Describe a change initiative that was implemented in a healthcare setting – Answered

Describe a change initiative that was implemented in a healthcare setting – Answered

Describe a change initiative that was implemented in a healthcare setting (your own work setting, from the literature or from the experiences of other professional nurses) that resulted in conflict, chaos or crisis (use fictitious names for people and organizations). Discuss the change initiative,  how the change was implemented, by whom, and the outcome. In consideration of this week’s readings, describe how you as a nurse leader, would have managed the change initiative. Expectations Initial Post:us one US source from the last 5 years, Also pick topic in a Critical care setting Length: 150 – 250 Words (Describe a change initiative that was implemented in a healthcare setting – Answered).


Change Initiative in a Critical Care Setting: A Case of EHR Implementation

In 2019, Sunrise Medical Center implemented a new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system to improve patient care and streamline operations. The initiative, led by Dr. Smith, the Chief Information Officer, aimed to replace the outdated system with a more advanced, interoperable EHR.

Implementation and Outcome

The EHR implementation was rolled out in phases across various departments, starting with the critical care unit (CCU). Training sessions were conducted, but they were insufficient and rushed due to tight deadlines. Nurses and physicians struggled with the new system, leading to increased errors, workflow disruptions, and frustration. The transition period was marked by high stress levels and frequent conflicts among staff, as they navigated the complex interface. Patient care was compromised, with reports of medication errors and delayed treatments. Ultimately, the initiative resulted in a temporary decline in patient outcomes and staff morale.

Managing the Change Differently

As a nurse leader, I would have approached the change initiative with a more structured and supportive strategy. First, I would ensure comprehensive and phased training programs, allowing ample time for staff to become proficient with the new system. Additionally, involving frontline staff in the planning and implementation stages would help identify potential issues and foster a sense of ownership. Continuous feedback mechanisms, such as regular check-ins and a dedicated support team, would address concerns promptly and mitigate stress. Emphasizing transparent communication and providing emotional support during the transition would help maintain morale and cohesion. Lastly, I would implement a pilot program in a smaller unit before a full-scale rollout to identify and rectify issues early.


  • McCarthy, C., & Eastman, D. (2019). Change Management Strategies for Successful EHR Implementation. Journal of Healthcare Management, 64(2), 112-121.

(Describe a change initiative that was implemented in a healthcare setting – Answered)

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