
E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions

E-learning in the US

E-learning in the US


E-learning is a computer-based learning tool that allows anyone to engage in learning anytime anyplace and delivered through the internet. E-learning provides the ability to materials such as videos, slideshows and word documents, or conducting online classes with a professor. With e-learning, learners and the busiest person can build their careers and gain qualifications. The technologies involved in delivering e-learning are most and ever changing and require frequent updates. The research conducted will cover e-learning applications in both business and learning institutions, advantages and some disadvantages, it’s marketing, different e-learning models, its industrial applications and the future of e-learning. The research is mainly based in America, and therefore most of the discussion examples are from there. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

The future of e-learning in the US

With the growing computer ownership in the whole of America, e-learning viability and accessibility also increases. Internet speeds are growing at a fast rate, and therefore there are more opportunities to build more multimedia training methods. With the advancement in technology such as the increasingly use of Smartphone and other portable virtual devices, e-learning is being constantly transformed. E-learning has been on the positive side of developing an easy and efficient education system by creating tools for interactive courses and lessons. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

E-learning market in the US

This involves a market research which shows a segmentation of e-learning market by high education and K-12 who are the end users. The research results reveal the key drivers to the growth of the market and the challenges facing the market. The high ranking vendors in the market are the Blackboard, Desire2Learn, Oracle, Pearson, and SunGard. The research analysts forecast the growth of e-learning market by 16% within 2016 and 2020. According to the research, one of the major factor influencing the growth of the market is private equity organizations investing in the education sector. The integration of e-learning in the education sector has led to the development of new education models of learning and teaching such as m-learning and blended learning. These developments have encouraged the participation of private firms in the education sector thereby boosting the market.

To make e-learning more successful, the US government is increasing the support for digitalized education system. The support includes initiatives such as the use of tablets and IPads. The education department in also revealed its National Education Technology Plan November 2010 that was about an e-learning model for the education sector. These initiatives by the government to support e-learning in the education industry will highly boost the market. The changes that have come with e-learning have to lead to the growth of the higher education sector leading to its dominance in 2015. The institutions aim at developing online content as well as back-end structures and solutions and with the government support most universities have developed distance education enrollments in different academic fields. In the product segmentation including content, technology, and services, reveal that services segment is the most growing and may account for 24% of the market growth. The education institutions are implementing different e-learning related services to establish a healthy learning environment, and at the same time, e-learning vendors are designing customized courses for the academic institutions. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

E-learning integration in high education

The traditional face to face teaching is complicated process but also the online learning increases the complexity due to lack of eye contact, body language which are important elements of communication. However, the technology enhanced learning is working towards the use of innovative and new technologies to support learning facilities online and in blended settings. Its success depends on different factors such as learner’s ability, sound pedagogy, nature and layout of the curriculum, social, cultural and accessibility issues. The primary focus of this system is academic development, provide teaching and access to online programs, use of technology for collaborative learning and develop skills that can be transferred to the students for their future professionalism.

E-learning, in general, is a computer enhanced learning and is associated with both the technologies and the methodologists used. In the past five years, the application of E-learning at the college level has become a standard feature on the US high education system. Before the application of education technology with network computers and asynchronous instructions was received with a high level of doubt mostly from the educators. This is because of the distant education by use of televisions, newspapers and newly computers had disappointing results, and e-learning appeared to be more the same. The high acceptance computer-aided distance learning was surprising with the revolution ending as fast as it became and e-learning advocates carrying the day. The main issue now is the comparison of the e-learning system and the face to face system in the higher education. However different reports from various higher education boards reveal the grudging acceptance of the e-learning. The Council of Higher education accreditation (Eaton 2001) issues a new report about the evaluation method for online courses and explains how it interacts with the traditional method. The best uses of e-learning and m-learning, e-learning makes lessons more engaging and interactive using learning platforms such as video and game classrooms and develop flipped classrooms. M-learning is used where modern technology may not be available to everyone or where resources are scarce, and therefore a mobile learning device that can be passed quickly is more appropriate. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

The spread of electronic distance learning

According to a trend line, between 2009 and 2010 online courses accounted for 31% of the total number of courses provided by the higher education. Also, the New York SUNY learning network reveals the same popularity among full and part-time, old and young students. E-learning is proving to be of beneficial and a disruptive technology in reshaping and changing how we think about the education system. However, the same enthusiasm on the application of e-learning in distant learning by the public sector is not seen in the industry and can be related to the issues of mission, image, and resources available. An example of little engagement is the Cardean University which consists of business schools put together such Columbia University, the University of Chicago among others. Although some private institutions like the Purdue University offer e-library services for journals and books and provide support to the students in need of information from the web. Statistics show clearly how e-learning is established and growing in the high-education sector. It is not easy to find a library with no online catalog and a subscription to some its journals and database. The growing of e-learning has lead to the establishment of hybrid courses which are a combination of technology and classroom interaction contributing to distance education. (EE-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

 The models of online learning in high education

The models include video-based credit classes, open online courses, pre-matriculation programs and post-graduation programs. The models have pros and cons, revenue potentials and these give any institution to choose which model is more attractive to apply and also the different ways to introduce online learning. The credit courses and online courses are a part of some degree program; the pre-matriculation courses target prospective or incoming students, the post-graduation programs are a way to connect to the former students. The pre-matriculation programs are used by institutions to attract, assess, enroll and prepare the likely students before they join. The post-graduate programs are a way of improving, extending and deepening the former students’ engagement and offer continuing education that is required and the institution has already in place. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

The role of US higher education in the global e-learning market

The international trade in education services has rare and difficult to evaluate statistics, and it is hard to obtain data regarding global e-learning. Many students study abroad for higher education, and the US is the leading with 31% making it the biggest exporter of education services. The number of international students is usually used as an indicator of the overall level of trade education in the globe. However, the cross-border supply (e-learning) is growing at a faster rate than the number students studying in other countries. In spite of fewer data to evaluate the cross-border delivery of e-learning, a comparison on the domestic provision of e-learning across countries is relevant. The US is always seen as the leading player in the world’s e-learning market and holds a strong position about the use of ICT in higher education. According to the research, the students in the US use the internet as the primary support for e-learning, email, and web-pages and also the number of students owning computers is significantly increasing.

The US is ahead compared to other countries about market size and the value. A large number of US college students spend billions of dollars being online, and the amount is expected to increase due to the growth in online corporate learning. The user has input strategies to curb the of e-learning enterprises going bankrupt due to the high amount of launching causes online and maintaining more top quality. In the competitive market, many e-learning companies have been shaken off the market and only the strong companies, that is are profitable and brand-named have survived, and with this, the US has brought the e-learning market into focus to make sure it maintains the high position of the global e-learning market. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

  Making e-learning effective

E-learning involves online courses and lessons that students enroll, and there is the need for effectiveness to increase performance. All e-learning materials that are created includes high-level research before they are available to the students since not all students understand information in the same way and there e-learning resource developer in the US have policies like you provide relevant examples and proofs. The learning style should be taken into consideration such as video or text presentations which different students would prefer. The online must take into account open line communication between students and teachers hence the course should specify when the teacher and the student will be available for the students to get the support they need.  Students may communicate with their instructors through discussion forums, social media, chats, email, video presentations or VoIP technologies. An ease of navigation and high functionality of the system should be taken into consideration. The web-based learning platforms are created to help students focus on course work and therefore should be well designed. The course documentation like the outline of the syllabus should be available for viewing for the students to know which lessons should be covered and the teachers can plan for the lessons. The instructors should provide clear objectives of the course to the learners and in a manner which is easy to understand and implement.

To create a successful online course some tools have been suggested, like the LMS, Website creation platform, course design tools, and multimedia production tools. The LMS offers a large list of tools that enable the developer to create, curate and present content in a way that saves on cost. The advantage of the LMS is the all in one element where a website is developed at one place with no necessity of proper administration and management skills. The website creation tools allow you to create an easily navigable website while the course design tools enable an administrator to upload the content of the course and design efficient layout presentations. The multimedia tools help create a great interactive and engaging course. You can use streaming videos, clear recording tools, and instant chat support services (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

E-learning in businesses

The business environment is ever changing regarding technology, and there is increasing competition, and therefore engagement in learning and development is critical. The employees should be natured in both talent and ability by providing decent skills that are necessary to advance their career (Thome and Mackey, 2007). Active training process motivates the employees and gives them the feeling that their employer is committed to making them more resourceful. Providing a learning environment for the existing employees helps cut the cost of hiring or training new staff. Due to this, it is necessary for a business to choose the appropriate learning tools to make sure they survive in the competitive world like the e-learning platforms. Technology is now the backbone of any business operation, and it is changing every day hence businesses have to evolve, adapt and respond to these changes for a high gain in their competitive world. Many businesses have developed the e-learning programs due to the changing events (Sumathisri, 2012). E-learning is now a necessity to the success of any company since it ensures that all individuals access the same resources and similar learning experience. Employees become more cooperative when the method of learning used is relevant to their career advancement.  A successful implementation of e-learning is determined by the plan layout which involves the installation and testing for the appropriate applications to use and to develop safety and backup plans. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

How e-learning can help an organization achieve its goals

Selling more with just in time product knowledge training, for a company to sell more and faster, a well-trained sales team is required and with E-learning training can be delivered at anytime, any place or on any device with access to the internet. Also, companies need to comply with laws regarding training environments and with e-learning, the company can train any given number of employees in a more efficient way. The employees can adapt to new processes and respond to them appropriately (Thome and Kaye, 2007). E-learning is used in different online training platforms such as sales training, customer training, safety training, IT training, product training and healthcare training. With these, there is increased customer satisfaction, increased profits, flexibility, and accountability. The training can be offered by the organization itself or engage an online training company like the Open edX learning platform which has clients like Harvard University, Microsoft, KAUFFMAN, and Smithsonian. The training platforms offer online courses for different institutions, revenue generating online training, and internal learning. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

Advantages of E-learning for business

For any company that considers using a new training model for the face to face model, the e-learning training is more suitable. Efficiency advancement is critical to any business today, and also an industry looks forward at saving money, time and energy and e-learning provide such benefits. E-learning is cost effective; any online training model saves on extra expenses incurred in classroom training such as traveling, purchase of learning materials, venue hiring and catering. The online training provides platforms where you can update essential texts packets and lessons in a fast and easy way and since they are online printing cost is saved. E-learning improves performance and productivity; every business has an objective of growing and with online training employees adapt quickly to new processes. Within this training management system employees can engage in training at any time and place and so learning does interfere with job tasks. E-learning is convenient and flexible, employees with access to the internet participate in practice at any particular location and this help save the energy that would be spent looking for the appropriate place and time the training would take place. That is, e-learning provides just in time training as the requirements keep changing. E-learning allows timely feedback, during any online training employees have the ability to get the right and just in time feedback. And since the courses are online the management can analyze their performance and the progress of each employee. The grading and evaluation system are automated and therefore no manual assessment of the course work. E-learning provides easy access to information compared to referring to the hand-written notes. E-learning materials are stored online hence employees have access data anytime they are in need or face a complex situation. E-learning improves retention, there is the opportunity to create fun, and the training may include videos, interactive slides or even games, and therefore most of the information can be retained. E-learning makes the training experience personal, although training resources are the same for every employee, e-learning allows each participant to take the course at their pace and in the environment more suitable to their style of learning. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

Factors necessary for successful e-learning implementation

For the learning through online means to relevant to the success of business, the objectives of the course developed and the content should be considered. The knowledge to be provided should be well set in accurate data, facts, and figures (Clark and Mayer 2003). The primary considerations are results, technology constraints, resources available and the general readiness of the organization. The applicability, analysis, and synthesis of the e-learning program are critical before the implementation is done. Putting together the objectives and the expectations are the best ensure method to ensure the implementation of the e-learning program is successful. The choice of technology to use also determines the successful of the implementation. Quality, reliability, and content of the medium determine the learning results. Different techniques are specific support different learning models so the need to choose the appropriate. Online forums make learning more interactive and engaging ensuring availability and accessibility of information. The forum allows employees to develop new knowledge from the view of other employees. The e-learning development should be easy to use and flexible for it to be successful. Therefore the technology applied should be easy to avoid the difficulties that may be faced by employees. For those who have little knowledge of how to navigate through the computer, orientation should be conducted to ensure that they are par with the operation of the e-learning tool before implementation takes place. Under flexibility, the employees can take learning lessons in their appropriate time and location since they might not be available at all times. They should be able to participate in learning either at the workplace or home. This makes the training process convenient and accounts for the success of the program. After these considerations, input strategies should be in place to measure and determine the progress of the e-learning tool and the acceptance among the employees undergoing the learning process (Sun, Tsai, Finger, Chen, 2008)

E-learning cannot be suitable for every business operation or training activities. The learning process that involves new products or methods of operations, face to face methodology is suitable. It is easy to get first-hand clarification from the instructor; the body language used gives more room for understanding and it easy to convince learners. For this reason, a suitable program in enhancing business operation should be selected for every business type, for small businesses and large businesses. It is logical that e-learning for a business with fewer employees is not suitable. For e-learning, the technology chosen should be independent of time and place. Internet-based e-learning is used at any time and irrespective of place and leads easy access of information. The company’s objectives should clearly depict which learning model is suitable for the training, either the face to face or the e-learning tools. Some companies shake off the traditional model only to find it is relevant in some fields and therefore a hybrid of the two methods should be applied where one method is used to surpass the drawbacks of the other method. The e-learning is more flexible and convenient while face to face is more interactive therefore creating collaboration among the employees. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)

Challenges were facing E-learning implementation.

Managing employee resistance, most organizations hardly notice that implementing e-learning makes changes to the mode of training. Therefore trainers have to change their mode of instructions to the perspective of training an invisible learner. The developers have to be knowledgeable of the new tools; managers learn new management skills and the employees have no physical classes but learning on their desks. The approach can face resistance and is up to the company to involve everyone in the relevance of the implementation and mentally prepare them for the changes that will take place, the training process and give them the opportunities to present their opinions. The management should give feedback to the employees and carry out a survey to determine their reactions.

Choosing the right topic, with all the enthusiasm organizations can change all the training programs to e-learning without checking whether it is operational or not and if the objectives are not met they have to review the whole process. In organizations with many employees, the training methodology should match with the strategic plans considering long and short term plans. The product training, ethics training, safety training, software training, diversity training and soft skills training should align with the organizational goals. The topic chosen should be relevant, and the training gauged if it is skill-based or topic-based to bring the right impact.

Sourcing content, choosing the right content for the topic selected is a challenge to many organizations. The content like training manuals and materials may be available but how to classify them and convert them into e-learning is also an issue. The content chosen must deliver according to the expectations. Content can be generic which consists of topics like ethics training or specific content which is related to the business. The content must be of high quality and convenient to learners and match with your delivery infrastructure (Naidoo, 2016). (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)


E-learning as a computer-based program has come with it many advantages and benefits both to the business sector and the education industry. The learning process in both organization’s training and institutions has been made flexible, cost-effective, and interactive through the different platforms supported by e-learning. 92% of the higher education establishments in the US have put in e-learning in their system, and it has lead to a positive growth of distance education. The employees and students can access information and attend lesson online through forums and discussions, online courses. However amid all the benefits e-learning resistance from those who do not see the benefit and opt to cling to the traditional methods of learning and training. (E-learning Applications in Business and Learning Institutions)


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