Community public health

Community public health

Covid-19 and the Need for Health Care Reform(King, 2020)  NEJM. Identify 1 flaw in the US healthcare system that was made evident during the pandemic, and 1 innovation during the pandemic that improved health care. Please read the article above and answer the question in not more than two pages. (Community public health)

Community public health

Flaw in the US Healthcare System Evident During the Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant flaw in the US healthcare system that became evident was the disparities in healthcare access and outcomes. Marginalized communities, including racial minorities and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, experienced disproportionately higher rates of infection, severe illness, and death from COVID-19. This highlighted longstanding inequalities in healthcare access, resources, and quality of care across different populations. The pandemic exacerbated these disparities, showcasing the systemic issues that need addressing to ensure equitable healthcare delivery for all Americans.

Innovation in Healthcare During the Pandemic

Amid the challenges brought by the pandemic, a notable innovation in healthcare was the rapid expansion and adoption of telehealth services. Telehealth allowed patients to receive medical care remotely, reducing the risk of virus transmission in healthcare settings and ensuring continuity of care for non-COVID-19 health needs. This innovation not only provided a safe alternative for patients during the pandemic but also demonstrated the potential for telehealth to improve access to healthcare services in underserved rural and urban areas beyond the pandemic. (Community public health)


The COVID-19 pandemic underscored both the vulnerabilities and strengths of the US healthcare system. Addressing disparities in healthcare access and outcomes remains crucial to building a more resilient and equitable healthcare system. Innovations like telehealth have shown promise in transforming healthcare delivery and should be further integrated into future healthcare reforms to enhance access, efficiency, and patient-centered care.

If you have specific insights from the NEJM article you mentioned, feel free to share, and I can help tailor the response accordingly!

(Community public health)


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