interprofessional practice and collaboration 8

The future of health care delivery will require multidisciplinary teams of health care professionals that collaborate to provide patient-centered care. The key to high performance in multidisciplinary teams is an understanding of the distinctive roles, skills, and values and ethics of all team members. 1. What will be your role as an NP and how do you see yourself collaborating with other health care professionals?

2. Why is this important to know and understand?

3. Who benefits?

4. Who are the


This is an APA 6thn edition standard paper. The paper should not be led than 3 pages. Support your work with at least 3 examples and evidence-based research. The articles should not be more than 3 years old.

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business 472 discussion board

Create a thread of at least 350 words and have 2–3 citations in current APA format as well as integrate 1 biblical principle. Acceptable sources include any of the assigned textbooks, the Bible, outside texts, and articles from peer-reviewed journals.

Select 1 of the following:

  1. What do you believe is the single most influential force in today’s society that sets the tone for an individual’s personal values and why? Does this force affect Christians positively or negatively? What is your advice regarding this influential force?
  2. Select an ethnic group that you are somewhat familiar with (other than your own) and explain how some of your norms differ from what you perceive to be the norms of the selected ethnic group (remember to be tactful, objective, and kind).

Explain and document your reasoning using scholarly and peer reviewed journal articles and/or texts.

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breakeven analysis 4

a- Provide an overview of break-even analysis including inline citations.

b- Provide a discussion on multi-product break-even, with inline citations.


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2 discussions for 2 classes 2

BUS 419: Project Estimating and Budgeting

“Balancing the Needs of Your Stakeholders.” Please respond to the following:

  • For the project you selected in Week 1, determine the primary manner in which you would address the likely stakeholders’ needs and wants while balancing the project scope. Provide at least two (2) specific examples of addressing such needs and wants to support your response
  • From the e-Activity, recommend at least two (2) strategies that a project manager may use to manage stakeholders’ needs. Provide a rationale to support your response.

PHI 210: Critical Thinking

Share and discuss examples of arguments with an implied premise. (Basically find an article and explain why its biased). 130 words.

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discussion 918

Choose one topic

Topic 1: Give an example of an association between two variables that are related to your line of work or career interests. Describe the strength (strong, moderate, or weak) and direction (positive or negative) of the association.

Topic 2: Give an example of an association between two variables that is not causal. Describe the direction of the association and a possible third variable that could be responsible for the association. For example, there is a positive association between shoes size and reading level among elementary school children. This means that children with larger shoe sizes have higher reading levels. The variable that can be attributed to this association is age. Older students have both larger feet and higher reading levels.

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arizona law

Arizona offers unique opportunities for direct democracy based on initiative power. The Arizona voters, for example, have recently rejected the Proposition 204 initiative that sought to convert a temporary sales tax that funded education into a permanent tax.

In a 500-750-word “Letter to the Editor,” propose an initiative for an educational issue that you feel needs to be addressed. Include a plan about how this issue could become an initiative under Arizona law.

Your letter should be written to persuade others to agree with your position. Support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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environment ethics question answer

Use the following files answer these questions:

Sagoff argues that environmentalists and animal liberationists have more in common than they think.



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Question 21 pts

Adams believes that the symbology of meat consumption is a core element of masculine subjectivity in most cultures.



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Question 31 pts

Norton-Smith compares the Shawnee concept of “manitou” to the Western concept of “mind.”



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Question 41 pts

Kant argued that human beings have direct duties to animals.



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Question 51 pts

Aristotle theorized that bees, as gregarious animals, must use complex forms of speech to communicate the location of food and water.



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Question 61 pts

Kant believed that all and only rational beings are persons.



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Question 71 pts

Leopold argued that conservation should be made easy so that everybody can do it without too big of a sacrifice.



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Question 81 pts

Deloria argues that sacred sites are not just experienced subjectively but that they have an objective component as well.



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Question 91 pts

Norton-Smith believes that the main criterion for personhood should be sentience.



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Question 101 pts

For Leopold, economic incentives for conservation succeed in some cases but will never be sufficient to sustain the biotic community.



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Question 111 pts

According to Sagoff, the central principle of humane utilitarianism is to reduce animal suffering.



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Question 121 pts

Carol Adams calls her point of view “paleo-feminism.”



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Question 131 pts

Uncompromising animal liberationists like Singer believe that dogs, cats, and cows should be able to vote.



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Question 141 pts

Adams believes that men tend to eat more meat because of their higher nutritional need for protein.



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Question 151 pts

Singer’s argument suggests that most people are speciesist.



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Question 161 pts

A central concern of the Occupy movement has been the decolonization of Native lands in the United States.



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Question 171 pts

According to Bunge, whites believe that Native Americans waste the land.



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Question 181 pts

For Leopold, humans and other large omnivores are at the top of the land pyramid because they are the most advanced and influential species.



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Question 191 pts

Bunge argues that land is not some external object but that it is constituted by the feeling or experience we have of it.



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Question 201 pts

Norton-Smith claims that all beings that are animate are also alive in the biological sense.



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Question 211 pts

From an ecocentric perspective, the most important value is the integrity of the biotic community as a whole.



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Question 221 pts

Tuck and Yang believe that the United States is a nation of immigrants.



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Question 231 pts

Adams claims that most patriarchal cultures sexualize animals and animal flesh.



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Question 241 pts

Descartes argued that animals have eternal souls but that they will never get into heaven because they are sinful fornicators.



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Question 251 pts

For Singer, all living organisms deserve equal moral consideration.



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Question 262 pts

In the film Standing on Sacred Ground, Native Hawaiians reclaimed an island that had been used for testing __________________________________.

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Question 272 pts

According to Bunge, the human relation to land is constituted by a __________________________.

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Question 282 pts

“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the __________________________, stability, and beauty of the biotic community.”

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Question 292 pts

Singer emphasizes that equal consideration should not be confused with equal _____________________________________.

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Question 302 pts

For Kant, the ability of rational beings to give themselves moral laws implies that they should never be used merely as a means because they are _____________________________________ (three words).

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Question 312 pts

In Alberta, Canada, Indigenous peoples are battling the environmental fallout from the mining of __________________________________________ (two words).

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Question 322 pts

According to Tuck and Yang, American Indian peoples live in a structural form of oppression that is properly called ________________________________________________ (two words).

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Question 332 pts

Deloria argues that sacred places must remain __________________________.

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Question 342 pts

According to Sagoff, animal liberationists can never be _____________________________.

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Question 352 pts

The sexual politics of meat entails an attitude that sexualizes animals and __________________________ women.

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greenway carpet cleaning scholarship essay

To make people’s homes clean and cozy. We’re inviting all students with passion for home decoration to share their ideas with us – the best essay will be published on our website and the winner will receive the award via check. This year topic is “Clean home – clean life”.

We want you to explain us how do you feel clean home helps you with your daily life, makes you feel better and more relaxed. It has been proven that the clutter in our homes also clutters our mind. We think it’s important to spread the awareness of the importance of having a nice and clean living space.

Write an 800-1000-word essay on “Clean home – clean life”.

Must be original, No Plagiarism!

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criminal justice capstone week 3 individual project

Scenario Part 5

Suspect Hopkins is now being sentenced to life in prison for his involvement in the robbery. The State’s Attorney has taken into consideration Keith Hopkins’ cooperation in the investigation, as well as his remorse for the victims.

In the adversarial system, both sides (prosecution and defense) represent their party’s positions before an impartial body who will attempt to determine the truth. The adversarial system also allows both parties to determine the appropriate sentencing once an individual charged with a crime is convicted.

Take the role of either the state’s attorney or the defense attorney. Make an argument of whether a life sentence is appropriate (or not) in this scenario.

  • Assume the role of state’s attorney or defense attorney.
  • Give ample support for your argument from the assumed perspective.
  • What are some of the other alternatives to a life sentence in prison? Are they appropriate given the violent nature of this crime?

The deliverable length for this paper is 2-3 pages. It must be in APA format and consist of at least 2 references. Proofread please.

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assignment 1 2 conflicting viewpoints essay part ii 15

In Part II of the assignment (due Week 4), you will write a paper to synthesize your ideas.
Part II – Writing
Write at three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
1. State your position on the topic you selected for Assignment 1.1.
2. Identify (3) three premises (reasons) from the website that support your position and explain why you selected these specific reasons.
3. Explain your answers to the “believing” questions about the three (3) premises opposing your position from the website.
4. Examine at least two (2) types of biases that you likely experienced as you evaluated the premises for and against your position.
5. Discuss the effects of your own enculturation or group identification that may have influenced your biases.
6. Discuss whether or not your thinking about the topic has changed after playing the “Believing Game,” even if your position on the issue has stayed the same.

The paper should follow guidelines for clear and organized writing:

  • Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph.
  • Address main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences.
  • Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling.
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