Markets 499 Culture 499


Cross-Cultul Management Mishaps 502

Education and Skill Levels 503 Economic System 503 Political-Legal System 504

Human Resource Planning in a Global Economy 504


Supporting a Multinational Strategy 505

Selecting Employees in a Global Labor Market 506

Training and Developing a Global Workforce 507 Training Programs for an International Workforce 507 Cross-Cultural Preparation 508


Standard Chartered Bank Invests in Its Expatriates 509

The Human Resource Environment


Managing Human Resources

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MBA 525 Professional Development Comprehensive Assessment 2016


Question 1

Flexible production technology is sometimes referred to as:

(a)    Just-in-time manufacturing

(b)   Quick technology

(c)    Lean production

(d)   Stable production

(e)   Unscheduled manufacturing

Question 2

Learning effects are a result of:

(a)    Automation

(b)   Learning by doing

(c)    Sound product planning tactics

(d)   Diseconomies of scale

(e)   Product standardization

Question 3

Effective vision statements include:

(a)    All strategic directions of the organizations

(b)   A brief statement of the company’s direction

(c)    Strategic posturing and future objectives

(d)   Financial objectives and projected figures

Question 4

Sam Walton wanted Walmart to keep costs low. There’ force, as an example to others, he drove his own car and furnished his office with plain, steel desks. In this case, Mr. Walton was displaying his:

(a)    Commitment.

(b)   Vision

(c)    Astute use of power

(d)   Emotional intelligence

(e)   Eloquence

Question 5

In contrast to an organization’s vision, its mission should:

(a)    Be shorter in length.

(b)   Encompass both the purpose of the company as well as the basis of competition

(c)    Encompass all the major rules and regulations of the corporate work force

(d)   Be less details

Question 6

The resources and capabilities that lead to the formation of distinctive competencies are mostly created at which level of the organization?

(a)    Business

(b)   Functional

(c)    Corporate

(d)   Global

(e)   Industry

Question 7

Cost reduction pressures can be particularly intense in industries producing:

(a)    Commodity-type products

(b)   Highly differentiated products

(c)    Goods that do not complete on the basis of price

(d)   Goods servicing narrowly defined markets.

(e)   Highly advertised goods

Question 8

The core organizational processes as identified by Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Sumantra Ghoshal are entrepreneurial processes, competence building processes, and:

(a)    Coordinating processes

(b)   Control processes

(c)    Revival processes

(d)   Renewal processes

Question 9

Which one of the following activities is most likely to be a leadership activity?

(a)    Coping with organizational complexity

(b)   Formulation strategy

(c)    Problem solving to ensure strategy is implemented

(d)   Planning and budgeting

Question 10

Which of the following cognitive biases occurs when decision makers commit even more resources if they receive feedback that the project is falling?

(a)    Prior hypothesis bias

(b)   Reasoning by analogy

(c)    Illusion of control

(d)   Escalation commitment

(e)   Representativeness

Question 11

Which of the following is used to directly measure the average standard of living across countries?

(a)    Real GPD

(b)   Nominal GDP

(c)    Purchasing power parity

(d)   GDP per person

Question 12

What is the proper sequence of the phase of a business cycle?

(a)    Peak, contraction, trough, expansion, recovery.

(b)   Peak, contraction, recovery, trough, expansion

(c)    Peak, contraction, trough, recovery, expansion

(d)   Contraction, peak , trough, recovery, expansion

(e)     Recovery, trough, peak, expansion, contraction

Question 13

In the United States, by far the largest expenditure component in GDP ( Gross Domestic Product) is___________.

(a)    Gross private domestic investment

(b)   Government purchases of good s and services

(c)    Consumption expenditures

(d)   Net exports

(e)   None of the above

Question 14

Unemployment insurance:

(a)    Raises unemployment and educes search effort

(b)   Lowers unemployment and reduces search effort

(c)    Increases search effort and raises unemployment

(d)   Increases search effort and decrease unemployment

Question 15

At college X, students pay less than the equilibrium tuition. At college Y, students also pay less than the equilibrium tuition. If the supply is the same at each college, it follows that the shortage will be greater at ________.

(a)     College X than college Y

(b)   College X than the surplus at college Y

(c)    College Y than the surplus at college X

(d)   College X than college Y if the demand is greater at college X

(e)   There is not enough information to answer this question.

Question 16

Oil producers expect that oil prices next year will be lower than oil prices this year. As a result, oil producers are most likely to___________.

(a)    Place more oil on the market this year, thus shifting the present supply curve of oil rightward


(b)   Hold some oil off the market his year, thus shifting the present supply curve of oil leftward

(c)    Place more oil on the market his year, thus increasing the quantity supplied of oil at lower, but not higher, prices

(d)      Hold some oil off the market this year, thus decreasing the quantity supplied of oil at lower, but not higher, prices

Question 17

A supply curve that is parallel to the horizontal axis suggest that_________.

(a)    The industry is organized monopolistically.

(b)   The relationship between price and quantity supplied is inverse

(c)    A change in demand will change the price in the same direction

(d)   A change in demand will change the equilibrium quantity but not the price.

Question 18

If the supply curve and demand curve for lettuce both shift to the left by an equal amount, what can we say about the resulting changes in prices and quantity?

(a)    The price will increase but the quantity may increase or decrease.

(b)   The price will increase and the quantity will increase

(c)    The price will decrease, and the quantity will increase

(d)   The price will stay the same but the quantity will increase

(e)   The price will stay the same but the quantity will decrease

Question 20

If the purchase and sale of marijuana become legalized, _________.

(a)    The equilibrium price and quantity with both rise.

(b)   The equilibrium price will fall, but the change in equilibrium quantity depends upon whether the demand curve shifts, more or the supply curve shifts more.

(c)    The equilibrium quantity will rise, but the change in equilibrium price depends upon whether the demand curve shifts more or the supply curve shifts more.

(d)   The equilibrium price and quantity will both fall.

Question 21

Based on the following company statements, which company is most likely to be in the marketing company era?

(a)    Our sales force was able to sell intermediaries more of our new product than they can resell in all of this year.

(b)   Our marketing manager is coordinating pricing, product decisions, promotion and distribution to help us show a profit at the end of this year.

(c)    The whole company is in good shape and demand exceeds what we can produce.

(d)    Our long range plan developed by our marketing manager is to expand so that we can profitably meet the long-term needs of our customers.

Question 22

A company which develops a single marketing mix for the whole market and does not segment the market uses which of the following marketing strategies?

(A)   Niche Marketing

(B)    Differentiated Marketing.

(C)   Undifferentiated Marketing.

(D)   Focused Marketing.

Question 23

The bargaining power of suppliers will be high when:

(a)    Suppliers threaten to integrate forward into the industry.

(b)   The industry is a key customer group to the suppliers.

(c)    There are few buyers and many suppliers.

(d)   The products are undifferentiated.

Question 24

With respect to perceptual maps, the method known as MDS stands for:

(a)    Memory Derived Scaling.

(b)   Multi-Dimensional Survey.

(c)    Marketing Digital Survey.

(d)   Multi-Dimensional Scaling.

Question 25

_______ is the process of naming board product-markets and then segmenting these board product-markets in order to select target markets and develop suitable marketing mixes.

(a)    Market positioning

(b)   Market Segmentation

(c)    Mass marketing

(d)   Diversification

Question 26

A Marketing philosophy summarized by the phrase “ a stronger focus on social and ethical concerns in marketing” is characteristic of _____________

(a)    The selling concept

(b)   The market concept

(c)    The social market concept

(d)   The green market concept


Question 27




The ideal goal for the marketer is to find a(n)______ group of customers whose needs they can easily and profitably meet.

(a)    Quality

(b)   Unmet

(c)    Untapped

(d)   Competing

Question 28

Knowledge of the _________ clearly enters into the decision of which segments the company should eventually target.

(a)    Market

(b)   Company

(c)    Customer

(d)   Competitors

Question 29

Regarding the phrase “time is money, “what type of effect does time seemingly have on money?

(a)    Positive effect.

(b)   No Effect.

(c)    Little effect.

(d)   Negative effect.

Question 30

Which of the following is critical for successful marketing implementation?

(a)    Researching the market and delivering high value products.

(b)   Getting and keeping close to the customer.

(c)    Maintaining prices at current levels.

(d)   Adverting more than competitors.

Question 31

Which of the following is NOT true of the global matrix structure?

(a)    It is often used to alleviate the disadvantages associated with the geographic area structure.

(b)   It is often used to alleviate the disadvantages associated with global product division structures.

(c)    It is often used for sharing and coordinating responsibilities between product divisions and geographic areas.

(d)   This structure benefits front-line manages who now have only one boss-either a country manager or a product division manager.

(e)   The matrix structure may add layers of management.

Question 32

The staffing policy based on the belief that local people are most appropriate is an example of :

(a)    Ethnocentrism.

(b)    Hybrid approach.

(c)    Polycentrism.

(d)   Regiocentricism.

Question 33


Which of the following is an argument in favor of decentralization?


(a)    Capability to facilitate corporate-wide coordination.


(b)   Consistency in decision-making.


(c)    Permits greater speed, flexibility, and innovation.


(d)   Sufficient power for corporate-level managers to initiate necessary actions.


(e)   None of the above.


Question 34


The type of knowledge that is codifiable ( that is, it can be written down and transferred without losing much of its richness) is called ____ knowledge.


(a)    Explicit


(b)   Implicit


(c)    Tacit


(d)   Lucid


(e)   Clear

Question 35


The Human Development Index was development Initiative.


(a)    The oxford poverty and Human Development Initiative.


(b)   Sir Richard Jolly, Mahbub UI Haq, Gustav Ranis, and Lord Meghnad Desai.


(c)    The New Economics Foundation (NEF).


(d)   Bhutan’s kind Jigme Singye Wangchuck.


Question 36


Which one of the following is not an economic rationale for trade intervention?

(a)    Employment.


(b)   Balance of payments consideration.

(c)    Preservation of national identity.

d)   Protection to domestic industry.


Question 37


Which one of the following is also known as Gross National Product (GNP)?


(a)    Gross Domestic Income.

(b)   Gross National Income.

(c)    Net National Income.


(d)   Net National Product.

Question 38


Which country uses “ Gross National Happiness” as an indicator of development?


(a)    Thailand.

(b)   Bhutan,


(c)    Australia.


(d)   China.


Question 39The document issued by the shipping company in exports is called:


(a)    Commercial invoice.

(b)   Letter of credit.

(c)    Airway bill.


(d)   Bill of lading.

Question 40


Government regulation of the prices charged by natural monopolies is an example of _______.


(a)    A safety regulation.


(b)   An economic regulation.


(c)    An anti-trust regulation.


(d)   An anit-trust regulation.


(e)   An antimerer regulation.


Question 41


In the face of demographic pressures dealing with an aging workforce, many employers try to induce____Among their older workers through early retirement incentive programs.


(a)    Wage and salary penalties


(b)   Work penalties


(c)    Involuntary


(d)   Attrition


(e)   Voluntary attrition

Question 42

Title VII  of the ______ Act indentifies the following as protected groups: women, African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islander Americans.


(a)    Fair Hiring


(b)   Equal employment


(c)    Equal opportunity


(d)   Civil Rights


Question 43


An advantage of Statistical forecasting methods is that________.


(a)    Under the right conditions, they provide predictions that are much more precise than judgmental methods


(b)   They are particularly useful in dynamic environments


(c)      They are particularly useful if important events that occur in the labor market have not historical precedent


(d)   In the event of a legal dispute, they are more acceptable as evidence by juries


Question 44


The first step in the human resource planning process is _________.


(a)    Forecasting labor demand and supply


(b)   Goal setting


(c)    Program implementation


(d)   Program evolution


Question 45


Which one of the following is NOT an internal growth strategy?


(a)    Vertical integration


(b)   Market development


(c)    Joint venture


(d)   Innovation


Question 46


Which one of the following statements about employee referrals as a job recruitment method is true?

(a)    Compared with other internal recruiting methods, employee referrals result in the highest one-year survival rate.


(b)   The employee referral approach benefits only the employer and not the employee.


(c)    The informal employee referral approach is a very low-cost recruitment method.


(d)   The employee referral process is a useful method of increasing diversity.


(e)   An organizations that relies heavily on employee referrals will have no difficulty in complying with equal employment opportunity goals.


Question 47


If a company has a federal contract of more than $50,000 and has 50 or more employees, it________.


(a)    Must pay its male and female equally


(b)   Must have job descriptions for every job


(c)    Is legally required to maintain specified number of minority employees


(d)   Must have and abide by an equal employment policy


(e)   Must have  a mission statement that supports diversity

Question 48


Webb Greenhouse is looking for an accomplished gardener/salesperson. Studies have shown that the best recruiting method to fill this position is / are_____


(a)    Ads in the local newspapers


(b)   A notice in the local gardening club newsletter


(c)    Posting the position on the company Bulletin board


(d)   Applications from walk ins


(e)   None of the above, research shows no clear differences in employment experiences from any one source.

Question 49


Which term describes the process of gathering, analyzing, and synthesizing information about the jobs that are being done and any new jobs that are envisaged?


(a)    Job description.


(b)   Job analysis.


(c)    Job specification.


(d)   Human resource inventory.


Question 50


__________ is the process of attempting to locate and encourage potential applicants to apply for existing or anticipated job openings.


(a)    Recruitment


(b)   Selection


(c)    Compensation


(d)   Placement


Question 51


Which statement presents a condition that makes blowing the whistle on a company not just permissible but obligatory?


(a)    A threat of serious harm exists.


(b)   The whistleblower has exhausted all internal channels for resolving the problem.


(c)    The harm to be prevented overrides the harm done to the firm and to other employees


(d)   The whistleblower has good reason to believe that blowing the whistle will prevent the harm.


Question 52


To act so that no harm is done to a client would be defined as :


(a)    Nonmaleficence.


(b)    Autonomy


(c)    Beneficence.


(d)   Justice


Question 53


A Salesperson is given public recognition and a large bonus for making a valuable sale that he or she obtained using unethical tactics. This is an example of :


(a)    Creating a prospect for reward for unethical behavior


(b)   Creating a prospect for reward for ethical behavior


(c)    Failing to erect barriers against ethical behavior


(d)   Failing to erect barriers against unethical behavior


(e)     Obedience to authority.


Question 54


Although about______percent of American companies have a written code of ethics, surveys indicate that ethical codes are found________ frequently outside the United States.


(a)    90; more


(b)   90:Less


(c)    50; more


(d)   50; less


(e)   50; less


Question 55


Which of the following IS NOT an example of the charity principle?


(a)    Endowing public libraries.


(b)    Supporting settlement houses for poor.


(c)     Supporting a governmental protection agency.


(d)   Donating money to a family-counseling center.


Question 56


Many pollution control efforts have:


(a)    Relatively short payback periods.


(b)   Lon-term positive effects on profitability


(c)    Relatively short payback periods and long-term positive effects on profitability


(d)   Relatively long payback periods.

Question 57


The right to self-determination and freedom from the control of others is called:


(a)    Beneficence


(b)   Justice


(c)    Fidelity


(d)   Autonomy.


Question 58


Reina sells tires at extremely high prices in her home country. However, once a particular model of tire is outdated, she sells the tires in another country at a cost lower than the cost of exporting the tires. Reina is participating in:


(a)    Price gouging.


(b)   Evacuating


(c)    Extricating


(d)   Dumping


(e)   Unloading


Question 59


Human rights are :


(a)     The standards of treatment to which all people are entitled.


(b)   Can safely be ignored by international companies


(c)    Defined in the United Nations Global Compact


(d)   Of no interest to customers of international companies.


Question 60


Bribes or payoff request:


(a)    Are acceptable if they are in the form of large cash disbursements.


(b)   Are illegal in the united Sates only if money is the medium of exchange.


(c)    Have been deemed acceptable by the U.S. Foreign corrupt Practices Act.


(d)   Are frequently associated with nondurable consumer goods.


(e)   Are frequently associated with large construction contracts


Question 61


A Journal entry recording an accrual:


(a)    Results in a better matching of revenues and expenses.


(b)   Will involve a debit or credit to cash.


(c)    Will affect balance sheet accounts only.


(d)   Will most likely include a debit to a liability account.


Question 62


The purpose of the income statement is to show the:


(a)    Change in the fair market value of the assets from the prior income statement


(b)   Market value per share of stock at the date of the statement


(c)    Revenues collected during the period covered by the statement.


(d)   Net income or net loss for the period covered by the statement.


Question 63


A fiscal year:


(a)    Is always the same as the calendar year.


(b)   Is frequently selected based on the firm’s operating cycle.


(c)    Must always end on the same date each year


(d)   Must end on the last day of a month


Question 64


In an inflationary economic environment, the selling price set for a firm’s products will:

(a)    Not be affected by the cost flow assumption used.


(b)   Be higher if last in First Out is used than if First In First Out is used.


(c)    Be higher if First In First Out is used than if Last In First Out is used.


(d)   Be derived from the weighted average cost of inventory.


Question 65


The tendency of the rate earned on stockholders’ equity to vary disproportionately from the rate earned on total assets is sometimes referred to as:


(a)    Leverage.


(b)   Solvency


(c)    Yield.


(d)   Quick assets

Question 66


Which of the following is not a transition to be recorded in the accounting records of an entity?


(a)    Investment of cash by the owners.


(b)   Sale of product to customers.


(c)    Receipt of a plaque recognizing the firm’s encouragement of employee participation in the United Way fund drive.


(d)   Receipt of Services from a “ quick-print” shop in exchange for the promise to provide advertising design services of equivalent value.


Question 67


The Journal entry to record the sale or disposition of a depreciable plant asset always includes:


(a)    Recognition of a gain.


(b)   A debit to the accumulated depreciation account and for the related accumulated depreciation


(c)    Recognition of a loss.


(d)   A debit to the asset account for the book value of the asset.


Question 68


The amount of the average investment for a proposed investment of $60,000 in a fixed asset, with a useful life of four years, straight-line depreciation, o residual value, and an expected total net income of $ 21,600 for the 4 years, is:


(a)    $10,800


(b)   21,600


(c)    5,400


(d)   $30,000


Question 69


For which of the following reconciling items would an adjusting entry be necessary?


(a)    A deposit in transit.


(b)   An error by the bank.


(c)    Outstanding checks.


(d)   A bank service charge.


Question 70


The principle of consistency means that:


(a)    The accounting methods used by an entity never change.


(b)   The same accounting methods are used by all firms in an industry


(c)    The effect of any change in an accounting method will be disclosed in the financial statements or notes thereto.


(d)   There are not alternative methods of accounting for the same transaction

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Organizational Design And Structure

I need someone to complete these responses for me. They must be at least 400 words with at least 2 searchable refernces. Thank you!

1. Chapter 1: Why is shared information so important in a learning organization in comparison to an efficient performance organization? Discuss how an organization’s approach to sharing information may be related to other elements of organization design such as structure, tasks, strategy, and culture.

One can agree that sharing information across a company’s department is a very imperative tool for current and future success. Shared information is essential in a learning organization as compared to an efficient performance organization because sharing information endorses and encourages communications and partnership enabling people to be involved in ascertaining and solving various problems. This allows an organization to unceasingly advance and expand its capability.  The three characteristics of a learning organization as follows:

  1. “It develops both individual and collective knowledge;
  2. It uses learning to improve performance and boost competitive advantage; and
  3. It continuously enhances its capacity, through reflexive praxis, to adapt to its external environment. “(Lyle, E. R. 2012)

Furthermore, within the learning organization, shared information keeps the organization operational at an ideal level, instead of using the information to take hold of the employees; a fundamental part of the manager’s day-to-day operations is to find efficient and effective ways to open up channels of communication so that ideas can flow in every direction.  Shared information maintains open lines of communication with customers, suppliers and at times even competitors to enhance the structure, learning, culture and strategy capabilities. There’s a correlation between information sharing and structure; during 1776 in the time of Adam Smith, organization information was only kept between top executives and the design of the organizations were very vertical. The hierarchy provided the mechanism for total supervision and control, the strategy was constructed by the top management and executed on the organization. Over time, most organizations have gone away of the traditional vertical structures and implemented horizontal structures such as the learning organization. The new structures dispersed the boundaries between top management and the workers.

Then, new and update structures changed the task performances from monotonous tasks to empowered roles. For the task were broken into specialized separate parts as a machine, and now a task is assigned to one worker. This also allowed for the empowered employees to have the strategy change in such a way that employees are now in with identifying needs and finding solutions, thus participating in the strategy making. Furthermore, the new collaboration strategy has changed the culture in which organizations do business from the old rigid culture into a more adaptive culture. Contrarily, in an efficient performance organization, there is no need for sharing information for the flow of production is linear. A great example of an efficient performance organization is a manufacturing company, where parts are made in order and each department is different from the other.

Chapter 1: What are some differences that one might anticipate the expectations of stakeholder for a nonprofit organization versus a for-profit business? Do you believe nonprofit managers have to pay more attention to stakeholders than business managers?

One of the key differences between non-profit organizations and for-profit businesses is that for-profit organizations use more factors for production labor to maximize profit. Such factors include capital, land, and technology intensive. Non-profit organizations totally depend on goodwill donations from public, private sectors, citizens, and government entities. Most for –profit financial activities are contingent upon marketing strategies and profit on the sale of goods and services (Daft, 2013). Other differences that one may anticipate in regards to stakeholders for nonprofit and for-profit organizations as opposed to for-profit organizations is as following; stakeholders in for-profit organizations are more engrossed on the level in which their products appeal to consumers and in what ways does it maximize profits.

Non-profit organizations focus their attention toward volunteering individuals and communities for donations. In addition, for-profit has great prospects on profit margin where they expect the business to have more profits than expenses, whereas non-profit organizations are more focused on how the organization can bring about change in the life of an individual or a community (Daft,2013). Though non-profit and for-profit organization stakeholders have different interest, they both have the responsibility to conduct their job to better the company and the stakeholder’s interest. Business managers represent the stakeholders and are entrusted to bring about profit and revenue toward the business, whereas non-profit managers rely on the stakeholders to raise funds in order to run the day-to-day operations of the organization, thus, I believe that non-profit managers have to pay more attention to stakeholders than business managers.

Chapter 2: How might a company’s goals for employee development be related to its goals for innovation and change? How might a company’s goals for employee development be related to its goals for productivity? Explain the ways that these types of goals may conflict in an organization?  

Overall, employee development may be looked at as a requirement for innovation or productivity. Goals for innovation and change may stimulate different approaches by different employees, leading to conflict. Correspondingly, execution for productivity may be approached so differently by different employees that it would lead to conflict. Such conflict, if in the form of constructive disagreement, can be healthy for determination of the best path.

Some goals may initially cause a decrease in profit and employee development can be costly. Richard Daft mentioned that employee development, goals for innovation and change are all operational goals; and at times, they are related. If a company is in need of an enthusiastic staff that’s passionate about providing excellent customer service, thus, the company bust invests a lot of time and money in its employee development. In regards to productivity, employee development will speed up the process and at times reduce production cost and improve service times and many other vital aspects of customer service.

Moreover, successful companies became successful by having a clear and concise vision, it is very important for one to understand and follow what God States “without a vision the people perish, and if the blind lead the blind they will both fall into the ditch” (KJVB”. If the top management heads have different goals than what their employees have, the organization will have conflicting views.  There needs to be a balance between enlargement and keeping the process at hand.

Chapter 2: Suppose you have been asked to evaluate the effectiveness of the police department in a medium-sized community. Where would you begin? How would you proceed? What effectiveness approach would you prefer?

One can agree that it is very difficult to use the goal approach or system resource approach alone. One way to evaluate the effectiveness of the police department would be to follow a procedure to identify indicator goals, system resources, and internal process indicators. The measures can then be formulated into a combined approach to testing the effectiveness of the medium-sized community.

Chapter 3: What types of organizational activities do you believe are most likely to be outsourced? What types are least likely? How can/should a biblical worldview be applied?

Outsourcing is best described as a way to contract certain tasks or functions, such as manufacturing, human resources, or credit processing, to other companies” (Daft R., 2013). Outsourcing is a way fro companies to save money and cut back on expenses and they can also increase their output by providing services in different areas in which they were not able to provide before. Types of organizational activities that are likely to be outsourced include sanitization and janitorial duties and even food services. Also, marketing, IT, accounting and public relations can also be outsourced depending on the size of the company. Human resources are least likely to be outsourced because other than profit, it is one of the most important part of a company. Their main mission is to support the employees and keep the CEO, COO out of harms way.

A biblical worldview can be applied to reflect the culture and the nature in which one wants to run the company, manage employees, and donate. Romans 10:14 states, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher (KJV)?” Philippians 2:14-15 states “Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that   you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst   of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world”.


Baker, H. E., & Paulson, S. K. (2007). Experiential exercises in organization theory & design. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western.

Daft, R. (2013). Organization theory & design (11th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781111221294.

Johnston, L. (2009). Employee development that matters. Canadian HR Reporter, 22(15), 35. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/220782179?accountid=12085

Lyle, E. R. (2012). LEARNING ORGANISATION AL] LEARNING: International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(6) Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/924460837?accountid=12085rticl

The King James Bible

2. Chapter 1: Why is shared information so important in a learning organization in comparison to an efficient performance organization? Discuss how an organization’s approach to sharing information may be related to other elements of organization design such as: structure, tasks, strategy, and culture.

Within learning organizations sharing information is a significant component because without this very important tool progression can be hindered or stalled.  An efficient performance strategy is fashioned by upper managers and imposed on the organization.  Employees have a very essential role and without being able to share information the aspect of teamwork becomes more difficult to obtain.  The end results will be delays in work and service.

Sharing information also causes for a culture that is more positive and open because everyone is involved and has a sense of importance in the overall functionality of the organization from top to bottom.  “If the structure doesn’t fit the information requirements of the organization, people either will have too little information or will spend time processing information that is not vital to their tasks, thus reducing effectiveness” (Daft, 2013, p. 96).”  Efficiency is one of the goals of managers for the proper function of the organization so communicating with the employees who are in constant contact with customers and suppliers will create an environment of productivity and not unproductivity.

  • Chapter 1: What are some differences that one might anticipate among the expectations of stakeholder for a nonprofit organization versus a for-profit business? Do you believe nonprofit managers have to pay more attention to stakeholders than business managers?

One of the first differences that might be anticipated among the expectations of stakeholder for a nonprofit organization versus a for-profit is in the management.  “The primary difference is that managers in businesses direct their activities toward earning money for the company, whereas managers in nonprofits direct their efforts toward generating some kind of social impact (Daft, 2013, p. 13).  Managers in nonprofit organizations have the challenge of not only attracting diversity with their stakeholders but they also require volunteers and donors in order to operate on a daily basis. Managers in for-profit organizations are focused on making profits for the organization without too much focus on the overall social impact.

I do believe that nonprofit managers need to pay more attention to stakeholders because of their social impact.  For example, if a church is accepting donations from an organization like Planned Parenthood, this can cause for a problem for its volunteers seeing that there is a difference in belief with what the bible teaches and what Planned Parenthood supports.

  • Chapter 2: How might a company’s goals for employee development be related to its goals for innovation and change?  How might a company’s goals for employee development be related to its goals for productivity?

A company’s goals for employee development are directly related to its goals for innovation and change.  The innovation and change for the company cannot take place unless its employees are well training and advanced in multiple areas. This means that investing in the development of their employees will pose to be most beneficial to the entire company as a whole.  When companies seek out new employees they are sure to ask about education, training, and experience because they want to be adding to their company and not taking away.

If the company has the most trained and developed employees the productivity also increases.  “Remember that workforce training helps (1) workers adjust to changes in your industry, (2) employees respond successfully to customer needs while adjusting their performance to meet changing expectations, (3) reduce workforce accidents by ensuring that employees know how to react to high-risk situations, and (4) employees at all levels adapt to changes in technology” (Four Reasons to Have a Well-Trained Workforce , 2015).  This will result in fewer mistakes which will result in cost savings and better productivity.

  • Chapter 2: Suppose you have been asked to evaluate the effectiveness of the police department in a medium-sized community. Where would you begin? How would you proceed? What effectiveness approach would you prefer?

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of a police department in a medium-sized community I would proceed to use the resource based approach which is a model that considers resources as the main key factor to superior firm performance.  For a police department it may be difficult to measure performance since they are very much comprised of teams of specialized units so examining how they are currently using their resources will give a better picture then using one of the other approaches.

  • Chapter 3: What types of organizational activities do you believe are most likely to be outsourced? What types are least likely?

Some of the types of organizational activities that are most likely to be outsourced are manufacturing, technology, and consultants.  In a small business, cutting costs help support the financial health of the business and outsourcing adds to savings.  The top reasons for outsourcing are to (1) reduce and control operating costs, (2) improve company focus, (3) gain access to exceptional capabilities, (4) free internal resources for other purposes, (5) resources are not available internally, (6) maximize restructuring benefits, (7) function difficult to manage or out of control, (8) make capital funds available, and (9) reduce risk.  At the same time, with outsourcing the business may lose control over how services are delivered which then causes more liability.

The types that are less likely to be outsourced are human resources, distribution and finance, and lawyers although the list is much broader than these.  Retaining control over certain parts is necessary because they are too important to outsource.  For example, if a business is facing a difficult situation and need legal representation face to face interactions would be the only way to go.

How can/should a biblical worldview be applied?

Christians are called to be the light in the world.  This means we are to illuminate God’s spirit everywhere we go and God’s spirit evokes change for the betterment of mankind.  Training and development are the same in relation to business.  In a business, the job of management is to increase in all areas and that includes investing in their employees.  This will give the business a huge advantage against competitors and help them to build a reputation as being the best in their field.  In order to maintain such a reputation will require all members of the team to work together with clear expectations and goals through clear communication.

As Christians, we are to teach others how to live a life called by God by being His representatives on earth.  “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light (1 Peter 2:9).  Such a task cannot be done without perseverance and dedication.  One must build a relationship with God through prayer, reading of the word, dwelling in His presence, exercising His teachings in daily life so that the world will know you belong to Him.  God has invested much into us by giving up His Son on our behalf and as ambassadors of the Most High we should be pleased to invest in others as He has in us.


Four Reasons to Have a Well-Trained Workforce . (2015). Retrieved from Tidewater Community College Center for Workforce Solutions: http://www.tccworkforce.org/blog-categories/223-four-reasons-to-have-a-well-trained-workforce

Daft, R. L. (2013). Organization Theory and Design. Mason: Cengage Learning.

Ingram, D. (2014). Non Profit Organization Vs. Profit Organization. Retrieved from Hearst Newspapers, LLC: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/non-profit-organization-vs-profit-organization-4150.html

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Compare And Contrast The Various Change Management Models.

Chapter 6

Change Management and System Implementation



“Systematic process of applying the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to effect change in transforming an organization from its current state to some future desired state as defined by its vision”

Must also consider altering behavior patterns of people within the organization

Includes both a vision and a plan

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.




Change management is focused more on changing employees’ attitudes and behavior than OD, which is also interested in changing employees’ attitudes and behaviors. But CM is only one part of an OD intervention.

Change management can be used on projects, which can be either larger or smaller in scope, because it is only focused on changing the attitudes and behaviors of the individuals in that organization, which are important in any OD project.

Change management must consider altering the mindset and behavior patterns of the people within that organization.

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.




External and internal forces for change

Change agent or change leader

Gap analysis

Resistance to change

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



Action research model

Lewin’s change model

Gleicher’s change formula

Nadler’s congruence model

Kotter’s eight-stage change model

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



General perspective to use in any planned change effort

Approach to the management of change

Interaction of managerial or organizational action and research that both evaluates the action taken and provides data for future planning of the change effort


Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.





Destabilize (unfreeze) the old ways of doing things

People need to know what drives the change

Kotter’s (1996) sense of urgency

Psychological safety

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.




Focus on helping change the behavior

Ending  Neutral Zone  New Beginnings


Stabilize the organization

Often requires changes in organization’s culture and norms, policies, and practices

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.




Helps us assess this degree of readiness as follows C = (D × V × F) > R

C is the change, D the dissatisfaction with status quo, V the vision, F the first steps (feasibility), and R the resistance to change (costs)

All three forces for change must be active to offset the forces against the change

If any one of the three is missing, the product of the equation will tend toward zero, and resistance to change will dominate.


Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



Need congruence (“fit”) between the various organizational subsystems for optimal performance


Input, strategy, output, and operating organization

Transformation processes

Strategy, work, people, formal organization (structure), and informal organization (culture)

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.




Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



First four stages focus on “unfreezing”

Establishing a greater sense of urgency

Creating the guiding coalition

Developing a transformational vision and strategy

Communicating the change vision

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



The next three stages introduce many new practices (“change/transition”)

Empowering a broad base of people to take action

Generating short-term wins

Consolidating gains and producing even more change

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



The last stage is required to ground the changes in the corporate culture (“refreezing”) and make them stick.

Institutionalizing new approaches in the culture

The model requires that all the stages must be worked through in order—and completely—to effect change successfully.

More than one step may be activated at any one time.

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.





Change management



Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.


Reasons for Systems Failure: LEADERSHIP

Lack of executive support

Project managers lacking in leadership skills

Team of individuals committed to change

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.


Reasons for Systems Failure: PLANNING

Clearly identified scope and strategy

Adequate funding

Adequate staff to manage the project

Time requirements estimated properly

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.


Reasons for Systems Failure: CHANGE MANAGEMENT

Ongoing challenge for HR leaders and organizations

A review of the research literature on change suggests that a large percentage of change efforts end in discouraging results.

Experts suggest that the figure may be as high as 70% (Mourier & Smith, 2001; Pascale & Millemann, 1997)

Considerable room for improvement

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.


Reasons for Systems Failure: COMMUNICATION

Makes the difference between success and failure

Getting people “unstuck” is a huge communication challenge

Ideally, people participate from beginning to end

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



Ongoing, effective training is essential

Training plan in the beginning with full training just before system will be used

Advanced training in phases

Involve power users

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



Can be helpful or harmful to the change efforts

Defined as a complex set of shared beliefs, guiding values, behavioral norms, and basic assumptions acquired over time that shape our thinking and behavior

Need to understand the organization’s cultural profile

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



Whenever there is an incongruity between the current culture and the goals of the change initiative, the culture always wins (Conner, 1998, p. 207)

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



Groups and individuals resist change

Loss of control over their lives

Leads to uncertainty about their future

Need effective two-way communication

Comfort level with current organizational performance

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



Employee burnout and cynicism from series of failed change initiatives

Should be anticipated and addressed

Proactive, continuous communication and effective, ongoing training

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.



Ultimately, acceptance represents project success

Understand users

Involve end users

Involve resistant users

Institute phased implementation plan

Offer rewards to encourage user participation in new system

Kavanagh, Human Resource Information Systems 4e. SAGE Publications, 2018.


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Week 8 Assignment 4

Due Week 8 and worth 240 points

Read the case titled: “Risk Management on a Satellite Development Project” found in Chapter 10.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Suggest the issues that could have developed had the team not had a risk plan. Determine the major impacts of risk that the team needs to understand for the project to be successful.
  2. Justify the value of risk plan considering the time, effort, cost, and resources it took to develop such a plan. If you were the project manager, recommend the approach that you would take to ensure the project met the critical path identified.
  3. Assess how to determine the level of risk management appropriate for a project.
  4. Imagine the team working on the satellite development project was a virtual team in which team members were unable to meet in person. Explain the expected impact on the project, and suggest two (2) ways the team could maintain its current goal in both planning and execution.
  5. Use at least four (4) quality academic (peer-reviewed) resources in this assignment.
 Your assignment must:
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Chapter 10 start on page 268 and you have to scroll to the end of chapter for the case study.

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Staffing Metrics Evaluation

Chapter 13 Staffing System Evaluation and Technology

Staffing Metrics

Because people pay attention to what gets measured, carefully selecting key metrics to track can help focus employees on key behaviors and outcomes. But too much information makes it difficult to focus attention on the metrics and outcomes that are the most important. To evaluate its staffing success, telecommunication company Avaya sets goals for how many experienced employees it intends to acquire from its competitors. The company also measures the performance of individuals who move internally from one business to another compared with the average performance of employees in that division. One company representative says, “Most companies will say their recruitment is successful if they retain the people that they hire. We look beyond that and set very specific goals for ourselves.” 14

Southwest Airlines measures key metrics including cost per hire, new hire quality, compensation, time to productivity, and retention and promotion rates of high-potential employees and uses these measurements to continually improve its staffing and talent management process. If Southwest notices that an operational group is logging above average overtime, for example, it works with that group to reduce overtime by decreasing turnover or increasing staffing. 15

Staffing metrics can be thought of as long term or short term, and can be efficiency or effectiveness oriented. Next, we discuss these different types of metrics and how they are best used.

Long-Term and Short-Term Metrics

Metrics can be tracked over many different time periods. Short-term metrics help a firm evaluate the success of its staffing system in terms of the recruiting and new hire outcomes achieved. These metrics include:

· The percentage of hires for each job or job family coming from each recruiting source and recruiter

· The number of high-quality new hires coming from each recruiting source and recruiter

· The number of diverse hires coming from each recruiting source and recruiter

· The average time to start (by position, source, and recruiter)

· The average time to contribution (by position, source, and recruiter)

Long-term metrics help a firm evaluate the success of its staffing system in terms of the outcomes that occur some time after employees are hired. These metrics include:

· Employee job success by recruiting source and by recruiter

· Employee tenure by recruiting source and by recruiter

· Promotion rates by recruiting source and by recruiter

Short-term metrics are useful as leading indicators of a company’s ability to have the right people in the right jobs at the right time to execute its business strategy and to meet its immediate staffing goals. Long-term metrics are useful as lagging indicators. They are best used for evaluating the effectiveness of the firm’s long-term staffing system—for example, the long-term, on-the-job success of employees and their turnover and promotion rates.

Staffing Efficiency Metrics

Staffing efficiency  refers to the amount of resources used in the staffing process. Efficiency metrics are analyzed to make process improvements designed to minimize the amount of resources needed to staff a firm—specifically, the firm’s hiring costs and replacement costs. A firm’s hiring costs include sourcing, recruiting, screening, referral bonuses, travel expenses, advertisements, the cost of assessing and doing background checks on candidates, and the meals and transportation associated with their recruiting processes. Replacement costs include hiring costs as well as the productivity losses that occur while positions remain unfilled. Staffing efficiency metrics include the cost per hire, the time to fill positions, and the number of requisitions handled per full time equivalent (FTE) staffing member. Many firms also calculate onboarding costs, such as training and time-to-contribution costs, which can also be used as indicators to measure a firm’s staffing efficiency.

Staffing Efficiency

the amount of resources used in the staffing process

The critical factor to remember when tracking staffing efficiency metrics is that it is necessary to be efficient but also meet the needs of a firm’s customers. On the one hand, time-to-fill rates that are below a certain benchmark might reflect that the firm is staffing itself efficiently. On the other hand, the same rates might indicate that hiring managers are not spending enough time interviewing enough candidates to ensure that they are hiring the best ones.

One way to compute staffing efficiency is as a percentage of the amount of new hires’ compensation. The staffing efficiency ratio can be calculated by dividing a firm’s total staffing costs by the total compensation of its new hires recruited, and then multiplying the result by 100. For example, a staffing efficiency of 12 percent means it costs $0.12 cents to bring in $1.00 of compensation, or $12,000 to hire someone who makes $100,000 a year. 16  An organization that hires 400 employees annually, each with a compensation of $40,000 annually, would save about $320,000 in staffing costs every year by improving its staffing efficiency by just 2 percent (400 × $40,000 = $16 million total compensation recruited; 2 percent of $16 million = $320,000). By relying more on technology to source, recruit, and screen their employees, many firms could easily achieve such a 2 percent savings. 17

Staffing Effectiveness Metrics

Strategic staffing is not simply hiring a large number of people or hiring them quickly or cheaply. Strategic staffing is hiring people who become successful in the job, are a good fit with the company, and stay with the organization. Although efficiency and cost are often the initial focus of a firm’s staffing evaluation efforts, many companies subsequently shift their focus toward measuring their  staffing effectiveness . 18  Staffing effectiveness relates to how well the staffing process meets the needs of a firm’s stakeholder needs and contributes to the organization’s strategy execution and performance. Staffing effectiveness metrics help answer questions such as “Is the number and caliber of finalists being sent to hiring managers meeting their needs?” and “Is the hiring experience and speed acceptable to candidates?” Staffing efficiency is often easier to measure and evaluate than staffing effectiveness. For example, it is relatively easy to measure how many jobs each recruiter is filling (staffing efficiency), but what is often more important is whether the jobs are being filled with the right people (staffing effectiveness).

Staffing Effectiveness

how well the staffing process meets the needs of a firm’s stakeholders and contributes to the organization’s strategy execution and performance

There are many possible measures of staffing effectiveness. Perhaps the most obvious measure of staffing effectiveness is new hire job success. Job success refers to job performance as well as the new hire’s fit with his or her work group, unit, and organization, and the degree to which his or her values are consistent with the company’s culture and values. Tracking this metric by recruiting source, recruiter, and hiring manager can help improve a company’s future staffing efforts. The quality of hire reflects whether the company hired the people it set out to as defined by hiring managers’ predetermined job performance requirements. New hire job success starts with the quality of the people hired. The quality of hire can be assessed using new hires’ performance ratings after an appropriate time on the job, hiring manager satisfaction surveys, objective employee productivity measures, and even safety, absenteeism, and turnover rates. New hire quality matters when it comes to an organization’s performance. The War for Talent study, published in 2001 by McKinsey & Co., revealed that high performers in operations roles increased the productivity of their firms by 40 percent; high performers in managerial roles increased their firms’ profits by 49 percent; and high-performing salespeople created 67 percent more revenue for their firms than average or low-performing employees.

Overall retention or turnover rates might seem like good metrics, but remember that retaining poor performers can actually impose a cost on the firm. Tracking the voluntary turnover rate of top performers as well as measuring the turnover rate of bottom performers, as we discussed in the last chapter, can provide more meaningful information. Tracking monthly turnover by hiring manager, department, or business unit and by race, gender, or age group need not take a lot of time and can reveal patterns that might suggest poor staffing or poor management. Measuring the turnover of employees based on the sources from which they were hired can help identify the return on investment (ROI) from each source. Jeff Cottle, senior vice president of human resources and organizational strategy at SCT, a global information-technology company, tracks turnover by employee type to assess controllable voluntary turnover and understand what’s causing it. Says Cottle, “Our perspective on the use of metrics…is based on our belief that human-capital metrics have a direct correlation to financial metrics.” 19

Evaluating the value of top performers can also be a useful metric. When a competitor was pursuing one of its top technical employees, Texas Instruments (TI) wanted to find out what the employee was worth. TI added up all the ideas that the employee had generated for the company, and what those ideas were worth in terms of patents. TI decided that the employee was probably fairly valued at about $25 million and decided it was worth its trouble to get him to stay. TI gave him a nice amount of stock, structured in a way that provided him an incentive to stay another decade. The company even arranged for a week of private golf lessons for his wife and him at a famous golf resort. 20

Measuring what a top employee is worth, and comparing that to what an average employee is worth, can be a useful indicator. McDonald’s knows that a top manager is worth 35 percent more in profits than an average manager. 21  Calculating the value of a company’s top performers can help managers justify what it is worth to invest more in recruiting, hiring, and retaining them. TI doesn’t track, and isn’t concerned about, what it spends to hire key technology workers. The company understands that these employees will produce far more for the company than what they’re paid, and believes that hiring costs are too small a percentage of an employee’s value to worry about. 22

Many other metrics are possible. To identify which divisions in the company are creating new talent, Cisco Systems uses a metric that tracks why a person moved within the company rather than simply how many people moved. High performers tend to want to take on new challenges so tracking their movement inside the company is a way to make sure managers serve as talent “launching pads,” rather than talent hoarders. Once identified, those managers who “launch” talent are rewarded accordingly. 23

Some of the key staffing metrics utilized by Valero Energy include: 24

· Brand-related metrics. Valero measures the value of its employment brand by calculating the cost savings related to the positions it fills via its corporate Web page, community referrals, and nonemployment-related TV ads. The recruiting department estimates that the Valero brand saved the company $4,309,005 in recruiting costs.

· Staffing efficiency metrics. Valero utilizes the staffing efficiency measure developed by  Staffing.org , an independent and nonproprietary nonprofit corporation that develops standard human resource performance metrics. Valero calculates its staffing efficiency by dividing the firm’s total recruiting costs by the total compensation for all the positions it fills annually (the sum of the base starting salaries for each external hire during their first year). Staffing efficiencies in the range of 5 to 9 percent are considered excellent, and those above 16 percent indicate inefficiency. 25  However, these ranges can vary by industry, organizational size, and region.

· Sourcing channel metrics. Some of the measures Valero applies to each sourcing channel are:

· The staffing cost of the source

· The percentage of the firm’s budget the source represents

· The percentage of applicants recruited via the source

· The percentage of positions filled via the source

· The source’s speed

· The source’s efficiency

· The turnover at 12 months of new hires recruited from the source

· The dependability of the source

· The average salary of the position filled via the source

· Internal recruiters are also monitored on the preceding metrics.

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Unit 5 Case




By M a r i o n Resting a n d M a n f r e d F r o e h l e c k e ^


Personnel planning and staffing issues are critical suc-cess factors in foreign subsidiaries of multinational enterprises. They must be designed in the context of corporate goals and issues and the specific situation in the host country. From a firm-internal perspective, human capital/talent planning and staffing decisions are related to a co mpa ny’ s corporate strategy and e m b e d d e d in the corporate human resource strategy. Thus, planning and staffing decisions must be coordi – nated with other HR activities within the MNE, such as human resource development . This perspective must then be balanced with a careful consideration of the particularities in the host-country context and the avail-ability of qualified individuals within the external labor market.

In this case study, w e will first outline the company background and then describe the situation in the country of interest, which is Kazakhstan. Based on this information it Is y o u r p a r t t o t a k e t h e r o l e o f a B o s c h c o r p o r a t e H R m a n a g e r You are sup – posed to analyze both, the company and country-specific context, and outline a proposed model for personnel planning and staffing of the Bosch subsidi-ary in Kazakhstan. By drawing on the Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Regiocentric, Geocentric (EPRG) Model of Perlmutter (see Chapter 5), please decide which staffing strategy would be the best choice. Discuss on this basis h o w many expatriates and h o w many local employees you would plan in a short- or medium – term at the different hierarchical levels. If you should per-ceive any further information needs please explicitly define a realistic set of supporting assumptions . Please justify your decision. Which are the advantages and disadvantages of your decision?

Company Background: Robert

Bosch Groups

The Bosch Group is a leading global manufacturer of automotive and industrial technology, consumer g o o d s and building technology. It w a s founded in the year 1886 by Robert Bosch (1861 – 1942) and w a s called ‘Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electri-cal Engineering’. The Bosch Group today comprises a manufacturing, sales and after-sales sen/ice network of over 3 5 0 subsidiaries and regional companies and more than 1 5 0 0 0 Bosch service centers in roughly 150 countries.” One statement by the founder Robert Bosch is important t o understand the HR philosophy characterizing this MNE: ‘It is my intention, apart from the alleviation of all kinds of suffering, to promote the moral, physical and intellectual development of the people’. In fiscal 20 1 0, some 283 507 employees gen – erated sales of 47 . 3 billion Euros.^

FIGURE 1 Bosch sales by region in 2010

Including other countries

Source; Robert Bosch GmbH (2011:18)



TABLE 1 Bosch Employees by Region


2 8 3 5 0 7



Of these in Germany

1 1 3 557



Asia-Pacific (including other

6 3 2 1 6


Source: Robert Bosch GmbH (2011:19)

Even if 77 per cent’^ of the business volume has been generated outside Germany (see Figure 1), about 40 per cent of the total numbers of employees are working in Germany (see Table 1).

Executive and Managerial Planning (EMP)

The international executive and managerial planning (EMP) activity at Bosch is part of the Strategic Planning Process of the company . Once a year, the global ex-ecutive staffing needs for selected countries are derived from each division’s long – term strategic plan-ning activities. Starting from the current local structure, the required number of managerial positions is deter-mined within the parameters of a rolling eight-year forecast. Various measures are taken to meet the managerial staffing needs. They can be short – term (e.g. hiring of managerial staff from the external labor market, assignment of expatriates) or rather m e d i u m / long – term (e.g. development of high-potential employ – ees – see the employee development discussion below) or special programs like Junior Managers Pro-grams (JUMP).

The EMP is carried out using a standardized tool from the divisional HR department in cooperation with the various regional HR departments . Aggregated results are analyzed from division-, regional- and Robert Bosch World (corporate) levels. Continuous comparisons of the planned versus actual labor staff-ing situations provide feedback on those assignments which have to be initiated or redefined.

The planning period of eight years consists of two parts: The input for the first four years stems from business plans and succession planning. Forecast for the last four years is based on more global – macro

assumptions, e.g. changes in the leadership projected at a figure of 5 per cent. Therefore, EMP is linked to instruments of employee development in the Bosch Group .

Employee Development in the

Bosch Group

Bosch understands that employee development is a continuous process of maintaining and further devel-oping those employees qualifications needed to c o p e with present and future challenges, A major principle in this respect is the promotion of employees from within Bosch rather than the acquisition of new hires from outside.

HR departments support employees and m a n a g – ers by providing tools and programs and giving guid – ance. The universally standardized systems and processes for employee development are depicted in Figure 2.

An important procedure for the development of employees is the Management Potential Review (MED, see Figure 2)/, which is conducted on a worldwide level. It pursues the following objectives;

  • Full utilization of the c o m p a n y ‘ s resePi‘es of high-potential employees without compromising performance standards.
  • Staffing requirements and development planning (middle and upper management) for the upcoming four years (succession planning – see EMP above).
  • Consistency in planning and a systematic tracking of employee development and career advancement measures.
    • Use of overseas assignments, project tasks, and cross-functional moves as c o m m o n development measures.

Employees w h o show an above-average development potential with regard to specialist and management positions will be systematically prepared for the next management level by way of the ‘Manager Develop-ment Plan’ (MDP). Besides outstanding performance, B o s c h expects ideal employees to meet a task or role-relevant personality profile, s h o w a preparedness to take on new tasks and greater responsibilities, general mobility potential as well as a willingness to take on


FIGURE 2 Instruments of Employee Development

Performance discussion with each associate

Once a year between associate and supervisor

Individual development discussion upon request of

Associate, supervisor or HR department at greater intervals

Management potential review (MED) all associates

Once a year between supervisors and HR department


Goal achievement over the past year Goal agreement for the coming year Feedback on performance Measures: maintaining/improving performance


Associate’s personal development goals over the next three to five years

Strengths and growth potential Developmental activities


Evaluating potential

Supplemental development activities Planning for staffing needs

Decision on admission to manager development plan (MDP)

Leadership development center


new members of MDP

Potential analysis

Advice on strength and growth


Suggestions for development and

career activities

Career advancement discussion only w i t h members of MDP

Subsequent to admission to MDP and (if possible) Subsequent to participation in leadership development center international assignments. MD P is a prerequisite for promotion into managerial ranks.

The preparation of the MD P candidates is a mixture of on-the-job and off-the-job measures with the goal


Agreement of career advancement goals and suitable measures over a period of up to four years

of bringing the employees into the next management level in no more than four years. In many cases the achievement of the career advancement objective is connected with a transfer to a new assignment.



Talent Management

As stated before, Bosch mainly relies on hiring and developing talent from within the firm. Consequently, it is important to focus on the acquisition of qualified uni-versity graduates and professionals to meet a wider range of potential future managerial requirements. Besides direct entries and local programs, Bosch has a standardized Bosch – wide entry program for junior managers (JtJMP).^ The goal of the program is to recruit junior managers {master’s degree with up to three years of professional experience) with the poten – tial to assume a middle management position in six – eight years.

The program lasts one and a half to t w o years and is comprised of three to four stages, including a six-month stay abroad as well as a cross-divisional assignment. This form of training- emphasizes a c o m – m o n set of worldwide standards, experiences and activities, and is designed to permit more rigorous and systematic preparations for a range of management tasks .


Currently more than 2 2 0 0 expatriates^ are working for Bosch worldwide . An expatriate, as defined by Bosch, is an employee working for more than 24 month out – side his or her home country with special contractual conditions (contract in the host country for a limited period of time – normally three to five years – special allowances for hardship, cost of living, etc.). Over 1100 Germans are working in more than 4 0 countries, approximately 400 employees from Bosch subsidia-ries are working in Germany (inpatriates) and roughly 4 0 0 Third Country Nationals (TCNs) are assigned to locations outside their home countries for limited peri-ods of time. A majority of these employees were assigned due to technical and process expertise, yet s o m e assignments were made for career development or training reasons. T w o thirds of the expatriates are assigned in managerial fspks.

Bosch requires all top managers, beside their other experiences, to have at least t w o years’ international w o r k i n g experience. This \nt.ernafena\e is an

explicit prerequisite for promotion .

Country-Specific features of Kazakhstan”^ ^

Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia with China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan as neighbor states (as s h o w n in Figure 3 below). It covers a total of 2 727 3 0 0 sq . k m .

The population is 16 . 4m . inhabitants (January 1, 2011) including a wide ethnic diversity (with 64 . 03 per cent Kazakhs, 24.78 per cent Russians and Ukrainians, 11.19 per cent other ethnic minorities). 54 . 5 per cent live in cities . ” Main religions are Islam (70.2 per cent) and Christianity (26.2 per cent).”^ The state language is Kazakh but Russian is used in everyday business by most of the people and has a status of an official language. Kazakhstan became independent from the former Soviet Union in 1991 and is now is a republic characterized by an authoritarian presidential rule. The capital is Astana.

EcOROmic data; The economic situation of the country can be described by a GDP of roughly 148.1 billion US Dollars in 2 0 1 0 versus 115.3 billion US Dol-lars in 2009 . The country has an unemployment rate of 5.8 per cent (2010), an economically active population of 8.6 million persons and comparably low labor cost. The average salary equaled in 2 0 1 0 to about 527 US Dollars per month . The export volume in 2 0 1 0 amounted to 59 . 8 billion US Dollars.^’* Main exports include oil, ferrous and nonferrous metals, machinery, chemicals, grain, wool, meat and coal.

Education system: The education system is one of the major concerns of the country. However, this was not reflected in the public expenses for education. Today, the education system consists to a high degree of private education institutions. Funding of research is low and these institutions are dependent on foreign investments. However, a reform of the education sys – tem is one part of the strategic planning of the Kazakh Republic. To date, the Universities have been restruc-t u r e d according to the gudeUnes of the Botogna

Reform. Even if a relatively high number of persons hold a University degree, companies have problems finding adequately prepared personnel that have sW«is sets which correspond t o the c o m p a n y ‘ s needs.


FIGURE 3 Kazakhstan’s geographic location

Your Task: Executive and Managerial Planning (EMP) for a subsidiary in Kazakhstan^ ^

The Board of Management of the Bosch Group has requested an EMP for Kazakhstan in line with the yearly Strategic Long – term – planning (eight years fore-cast – see the third section above). The plan should predict the d e m a n d for executive staffing at all levels and for all divisions. It should also specify how the d e m a n d will be met, including staffing sources such as the use of expatriates, local management develop-ment plans (MDPs), special programs, e.g. J U M P or external hires.

As seen from Bosch’s corporate perspective, the situation in Kazakhstan is as follows:

      • There are four production sites in different rural locations. Each one belongs to a different product division: Gasoline, Bosch – Rexroth, Security Systems and Diesel motors .
      • Organizations are characterized by different market/product maturity stages: Gasoline, Bosch – Rexroth, Security Systems are consolidated. Only a small or no growth in headcount is planned over the next ten years. In contrast, Diesel is still growing fast (present headcount plus 30 per cent estimated in the next three years).


FIGURE 4 Form for situation analysis

Case Study: Executive and Managerial Planning Kazakhsta n

(D Describe the corporate philosophy

Scan environmental conditions

Evaluate corporate strengths and constraints

Develop objectives and goals

Develop strategies

The labor market for qualified managers and specialists is very small. External tiires in Kazakhistan will take muchi longer to begin w o r k than in equivalent hiring processes operating in Germany. Local candidates have very little mobility and largely lack broader national or international experiences.

  • Bosch’s major production sites are by and large not attractive locations to most qualified employees.

The high numbers of expatriates were the result of the rapid in-country growth especially for the Diesel site. Higher management positions are currently all filled by expatriates.

Taking the role of HR manager at Bosch you must address the following three questions:

Considering the facts about Kazakhstan, please discuss which staffing strategy – according to the EPRG Model by Perlmutter – would be the most suitable for Kazakhstan. Please justify your answer.



C o m m e n t on advantages and disadvantages of your decision.

Analyze the c o m p a n y and country-specific situation by using the steps outlined in Figure 4. Plan the number and nature of short/medium – term ( 2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 6 as well as long-term (2017 – 2020) staffing requirements for Bosch Kazakhstan in analogy to the strategic c o m p a n y goals. The staffing plan should consider the sources of staffing (expatriates, employees of the local Management Development plan or special programs such as the J M P program or external local staff).

Fill in your figures in the planning chart below (see Figure 5).

Finally, prepare an action plan describing how you will meet managerial staffing targets. Look especially at information provided in the ‘Employee development’ and ‘Talent management’ sections of the case for activities and timetables. Write d o w n your action plan.”®


FIGURE 5 Planning chart

Staffing need

Current 2013-2016

Prognosis 2017-2020


1 I M





1 UM



Local MDP attendents

Development Program (JMP)

External hires

Total Staffing need

7 4

3 5


5 4

3 6


2 0 3

Source: List of Bosch-specific abbreviations and definitions:

MDP/DG: Management-Developing-Program/Development Group JMP = Junior Managers Program

LM = Lower Management, MM = Middle Management, UM = Upper Management


1 . Tlie case study is imaginary. Boscti tias no such activities in Kazakhstan. However, the described HR measures reflect current practices within this MNE.

Marion Resting is Professor of Human Resource Management and Intercultural Leadership, ESCP Europe, Berlin/Germany; Manfred Froehlecke, Vice President, Corporate Department Human Resources Management – Executives, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stultgart/Germany.

See also www.bosch.com and Robert Bosch GmbH. (2011). Annual Report 2010. Retrieved October 10, 2011, from http://www.bosch.com/worldsite_startpage/ flashbool</GB2010„EN. pdf.

  • Robert Bosch GmbH (2011:41, 80).

Robert Bosch GmbH (2011:19, 82),

Robert Bosch GmbH (2011:139)

MED is the German abbreviation for “Mitarbeiterentwicklungs-Durchsprache” or in English “Management Potontial Review”.

The standardized entry Program JUMP is still in the implementation phase. Other – comparable programs, e.g.. Management Trainee Programs, have been in place for some time.

Robert Bosch GmbH (2011: 59)

  • This section is mainly based on Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011 a). Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan [in Russian). Retrieved November 18,

2011, from http://www,stat.i<z/publishing/20111/ Dem2010.rar and Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011 b). Kazakhstan in 2010, Retrieved November 18, 2011, from http://www.eng.stat.kz/ publishing/DocLib/2011/Statyear2010.pdf.

1 1 . Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (20118:8,25). _

  • Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2010). 2009 Population Census Results [in Russian], Retrieved Retrieved November 18, 2011, from http:// wwwy.stat.kz/news/Pages/n2_12_11 _10.aspx,
  • Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011b: 9,10,167,400).
  • The case study is imaginary, Bosch has no such activities in Kazakhstan.
  • The Case Study is simpilfied. A detailed planning of functional areas Is not the intent of this case exercise. The student should learn to ask the right questions about how to source manpower, what challenges the company faces in a difficult environment and what measures must be taken to meet the future demands.
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Week 4 – Assignment

Annual Report Formats

[WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 3, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 10Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 from your textbook; review the website AnnualReports.com (Links to an external site.); and review the Week 4 Weekly Lecture.

Go to AnnualReports.com (Links to an external site.) and review the annual reports recently released by two corporations in the same industry. Review each report and discuss the issues listed below.

It is strongly encouraged that you receive feedback on your paper using the Ashford Writing Center Paper Review at least two days before it is due. Then implement the feedback into your paper before submitting it to Waypoint. For instructions on how to use this feature, please review the Ashford Writing Center Paper Review (Links to an external site.). Make sure you appropriately cite your sources from AnnualReports.com and include a minimum of two scholarly and/or credible sources from the library in addition to the course text.

In your paper,

  • Describe organizational differences that you see in how each corporation discusses its annual performance.
  • Explain how clearly the data is or is not presented for enabling shareholders to draw conclusions about how well the company performed.
  • Explain what goals, challenges, and plans top managers emphasize in their discussion of results.
  • Describe ways the format and organization of each report enhances or detracts from the information being presented.

The Annual Report Formats paper

  • Must two to three double-spaced in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)
  • Must include a separate title with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)  (Links to an external site.)for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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