
Business ethics and principals

Business ethics and principals

Business Ethics and Principals

Driving on the internet express

The internet has made the world a village by interconnecting different people in various places of the world. People can share information and obtain resources without necessaries having to travel from one location to another. The internet has come with its advantages and disadvantages which have widespread effects on the world communities although the dangers of the internet are relative. I support Markkula’s idea of licensing the use the use of the internet to control the harmful effects it causes. Whether idea will work or not work is upon the universal acceptance considering that morality is taken as relative. Some of the issues such as; terror, pornographic movies, internet addiction, hacking, and many others are considered immoral. There exists a universal moral code of doing well acceptable by everyone to make the world a peaceful and livable place. The ability to control immorality by making sure every user has a license will be an objective standard that will help break the moral relativism that has hindered the creation of order in the society. According to the moral code, it is wrong to kill and steal but considering these activities are also enabled by the internet then there must be a way to control its use. Everyone needing access to the internet has to be issued a license through the required protocols like minimum age and purpose. The license just a driver’s license should be maintained and retained for the continuous use of the internet. (Business ethics and principals)

The process of licensing the internet will be difficult since the world is made of different cultures that make morality relative. What is considered wrong in one culture is not necessarily the same in another culture since this moral concept is universal but relative applications across different fields. Those who kill through terror attack believe they are right according to religious backgrounds and may not support the idea. The idea should lie on the neutral ground in that it does not condemn anybody’s culture. The idea tries to bring progress in morality, but those who believe in moral relativism and ethical nihilism also think that moral progress impossibility. For the moral code to proceed there must be set standards and rules in using the different resource like the internet. The idea may be successful since a large world’s population follows a similar invocation of moral and ethical code that keeps them moving. (Business ethics and principals)

Dewey’s prescription for success

Every in charge of a post in an organization tries their best to see that the company is successful coming up with steps and ideas that will increase the company’s revenue. Considering a model for leadership, a leader can span boundaries, bold in decision making, different complexities and diversity enrich them, always sees an organization in a broad context considering the social, environmental and legal issues in any business environment and understand the reality of any choice made. Every business venture has the primary goal of making the profit, and it involves research into the market for any possible niche. Dewey, the deputy president of marketing in his research, finds out that a pharmaceutical company from Brazil into the US but needs a vehicle to enable them to access the local consumer market. The idea is very attracting and profitable, but since it will be across the company’s borders, then it poses a risk of breaking different laws like the Food and Drug Act. (Business ethics and principals)

According to me, a leader being a risk taker, resilient and reaching out, Dewy should try executing the idea. There is the concept of sustainability above legality since laws are made by upon the bureaucracy which is very slow to adapt to different innovation projects. A lot of legislation were written before the actual development of technology. However since the business ventures have to abide by the law and environmental, ethical issues, I would consider the introduction of informatics into the idea to prevent the process being so manual. Although it is a challenge to the IT to do the right thing and achieve the required outcomes and at the same time be responsible to different ethical business practices. (Business ethics and principals)

Dewey suffers different ethical problems considering the major business principals of Integrity, Performance, and Responsibility he has to abide by. Any business has to work with honesty diligence and adhere to the applicable laws, promote positive cultural performance by measuring personal accountability and development and remain responsible for every action committed. However, apart from the laws applicable, it is worth looking for the necessary acceptance from the legal department, like licenses or any court permission to be able to enter into such a business venture which seems of much benefit to the advertisement company and Dewey’s career future. (Business ethics and principals)


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