Biology Labs

image9.jpg image10.jpg

Pre-Lab Questions

1. What are chromosomes made of?

2. Research the differences that exist between mitosis and binary fission. Identify at least one difference, and explain why it is significant.

3. Cancer is a disease related to uncontrolled cell division. Investigate two known causes for these rapidly dividing cells and use this knowledge to invent a drug that would inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Experiment 1: Observation of Mitosis in a Plant Cell

In this experiment, we will look at the different stage of mitosis in an onion cell. Remember that mitosis only occupies one to two hours while interphase can take anywhere from 18 – 24 hours. Using this information and the data from your experiment, you can estimate the percentage of cells in each stage of the cell cycle.



Onion (allium) Root Tip Digital Slide Images



Part 1: Calculating Time Spent in Each Cell Cycle Phase

1. The length of the cell cycle in the onion root tip is about 24 hours. Predict how many hours of the 24 hour cell cycle you think each step takes. Record your predictions, along with supporting evidence, in Table 1.

2. Examine the onion root tip slide images on the following pages. There are four images, each displaying a different field of view. Pick one of the images, and count the number of cells in each stage. Then count the total number of cells in the image. Record the image you selected and your counts in Table 2.

3. Calculate the time spent by a cell in each stage based on the 24 hour cycle:

Hours of Stage = 24 x Number of Cells in Stage 
  Total Number of Cells Counted

Part 2: Identifying Stages of the Cell Cycle

1. Observe the images of the root cap tip.

2. Locate a good example of a cell in each of the following stages: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

3. Draw the dividing cell in the appropriate area for each stage of the cell cycle, exactly as it appears. Include your drawings in Table 3.

Onion Root Tip: 100X

Onion Root Tip: 100X

Onion Root Tip: 100X

Onion Root Tip: 100X

Table 1: Mitosis Predictions
Supporting Evidence:  
Table 2: Mitosis Data
Number of Cells in Each Stage Total Number of Cells Calculated % of Time Spent in Each Stage
Interphase:   Interphase:
Prophase:   Prophase:
Metaphase:   Metaphase:
Anaphase:   Anaphase:
Telophase:   Telophase:
Cytokinesis:   Cytokinesis:
Table 3: Stage Drawings
Cell Stage: Drawing:

Post-Lab Questions

1. Label the arrows in the slide image below with the appropriate stage of the cell cycle.


2. In what stage were most of the onion root tip cells? Based on what you know about cell cycle division, what does this imply about the life span of a cell?

3. Were there any stages of the cell cycle that you did not observe? How can you explain this using evidence from the cell cycle?

4. As a cell grows, what happens to its surface area to volume ratio? (Hint: Think of a balloon being blown up). How does this ratio change with respect to cell division?

5. What is the function of mitosis in a cell that is about to divide?

6. What would happen if mitosis were uncontrolled?

7. How accurate were your time predication for each stage of the cell cycle?

8. Discuss one observation that you found interesting while looking at the onion root tip cells.

Experiment 2: Tracking Chromosomal DNA Movement through Mitosis

image10.jpgAlthough mitosis and meiosis share similarities, they are different processes and create very different results. In this experiment, you will follow the movement of the chromosomes through mitosis to create somatic daughter cells.


2 Sets of Different Colored Pop-it® Beads (32 of each – these may be any color) (8) 5-Holed Pop-it® Beads (used as centromeres)



Genetic content is replicated during interphase. DNA exists as loose molecular strands called chromatin; it has not condensed to form chromosomes yet.

Sister chromatids begin coiling into chromosomes during prophase. Begin your experiment here:

1. Build a pair of replicated, homologous chromosomes. 10 beads should be used to create each individual sister chromatid (20 beads per chromosome pair). Two five-holed beads represent each centromere. To do this…

Figure 5: Bead set-up. The blue beads represent one pair of sister chromatids and the black beads represent a second pair of sister chromatids. The black and blue pair are homologous.

a. Start with 20 beads of one color to create your first sister chromatid pair. Five beads must be snapped together for each of the four different strands. Two strands create the first chromatid, and two strands create the second chromatid.

b. Place one five-holed bead flat on a work surface with the node positioned up. Then, snap two of the four strands into the bead to create an “I” shaped sister chromatid. Repeat this step with the other two strands and another five-holed bead.

c. Once both sister chromatids are constructed, connect them by their five-holed beads creating an “X” shape.

d. Repeat this process using 20 new beads (of a different color) to create the second sister chromatid pair. See Figure 5 for reference.

2. Assemble a second pair of replicated sister chromatids; this time using 12 beads, instead of 20, per pair (six beads per each complete sister chromatid strand).

Figure 6: Second set of replicated chromosomes.

3. Repeat this process using 12 new beads (of a different color) to create the second set of sister chromatids. See Figure 6 for reference.

4. Configure the chromosomes as they would appear in each of the stages of the cell cycle (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis). Diagram the images for each stage in the section titled “Cell Cycle Division: Mitosis Beads Diagram”. Be sure to indicate the number of chromosomes present in each cell for each phase.

Cell Cycle Division: Mitosis Beads Diagram:










Post-Lab Questions

1. How many chromosomes did each of your daughter cells contain?

2. Why is it important for each daughter cell to contain information identical to the parent cell?

3. How often do human skin cells divide? Why might that be? Compare this rate to how frequently human neurons divide. What do you notice?

4. Hypothesize what would happen if the sister chromatids did not split equally during anaphase of mitosis.

Experiment 3: The Importance of Cell Cycle Control

Some environmental factors can cause genetic mutations which result in a lack of proper cell cycle control (mitosis). When this happens, the possibility for uncontrolled cell growth occurs. In some instances, uncontrolled growth can lead to tumors, which are often associated with cancer, or other biological diseases.

image11.jpgIn this experiment, you will review some of the karyotypic differences which can be observed when comparing normal, controlled cell growth and abnormal, uncontrolled cell growth. A karyotype is an image of the complete set of diploid chromosomes in a single cell.


*Computer Access *Internet Access


*You Must Provide



1. Begin by constructing a hypothesis to explain what differences you might observe when comparing the karyotypes of human cells which experience normal cell cycle control versus cancerous cells (which experience abnormal, or a lack of, cell cycle control). Record your hypothesis in Post-Lab Question 1. Note: Be sure to include what you expect to observe, and why you think you will observe these features. Think about what you know about cancerous cell growth to help construct this information

2. Go online to find some images of abnormal karyotypes, and normal karyotypes. The best results will come from search terms such as “abnormal karyotype”, “HeLa cells”, “normal karyotype”, “abnormal chromosomes”, etc. Be sure to use dependable resources which have been peer-reviewed

3. Identify at least five abnormalities in the abnormal images. Then, list and draw each image in the Data section at the end of this experiment. Do these abnormalities agree with your original hypothesis? Hint: It may be helpful to count the number of chromosomes, count the number of pairs, compare the sizes of homologous chromosomes, look for any missing or additional genetic markers/flags, etc.











Post-Lab Questions

1. Record your hypothesis from Step 1 in the Procedure section here.

2. What do your results indicate about cell cycle control?

3. Suppose a person developed a mutation in a somatic cell which diminishes the performance of the body’s natural cell cycle control proteins. This mutation resulted in cancer, but was effectively treated with a cocktail of cancer-fighting techniques. Is it possible for this person’s future children to inherit this cancer-causing mutation? Be specific when you explain why or why not.

Pre-Lab Questions

1. Arrange the following molecules from least to most specific with respect to the original nucleotide sequence: RNA, DNA, Amino Acid, Protein

2. Identify two structural differences between DNA and RNA.

3. Suppose you are performing an experiment in which you must use heat to denature a double helix and create two single stranded pieces. Based on what you know about nucleotide bonding, do you think the nucleotides will all denature at the same time? Use scientific reasoning to explain why.

Experiment 1: Coding

In this experiment, you will model the effects of mutations on the genetic code. Some mutations cause no structural or functional change to proteins while others can have devastating affects on an organism.



Red Beads

Blue Beads


Yellow Beads

Green Beads



1. Using the red, blue, yellow and green beads, devise and lay out a three color code for each of the following letters (codon). For example Z = green : red : green.

In the spaces below the letter, record your “code”.

C: E: H: I: K: L:
bbb ggg rrr yyy bgr Grb
M: O: S: T: U:
yrg yby byb Rgr Gyg
Create codons for: Start: Stop: Space:
  bbr ggr yyr

2. Using this code, align the beads corresponding to the appropriate letter to write the following sentence (don’t forget start, space and stop): The mouse likes most cheese

a. How many beads did you use? 87

There are multiple ways your cells can read a sequence of DNA and build slightly different proteins from the same strand. We will not go through the process here, but as an illustration of this “alternate splicing”, remove codons (beads) 52 – 66 from your sentence above.

b. What does the sentence say now? (re-write the entire sentence) The mouse likes cheese

Mutations are simply changes in the sequence of nucleotides. There are three ways this occurs:

1. Change a nucleotide(s)

2. Remove a nucleotide(s)

3. Add a nucleotide(s)

3. Using the sentence from exercise 1B:

a. Change the 24th bead to a different color. What does the sentence say now (re-read the entire sentence)? Does the sentence still make sense?

The moose likes cheese

b. Replace the 24th bead and remove the 20th bead (remember what was there). What does the sentence say (re-read the entire sentence)? Does the sentence still make sense? If it doesn’t make sense as a sentence, are there any words that do? If so, what words still make sense?

The muse likes cheese

c. Replace the 20th bead and add one between bead numbers 50 and 51. What does the sentence say now? Does the sentence still make sense?

d. In 3.a (above) you mutated one letter. What role do you think the redundancy of the genetic code plays in this type of change?

e. Based on your observations, why do you suppose the mutations we made in 3.b and 3.c are called frame shift mutations?

f. Which mutations do you suspect have the greatest consequence? Why?

Experiment 2: Transcription and Translation

DNA codes for all of the proteins manufactured by any organism (including you!). It is valuable, highly informative and securely protected in the nucleus of every cell. Consider the following analogy:

An architect spends months or years designing a building. Her original drawings are valuable and informative. She will not provide the original copy to everyone involved in constructing the building. Instead, she gives the electrician a copy with the information she needs to build the electrical system. She will do the same for the plumbers, the framers, the roofers and everyone else who needs to play a role to build the structure. These are subsets of the information contained in the original copy. Your cell does the same thing. The “original drawings” are contained in your DNA which is securely stored in the nucleus.

Nuclear DNA is “opened up” by an enzyme called helicase, and a subset of information is transcribed into RNA. RNA is a single strand version of DNA, where the nucleotide uracil, replaces thymine. The copies are sent from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in the form of messenger RNA (mRNA ). Once in the cytoplasm, transfer RNA (tRNA) links to the codons and aligns the proper amino acids, based on the mRNA sequence. Protein builders called ribosomes float around in the cytoplasm, latch onto the strand of mRNA and sequentially link the amino acids together that the tRNA has lined up for them. This construction of proteins from the mRNA is known as translation.



Blue beads Green beads Red beads Yellow beads Pop-it® beads (8 different colors) *Pen or pencil


*You Must Provide In this experiment:

· Regular beads are used as nucleotides.

· Pop-it® beads are used as amino acids.



1. Use a pen or pencil to write a five word sentence using no more than eight different letters in the space below.

2. Now, use the red, blue, green, and yellow beads to form “codons” (three beads) for each letter in your sentence. Then, create codons to represent the “start, “space” and stop” regions within your sentence. Write the sentence using the beads in the space below:

3. How many beads did you use?

4. Assign one Pop-It® bead to represent each codon. You do not need to assign a Pop-It® bead for the start, stop and space regions. These will be your amino acids.

5. Connect the Pop-It® beads to build the chain of amino acids that code for your sentence (leave out the start, stop, and space regions).

6. How many different amino acids did you use?

7. How many total amino acids did you use?

Experiment 3: DNA Extraction

image14.jpgMuch can be learned from studying an organism’s DNA. The first step to doing this is extracting DNA from cells. In this experiment, you will isolate DNA from the cells of fruit.


(1) 10 mL Graduated Cylinder (2) 100 mL Beakers 15 cm Cheesecloth 1 Resealable Bag 1 Rubber Band (Large. Contains latex; please wear gloves when handling if you have a latex allergy). Standing Test Tube Wooden Stir Stick *Fresh, Soft Fruit (e.g., Grapes, Strawberries, Banana, etc.)


*Scissors **DNA Extraction Solution ***Ice Cold Ethanol *You Must Provide **Contains sodium chloride, detergent and water ***For ice cold ethanol, store in the freezer 60 minutes before use.


REMINDER: You are REQUIRED to video yourself performing steps 3 through 9 of the procedure below. You MUST submit the video with the lab to receive credit for this experiment.


1. If you have not done so, prepare the ethanol by placing it in a freezer for approximately 60 minutes.

2. Put pieces of a soft fruit into a plastic zipper bag and mash with your fist. The amount of food should be equal to the size of approximately five grapes.

3. Use the 10 mL graduated cylinder to measure 10 mL of the DNA Extraction Solution. Transfer the solution from the cylinder to the bag with the fruit it in. Seal the bag completely.

4. Mix well by kneading the bag for two minutes.

5. Create a filter by placing the center of the cheesecloth over the mouth of the standing test tube, pushing it into the tube about two inches, and securing the cheesecloth with a rubber band around the top of the test tube.

6. Cut a hole in the corner of the bag and filter your extraction by pouring it into the cheesecloth. You will need to keep the filtered solution which passes through the cheese cloth into the standing test tube.

7. Rinse the 10 mL graduated cylinder, and measure five mL of ice-cold ethanol. Then, while holding the standing test tube at a 45° angle, slowly transfer the ethanol into the standing test tube with the filtered solution.

Figure 6: DNA extraction. The color has been enhanced by dying the fruit with a substance that glows under black light.

8. DNA will precipitate (come out of solution) after the ethanol has been added to the solution. Let the test tube sit undisturbed for 2 – 5 minutes. You should begin to see air bubbles form at the boundary line between the ethanol and the filtered fruit solution. Bubbles will form near the top, and you will eventually see the DNA float to the top of the ethanol.

9. Gently insert the stir stick into the test tube. Slowly raise and lower the tip several times to spool and collect the DNA. If there is an insufficient amount of DNA available, it may not float to the top of the solution in a form that can be easily spooled or removed from the tube. However, the DNA will still be visible as white/clear clusters by gently stirring the solution and pushing the clusters around the top.

Post-Lab Questions

1. What is the texture and consistency of the DNA?

2. Why did we use a salt in the extraction solution?

3. Is the DNA soluble in the aqueous solution or alcohol?

4. What else might be in the ethanol/aqueous interface? How could you eliminate this?

5. Which DNA bases pair with each other? How many hydrogen bonds are shared by each pair?

6. How is information to make proteins passed on through generations?

Pre-Lab Questions

1. In a species of mice, brown fur color is dominant to white fur color. When a brown mouse is crossed with a white mouse all of their offspring have brown fur. Why did none of the offspring have white fur?

2. Can a person’s genotype be determine by their phenotype? Why or why not?

3. Are incomplete dominant and co-dominant patterns of inheritance found in human traits? If yes, give examples of each.

4. Consider the following genotype: Yy Ss Hh. We have now added the gene for height: Tall (H) or Short (h).

a. How many different gamete combinations can be produced?

b. Many traits (phenotypes), like eye color, are controlled by multiple genes. If eye color were controlled by the number of genes indicated below, how many possible genotype combinations would there be in the following scenarios?

5 Eye Color Genes:

10 Eye Color Genes:

20 Eye Color Genes:

Experiment 1: Punnett Square Crosses

In this experiment you will use monohybrid and dihybrid crosses to predict patterns of inheritance.



Blue Beads Green Beads Red Beads


Yellow Beads (2) 100 mL Beakers Permanent Marker



Part 1: Punnett Squares

1. Set up and complete Punnett squares for each of the following crosses: (remember Y = yellow, and y = blue)

Y Y and Y y Y Y and y y

2. What are the resulting phenotypes?

3. Are there any blue kernels? How can you tell?

4. Set up and complete a Punnett squares for a cross of two of the F1 from Step 1 (above).

5. What are the genotypes of the F2 generation?

6. What are their phenotypes?

7. Are there more or less blue kernels than in the F1 generation?

8. Identify the four possible gametes produced by the following individuals:

a) YY Ss:  ______ ______ ______  ______
b) Yy Ss: ______ ______ ______ ______
c) Create a Punnett square using these gametes as P and determine the genotypes of the F1:

What are the phenotypes? What is the ratio of those phenotypes?

Part 2 and 3 Setup

1. Use the permanent marker to label the two 100 mL beakers as “1” and “2”.

2. Pour 50 of the blue beads and 50 of the yellow beads into Beaker 1. Sift or stir the beads around to create a homogenous mixture.

3. Pour 50 of the red beads and 50 of the green beads into Beaker 2. Sift or stir the beads around to create a homogenous mixture.

Assumptions for the remainder of the experiment:

· Beaker 1 contains beads that are either yellow or blue.

· Beaker 2 contains beads that are either green or red.

· Both beakers contain approximately the same number of each colored bead.

· These colors correspond to the following traits (remember that Y/y is for kernel color and S/s is for smooth/wrinkled):

1. Yellow (Y) vs. Blue (y)

2. Green (G) vs. Red (g).

Part 2: Monohybrid Cross

1. Randomly (without looking) take two beads out of Beaker 1. This is the genotype of Individual #1. Record the genotype in Table 1. Do not put these beads back into the beaker.

Table 1: Parent Genotypes: Monohybrid Crosses
Generation Genotype of Individual 1 Genotype of Individual 2

2. Repeat Step 1 for Individual #2. These two genotypes represent the parents (generation P) for the next generation.

3. Set up a Punnett square and determine the genotypes and phenotypes for this cross. Record your data in Table 2

4. Repeat Step 3 four more times (for a total of five subsequent generations). Return the beads to their respective beakers when finished.

Table 2: Generation Data Produced by Monohybrid Crosses
Parents Possible Offspring Genotypes Possible Offspring Phenotypes Genotype Ratio Phenotype Ratio

Post-Lab Questions

Part 2: Monohybrid Cross

1. How much genotypic variation do you find in the randomly picked parents of your crosses?

2. How much in the offspring?

3. How much phenotypic variation?

4. Is the ratio of observed phenotypes the same as the ratio of predicted phenotypes? Why or why not?

5. Pool all of the offspring from your five replicates. How much phenotypic variation do you find?

6. What is the difference between genes and alleles?

7. How might protein synthesis execute differently if a mutation occurs?

8. Organisms heterozygous for a recessive trait are often called carriers of that trait. What does that mean?

9. In peas, green pods (G) are dominant over yellow pods. If a homozygous dominant plant is crossed with a homozygous recessive plant, what will be the phenotype of the F1 generation? If two plants from the F1 generation are crossed, what will the phenotype of their offspring be?

  © 2013 eScience Labs, LLC. All Rights Reserved    


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Human Genetics

[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]

Please answer each question fully and in complete sentences. You may use textbook, or PowerPoint slides, and resources indicated in the questions below; if you use other resources, they must be cited properly in a working bibliography (author, article title, journal or book title, date of publication, page numbers)

Topic 8: Multifactorial and Acquired Developmental Traits

Should a woman be held legally responsible if she drinks alcohol, smokes, or abuses drugs during pregnancy and it harms her child (e.g., fetal alcohol syndrome)? If so, should liability apply to all substances that can harm a fetus, or only to those that are illegal? For example, we know that maternal weight gain in pregnancy is associated with an increased risk for diabetes in their children. What evidence or reasoning leads you to this opinion? State your opinion and then give sound reasoning for it.)

Topic 9: Multifactorial and Acquired Cancer Traits

Many genes contribute to lung cancer risk, especially among people who smoke tobacco. These genes include p53, IL1A, IL1B, CYP1A1, EPHX1, TERT, and CRR9. Search for one of these genes online and describe how mutations in the gene may contribute to causing lung cancer, or how polymorphisms in the gene may be associated with increased risk in combination with smoking. Be sure to choose a trustworthy source and cite the source with your answer.

Topic 10: Acquired Microbiome Traits

Malnutrition is common among children in the African nation of Malawi. Researchers hypothesized that the microbiome may play a role in starvation because in some families, some children are malnourished and their siblings are not, even though they eat the same diet. Even identical twins may differ in nutritional status.

Researchers followed 317 sets of twins in Malawi, from birth until age 3. In half of the twin pairs, one or both twins developed kwashiorkor, the type of protein malnutrition that swells bellies. The researchers focused on twin pairs in which only one was starving, including both identical and fraternal pairs. At the first sign that one twin was malnourished, both were placed on a diet of healthy “therapeutic food.” Four weeks later, the pair returned to the nutrient-poor village diet. If the malnourished twin became so again, then the researchers compared his or her microbiome to that of the healthy sibling. The goal was to identify bacterial species that impair the ability of a child to extract nutrients from the native diet. [Smith, et al. (2013) Gut microbiomes of Malawian twin pairs discordant for kwashiorkor. Science 339(6119):548-554.]

How might the findings from this study be applied to help prevent or treat malnutrition? Do you think that the study was conducted ethically? Why or why not? Explain how identical twins who follow the same diet can differ in nutritional status.

Topic 11: Multifactorial and Acquired Epigenetic Traits

The environmental epigenetics hypothesis states that early negative experiences, such as neglect, abuse, and extreme stress, increase the risk of developing depression, anxiety disorder, addictions, and/or obesity later in life through effects on gene expression that persist and can be passed on to the next generation. Suggest an experiment to test this hypothesis.

Topic 12: Genetics of Human Populations: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

Population bottlenecks are evident today in Arab communities, Israel, India, Thailand, Scandinavia, some African nations, and especially among indigenous peoples such as Native Americans. Research an indigenous or isolated population and describe a genetic condition that its members have that is rare among other groups of people, and how the population bottleneck occurred.

Topic 13: Human Evolution

Explain why analyzing mitochondrial DNA or Y chromosome DNA cannot provide a complete picture of an individual’s ancestry. How can a female trace her paternal lineage if she does not have a Y chromosome?

Topic 14: Biotechnology in Human Genetic Research

Go to and search under “gene therapy.” Describe one of the current research trials for correcting a genetic problem. Include information about the genetic condition if available, including: mode of inheritance, age of onset, symptom severity, variability in expression, existing treatments (standard of care), and how the gene therapy is proposed to correct the problem.

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Biology 1334 Lab Assignment #2

DNA and Protein Synthesis Hands-On Labs, Inc. Version 42-0051-00-02

Review the safety materials and wear goggles when working with chemicals. Read the entire exercise before you begin. Take time to organize the materials you will need and set aside a safe work space in which to complete the exercise.

Experiment Summary:

You will learn the structure and function of DNA and RNA. You will learn the similarities and differences between DNA and RNA. You will learn the process of protein synthesis and create and use models to demonstrate both transcription and translation.

© Hands-On Labs, Inc. 1


Learning Objectives Upon completion of this laboratory, you will be able to:

● Review the structure and function of DNA.

● Identify the codons that code for amino acids in DNA and RNA.

● Explain the purpose of start and stop codons in protein synthesis.

● Summarize the steps involved in protein synthesis and define a ribosome and its three sites.

● Summarize the steps of transcription, including: initiation, elongation, and termination.

● Summarize the steps of translation, including; initiation, elongation, and termination.

● Illustrate and model the processes of transcription and translation.

● Construct a series of tRNA molecules and write the anti-codons and amino acids each tRNA carries.

● Explain the difference in the number of amino acids that were present at the start and at the end of the translation model.

Time Allocation: 3 hours 2 ©Hands-On Labs, Inc.

Experiment DNA and Protein Synthesis

Materials Student Supplied Materials

Quantity Item Description 1 Camera, digital or Smartphone 1 Pair of scissors 1 Printer

10 Sheets of printer paper 1 Pen or pencil 1 Tape

HOL Supplied Materials

Quantity Item Description 1 DNA Nucleotide Template 1 RNA Nucleotide Template 1 tRNA Template

Note: To fully and accurately complete all lab exercises, you will need access to:

1. A computer to upload digital camera images.

2. Basic photo editing software such as Microsoft Word® or PowerPoint®, to add labels, leader lines, or text to digital photos.

3. Subject-specific textbook or appropriate reference resources from lecture content or other suggested resources.

Note: The packaging and/or materials in this LabPaq kit may differ slightly from that which is listed above. For an exact listing of materials, refer to the Contents List included in your LabPaq kit. 3 ©Hands-On Labs, Inc.

Experiment DNA and Protein Synthesis

Background DNA, Codons, and Proteins

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the genetic material of all living organisms, is composed of two chains of nucleotides wound together in a double-helical formation. Nucleotides, the molecules responsible for the structural units of DNA, are composed of three sections: a phosphate group (PO4), a sugar (deoxyribose) group, and a nitrogenous base. There are four different DNA nucleotides: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G), which are identical in their phosphate and sugar groups, but vary in their nitrogenous bases. The bonds between the sugar and phosphate groups of each nucleotide form the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA and the two strands wind together as a result of base pairing: AT (Adenine-Thymine) or GC (Guanine- Cytosine).

The arrangement of the four DNA nucleotides creates the genetic code, the blueprint for all living things. The genetic code is composed of codons, triplets of nucleotides that contain the code for the production of amino acids, which are strung together to create proteins (polypeptide chains). Proteins are highly complex, organic substances that provide a vast number of functions in living organisms, including maintenance of cells and growth. Thus, proteins are essential components of living tissues including: skin, bones, and muscle. The four different nucleotides provide 64 different codons (four options for each of three positions = 43 = 64 options), which code for one of twenty amino acids or a stop codon. See Table 1.

Table 1. Codon Chart (DNA) 4 ©Hands-On Labs, Inc.

Experiment DNA and Protein Synthesis

Protein Biosynthesis and Transcription

Protein biosynthesis is the process where cells use the genetic code to build proteins. The process differs slightly between prokaryotes (single-celled organism with no organelles or distinct nucleus) and eukaryotes (single or multi-celled organisms with organelles and DNA contained in a distinct nucleus). In the context of this experiment, the focus will be on the main steps and commonalities between the prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein biosynthesis steps. There are two main steps in protein biosynthesis: transcription and translation.

Transcription is the process by which single stranded RNA is synthesized from DNA. RNA (ribonucleic acid), like DNA, is composed of nucleotides with a phosphate, a sugar (ribose), and one of four nitrogenous bases. The nucleotides adenine, cytosine, and guanine exist in both DNA and RNA, however; in RNA, the nucleotide uracil (U) replaces thymine (T), and binds with adenine (A). See Figure 1.

Figure 1. Nitrogenous bases in DNA and RNA. Note that while DNA is double-stranded, RNA exists as a single-strand. © udaix

There are three steps in transcription: initiation, elongation, and termination. A general depiction of transcription is shown in Figure 2. 5 ©Hands-On Labs, Inc.

Experiment DNA and Protein Synthesis

Figure 2. General schematic of transcription. © The National Human Genome Research Institute

In initiation, an enzyme called RNA polymerase binds to the DNA promoter, which is the DNA sequence that initiates transcription. The RNA polymerase causes the two strands of DNA to begin unwinding and separate from one another. In elongation, the RNA polymerase travels downstream (3’ to 5’) along the DNA antisense strand, elongating the mRNA transcript in the 5’ to 3’ direction. The DNA antisense strand is the template strand from which the mRNA is transcribed. Figure 2 illustrates how transcription creates an mRNA copy of the DNA sense, or coding, strand, with uracil replacing thymine in the newly constructed mRNA. As the RNA polymerase continues to move downstream, the two strand of DNA re-wind into a double-helix formation. In termination, the RNA polymerase detaches from the DNA and releases the transcribed mRNA. In a prokaryote, the released mRNA is complete and ready to move into translation, while in a eukaryote the released RNA undergoes a series of steps where it is processed before moving into translation as mRNA.


Translation, the second main step of protein synthesis, is the process by which the mRNA (created in transcription) is converted into a protein. In a prokaryote, translation occurs in the cytoplasm, the same site as transcription; while in eukaryotes, translation occurs in the cytoplasm, where it is carried after transcription has completed in the nucleus. There are two major players in translation; transfer RNA (tRNA) and ribosomes. tRNA is a clover-shaped molecule that acts as the interpreter between mRNA and the protein it will help to synthesize. A ribosome is an organelle which functions as the site of protein synthesis. Ribosomes are made of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and protein molecules, and are divided into two subunits: large and small. The small ribosomal 6 ©Hands-On Labs, Inc.

Experiment DNA and Protein Synthesis

subunit binds the mRNA and reads the information contained in the mRNA nucleotide sequence. The large ribosomal subunit contains three binding sites: the peptidyl-tRNA site (P site), the aminoacyl-tRNA site (A site), and the exit site (E site). See Figure 3.

Figure 3. The ribosome.

There are three steps in translation: activation and initiation, elongation, and termination. A general depiction of translation is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. General schematic of translation.

In the first step of translation, activation and initiation, the mRNA is threaded between the 7 ©Hands-On Labs, Inc.

Experiment DNA and Protein Synthesis

small and large subunits of the ribosome. The ribosome signals the start of translation when it encounters and binds to the first start codon (AUG, which codes for the amino acid methionine) at the A site. The tRNA carrying the anticodon (UTC) and the methionine binds to the mRNA codon at the ribosomal A site, creating the initiation complex, signaling translation to begin. The tRNA bound mRNA then moves into the P site, which brings in the next tRNA carrying the complementary anticodon and amino acid to the mRNA now in the A site.

The amino acid in the P site then forms a peptide bond with the amino acid in the A site, releasing the amino acid from the tRNA in the P site and moving the empty tRNA into the E site. Simultaneously, the tRNA in the A site, holding the two peptide-bonded amino acids, then moves into the P site, signaling the next tRNA to bind to the mRNA in the A site. Using Figure 4 as an example, as the empty tRNA (which had been carrying valine) exits the E site, a peptide bond is formed between lysine (in the P site) and cysteine (in the A site). The lysine (peptide bound to valine, glutamate, serine, and glycine) then detaches from the tRNA in the P site and attaches to the tRNA in the A site. The tRNA in the A site (now carrying the cysteine, lysine, valine, glutamate, serine, and glycine) then moves into the P site, releasing the tRNA that had carried the lysine from the E site. As the tRNA is released from the E site, tRNA carrying the anticodon AUA and the amino acid tyrosine (yellow Tyr) binds to the mRNA in the A site, continuing the process. This continuous process, called elongation, builds the polypeptide chain (protein) one amino acid at a time until the mRNA reads a stop codon (UAA, UAG, or UGA).

When a stop codon is encountered in the mRNA at the A site, termination is signaled. In termination the stop codon signals the end of elongation, which cleaves the protein from the tRNA, allowing it to exit the ribosome. The two ribosome subunits and the mRNA then dissociate from one another, completing the translation process. The protein then undergoes a series of steps including post-translational modifications and protein folding to assume its new shape.

In 2009, Dr. Ada Yonath won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. She was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry

in 45 years, since Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin in 1964, and the first woman in the Middle East to ever win the Chemistry Nobel Prize. Her award,

shared with Dr. Thomas Steitz and Dr. Venkatraman Ramakrishnam, was the result of her work on the

structural determination of the ribosome, determining the structure of both the small and large ribosomal

subunits. Her work lead to the conclusion that a ribosome is a ribozyme (ribonucleic acid enzyme), that

organizes its substrates in the stereochemistry necessary for the formation of peptide bonds. From her work came the new and exciting crystallization technique called cryo bio-crystallography, which allows for the crystallization of large biological macromolecules at cryogenic temperatures (approximately -320°F)

allowing the macromolecules to maintain their solution state. 8 ©Hands-On Labs, Inc.

Experiment DNA and Protein Synthesis

Exercise 1: Protein Synthesis In this exercise, you will model the steps of protein synthesis, starting with a single strand of nucleotides and ending with a protein.

1. Print 6 copies of the DNA Nucleotide Template, 4 copies of the RNA Nucleotide Template, and 1 copy of the tRNA Template. It is preferable, but not necessary, to print them in color. The templates are located in the “Supplemental Documents” folder of your digital courseware.

2. Review the coding strand of DNA (5’ to 3’) in Data Table 1 of your Lab Report Assistant.

3. Create the template strand of DNA (3’ to 5’) and record in Data Table 1.

4. Gather the scissors, tape, and the 6 printed copies of the DNA Nucleotide Template. Cut out the nucleotides from the template. It is not necessary to cut out the entire nucleotide; rather, cut the nucleotide in a rectangular shape, only cutting out the details of the nitrogenous bases. See Figure 5.

Figure 5. Cutting out DNA nitrogenous bases.

5. Using the DNA nucleotides, create the entire double strand of DNA by matching up and taping together the base pairs. See Figure 6 as an example. 9 ©Hands-On Labs, Inc.

Experiment DNA and Protein Synthesis

Figure 6. Pairing of DNA nucleotides.

6. Take a photograph of the completed double strand of DNA with your name and the data showing in the photograph. Resize and insert the photograph into Data Table 2 of your Lab Report Assistant. Refer to the appendix entitled “Resizing an Image” for guidance with resizing an image.

7. Determine the mRNA strand that transcription would produce from the DNA template strand and record the mRNA strand in Data Table 1.

8. Gather the 4 printed copies of the RNA Nucleotide Template. Cut out the nucleotides from the template. It is not necessary to cut out the entire nucleotide; rather, cut the nucleotide in a rectangular shape, only cutting out the details of the nitrogenous bases.

9. Using the RNA nucleotides, create the mRNA strand by matching up and taping together the base pairs.

10. Take a photograph of the mRNA strand with your name and the date showing in the photograph. Resize and insert the photograph in Data Table 2.

11. Starting with the first mRNA nucleotide, determine what amino acids the codons in the mRNA are coding for and record in Data Table 1.

Note: Use Table 2 to determine the amino acids coded by RNA codons. 10 ©Hands-On Labs, Inc.

Experiment DNA and Protein Synthesis

Table 2. Codon Chart (RNA)

12. Gather the printed copy of the tRNA Template and cut out the tRNAs.

13. Build the line of tRNAs that would flow into the A site during translation. Write the anti- codons into each tRNA and the amino acid the mRNA codes for. See Figure 7 as an example of the tRNA that would be created from the mRNA codons CCU.

Note: Use Figure 4 in the Background section as needed to help organize your thoughts and identify where in the mRNA strand translation would begin. 11 ©Hands-On Labs, Inc.

Experiment DNA and Protein Synthesis

Figure 7. tRNA created from mRNA (CCU). Note that the anti-codons (GGA) and the name of the amino acid (gly = glycine) are written into the tRNA.

14. Take a photograph of the tRNAs (in order) with your name and the date showing in the photograph. Resize and insert the photograph in Data Table 2.

15. Write the name of the each amino acid in the final protein created from translation and record in Data Table 1.

16. When you are finished uploading photos and data into your Lab Report Assistant, save your file correctly and zip the file so you can send it to your instructor as a smaller file. Refer to the appendix entitled “Saving Correctly” and the appendix entitled “Zipping Files” for guidance with saving the Lab Report Assistant correctly and zipping the file.

Note: Use a textbook or internet source, as necessary, for a list of the three-letter amino acid abbreviations and the full amino acid names.

Questions A. How many amino acids were coded for by the mRNA? How many amino acids were present

in the final protein chain created in translation? In detail, explain the differences in the two numbers; why were some amino acids coded for by the mRNA but not present in the final protein chain? What amino acids were omitted from the final protein chain? Explain your answers. 12 ©Hands-On Labs, Inc.

Experiment DNA and Protein Synthesis

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Survey Of Life Science BIO

Chapter 1: Learning about Life

Copyright © 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. 1

Name ________________________ Period _________

Chapter 1: Learning about Life

Guided Reading Activities

Chapter Content: The Scientific Study of Life

Complete the following questions as you read the first chapter content—The Scientific Study of Life:

1. is the study of life.

2. Jane Goodall is famous for her research on chimpanzees. Dr. Goodall observed the chimpan- zees for long periods of time and made numerous observations of them that she recorded very carefully. Which stage of scientific inquiry is this considered?

A) Exploration

B) Testing

C) Making a hypothesis

D) Drawing a conclusion

3. Use the following figure to answer this question. Assume your results reject your initial hypothesis as indicated. Briefly explain why you would not return to the exploration portion of the process to change the question instead of revising the hypothesis.


The remote’s batteries are dead.

TESTING • Forming hypotheses • Making predictions • Running experiments • Gathering data • Interpreting data • Drawing conclusions


If I replace the batteries, the

remote will work.


I replace the batteries with

new ones.

Experiment does not support

hypothesis; revise hypothesis or

pose new one.

Experiment supports hypothesis;

make additional predictions

and test them.



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Chapter 1: Learning about Life

2 Copyright © 2019 Pearson Education, Inc.

4. Match the following terms with the best definition: data, science, hypothesis, experiments, and peer review

Scientific tests where conditions can be controlled:

A tentative explanation for a set of observations:

A thorough review of scientific results prior to publication:

Inquiry into how the natural world functions:

Recorded observations:

5. The following figure indicates that the testing and communication components of science connect to each other. Briefly explain how these two components interact to strengthen each other. Hint—think back to peer review

6. An often misunderstood concept is the difference between a scientific theory and a hypothesis. Briefly explain what you would tell a student who believes a scientific theory and a hypothesis are the same.

EXPLORATION • Making observations • sking uestions • eeking information

TESTING • Forming hypotheses • Making predictions • Running experiments • Gathering data • Interpreting data • Drawing conclusions

COMMUNICATION • haring data • btaining feedback • ublishing papers • Replicating findings • uilding consensus

OUTCOMES • uilding knowledge • olving problems • Developing new technologies • enefiting society

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Chapter 1: Learning about Life

Copyright © 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. 3

7. Use the following table to compare a control group to an experimental group.

Control group Experimental group Description

8. On page 8 of your textbook the authors describe an experiment in which the amount of butter is changed between two cookie recipes. Imagine a scenario in which a person also changes the type of flour used (whole wheat flour versus regular bleached flour). Is this still an effective controlled experiment? Briefly explain your answer either way.

9. Use the following figure to answer this question. By day 8 how far have the baby turtles traveled?

10. How many factors does a scientist want to differ between the experimental and control groups?

A) 2

B) 0

C) 1

D) 3







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Chapter 1: Learning about Life

4 Copyright © 2019 Pearson Education, Inc.

11. You are a research scientist for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) interested in perform- ing a controlled experiment to determine the effects of caffeine on human blood pressure. One group of people will get caffeinated coffee and one will get decaffeinated coffee. Briefly explain why you would want that to be the only variable that differs between the two groups.

12. A is a fake treatment given to patients in the control group.

13. A friend tells you her grandfather’s pancakes are superior to all other pancakes because he puts only hand-churned butter from llamas into the batter. This is an example of what kind of evidence?

Chapter Content: The Properties of Life

Complete the following questions as you read the first chapter content—The Properties of Life:

1. A giant sequoia tree is very different from a human. List two properties these two organisms would exhibit despite all of their obvious differences.

2. A smart phone is not alive. List three characteristics of life that the phone does not exhibit.

3. List the properties of life.

Chapter Content: Major Themes in Biology

Complete the following questions as you read the first chapter content—Major Themes in Biology:

1. The branched structure of human lungs significantly increases the surface area for gas exchange. This greatly increases the efficiency of gas exchange within the lungs. Which of the following unifying themes of biology does this example illustrate?

A) Evolution

B) Relationship to structure and function

C) Interaction within biological systems

D) Information flow

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Chapter 1: Learning about Life

Copyright © 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. 5

2. Human growth hormone (HGH) is necessary for growth during human adolescence. Pituitary dwarfism is a condition that results from the inability of a person to produce HGH. Luckily, the human gene for HGH can be inserted into E. coli bacteria, which are able to make our HGH. The resulting HGH is used by people who are unable to make their own. What prop- erty about hereditary information makes this possible?

3. Energy and chemicals move through ecosystems in different ways. Energy flows an ecosystem, while nutrients are constantly through the ecosystem.

4. What level of biological organization is represented by Figure 1.14 on page 12 of your textbook?

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Chapter 1: Learning about Life

6 Copyright © 2019 Pearson Education, Inc.

5. What about Figure 1.13 on page 12 of your textbook?

6. Even though they have several differences, a bacterium and a human cell will both contain DNA. With respect to evolution, what does this fact suggest?

7. True or false: If false, please make it a correct statement. A rancher uses a particular chicken for breeding purposes because, on average, she observed that the chicken laid more eggs than other chickens. The rancher selecting the desirable trait would be considered an example of natural selection.

Major Theme Connection:

1. As a general rule, viruses are not considered to be alive based on several reasons. One such reason is that some viruses use RNA as their genetic material instead of DNA. Which of the five biological themes does this violate? Briefly explain why.

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Chapter 1: Learning about Life

Copyright © 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. 7

Common Thread Connection:

1. A scientist at the University of Iowa uses a microscope to observe cells in the brain known as microglia. He makes observations about their structure, location, and activity. The scientist eventually observes the cells undergo a sudden and radical shift in their structure/shape and their motility (ability to move). He asks himself questions about what is causing this shift in behaviors and begins to design an experiment to determine the answer. Briefly describe how the scientist practiced both the exploration and testing aspects of scientific inquiry.

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Lab Osmosis And Diffusion

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Lab 4 Cell Structure, Osmosis, and Diffusion

Introduction: Connecting Your Learning

The basic building block of life is the cell. Each cell contains several structures, some of which are common to both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells and some that are unique to specific cell types. This lab will discuss cell structures and how materials are moved in and out of the cell. Specifically, the principles of diffusion and osmosis will be demonstrated by performing a scientific investigation that studies the effect of salt concentration on potato cells.

Focusing Your Learning

Background Information

In 1662, Robert Hooke investigated the properties of cork when he discovered cells. He named them after small rooms in a monastery because they reminded him of them. Years later, in 1837, Schleiden and Schwann were attributed with developing the cell theory. While their original theory was modified, the fundamental ideas be- hind the theory held true. Three general postulates are included in the cell theory: 1) All organisms are composed of cells. 2) The cell is the unit of life. 3) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.

Because a cell is the basic building block of living things, it is important to become familiar with its characteristics. Several structures comprise a cell. Many of these structures are visible with the use of a standard compound microscope. Below are pictures of idealized plant and animal cells, illustrating the important structures.

The cell membrane encloses all cells and is responsible for separating the internal en- vironment from the extracellular space (the space between cells). Because other struc- tures within the cell are also surrounded by a membrane, the outer membrane is of- ten called the plasma membrane.

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The cell membrane is semi-permeable, allowing cer- tain molecules to enter into the cell freely, while oth- ers are prohibited from entering the cell. It is com- posed of phospholipids, which have a head consist- ing of a phosphate group and a tail of two fatty acid chains. The phosphate group is attracted to water

(hydrophilic) while the fatty acid chains are repulsed by water (hydrophobic). When in water, the properties of the phospholipids cause them to form two layers: The hy- drophobic tails face the inside of the double layer (away from the water), and the hy- drophilic heads face out (toward the water). Because two layers are formed, the mem- brane is made up of a phospholipid bilayer, as seen in the image.

The cell wall surrounds the cell membrane in plant cells, bacteria, and some fungi. In plant cells, the cell wall is composed of cellulose. In bacteria, the wall is made mostly of polypeptides (protein) or polysaccharides (carbohydrates). The cell wall provides support and protection and is responsible for giving plant cells their shape.

Another important structure found only in eukaryotic cells is the nucleus. This struc- ture contains the genetic information and is the control center of the cell. Protecting the nucleus is a double-membrane called the nuclear envelope, which, like the plasma membrane, is semi-permeable. It is important to note that although prokaryotes lack a nucleus, they still contain genetic information.

Within the nucleus is the nucleolus. This is the site where ribosomes are formed. Ri- bosomes function to assemble proteins. Many cells have multiple nucleoli, which con- tain concentrated areas of DNA and RNA.

Flagella (singular is flagellum) is Latin for whip. Flagella are whip-like projections of- ten found in prokaryotes, eukaryotic single-celled organisms, and some specific cells (like human sperm). These structures extend beyond the cell membrane and cell wall and are used for locomotion (movement). Although flagella are found in both eukary- otes and prokaryotes, the structure of the flagella is different for each cell type.

Cilia (singular is cilium) are structurally similar to eukaryotic flagella but are smaller and more hair-like. Cilia are found in some eukaryotic organisms. Some cilia are used for locomotion, as in the single-celled paramecium. In other organisms, the cilia act as

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a filter. Sometimes, cilia are used not to move the cell itself, but to move objects through a cell (akin to a conveyer belt).

Vacuoles are specialized organelles that are responsible for storing starch, water, and pigments. They also act as a repository for metabolic wastes. Some plant cells contain a large, central vacuole, which occupies almost the entire cell. Central vacuoles are re- sponsible for providing support, which is based on the amount of water or pressure against the cell wall. If too much water is lost in the central vacuole, a plant will lose its support and appear to droop.

Centrioles are found in all animal cells and some plant cells. These structures, which occur in pairs, are responsible for the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton is composed of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments. It is with these long struc- tures that the cytoskeleton provides support, maintains the cell shape, and anchors the organelles. The cytoskeleton is also used for moving structures or products.

Within eukaryotes is an endomembrane system. In this system, the endoplasmic retic- ulum, which consists of a membrane that forms folds and pockets, connects the nu- clear envelope, the Golgi apparatus (or Golgi complex), and cell membranes. This system is often called the factory of the cell because each of the individual organelles contributes to the production and delivery of proteins, lipids, and other molecules.

The nucleus contains the blueprints for proteins. These plans are then passed to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). This structure is composed of several folds of a membrane and is covered with ribosomes (these bumps are why it is called rough en- doplasmic reticulum). Once the ribosomes receive the plans, the protein is built. Some proteins will move to the Golgi complex. Other proteins will move to the smooth en- doplasmic reticulum (it is called smooth because it lacks ribosomes). These proteins instruct the organelle to build other molecules, such as lipids and carbohydrates. Like some proteins from the RER, some of these molecules will move to the Golgi com- plex.

The Golgi apparatus is the central post office area of the cell. It receives the products of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, packages them, and ships them to their intended destination.

Another structure found only in photosynthetic cells is the chloroplast. This special- ized structure belongs to a class of membrane-lined sacs called plastids (like the vac-

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uole). The chloroplast contains pigments and is responsible for creating food through photosynthesis.

Eukaryotic cells contain an organelle called the mitochondria, which is the site of en- ergy production. This structure is often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell. Cel- lular energy is stored in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

The ability of a cell to absorb water and nutrients is an important aspect of its sur- vival. Diffusion is the movement of solutes (dissolved molecules) in a solution or ma- trix from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration. Molecules move down the concentration gradient: from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. The greater the concentration differential, the faster the rate of diffusion. The size, shape, and composition of the solute also affect the ability of a substance to diffuse. These factors become increasingly important when considering the diffusion of substances across the cell membrane. Diffusion, being a passive process, is quite efficient across small distances. However, as distances become longer, the efficiency of diffusion decreases.

Osmosis is the movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of lower concentration (of solute) to an area of higher concentration (of solute). Remember that everything in the universe is constantly moving toward a state of equilibrium. Living cells contain a small amount of salt. For example, human cells contain 0.85% NaCl. If the solution outside the cell has this same concentration, the solution is said to be isotonic. Because there is no net difference in solutes between the inside and outside of the cell, there is no net movement of water. Higher concen- trations of solutes outside of the cell are termed hypertonic, while lower concentra- tions are termed hypotonic.

An important concept that affects how well a cell can absorb and pass material through the membrane is the surface-to-volume ratio. This formula for calculating this ratio is:

Surface area ÷ Volume

Because cells constantly interact with their external environments to obtain nutrients and remove wastes, it is critical that they maintain a proper surface-to-volume ratio.

As objects of the same shape increase in size, the surface-to-volume ratio decreases.

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For example, suppose there are two cubes. Cube 1 is 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm, and Cube 2 is 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm. To calculate the surface-to-volume ratio, the formula for de- termining the surface area (SA) of a cube (length x width x number of sides) and the formula for the volume (V) of a cube (length x width x height) must be known. Once the formulas for calculating surface area and volume of a cube are known, the surface area to volume ratios can be calculated, as seen below.


Surface Area: 1cm x 1cm x 6 sides = 6cm2 10cm x 10cm x 6 sides = 600cm2

Volume: 1cm x 1cm x 1cm = 1cm3 10cm x 10cm x 10cm = 1000cm3

SA/V: 6cm2/1cm3 = 6.0 cm2/cm3 600cm2/1000cm3 = .6cm2/cm3

As shown in the calculations above, the ratio for Cube 2 is significantly smaller than the ratio for Cube 1. The same trend holds true for cells. As a cell gets larger, the SA/V ratio decreases, meaning that it is not as efficient in moving material in and out of the cell. In other words, the size of the cell membrane relative to the contents of the cell decreases as the cell size increases.

An illustration of the importance in maintaining a high surface-to-volume ratio can be found in the human digestive system. Cells in the human digestive system contain villi, which are finger-like projections. Because of their shape, they have a large sur- face area for a small volume.


1. Cell Structure and Function a. Label the following idealized plant and animal cells.

b. Observing Cell Structures Under a Microscope i. Utilize the Virtual Microscope to view several cell structures. When

using the virtual microscope, complete the following steps in the order provided below. Failure to properly perform the steps in the correct order will result in failure to complete subsequent steps. Click to view

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optional detailed instructions. ii. Drag and drop the desired slide onto the microscope.

iii. Click on the stage clip knob on the left of the microscope stage. iv. Adjust the interpupillary distance. First click on the title interpupillary

distance. Next, place the pointer on the images and adjust them until the two images are observed as one image.

v. Adjust the slide position. Place the pointer on the positioner and ad- just the slide so there is a clear view of the specimen.

vi. Adjust the iris diaphragm until a comfortable light is obtained. vii. Adjust the diopter until a clear image is obtained. Use the line on the

slide and move it up or down. viii. Adjust the coarse focus. Use the line and move it up or down until a

clear image is obtained. ix. Adjust the fine focus. Use the line and move it up or down until a

clear image is obtained. x. Adjust the magnification by clicking on the objective numbers on the

microscope. xi. Using the virtual microscope, view Spirogyra. Identify and draw an

image of the chloroplasts. xii. Using the virtual microscope, view the slide of a paramecium. Identify

and draw an image showing the cilia. xiii. Using the virtual microscope, view the slide of the Euglena. Identify

and draw an image of the flagella. 2. Demonstration of Osmosis in a Potato

a. Learn to use the caliper. 1. Take the Vernier caliper out of the lab kit. Examine the scale on the

tool and try to measure the length of an object. Look closely at the scale. The metric scale will be used for measurements in this lab.

2. Read the scale by measuring exactly 2 cm (20 mm). Next, measure 4.5 cm (45 mm).

3. This caliper is accurate enough to measure to the nearest tenth of a millimeter (measured by the small, scored lines in the window). With the caliper in hand, go to this instructional Web site, which describes how to use a Vernier caliper.

Watch the scale move as in an actual measurement.

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b. Set up the experiment 1. Get four 8 oz. cups from the lab kit. Place a piece of tape on each cup

or glass. Using a pen or marker, label the tape on each cup with one of the following percentages: 0%, 1.75%, 3.5%, and 7%.

2. Using the graduated cylinder, measure out 100 mL of distilled water. Pour the water into the fifth, unlabeled cup.

3. Measure out 1.5 level teaspoons of salt and add it to the unlabeled cup containing 100 mL of distilled water. Mix completely. This is the 7% salt solution.

4. Using the graduated cylinder, measure out 50 mL of this mixture and pour it from the graduated cylinder into the cup labeled 7%.

5. Add distilled water up to the 100 mL mark of the graduated cylinder to make the next dilution. Adding 50 mL distilled water to 50 mL of a 7% solution will result in 100 mL of a 3.5% solution.

6. Using the graduated cylinder, measure out 50 mL of the 3.5% solution and pour it from the graduated cylinder into the cup labeled 3.5%.

7. Add distilled water up to the 100 mL mark of the solution in the grad- uated cylinder to make the next dilution. Adding 50 mL of distilled water to the 50 mL of the 3.5% solution will result in 100 mL of a 1.75% solution.

8. Using the graduated cylinder, measure out 50 mL of the 1.75% solu- tion and pour it from the graduated cylinder into the cup labeled 1.75%.

9. Empty the remaining 1.75% solution down the drain of the sink and rinse out the graduated cylinder with tap water.

10. Using a sharp steak or kitchen knife, slice eight pieces of potato exact- ly 10 mm x 10 mm x 40 mm (1 cm x 1 cm x 4 cm). It is critically impor- tant that these potato core pieces are cut as precisely as possible; they need to all start out having the same volume. A single- edge razor blade may work better than a knife.

11. Determine the volume of the potato cores. The volume, is calculated by multiplying the width x height x length. Therefore, each core starts out with a volume of 4,000 cubic millimeters or 4 cubic centimeters. Measure the cores with both the mm ruler and the calipers. Measuring with the calipers to the nearest millimeter will be good enough for this lab. Create a data table like the one below to record the beginning and

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ending volumes.

Table 1. Potato core measurements

0% saltsolution 1.75% salt solution

3.5% salt solution

7% salt solution

Beginning average volume (cu mm)

Ending average volume (cu mm)

Percent difference

12. Place two measured cores into each solution overnight, or for at least 8 hours. That time period is not critical to the results; it can be longer.

13. Remove the cores from one of the cups and pat them dry with a paper towel. The solution may now be discarded down the drain of a sink.

14. Using the caliper, measure the height, width, and length of the cores, and then determine the volume of each core. Average the measure- ments for the two cores and record in the data table above. The cores can now be discarded.

15. Repeat Steps 11 – 14 three more times: one time for each cup. 3. Illustration of the Importance of Surface-to-Volume Ratios

a. Calculate the surface-to-volume ratio of the following potato cubes: 1. CUBE 1: Length, width, and height are all 5 mm 2. CUBE 2: Length, width, and height are all 3 mm

b. Effect of cell size on diffusion rate 1. With clean hands, cutting board, and knife, cut the skin off of the pota-

to. 2. Using the knife, cut two cubes of potato with dimensions of 1 cm x 1

cm x 1 cm. 3. Using the knife, cut two cubes of potato with dimensions 1.5 cm x 1.5

cm x 1.5 cm. 4. Using the knife, cut two cubes of potato with dimension of 2 cm x 2

cm x 2 cm. 5. Place distilled water into a cup or glass. Add the vial of food coloring

to the water until a dark color is achieved.



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6. Carefully place the potato cubes in the solution. The cubes must be completely submerged in the water. Let them stand in the solution for 2 to 4 hours.

7. After 2 to 4 hours, remove the cubes. Using the knife, cut each cube in half.

8. Using the ruler, measure how far the solution has diffused into each potato cube.

9. Record the results. A sample data table is included below that may be used to organize and record the results.

10. Complete the following calculations to determine the rate of diffusion and record the results.

Rate of Diffusion (cm/min)= Distance of diffusion ÷ time.

Cube Distance of Diffusion Rate of Diffusion

1 cm cubed

1 cm cubed

1.5 cm cubed

1.5 cm cubed

2 cm cubed

2 cm cubed

Average Rate of Diff.

Assessing Your Learning

Compose answers to the questions below in Microsoft Word and save the file as a backup copy in the event that a technical problem is encountered while attempting to submit the assignment. Make sure to run a spell check. Copy the answer for the first question from Microsoft Word by simultaneously holding down the Ctrl and A keys to select the text, and then simultaneously holding down the Ctrl and C keys to copy it. Then, click the link on the Lab Preview Page to open up the online submit form for the laboratory. Paste the answer for the first question into the online dialog boxes by inserting the cursor in the dialog box and simultaneously holding down the Ctrl and V keys. The answer should now appear in the box. Repeat for each question. Review all work to make sure that all of the questions have been completely answered and then click on the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

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1. Answer the following questions: a. List four cell structures that are common to both plant and animal cells. (4

points) b. What structures are unique to plant cells? (2 points) c. What structures are unique to animal cells? (2 points)

2. List five structures observed in the cell images and provide the function of each structure. (5 points)

a. Structure 1 and function b. Structure 2 and function c. Structure 3 and function d. Structure 4 and function e. Structure 5 and function

3. William is observing a single-celled organism under a microscope and notices that it has a nucleus and is covered in small, hair-like structures.

a. Provide a probable name for this organism (1 point) b. Explain why William came to this conclusion. (2 points)

4. Where in the cell are the chloroplasts located? (5 points) 5. In the Spirogyra cells observed on the virtual microscope, about how many cir-

cular green chloroplasts were seen in a single cell? (2 points) 6. What were the percent differences between the volumes of the potatoes in the

osmosis experiment for each salt solution? (8 points) a. 0% b. 1.75% c. 3.5% d. 7%

7. What extraneous variables might have affected how the results came out in the osmosis experiment? Describe three. (6 points)

a. b. c.

8. In osmosis, which direction does water move with respect to solute concentra- tion? (2 points)

9. Answer the following questions: a. Explain what would happen to a freshwater unicellular organism if it were

suddenly released into a saltwater environment. Use the terms isotonic,

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hypotonic and hypertonic in the answer. (3 points) b. What would happen if a marine organism were placed in freshwater? (3

points) 10. A student purchases and weighs 5 pounds of carrots from a local grocery store.

She notices that the grocery store constantly sprays its produce with distilled water. After returning home, she weighs the carrots again and discovers that they weigh only 4.2 lbs. They also no longer seem as crisp and taut. Provide a possible explanation for why the carrots weighed more at the store, based on the information learned in this lab. (5 points)

11. People always say that leeches can be removed from the body by pouring salt on them. Based on what the student learned about osmosis, provide an explanation that supports or refutes this information. (5 points)

12. What is the rate of diffusion for the potato cubes from the surface-to-volume ex- periment (procedure 3b)? (6 points)

a. Cube 1 b. Cube 2 c. Cube 3

13. Assume the potato cubes are cells. Which cube would be most efficient at mov- ing materials into and out of the cube? Briefly explain the answer. (4 points)

14. From what was observed in the potato procedure, how do the rate of diffusion and surface-to-volume ratio limit cell size? (5 points)

15. One night, Hans decides to cook a hamburger and spaghetti with meatballs. To test ideas of surface-to-volume ratios, he makes a quarter pound hamburger and a quarter pound meatball and cooks them at the same temperature. Which food item will cook the fastest and why? (5 points)

16. While watching a special on animals, Brianna discovers that hares tend to lose heat through their ears. Based on this and what is known about surface-to-vol- ume ratios, propose an explanation as to why hares that live in hot climates (such as the desert) have large, extended ears. (5 points)

17. (Application) How might the information gained from this lab pertaining to cell structures and diffusion be useful to a student employed in a healthcare related profession? (20 points)

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Question 1 

  1. The very nature of human creation gives humans meaning      and purpose.



2 points

Question 2 

  1. One of the most basic questions of origin is, “Where      did everything come from?”



2 points

Question 3 

  1. Even though vocations are instituted by God, they are      not a relevant platform through which to love others and serve God.



2 points

Question 4 

  1. Some humans beings are inherently good and have never      sinned.



2 points

Question 5 

  1. Though we often think about what we want to be when we      grow up, we are not nearly as reflective on who we are now.



2 points

Question 6 

  1. What passage of Scripture discusses the creation of man      in the image of God?


Genesis 1:26-27


Genesis 2:3-4


Colossians 1:15-16


John 1:1

2 points

Question 7 

  1. In the eyes of God, all mankind is created equal.



2 points

Question 8 

  1. Which of the following is(are) aspects of being made in      the image of God?



Relational Ability

Both A and B

A, B, and C

None of the above

2 points

Question 9 

  1. The term “image” is both an abstract and      concrete term in that it is used to describe both an idea and an actual      product.



2 points

Question 10 

  1. The image of God was lost at the fall.



2 points

Question 11 

  1. Though many people downplay the existence of a soul,      the arts, which appeal to areas of life greater than biological impulses,      are important parts to every culture.



2 points

Question 12 

  1. Does a close reading of the Bible show that Scripture      affirms the soul?



2 points

Question 13 

  1. The human personality is primarily comprised of three      aspects-the intellect, the emotion, and the _____________.




Sin nature

2 points

Question 14 

  1. It is difficult for Christians to deal with naturalism      because it can be proven within the realm of science.



2 points

Question 15 

  1. Which of the following is NOT a reason why humans      possess an immaterial aspect?

An immaterial aspect of humanity   provides a basis for human causation or human initiation.

An immaterial aspect of humanity   provides the basis for human freedom

An immaterial aspect of humanity   provides the basis for our unified experience

An immaterial aspect of humanity   provides the basis for human consciousness

2 points

Question 16 

  1. The first sin recorded in the Bible is found in      ______________.

Genesis 1:26

Genesis 3

Genesis 1:1

Daniel 2:1

2 points

Question 17 

  1. From birth, mankind has a sin condition that can only      be resolved through the grace of God.



2 points

Question 18 

  1. The Bible gives a narrative explaining the beauty and      dignity of humanity, but does not address the struggle and ugliness that      is all too much a part of the human experience.



2 points

Question 19 

  1. The New Testament clearly points out that the Genesis      account is a story with lasting consequences.



2 points

Question 20 

  1. Why do people run from the idea of sin?

They do not like being told they   are wrong

They do not like the thought of   doing something bad

They do not like the consequences   of sin

They do not like a problem they   are unable to fix

2 points

Question 21 

  1. Some people have claimed that sin is just a Christian      teaching to repress an individual’s expression of what they feel is right      to do.



2 points

Question 22 

  1. According to Romans 1:13 and 1 Corinthians 6:9, sin is      only sin when God’s way is willfully and knowingly disobeyed.



2 points

Question 23 

  1. What was the first temptation of Jesus in the      wilderness?

The temptation for personal   vindication

The temptation to turn stones into   bread

The temptation to seek his own   kingdom versus God’s kingdom

2 points

Question 24 

  1. Which of the following constitutes sin?

Direct disobedience of God’s Law

Indirect disobedience of God’s Law

Both A and B

2 points

Question 25 

  1. God sometimes tempts humans to test if they will obey      or disobey his commands.



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Question 1 

  1. The Holy Spirit is _________.




All of the above

None of the above

2 points

Question 2 

  1. The Holy Spirit was sent to continue the work of Jesus      on earth.



2 points

Question 3 

  1. What passage of Scripture specifically mentioned in the      textbook reveals the eternal nature of the Holy Spirit?

Genesis 1

Matthew 4

Psalm 119

None of the above

2 points

Question 4 

  1. The __________ Creed signifies the belief in the      Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.




None of the above

2 points

Question 5 

  1. The Holy Spirit glorifies Christ through working in the      lives of believers to help them be more Christlike in all that they do.



2 points

Question 6 

  1. The Holy Spirit is responsible for which of the      following?




All of the above

2 points

Question 7 

  1. Regeneration is only found in the New Testament as a      work of the Holy Spirit.



2 points

Question 8 

  1. __________ is the idea of new birth or new      creation.






2 points

Question 9 

  1. The Great Commission is recorded 10 times in the      Bible.



2 points

Question 10 

  1. The _______ of the believer by the Holy Spirit as part      of the family of God refers to God’s completion of the work of salvation.




None of the above

2 points

Question 11 

  1. The filling of the Holy Spirit is in large part      dependent on what?




Bible reading

2 points

Question 12 

  1. The Holy Spirit’s ministry of indwelling and filling      consistently evidences itself throughout both the Old and New      Testaments.



2 points

Question 13 

  1. Sanctification has both a positive and a negative      aspect.



2 points

Question 14 

  1. The filling of the Holy Spirit refers to the control      the Holy Spirit has over the life of the Christian.



2 points

Question 15 

  1. The Holy Spirit only intercedes on the behalf of some      Christians.



2 points

Question 16 

  1. Which of the following is not one of the passages      containing the list of spiritual gifts?

Romans 12:3-8

1 Corinthians 12:4-11

Ephesians 4:11

Galatians 5:22-23

2 points

Question 17 

  1. Apostles were those specifically appointed by _______      to be a “sent one.”




Early church fathers

2 points

Question 18 

  1. Which of the following is a specific characteristic of      spiritual gifts?

They are always spoken of within   the larger conversation of unity

They are used for serving one   another within the context of the global church

Jesus is the source of the   spiritual gifts

All of the above

2 points

Question 19 

  1. The gift of _____ is the special ability to organize      and plan.





2 points

Question 20 

  1. In 2 Peter 3:10-11, the apostle Peter explains the need      to use one’s gift in a way that is in service to one’s self.



2 points

Question 21 

  1. Every Christian has every spiritual gift; however, not      every Christian is to display all of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.



2 points

Question 22 

  1. Which is not one of the fruit of the Spirit?





2 points

Question 23 

  1. Self-control relates to the disposition of an      individual and is seen as meekness or humility.



2 points

Question 24 

  1. There are four important differences between the gifts      of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Holy Spirit.



2 points

Question 25 

  1. ________ is goodness put into action.





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Case Study Bio

Case Study 1: The Role of Insulin Resistance in Type-2 Diabetes

Adapted from Case studies by Univ. of Buffalo NY, Nature magazine, Medicinenet, Joselin Diabetes Research Center

Part I Tania is an Undergraduate student from Germany and is visiting Dr. Wen ’s lab under the International Visiting Scholars program. She will be working with Dr. Wen for the summer trying to get some practical research experience which will help her decide between applying to graduate school or medical school . Dr. Wen works primarily on Type-2 diabetes and Tania is interested in his work on trying to understand the role of insulin and cellular signaling in diabetes. She first got interested in this topic because her Uncle has Type – 2 diabetes. She has a list of questions which she hopes she will be able to answer by the end of her project with Dr. Wen. Here is her list and some information to help her understand how cell signaling works

Q1) Cellular signaling is very important in a cell, but what does it have to do with diabetes? Hint: Cellular signaling controls our response to the environment, like changes in the temperature or responses to eating. It helps our bodies maintain homeostasis. Many medications alter cellular signaling in order to treat diseases like cancer, allergies, and diabetes.

Q2) How can understanding cellular signaling help us understand how diabetes occurs and how to treat it? Hint: In cellular signaling each pathway involves many proteins, thus carrying out messages can be very complicated for cells. Understanding cellular signaling in general will help to understand what role it plays in diabetes. Refer to slides from Lecture 4 and revise the details of signal transduction pathways Knowledge Clip 1: What is Cell signaling? A s ignaling pathway has four essential components: (1) the initial signal, (2) the receptor that binds the s ignal, (3) the signaling molecule or molecules that transmit the message, and (4) the effector or effectors that result in a short-term or long-term cellular change. The initial s ignal can range in size and composition from a small molecule l ike nitric oxide (NO), a hormone like estrogen, or a protein like insulin (Figure A). The type of s ignal determines if the receptor s ignal-binding domain can be intracellular or extracellular. For example, estrogen

is hydrophobic and can readily pass through the plasma membrane, so its receptor is intracellular. Other signaling molecules like the protein insulin are hydrophilic and too large to pass through the plasma membrane so the insulin receptor i s an integral membrane protein with

an extracellular signal-binding domain (made of an outer-membrane component alpha and an inner membrane component beta). Once the s ignal (which i s insulin in this case) binds to the receptor, the receptor changes i ts shape or conformation. This conformation change might include the opening of an ion channel allowing ions to travel into the cell (like the Na+/K+ channel) , or i t might include changing the

organization of domains like the extracellular domain of a receptor tyros ine kinase (Fig B). A receptor conformation change causes the associated s ignaling molecule(s) to transition from inactive to active. The s ignaling molecule(s) can carry the message through many di fferent mechanisms. The activated signaling molecule then influences the effector(s) that ca use the short-term or long-term cellular change. A short-term change can be stimulating cellular movement or changing the activation s tate of an enzyme going from inactive to active or active to inactive. This happens for instance when activating an enzyme to increase sugar metabolism. Long-term cellular changes

are generally the result of changes in DNA transcription. For example, a protein could be made to begin cellular replication by activating the cel l cycle.





The s i tes phosphorylated by the previous kinase activate the next kinase, but

another site of phosphorylation on the same kinase could turn it off. The activity of each kinase in the cascade can be regulated in this manner. One common mode of regulation is called feed-back inhibition (Figure 2B). This occurs when

some downstream effector (or result of the cellular response) inhibits an earlier s tep in s ignal transduction. Thus, the dynamics of speed and magnitude of

response can be fine tuned or s topped entirely. This negative regulation is revers ible. In the example in Figure 2B, another enzyme ca lled a phosphatase could remove the phosphate group from the kinase, allowing it to be activated

again. Another common mechanism for multi-protein signal transduction is the activation of a second messenger (Figure 3). A second messenger is generally a small molecule that can travel freely through the cytoplasm or the membrane. Some examples of second messengers are cycl ic-AMP, Ca2+ ions, phosphoinositides (PIP3, PIP2, etc.), and diacylglycerol (DAG). These second messengers are either released from intracellular s tores (l ike Ca2+ ions) or created through enzymatic action (l ike cycl ic-AMP). Once released, second messengers can interact with many targets throughout the cell s imultaneous ly. Thus , second messengers lead to s ignal amplification and increased speed in

s ignal transduction.

After reading this information, Tania has a fair idea of how signaling works. But she has some more questions: Q3) Does the kinase cascade and second messenger signaling where lots of proteins are activated require a lot of energy to make all those extra proteins? Why couldn’t the signal be transmitted with just one signaling molecule? Hint: The above figures show that in the kinase cascade, with each additional kinase activated, more of the next kinase is activated thus growing exponentially. This is called as Signal amplification. Signal amplification can lead to greater cellular changes, and it also speeds up the cellular response. It works the same with second messenger pathways too, with the small molecules activating lots of signaling proteins. Each new signaling molecule also provides another opportunity for the body to regulate the signaling. Answer Questions for Part I in the Case Study I Question sheet Part II Now that Tania understands the basics of signaling and its mechanisms, she is ready to understand why Dr. Wen’s lab studies cellular signaling. Tania’s Uncle’s life is adversely affected by Diabetes. He has to be careful what he eats and he goes for walks most days. He also has to monitor his blood glucose level at regular times and he gives

Signal transduction cascade Signal transduction amplification



himself injections before most meals to keep his glucose levels balanced; it can’t be too high or too low. For instance, after people eat their blood glucose generally goes up. This causes the pancreas to release a signal known as insulin into the blood stream. In diabetics, the cellular signaling is messed up so it doesn’t work as well. So her uncle injects himself with insulin or an insulin analogue. Insulin is a protein that controls cellular signaling of various types. By controlling insulin changing signaling, the adverse effects of diabetes can be managed. Q1) What are the symptoms of Diabetes? Knowledge Clip 2: Symptoms of Diabetes: Hunger and fatigue: Your body converts the food you eat into glucose that your cells use for energy. But your cells need insulin to bring the glucose in. If your body doesn’t make enough or any insulin, or if your cells resist the insulin your body makes, the glucose can’t get into them and you have no energy. This can make you more hungry and ti red than usual .

Peeing more often and being thirstier: The average person usually has to pee between four and seven times in 24 hours, but people with

diabetes may go a lot more. Why? Normally your body reabsorbs glucose as i t passes through your kidneys. But when diabetes pushes your blood sugar up, your body may not be able to bring it a ll back in. It will try to get rid of the extra by making more urine, and that takes fluids. You’ll have to go more

often. You might pee out more, too. Because you’re peeing so much, you can get very thi rsty. When you drink more, you’ll a lso pee more. Dry mouth and itchy skin. Because your body is using fluids to make pee, there’s less moisture for other things. You could get dehydrated, and your mouth may feel dry. Dry skin can make you i tchy.

Blurred vision. Changing fluid levels in your body could make the lenses in your eyes swell up. They change shape and lose their ability to focus .

Yeast infections: Both men and women with diabetes can get these. Yeast is a fungus that feeds on glucose, so having plenty around makes

i t thrive. Infections can grow in any warm, moist fold of skin, including:

 Between fingers and toes

 Under breasts

 In or around sex organs

Slow-healing sores or cuts: Over time, high blood sugar can affect your blood flow and cause nerve damage that makes it hard for your body to heal wounds . Pain or numbness in your feet or legs: This i s another result of nerve damage.


From information given by Dr. Wen, Tania now understands that the symptoms of Diabetes occur due to the presence of high glucose concentrations in the blood and very little of the glucose from the blood getting into the cell. Since glucose is an energy source and it needs to get into the cell to be used, the cells need to use something else for energy. In the absence of glucose, or in the case of diabetes, due to the inability to uptake glucose, proteins or fats are used as energy sources. When the cells start using proteins, it leads to a buildup of ketoacids. Being acids, they lower pH of the blood. This lower pH can damage a lot of tissues, causing the symptoms listed above. Another problem with diabetics is that they lose feeling in their feet, so if they get a blister on their foot they may not feel it. Then it may get infected because diabetics have poor wound healing, and if the infection isn’t noticed it may lead to amputation of the foot or leg Now that Tania understands what the symptom of Diabetes are and what causes them, she is still unclear about how cell signaling is involved in this whole scenario? Q2) What are the steps involved in the insulin signaling pathway? Dr. Wen gives her this video to understand the concepts of insulin signaling.



After watching the video, it is pretty clear to her how insulin signaling happens in the cell and how glucose enters the cell. But Tania realizes that Insulin not only affects Glucose uptake by the cell, but also plays an important part in Fatty acid production, protein synthesis and Glycogen synthesis by joining of multiple glucose molecules for storage. So how does it do that? Dr. Wen draws out this simple map to explain some of the other pathways that insulin affects. He explains that the insulin signaling that causes uptake of glucose via the GLUT-4 molecule is a short term change caused by insulin signaling. The other signaling cascades can cause long term effects like: 1) Gene expression and cell division via the MAPK pathway 2) Protein synthesis and cell growth by the AKT-mTORC pathway 3) Glycogen synthesis by the AKT-GSK3 pathway 4) Fatty acid synthesis by AKT-FOXO pathway

Dr. Wen goes on to explain that insulin does not cause the same long-term and short-term effects in different kinds of tissues in your body, like they are different in your muscle and liver. Although, insulin is released into the blood stream so it could bind to receptors on all the different tissues, Insulin binding to the insulin receptor doesn’t have the same effect in the different cell types in our body. Insulin is released into the blood stream, but the amount of a receptor or any downstream signaling effector could affect the short-term and long-term effect. Different cells have the same set of DNA, but the accessibility of that DNA is changed in different cell types. The insulin receptor DNA might not be expressed as much in different tissues because of the DNA packing or a variety of other reasons. Answer Questions for Part II in the Case Study I Question sheet Part III The primary cause of Type-2 diabetes is insulin resistance. This means that even through insulin is present in the blood stream, the cells don’t respond as robustly. Type-2 diabetes occurs as a result of continuous insulin signaling due to genetics, poor diet, obesity, and lack of exercise. This continuous over stimulation of insulin signalin g alters how the insulin receptor and its down-stream signaling pathways will respond to insulin. There have been lots of possible changes to insulin signaling proposed as the key mechanisms responsible for insulin resistance, but the reality is that insulin resistance isn’t understood. Here are a few examples and already known pathways of insulin resistance



Knowledge Clip 3: Causes and types of insulin resistance: Insulin resistance results from inherited and acquired influences. Hereditary causes include mutations of insulin receptor, g lucose

transporter, and s ignaling proteins, a lthough the common forms are largely unidentified. Acquired causes include physical inactivity, diet, medications , hyperglycemia (glucose toxici ty), increased free fatty acids , and the aging process

Classification of prereceptor, receptor, and postreceptor causes:

The underlying causes of insulin-resistant states may a lso be categorized according to whether their primary effect is before, at, or after the insul in receptor (see below). Prereceptor causes of insulin resistance include the following:

 Abnormal insul in (mutations)

 Anti -insul in antibodies

Receptor causes include the following:

 Decreased number of receptors (mainly, fa i lure to activate tyros ine kinase)

 Reduced binding of insul in

 Insul in receptor mutations

 Insul in receptor–blocking antibodies

Postreceptor causes include the following:

 Defective s ignal transduction

 Mutations of GLUT4 (In theory, these mutations could cause insulin resistance, but polymorphisms in the GLUT4 gene are rare.)

Combinations of causes are common. For example, obesity, the most common cause of insulin resistance, i s associated mainly wi th postreceptor abnormal i ty but i s a lso associated with a decreased number of insul in receptors .

Specific causes of insulin resistance

Speci fic conditions and agents that may cause insul in res is tance include the fol lowing:

 Aging: This may cause insul in res is tance through a decreased production of GLUT -4.

 Increased production of insulin inhibitiors: A number of disorders are associated with this effect, such as Cushing syndrome, acromegaly, and stress states, such as trauma, surgery, diabetes ketoacidosis, severe infection, uremia, and l iver ci rrhos is .

 Medications: Agents associated with insulin res istance syndrome include glucocorticoids (Cushing syndrome), cyclosporine, niacin, and protease inhibitors. Glucocorticoid therapy i s a common cause of glucose intolerance; impairment of glucose tolerance may occur even at low doses when adminis tered long term .

 Sodium: High sodium intake has been associated with increased glucocorticoid production and insul in res is tance.

 Anti-HIV therapy

 Insulin therapy: Antibodies are proteins produced by our immune system to neutralize or destroy foreign substances in our body, Antibodies against insulin have been found in most patients who receive insulin. Rarely, the antibodies result in significant prereceptor insulin resistance. Patients with a history of interrupted exposure to beef insulin treatment are part icularly prone to this resistance. Clinically significant resistance usually occurs in patients with preexisting, significant tissue insensitivity to insulin.

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Biology Case Study Forum Post

Page 1“Antibiotic Resistance” by Maureen Leonard

by Maureen Leonard Biology Department Mount Mary College, Milwaukee, WI

Antibiotic Resistance: Can We Ever Win?

Part I – Measuring Resistance Katelyn was excited to start her summer job in her microbiology professor’s research laboratory. She had enjoyed Dr. Johnson’s class, and when she saw the ” yer recruiting undergraduate lab assistants for the summer, she had jumped at the opportunity. She was looking forward to making new discoveries in the lab.

On her # rst day, she was supposed to meet with Dr. Johnson to talk about what she would be doing. She knew the lab focused on antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, espe- cially MRSA (methicillin-resistant S. aureus ).

She still remembered the scare her family had last year when her little brother, Jimmy, got so sick. He’d been playing in the neighborhood playground and cut his lip when he fell o$ the jungle gym. Of course he always had cuts and scrapes—he was a # ve-year-old boy! % is time though his lip swelled up and he developed a fever. When her mother took him to the doctor, the pediatrician said the cut was infected and had prescribed cephalothin, an antibiotic related to penicillin, and recommended ” ushing the cut regularly to help clear up the infection.

Two days later, Jimmy was in the hospital with a fever of 103°F, coughing up blood and having trouble breathing. % e emergency room doctors told the family that Jimmy had developed pneumonia. % ey started him on IV antibiotics, including ceftriaxone and nafcillin, both also relatives of penicillin.

It was lucky for Jimmy that one of the doctors decided to check for MRSA, because that’s what it was! MRSA is resistant to most of the penicillin derivatives. Most cases of MRSA are hospital-acquired from patients who are already susceptible to infection, but the ER doctor explained that community-acquired MRSA was becoming more common. % e doctor then switched the treatment to vancomycin, a completely di$ erent kind of antibiotic, and Jimmy got better quickly after that.

Katelyn had dropped Jimmy o$ at swimming lessons just before coming to work at the lab. As she waited in the hallway for Dr. Johnson, she hoped that she would be at least a small part of helping other people like Jimmy deal with these scary resistant microbes. She was surprised when the professor burst out of the lab, almost running into her.

“Hi Katelyn, I’m really sorry but I have to run to a meeting right now—they sprung it on me last minute. % ere are a bunch of plates in the incubator right now that need their zones of inhibition measured. I’ll be back in a few hours,” Dr. Johnson said as he rushed down the hallway with a stack of folders.

Katelyn dug out her old lab notebook to look up what she was supposed to do. She found the lab where she and her fellow students had examined the antimicrobial properties of antibiotics using the Kirby-Bauer disk di$ usion tech- nique. Looking at the plates Dr. Johnson had told her about, she saw they had all been “lawned,” or completely coated with microbes to make a thick hazy layer over the agar surface. She could also see paper disks with letters on them, and some of the disks had clear zones around them where the microbe had been inhibited (Fig. 1). Her notebook explained how to measure the zone of inhibition around the disks (Fig. 2).


ttle brother, Jimmy, got hi li h h f ll $ h j l





We’re looking for undergraduate lab assistants! If yes, e-mail Dr. Johnson to grab a spot today!

(You must have taken Biology 200 Microbiology to apply)

Interested in studying microbial antibiotic resistance?

Do you want to work in a research lab? Are you interested in bacteria?

Have you heard of antibiotic resistance?



Page 2“Antibiotic Resistance” by Maureen Leonard

Plate 1. Plate 2. Plate 3.

S. aureus




S. aureus




S. aureus
















Figure 1. Agar plates of S. aureus or MRSA lawns with antibiotic disks placed on them.




Page 3“Antibiotic Resistance” by Maureen Leonard

Figure 2. Katelyn’s diagram of how to measure a zone of inhibition from her microbiology lab notebook.

x xi

i 1



Exercise1 Measure the zones of inhibition for each antibiotic on the plates shown in Figure 1 and note the measurements in the spaces in Table 1 below. (Note: % e Kirby-Bauer method is standardized so that no zone of inhibition is scored as a 0, and all others include the disk as part of the zone.)

Key: PE = penicillin, ME = methicillin, CE = cephalothin, and VA = vancomycin

Plate S. aureus MRSA
















An average, or mean (x ), is a measure of central tendency in the data, or what value occurs in the middle of the data set. % e mean is calculated by adding up all the values for a given set of data, then dividing by the sample size (n).


Standard deviation measures the spread of the data—as in how variable the data set is. % e standard deviation (s ) is calculated by the following:


Inhibition (clear) zone

Measure in mm




Page 4“Antibiotic Resistance” by Maureen Leonard

Standard error measures the di$ erence between the sample you have taken and the whole population of values. % e standard error (SE) is calculated as follows:

s (x x) 2

n 1

SE s n

Exercise 2 In Table 2 below calculate and record the averages and standard errors for each antibiotic in S. aureus and MRSA.

S. aureus MRSA

Average SE Average SE





Exercise 3 Now, redraw Tables 1 and 2 into a single, more organized table. Be sure to label the table appropriately.

Standard deviation

Standard error




Page 5“Antibiotic Resistance” by Maureen Leonard

Exercise 4 Graph the results from Table 2. Be sure to label the # gure and the axes correctly.




Page 6“Antibiotic Resistance” by Maureen Leonard

Questions 1. What do you think the experimental question is? 2. What hypotheses can you come up with to answer the experimental question? 3. If your hypothesis is correct, what would the plates look like (i.e., what predictions would you make for each

hypothesis)? 4. Is the experiment you just collected data for an appropriate test of the experimental question you came up with

in your answer to Question 1? 5. Which antibiotics where most e$ ective against S. aureus? Against MRSA? 6. When comparing the antibiotics e$ ective against both, were there di$ erences in e$ ectiveness? 7. What other questions do the data shown in Figure 1 make you think of?




Page 7“Antibiotic Resistance” by Maureen Leonard

Part II – Resistance Among the # rst antibiotics used on a large scale was penicillin, which was discovered in 1929 by Alexander Fleming. It was # nally isolated and synthesized in large quantities in 1943. Penicillin works by interfering with the bacterial cell wall synthesis. Without a cell wall, the bacterial cells cannot maintain their shape in changing osmotic conditions. % is puts signi# cant selective pressure on the microbes to evolve, as they cannot survive the osmotic stress. Any microbe that can resist these drugs will survive and reproduce more, making the population of microbes antibiotic resistant.

% e speci# c mechanism of penicillin is the prevention of cell wall synthesis by the -lactam ring of the antibiotic (Fig. 3), which binds and inhibits an enzyme required by the bacterium in this process.

% e enzyme is called penicillin-binding protein (PBP), even though it is an enzyme involved in cell wall synthesis. Normally enzymes have names that indicate what they do and end in the su, x -ase, like lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose. Figure 4 is a representation of PBP and its active site.

Bacterial cell walls are layered structures, where each layer is made of peptidoglycan, a sugar and protein polymer. Each layer is cross-linked to the next, strengthening the wall and allowing the cell to resist osmotic pressure. % e way the enzyme PBP works is to form those cross-bridges by joining strings of amino acids together in the active site, which is a groove in the protein (Fig. 5).


Active site

Figure 4. PBP (penicillin-binding protein) active site is a groove allowing formation of cross-links in the bacterial cell wall.

Figure 5. Cross-link formation in bacterial cell walls by PBP (penicillin-binding protein).




Peptidoglycan layers

Amino acids


Figure 3. % e -lactam ring common to the penicillin family of antibiotics.




Page 8“Antibiotic Resistance” by Maureen Leonard

% e PBP takes amino acid residues attached to peptidoglycan layers and forms bridges between them within the active site groove. % is cross-linking, or cross-bridging, stabilizes and strengthens the cell wall. -lactam antibiotics interfere with the PBP enzyme by binding to the active site, blocking the site from the amino acids (Fig. 6).

% ere are over 80 natural and semi-synthetic forms of -lactam antibiotics, including cephalothin and methicillin. Vancomycin also interferes with cell wall synthesis, but its mechanism of action is to bind directly to the cell wall components (Figs. 7 and 8).

Figure 6. Inhibition of PBP (penicillin-binding protein) by

-lactam blocking the active site.



Figure 7. PBP (penicillin-binding protein), the enzyme that allows the bacterial cell wall to form cross-bridges, is inhibited by the -lactam family of antibiotics. % is prevents proper cell wall synthesis and the bacterium will succumb to osmotic stress.



a. Normal PBP binding and cross-bridge formation


b. PBP inhibited by -lactam antibiotic

c. Cell wall does not form properly


+ =





Page 9“Antibiotic Resistance” by Maureen Leonard

% e # rst MRSA case was discovered in 1961 in a British hospital, and was the result of a mutation in the enzyme normally inhibited by the -lactam ring of methicillin. % e site where the antibiotic would bind no longer allowed access to the ring, so the enzyme continued to function normally. % e microbe acquired a new gene that, when made into protein, was a di$ erent version of PBP, one that couldn’t be inhibited by penicillin.

Questions 1. Describe what is happening in Figures 7 and 8 in a complete sentence of your own words. 2. What are the di$ erences in how -lactam antibiotics and vancomycin work? 3. What other mechanisms might arise to allow resistance to the -lactam antibiotics? 4. Could resistance arise to vancomycin? Why or why not?

Figure 8. Vancomycin inhibits cell wall synthesis a di$ erent way by binding PBP’s substrates and preventing cross-bridging. % is prevents proper cell wall synthesis and the bacterium will succumb to osmotic stress.



a. Normal PBP binding and cross-bridge formation


b. Vancomycin binds PBP substrate

c. Cell wall does not form properly




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Biology Lab

image6.jpg INCLUDEPICTURE “D:\\Karuna\\ESL01\\8 Nov\\Final Files\\Lab02\\CourseRoot\\images\\lab002banner02.jpg” \* MERGEFORMATINET image7.jpg

Pre-Lab Questions

1. What should you always wear to protect your eyes when you are in the chemistry laboratory?

Safety glasses or safety goggles should always be worn inside a chemistry lab to protect your eyes.

2. Should you add acid to water or water to acid?

Always add acid to water.

3. Where should you dispose of broken glass?

They should be placed in the proper container for the disposal of sharps. They should never be tossed into a regular trash can.

4. What should you do if you spill a chemical on your hand?

You should immediately wash your hands with copious amounts of water and antibacterial soap.

Exercise 1: What Is It?

A chemical laboratory contains special equipment to use while you are performing an experiment. Locate each of the items pictured on the following pages in your lab kit, and place a check mark in the appropriate place when you find it. After you have completed this, sketch a picture and name any additional items that are located in your lab kit, classroom, or home that are likely to be useful for you in completing these labs.





50 mL ____x_____

Stir Stick__x_______

250 mL ___x______ Graduated Cylinder

10 mL ____x_____

image9.png100 mL __x_______



Test Tube ___x______ Pipette ___x______ Petri Dish ___x______

Include your Drawings Here:

Experiment 1: Neutralization of Acids and Bases

image12.jpgIn this experiment, you will learn how to properly neutralize and dispose of acidic and basic solutions.


5 mL 4.5% Acetic Acid (vinegar), C2H4O2 (1) 10 mL Graduated Cylinder 8 Litmus Test Strips (Neutral) Permanent Marker 2 Pipettes 1 g Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda), NaHCO3


4 Weigh Boats *Water

*You Must Provide



1. Use the permanent marker to label three of the weigh boats as A – C.

2. Measure and pour approximately 5 mL of water into weigh boat “A”.

3. Add 0.5 g sodium bicarbonate to weigh boat “B”.

4. Measure and pour approximately 5 mL of water into weigh boat “B”. Gently pipette the solution up and down until the sodium bicarbonate is fully dissolved in the water.

5. Measure and pour 5 mL acetic acid solution to weigh boat “C”.

6. Use the litmus test strips to determine if the substances in weigh boats A – C are acidic or basic. This is accomplished by briefly dipping an unused strip of the litmus paper in each of the weigh boats. Record your color results in Table 2.

7. Pipette 1 mL of the sodium bicarbonate solution from weigh boat “B” into weigh boat “C”. Gently swirl weigh boat “C” to mix.

8. Develop and record a hypothesis regarding the pH of weigh boat “C”. Record this in the Post-Lab Questions section.

9. Test the pH of weigh boat “C” using new litmus paper. Record your result in Table 3.

10. Repeat Step 9 four more times until all the sodium bicarbonate has been added to weigh boat “C”.

Table 2: Initial Litmus Test Results
Weigh Boat Chemical Contents Litmus Results Additional Observations
Table 3: Neutralization of an Acid
Amount of Base Litmus Result
1 mL  
2 mL  
3 mL  
4 mL  
5 mL  

Post-Lab Questions

1. State your hypothesis (developed in Step 8) here. Be sure to include what you think the pH will be, and why.

2. What is a neutralization reaction?

3. When might neutralization reactions be used in a laboratory setting?

4. At what point was the acetic acid in weigh boat “C” neutralized?

5. What do you think would have been the results if a stronger solution of sodium bicarbonate was used? Would it take more or less to neutralize the acid? What about a weaker concentration of sodium bicarbonate?

Pre-lab Questions

1. List the atomic numbers for each of the following elements.

Iron _________ Oxygen _________
Calcium _________ Nitrogen _________
Potassium _________ Hydrogen _________

2. What determines if a bond is polar?

3. Use the periodic table to determine if potassium chloride (KCl) formed through covalent or ionic bonds? Use evidence from the Introduction to support your answer.

4. Research two common, polar molecules and two common nonpolar molecules. Draw their molecular structure and explain how the structure makes each molecule polar or non-polar.

Experiment 1: Slime Time

image13.jpgInks can be polar or non-polar. Polar solvents pick up polar inks, while non-polar solvents pick up non-polar inks. In this experiment, you will use inks to identify slime and silly putty as polar or non-polar. You will also use paper chromatography to verify the inks are correctly identified as polar or non-polar.


(1) 250 mL Beaker 5 mL 4% Borax Solution, Na2B4O7·10H2O Dry Erase Marker (1) 10 mL Graduated Cylinder (1) 100 mL Graduated Cylinder Filter Paper (Disk) Filter Paper (Square) 0.5 g Guar Gum Highlighter Permanent Marker 1 Popsicle Stick


Silly Putty® Ruler Wooden Stir Stick Uni-ball® Roller Pen *Distilled or Tap Water *Newspaper *Notebook Paper *Scissors *You Must Provide



Part 1: Making Slime

1. Weigh out 0.5 g of guar gum into a 250 mL beaker.

2. Measure 50.0 mL of distilled water into a 100 mL graduated cylinder and pour it into the 250 mL beaker that contains the guar gum.

3. Rapidly stir the mixture with a wooden stir stick for three minutes, or until the guar gum is dissolved.

4. Measure 4.00 mL of a 4% Borax solution into a 10 mL graduated cylinder and add it to the guar gum and water.

5. Stir the solution until it becomes slime. This will take a few minutes. If the slime remains too runny, add an additional 1.0 mL of the 4.0% Borax solution and continue to stir until the slime is the slightly runny or gooey.

6. Once you are satisfied with the slime, pour it into your hands. Be sure not to drop any of it on to the floor.

7. Manipulate the slime in your hands. Write down observations made about how slime pours, stretches, breaks, etc. in Part 1 of the Data section. CAUTION: Slime is slippery and if dropped it can make the work area slick.

8. Place the slime back into the beaker and WASH YOUR HANDS.

Part 2: Slime and Putty Ink Tests

1. On a piece of notebook paper make one 20 – 25 mm long mark of each of the inks you are testing (permanent marker, highlighter, Dry Erase, and Uni-ball® Roller Pen). Space the marks at least one inch apart. Use a pencil to label each mark with its description.

a. Water soluble inks include those in highlighters and certain pens.

b. Water insoluble inks include those in a permanent pen/markers, newsprint, and a dry-erase markers.

2. While the inks are drying, select a passage or a picture in the newspaper to test with the slime.

3. Develop a hypothesis stating whether or not you believe the slime produced in Part 1 will pick up newsprint ink. Record this hypothesis in the Post-Lab Questions section. Then, break off a small piece of slime that is 3 – 5 cm in diameter. Gently place this piece on top of the newspaper print, then carefully pick it up again.

4. Observe and record in Table 1 whether or not the ink was picked up onto the slime.

5. Break off another small piece of slime. Once the inks from Step 1 have dried gently place the slime on top of the first spot on the notebook paper, then carefully pick it up. Repeat this for each of the inks. Observe and record which inks were picked up (dissolved) by the slime in Table 1.

6. Repeat this ink testing two more times for accuracy.

7. Hypothesize which inks the silly putty will pick up in the Part 2 of the Data section. Then, perform the ink tests with the Silly Putty® according to the procedure outlined in Steps 5 – 6.

Part 3: Chromatography of Ink Samples

Figure 7: Chromatography apparatus for Procedure Part 3.

1. Use a pencil or scissors to poke a small hole in the center of a piece of filter paper (see Figure 7).

2. Spot the filter paper evenly spaced approximately 2 cm from the small hole with the two insoluble inks and the two soluble inks that were used in Part 2, Step 1.

3. Obtain a ½ piece of filter paper. Fold the paper in half several times so that it makes a narrow wick.

4. Insert the wick into the hole of the spotted paper so that it is above the top of the filter paper by approximately 2 cm.

5. Fill a 250 mL beaker ¾ full with water.

6. Set the filter paper on top of the beaker so that the bottom of the wick is in the water. The paper should hang over the edge of the beaker with the spotted side up.

7. Allow water to travel until it is approximately 1 cm from the edge of the filter paper. Remove the filter paper from the beaker.

8. Observe which inks moved from where they were originally spotted. Record your observations in Part 3 of the Data section.

Table 1: Results of Ink Testing for Silly Putty®
Name of Ink Picked up (dissolved) Did not pick up

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Uni-ball® Roller Pen            
Permanent Marker            
Dry Erase Marker            


Part 1

· Slime Observations:

Part 2

· Hypothesis for Silly Putty® (Procedure Part 2, Step 7):

Part 3

· Observations of inks following chromatography:

Post-Lab Questions

1. Record your hypothesis regarding the slime’s ability to pick up newsprint ink here.

2. Did the slime pick up water soluble or water insoluble inks? From these results, what can you conclude about the polarity of slime molecules?

3. Explain how you determined your hypothesis about whether or not silly putty would pick up water soluble inks. Was your hypothesis correct?

4. Were the inks you used properly classified as soluble and insoluble? Explain your answer.

Pre-Lab Questions

1. Nitrogen fixation is a natural process by which inert or unreactive forms of nitrogen are transformed into usable nitrogen. Why is this process important to life?

2. Given what you have learned about the hydrogen bonding shared between nucleic acids in DNA, which pair is more stable under increasing heat: adenine and thymine, or cytosine and guanine? Explain why.

3. Which of the following is not an organic molecule; methane (CH4), fructose (C6H12O6), rosane (C20H36), or ammonia (NH3)? How do you know?

Experiment 1: Testing for Proteins

The protein molecules in many foods provide the amino acid building blocks required by our own cells to produce new proteins. To determine whether a sample contains protein, a reagent called Biuret solution is used. Biuret solution contains copper ions. However, the chemical state of the copper ions in Biuret solution causes them to form a chemical complex with the peptide bonds between amino acids (when present), changing the color of the solution. Biuret solution is normally blue, but changes to pink when short peptides are present and to violet when long polypeptides are present.

Figure 6: Biuret solution only is located on the far left side of the image (blue). Note the transition from blue to violet as proteins are added to the solution, causing the solution to transition from blue to violet.

image14.jpg Materials

(2) 250 mL Beakers 25 Drops Biuret Solution, H2NC(O)NHC(O)NH (1) Knox® Gelatin Packet 5 mL 1% Glucose Solution, C6H12O6 (1) 10 mL Graduated Cylinder (1) 100 mL Graduated Cylinder Permanent Marker 5 Pipettes


5 Test Tubes (Plastic) Test Tube Rack 5 mL Unknown Solution *Tap Water *Hot Water *Egg White *You Must Provide


1. Label five test tubes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

2. Prepare your testing samples as follows:

a. Mix one egg white with 25 mL water in a 250 mL beaker to create an albumin solution. Pipette 5 mL of this solution into Test Tube 1.

b. Mix the packet of Knox® gelatin with 50 mL hot water in a second 250 mL beaker. Stir until dissolved. Pipette 5 mL of this solution into Test Tube 2.

3. Pipette 5 mL of the 1% glucose solution into Test Tube 3.

4. Use the 10 mL graduated cylinder to measure and pour 5 mL of water into Test Tube 4.

5. Pipette 5 mL of the “Unknown Solution” into Test Tube 5.

6. Record the initial color of each sample in Table 1.

7. Develop a hypothesis regarding what you predict will happen when Biuret solution is added to Tubes 1 – 4. Record your hypothesis in the Post-Lab Question section. Then, pipette five drops of Biuret solution to each test tube (1 – 5). Swirl each tube to mix.

8. Record the final color in Table 1. Note: Protein is present in the sample if a light purple color is observed.

Table 1: Testing for Proteins Results
Sample Initial Color Final Color Protein Present
1 – Albumin Solution      
2 – Gelatin Solution      
3 – Glucose      
4 – Water      
5 –  Unknown      

Post-Lab Questions

1. Record your hypothesis about what will happen when Biuret solution is mixed with the solutions from test tubes 1, 2, 3, and 4 here. Be sure to use scientific reasoning to support your hypothesis.

2. Write a statement to explain the molecular composition of the unknown solution based on the results obtained during testing with each reagent.

3. Diet and nutrition are closely linked to the study of biomolecules. How should you monitor your food intake to insure the cells in your body have the materials necessary to function?

4. The molecule pictured below produced a blue color when tested with Benedict’s reagent, a yellow color when tested with IKI, and a violet color when tested with Biuret reagent. Based on the structure shown below and these chemical results, what kind of biomolecule is this?


Pre-Lab Questions

1. A concentration gradient affects the direction that solutes diffuse. Describe how molecules move with respect to the concentration.

2. How does the size of a solute affect the rate of diffusion? Consider the size and shape of a molecule in your response.

3. Does polarity affect diffusion? Explain your answer using scientific principles.

Experiment 1: Diffusion through a Liquid

image15.jpgIn this experiment, you will observe the effect that different molecular weights have on the ability of dye to travel through a viscous medium.


1 60 mL Corn Syrup Bottle, C12H22O11 Red and Blue Dye Solutions (Blue molecular weight = 793 g/mole; Red molecular weight = 496 g/mole) (1) 9 cm Petri Dish (top & bottom halves)


Ruler *Stopwatch *Tape *You Must Provide



1. Use clear tape to secure one half (either the bottom or the top half is fine) of the petri dish over a ruler. Make sure that you can read the measurement markings on the ruler through the petri dish. The dish should be positioned with the open end of the dish facing upwards.

2. Carefully fill the half of the petri dish with corn syrup until the entire surface is covered.

3. Develop a hypothesis discussing which dye you believe will diffuse faster across the corn syrup and why. Record this in the Post-Lab Questions section. Then, place a single drop of blue dye in the middle of the corn syrup. Note the position where the dye fell by reading the location of the outside edge of the dye on ruler.

4. Record the location outside edge of the dye (the distance it has traveled) every ten seconds for a total of two minutes. Record your data in Tables 1 and 2.

5. Repeat Steps 1 – 4 using the red dye, the second half of the petri dish, and fresh corn syrup.

Table 1: Rate of Diffusion in Corn Syrup
Time (sec) Blue Dye Red Dye Time (sec) Blue Dye Red Dye
10     70    
20     80    
30     90    
40     100    
50     110    
60     120    
Table 2: Speed of Diffusion of Different Molecular Weight Dyes
Structure Molecular Weight Total Distance Traveled (mm) Speed of Diffusion (mm/hr)*
Blue Dye      
Red Dye      

*Multiply the total distance diffused by 30 to get the hourly diffusion rate

Post-Lab Questions

1. Record your hypothesis from Step 3 here. Be sure to validate your predictions with scientific reasoning.

2. Which dye diffused the fastest?

3. Does the rate of diffusion correspond with the molecular weight of the dye?

4. Does the rate of diffusion change over time? Why or why not?

5. Examine the graph below. Does it match the data you recorded in Table 2? Explain why, or why not. Submit your own plot if necessary.


Experiment 2: Concentration Gradients and Membrane Permeability

In this experiment, you will dialyze a solution of glucose and starch to observe:

· The directional movement of glucose and starch.

· The effect of a selectively permeable membrane on the diffusion of these molecules.

image16.jpgAn indicator is a substance that changes color when in the presence of the substance it indicates. In this experiment, IKI will be used an indicator to test for the presence of starch and glucose.


(5) 100 mL Beakers 10 mL 1% Glucose Solution, C6H12O6 4 Glucose Test Strips (1) 100 mL Graduated Cylinder 4 mL 1% Iodine-Potassium Iodide, IKI 5 mL Liquid Starch, C6H10O5 3 Pipettes 4 Rubber Bands (Small; contain latex, handle with gloves on if allergic)


*Stopwatch *Water *Scissors *15.0 cm Dialysis Tubing *You Must Provide *Be sure to measure and cut only the length you need for this experiment. Reserve the remainder for later experiments.



Do not allow the open end of the dialysis tubing to fall into the beaker. If it does, remove the tube and rinse thoroughly with water before refilling with a starch/glucose solution and replacing it in the beaker.


· Dialysis tubing can be rinsed and used again if you make a mistake.

· Dialysis tubing must be soaked in water before you will be able to open it up to create the dialysis “bag”. Follow the directions for the experiment, beginning with soaking the tubing in a beaker of water. Then, place the dialysis tubing between your thumb and forefinger and rub the two digits together in a shearing manner. This should open up the “tube” so you can fill it with the different solutions.



1. Measure and pour 50 mL of water into a 100 mL beaker. Cut a piece of dialysis tubing 15.0 cm long. Submerge the dialysis tubing in the water for at least 10 minutes.

2. Measure and pour 82 mL water into a second 100 mL beaker. This is the beaker you will put the filled dialysis bag into in Step 9.

3. While the dialysis bag is still soaking, make the glucose/sucrose mixture. Use a graduated pipette to add five mL of glucose solution to a third beaker and label it “Dialysis bag solution”. Use a different graduated pipette to add five mL of starch solution to the same beaker. Mix by pipetting the solution up and down the pipette six times.

4. Using the same pipette that you used to mix the dialysis bag solution, remove two mL of that solution and place it in a clean beaker. This sample will serve as your positive control for glucose and starch.

a. Dip one of the glucose test strips into the two mL of glucose/starch solution in the third beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the glucose test strip in Table 3. This is your positive control for glucose.

b. Use a pipette to transfer approximately 0.5 mL of IKI to into the two mL of glucose/starch solution in the third beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the glucose/starch solution in the beaker in Table 3. This is your positive control for starch.

5. Using a clean pipette, remove two mL of water from the 82 mL of water you placed in a beaker in Step 2 and place it in a clean beaker. This sample will serve as your negative control for glucose and starch.

a. Dip one of the glucose test strips into the two mL of water in the beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the glucose test strip in Table 3. This is your negative control for glucose.

b. Use a pipette to transfer approximately 0.5 mL of IKI to into the two mL of water in the beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the water in the beaker in Table 3. This is your negative control for starch.

Note: The color results of these controls determine the indicator reagent key. You must use these results to interpret the rest of your results.

6. After at least 10 minutes have passed, remove the dialysis tube and close one end by folding over 3.0 cm of one end (bottom). Fold it again and secure with a rubber band (use two rubber bands if necessary).

7. Make sure the closed end will not allow a solution to leak out. You can test this by drying off the outside of the dialysis bag with a cloth or paper towel, adding a small amount of water to the bag, and examining the rubber band seal for leakage. Be sure to remove the water from the inside of the bag before continuing.

8. Using the same pipette which was used to mix the solution in Step 3, transfer eight mL of the solution from the Dialysis Bag Solution beaker to the prepared dialysis bag.

Figure 4: Step 9 reference.

9. Place the filled dialysis tube in beaker filled with 80 mL of water with the open end draped over the edge of the beaker as shown in Figure 4.

10. Allow the solution to sit for 60 minutes. Clean and dry all materials except the beaker with the dialysis bag.

11. After the solution has diffused for 60 minutes, remove the dialysis tube from the beaker and empty the contents into a clean, dry beaker. Label it dialysis bag solution.

12. Test the dialysis bag solution for the presence of glucose and starch. Test for the presence of glucose by dipping one glucose test strip into the dialysis bag directly. Again, wait one minute before reading the results of the test strips. Record your results for the presence of glucose and starch in Table 4. Test for the presence of starch by adding two mL IKI. Record the final color in Table 4 after one minute has passed.

13. Test the solution in the beaker for glucose and starch. Use a pipette to transfer eight mL of the solution in the beaker to a clean beaker. Test for the presence of glucose by dipping one glucose test strip into the beaker. Wait one minute before reading the results of the test strip and record the results in Table 4. Add two mL of IKI to the beaker water and record the final color of the beaker solution in Table 4.

Table 3: Indicator Reagent Data
Indicator Starch Positive Control (Color) Starch Negative Control (Color) Glucose Positive Control (Color) Glucose Negative Control (Color)
IKI Solution     n/a n/a
Glucose Test Strip n/a n/a    
Table 4: Diffusion of Starch and Glucose Over Time
Indicator Dialysis Bag After 1 Hour Beaker Water After 1 Hour
IKI Solution    
Glucose Test Strip    

Post-Lab Questions

1. Why is it necessary to have positive and negative controls in this experiment?

2. Draw a diagram of the experimental set-up. Use arrows to depict the movement of each substance in the dialysis bag and the beaker.

3. Which substance(s) crossed the dialysis membrane? Support your response with data-based evidence.

4. Which molecules remained inside of the dialysis bag?

5. Did all of the molecules diffuse out of the bag into the beaker? Why or why not?

  © 2013 eScience Labs, LLC. All Rights Reserved    


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