Scholarship Application Essay

Scholarship Application Essay

Scholarship Application Essay

I am a student and a mother, and I am still working, and balancing these life aspects has been the most challenging obstacle I have had to overcome. Everyone wants to advance in their careers, and continuing education is the only path to career growth and development. However, it becomes more challenging when one is a mother and have a job to attend to. Work-school-life interference has been immense in the previous few years because you cannot prioritize one over another. I have to be committed to raising my son, who is the greatest gift of my life so far, and at the same time, bear the understanding that I cannot raise my son without working. I have had to give it all at work and in my parental duties to ensure I concur across all fronts and achieve the best results possible. I also understand that to progress career-wise, I need to continue learning and acquiring more skills, knowledge, and competence to enhance my career readiness. We know school requires commitment, perseverance, persistence, and extra effort to achieve the best grades possible. You have to grind through late nights, and any free time is used for schooling because family and work duties take most of the time. Not to forget, I have had to switch schools for different reasons, including work purposes, which is also extremely tiring because of the effort required to start over. It has been challenging, but I have grown to overcome this obstacle. (Scholarship Application Essay)

There are times you come to realize that you do not have much of a choice but need to push through because failure is not an option. I could not imagine failing as a parent, at my workplace, or in school, and this realization is motivation enough to be resilient and ensure you win. Understanding this challenge and adapting to reality was difficult and mentally exhausting. You have minimal time for yourself, and if I am not careful, it would be detrimental to my health and capacity to work and raise my son. I have had to develop coping mechanisms to deal with the stress, anxiety, and physical exhaustion that come with trying to balance family, work, and school. I have received emotional support from my family and friends, which keeps me cruising through the challenges. (Scholarship Application Essay)

I have learned a lot from this experience, including the importance of understanding and accepting the situations you are in and trying your best to make good use of every moment in life and work towards success. I have learned that when you have a family, working and chasing career advancement opportunities, you have to be a winner because the contrary is not an option, and I have the power over these aspects only if I understand their importance in my life and those dear to me. It is also advisable to get help from friends and family because it is unrealistic to remain functional at the top level across all these life aspects from individual effort only. You need a hand from your neighbors, workmates, family, and friends to make the process easier and goals more attainable. Overcoming the work-school-life interference has increased my resilience and belief in myself. I have become stronger mentally, and I have realized I can handle more than I expect or think of myself. I have also improved my self-discipline and persistence because success across these life aspects depends on them. (Scholarship Application Essay)

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